Tag Archives: sanity

Dark Consciousness vs Black Consciousness

Dark Consciousness is different from Black Consciousness and it’s time to differentiate between the two. It’s been 10 years since the inception of the HERU Interface, an Afrakan spiritual concept that borrows inspiration from Dohgon Spirituality with the sole intent to improve the sanity capacity of Black people worldwide. In the beginning, we aligned the HERU Interface with Black Consciousness as they similarly promoted the acquisition of knowledge as the primary tool for global Black Liberation. Numerous things have changed since then; therefore, the HERU Interface will now part ways with the confusion that Black Consciousness has morphed into and concentrate on Dark Consciousness.

Black Consciousness has existed in the psyche of all Black and Afrakan people ever since Europeans decided to carve up Africa into colonies and indoctrinate us with their languages and cultures. Not to say we weren’t drifting off course before by the way we allowed Arabs to take over the entire northern regions of the continent but Europeans made it official. Subsequently, our conscience kicked-in and generated a desire within us to regain our ways of life in the face of the overwhelming force of indoctrination. Over time and as other mechanisms besides indoctrination such as; race mixing and desire dependency through spiritual loss, took hold of our collective psyche, Black racial unity is now virtually non-existent. Today we have Black people who do not want anything to do with Africa and Afrakans. Instead, they prefer to refer to themselves as Indians, Black Americans, Caribs, Arabs, Hispanics, Hebrews, and Moors. A similar situation even exists on the continent, where we now have Afrakans refusing to refer to themselves as Black. They would rather classify themselves by Tribe and Nationality instead of Race.    

Throughout the Black struggle for liberty from oppression and colonization, numerous leaders have emerged and faded. Those who managed to gain prophetic status, no matter where in the world they resided, are still regarded as champions of Black Liberation today. There was never any talk of who was Black from who was Arab, Spanish, Portuguese, or Native Indian. Black people in the West were inspired by Hail Selassie I, Nelson Mandela, and Kwame Nkrumah and Afrakans were inspired by Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Fredric Douglas, and Martin Luther King. The problem is that knowledge without unity results in confusion. This condition is most evident in American society today as politicians have learned to silence people’s consciences using extrememist indoctrination.

Lasting Black unity requires a deep understanding of our Spiritual origins. Without it, Black people will always dig for information to prove that we were civilized before European and Arab colonization. Every time we discover some information, we try with all our energy to bring our past back to life, not realizing that only flawed ways of life fail. The solution is to learn from the past then use past insight to create a better future for ourselves and our children. Back in 2011, I asked Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought, the formost scholar on Brain and Mind functions, why he wasn’t trying to reach out to the Ghetto Scholars that were all over social media so he could teach them how to use their talents to take full advantage of Afrakan ancestral knowledge and he said that he had tried but was ignored by SA-Neter TV and others.

That revelation disappointed me but the reason why would manifest a few years later when I came to the realization that most ghetto scholars were nothing more than hustlers trying to capitalize on  Black Consciousness and the hunger that Black people had to find solace. I also realized that most ghetto scholars and most Black Consciousness followers are not into trying to improve their Brains and Minds, much less improving their Sanity. Similar to religious people, ghetto scholars are happy trying to relive spiritual practices that were created and used by ancient philosophers to comfort human ignorance. The result will inevitably be occultism.        

What is Dark Consciousness?

Modern science theorizes that the universe is 99.9% Dark Matter and Energy. Dohgon Spirituality recognizes that the primary characteristic of the universe is Pure Dark Energy Waves. We do not believe that a God exists independently within the universe. That would mean that God came from somewhere else. Instead, we believe that Pure Dark Energy Waves possesses the intelligence that creates physical reality in a consistent basis. We therefore recognize Pure Dark Energy Waves as the Great Spirit that is the Universe. The Great Spirit created Life and through Life it created Humans. It then installed a tiny portion of itself inside us and that energy grows to become what we call our Soul.

