What is Sanity Resistance?
Sanity Resistance; what is it, who practices it, and can humanity survive it?
According to most dictionaries, Sanity is defined as a state of being Sane. Therefore, when someone is Sane it means that they possess the ability to use good reasoning and sound judgement. That definition is not quite clear however, because Sanity is obviously based on a consensus of human behavior. So, what happens when those in power do not use good reasoning or sound judgement in their treatment of others? It means that they are Resisting Sanity for a purpose.
At the HERU Interface of Black Consciousness, we’ve come up with a term to describe people who willfully act against the natural inclination of humans towards a Saner existence. We say that they are engaging in Sanity Resistance. Furthermore, we recognize the pursuit of Sanity as the most civilized human endeavor and anyone who resists Sanity are not only unethical, they’re also uncivilized.
A lot of Black people will say, “fcuk sanity. There is no place for sanity as long as a constant state of survival exists in the world.” We say, a constant state of survival exists because most Black people are allowing our adversaries to dictate our reality. In other words, we believe that in order to get our own way, we must adopt the characteristics of our oppressors. This results in a world where human Sanity never improves and even regresses in cycles.
The world and especially America is experiencing a major Sanity Resistance wave right now. White people, the self-professed most civilized race, is engaged in a civil war between those within their ranks who have gained enough Sanity to recognize that all humans are equal and those who resist that belief. Similarly, Black people are either adopting white ideology ranks on both sides or are practicing self-destruction in an ever-increasing wave of immorality, crime and violence.
You would think that Black Americans would be smart enough to take advantage of the dysfunctioning white establishment, which is their traditional oppressor but they’re not. How can they when they don’t recognize or acknowledge that Sanity Resistance is the primary illness that is tearing apart white society? Perhaps Black people have used the excuses of racism, discrimination, and oppression too long to justify our own resistance to sanity so now we cannot escape insanity’s pull towards total self-destruction.
As the world watches America spiral into social and political chaos, people who value Sanity are worried because contrary to its unethical origins, America grew to become a place where opposing thoughts, ideas, and views about the world could flourish without resulting in physical conflicts. Also, contrary to popular belief, the Sanity Resistance movement wasn’t started by Donald Trump; He simply came along, stumbled-upon the Sanity Resistance power of white supremacy and is successfully using it to his advantage.
Humanity will survive the Sanity Resisting propensities its nature. We know this because there have been many instances in the past where insane individuals have used the power of their racist and unethical Ideology to cause wars and catastrophe on national and global scales. Civil war might break out in the United States and thousands of Black people might die as a result. Nuclear war might break out between Russia and NATO and Billions of people might also die as a result but when it’s all said and done, humans will pursue Sanity again with a fresh reminder of the consequences of Sanity Resistance on their minds.
Hold on to your Sanity; it’s gonna be a bumpy ride but even if you don’t make it, the fact that you tried to remain ethical means that your Soul will be a part of the rebirth and you will have the opportunity to make life a better place next time.