Our Soul drives our consciousness by way of numerous instinctual mechanisms; however, the more Life influences our Soul, our Soul becomes dependent on the mechanisms of Life, which primarily are Survival and Desire fulfillment. At a certain point, which most of humanity has reached already, Life will take over completely and use people to gain Universal Awareness. If you don’t know, Life is a single conscious entity that took on its own awareness from the collective consciousness of every living organism on Earth. People no longer listen to their Conscience as Life induces their Desire to pursue Happiness until Death exhausts them. They adopt either a Religious or a Humanist point of view about Life and either work to protect or destroy the by-products of their own ignorance, such as homosexuality.

The prerogative of Dark Consciousness is to understand the Great Spirit that is the Universe and its creations, which are Non-Living Matter, Life/Nature, Humans, and any other iterations of Life that may exist within the physical realm. Unlike other Ghetto scholars, we know that the best way to understand the adverseties of Life is to first understand our own Brain and Mind. The HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness will continue to produce information based on our understanding of reality because we know that there are still some Black people who haven’t been completely brainwashed by the Life Entity and are seeking ways to regain their connection to the Great Spirit that is the Universe.

The Anunnaki Story Is Unethical, Avoid It

The Anunnaki story is unethical, avoid it! The story was no doubt created by the same unethical people who created the mystery god story of the bible. Black people who are abandoning popular religions should not fall for this unethical story. We need to follow ethical breadcrumbs in our endeavor to discover the truth of our existence.

As Black people abandon the religions of our colonizers due to the unethical nature of those concepts, and their inability to satisfy our spiritual needs, many of us are turning to popular myths such as the Anunnaki creation story. The Anunnaki story has gained significant attention in recent years. Originating from ancient Mesopotamian texts, this tale revolves around a group of deities referred to as the Anunnaki. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that the Anunnaki story lacks ethical foundations.

What is ethics and why is it important?

Society defines Ethics as a branch of philosophy that deals with morality and the principles of right and wrong. Dohgon Spirituality defines Ethics and Morality as the energy of the Great Spirit that is the Universe acting on human Conscience to reign-in and balance human Desires.

Either way, Ethics is important because it helps us to determine what is right and wrong in any given situation. It can help us to make decisions that are in line with our values and beliefs, and it can help us to understand the consequences of our actions. Ethics can also help us to understand the impact of our decisions on others and the environment.

What is the Anunnaki story?

The Anunnaki story states that the Anunnaki discovered Earth about 500 thousand years ago. During that time in their history, their planet was experiencing a global catastrophe. It was losing its atmosphere and the only substance that could dramatically slow the process was the spreading of gold dust in the atmosphere.

They knew that the supply of gold on their planet would ultimately run out so they were actively exploring the galaxy to find gold on other worlds. When they found Earth and its enormous supply of gold, the only living organisms here were plants, animals, and insects. The Anunnaki quickly brought down a slave race of beings to mine the gold for them but after a few thousand years the slaves rebelled so they exterminated them.

The Anunnaki then decided to create a more obedient slave race by mixing their DNA with Earth’s primates (Apes) to create humans. Thousands of years passed and they saw that humans were getting unruley so they gave human leaders religions to keep humans content and hopeful that they will join their god in the heavens someday.

Up until a few thousand years ago, the Anunnaki would arrive in plain sight to collect the gold that humans stockpiled for them but in modern times and since religions are working so well in keeping humans obedient, they’ve chosen to only reveal themselves to human leaders and elites of chosen countries.

Most people believe that Aliens exist and have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. The only problem is that there isn’t much evidence to prove it. Anunnaki followers believe that the reason why no empirical evidence to prove the existence of Aliens is available to the general public is because government and elites are hiding it.

Why do we label the Anunnaki myth unethical?

First of all, the Anunnaki myth is not unethical to regular people because they refuse to implement ethics in every intellectual pursuit they engage in. If they did, they would quickly consider the pursuit of ethics as the true measure of civilization. To us, the Anunnaki myth is unethical because of two things;

The first problem we have with the Anunnaki myth is that it states that the Anunnaki first came to Earth in search of Gold. If you don’t know, since ancient times up until present day, Gold has been the true standard of affluence. Therefore, it isn’t hard to understand why the creators of the Anunnaki myth would have chosen to use Gold as the object that beings from other worlds would travel across the galaxy to find.

Scientists have understood the chemical properties of gold for over a hundred years now. Scientists also understand that gold, like all elements can be created artificially. The only problem they face is generating enough energy to manipulate Atoms into gold. Gold also has a purity scale, which is measured in Karats. The higher the karat, the purer the gold. 24 karat gold is the purest form of gold, while 10 karat gold is the least pure.

Our question is; if the Anunnaki are millions of years more advanced than humans, why is it that they’ve not figured out how to create gold instead of travelling billions of miles across the galaxy to dig it up? The answer to that question is that those who created the Anunnaki story would rather follow the example of religion instead of using their brains to think logically. They’re hoping that everyone will be as gullible as them.

The second problem we have with the Anunnaki story is the unethical concept of slavery and the assumption that slavery and conquest is a natural characteristic of every species that has ever and will ever exist in the universe. I categorically reject that assumption and will also point out that even when we apply the evolution scale, intelligent beings will eventually graduate beyond the need to exploit other beings in order to survive.

To prove how ingrained this concept is in the psyche of even the most intelligent Europeans, the world renound physsicist Stephen Hawking issued a warning that humanity should fear Aliens because humans will end up as slaves to them. I guess Stephen Hawking hadn’t heard about the concept of the Nommo. The Nommo are a species of benevolent spiritual entities in the mythology of the Dohgon people of West Africa.

They are said to be the first living beings created by the supreme being, Amma. They are described as fish-like creatures who descended from the sky to teach the Dohgon people about the universe and the secrets of life. When another famous European astronomer, Carl Sagan was asked about the Dohgon, he reverted to the racist side of his nature and claimed that anything the Dohgon knew about the heavens must have been attained from European explorers.

The plain truth is that non-African concepts about spirituality and the origin of life cannot be trusted. Their nature is conquest and domination; therefore, all their concepts about reality will be based on conquest and domination. So, as mentioned before, the Anunnaki myth finds its roots in ancient Mesopotamia, particularly in Sumerian and Babylonian texts.

These texts depict the Anunnaki as a group of deities who played a significant role in human history. However, it is crucial to understand that these texts were created in a time when mythology was commonly used to explain natural phenomena and societal structures.           

The Importance of Benevolence;

Most dictionaries define Benevolence as an act of kindness or charity, typically done without expecting anything in return. It is an act of goodwill and generosity, often motivated by a desire to help others. We recognize benevolence as the highest state of sanity.

The Great Spirit that is the Universe is an infinite mass of Pure Dark Energy. Thought is manipulated energy that begins in chaos and strives for perfection. If conquest and domination is chaos then benevolence is perfection. How many benevolent Alien species are there in the galaxy?

That is a question that we can’t answer yet but we do have an example of one; the Nommo. The Nommo came to our brothers the Dohgon and didn’t want gold or to conquor subjugate and be worshipped. They simply came to share knowledge.

Furthermore, the Nommo are so ethical that, even though their physical appearance is very different from us, they’ve never tried to change our appearance to look like them, unlike the unethical god mentioned in Genesis in the Bible.  

If you are a person of African ancestry and you are searching for an ethical spiritual belief system for inspiration, consider Dohgon spirituality and the HERU Interface. The Nommo are our spiritual inspiration and there is nothing unethical about them or their objectives for visiting Earth.

The Nommo are simply willing to share their knowledge with us in hopes that doing so will inspire us to pursue an ethical existence.



What Does the Rise of Anti-West African Dictators Mean?

What does the rise of anti-West African dictators mean? Is it sign that Africans are finally waking up and are deciding to cut the final strings of European colonization, is it just another form of foreign manipulation that Africans are too dumb to realize or is it simply an excuse to engage in the same old corruption and power-grab culture that African leaders can’t seem to overcome within their personalities? I hope that anti-west political sentiments in Africa will lead to greater African unity but I know that that will never happen until Africans adopt a single Afro-centric spiritual belief system so until then, here is what I believe is really going on in African politics.

Back in early 2023 when Kamala Harris visited several African countries, I stated that it was a sign for African leaders to step-up their “hustle game”. Unfortunately, no one understood what I meant. Politics at any level is a “leveraging game”. It is an opportunity to use the power that you have to get what you need, not for yourself but for the constituents you represent and the country you serve. Most African leaders overlook their duty and fall into corruption for personal gain. Some might say it’s a racial flaw that keeps Black and African people at a sub-civilized level of existence but I know that the real problem is that we don’t have our own spiritual belief system to support our conscience.

African leaders possess the greatest leveraging power in the world right now but unfortunately, they don’t use it. They don’t leverage the power of their natural resources to gain economic clout in both the East and West the same way China used the resource of the cheap labor of their citizens to become the 2nd largest economy in the world. Instead, the inverse happens. Eastern and Western leaders go into African countries and dictate economic conditions, both by putting African countries in debt to the World Bank and by tying Aid to Trade. The result is that African countries receive pennies for their natural resources compared to the thousands of dollars the same resource costs in developed countries.

In the past few months, several African countries have experienced military and political coups. The new leaders of every one of those countries have expressed the same sentiments, which is that they are tired of being used and exploited by the West. In each scenario we also see people waving Russian and Chinese flags as if they’ve actually gained freedom from exploitation. In actuality, what they’ve done is simply exchanged one exploiter for another. Now instead of getting social and economic Aid for natural resources, what they will have to do is build their military might by buying weapons from Russia and China to defend the paranoia that will grow within their leaderships. They will buy so much guns, bombs, and tanks that they will resemble North Koreans in black face.

No, the rise of anti-West dictators in Africa will not sever the strings of foreign economic exploitation and it will not improve the political leveraging power of African leaders. It will also not improve the sanity of African leaders by encouraging a greater use of their consciences. Finally, the rise of anti-west African dictators will not improve the lives of common Africans. What it will do is cause more death and destruction by itchy-fingered military soldiers on people who are already suffering. I’m not telling you what to do Africans, I’m just telling you like it is.

Homosexuals Facing Death In Uganda

Homosexuals are facing death in Uganda after the government passes the strictest anti-LGBTQ law in the world. Under the guidelines of the new law, anyone openly identifying as or engaging in homosexual activities will face 14 years to life in prison and possibly the death penalty if convicted. The United Nations as well as Human Rights organizations are condemning the new law.

However, Uganda’s president says that he doesn’t intend to back down because homosexuality “goes against the order of nature”, therefore they’re only protecting Uganda against immoral activities. In my opinion, Uganda is on the right track but for all the wrong reasons because the law won’t stop Homosexuality; it will just drive it back under ground where it is more dangerous.

We all know that Homosexuality is a very controversial subject but it is a lifestyle that’s been around for thousands of years and exists in every country and culture on the planet. Homosexuality is an “icky” subject that makes most people uncomfortable because it is perceived as the choice of immoral individuals. The truth is that Homosexuality is not always a choice.

There are people who are born that way and there are people who choose the lifestyle due to sexual perversion. Unfortunately, the scale has been tipping gradually in favor of those who choose the lifestyle for a very long time because of the human need for happiness.

Both inherent and adaptors of Homosexuality are tools of a sinister process that most people either cannot see or refuse to accept as reality. Life/Nature is a single conscious entity that consists of the collective awareness of every living organism on Earth. Life’s mission is to gain universal awareness but until such time, Life’s awareness is controlled by consensus or majority rule.

For example; if you were stuck in the middle of a huge mass of people, you would have no choice but to move with the crowd no matter how you try to resist. Now imagine if you could convince enough people around you to move in one particular direction. You would control the mind of the crowd and the crowd would move where you want it to go.     

Our true essence is abstract omnipotent energy (Spirit). As we enter physical reality, we become blank Souls that exist at the will of Nature. Not only does that mean that Nature will take us in any direction we want to go until death exhausts us, it also means that the only way that collective human consciousness can develop to a point of moral and ethical existence is to gain knowledge and pass it on.

Unfortunately, collective human awareness is stagnated by several forces which include the worshiping of gods through religions, racial superiority complexes, and unregulated desire fulfilment under the protection of Free-Will and Human Rights promoters.

Most natural born Homosexuals will tell you that they did not choose to be the way they are; they are simply satisfying their instinctual desires. Desires don’t just appear in people; they are the result of hormones that are produced in Glands and secreted into our brain where it manipulates our Desires. Homosexuality is the result of Glandular defects. For instance; the hormone that is responsible for the development of male characteristics is Testosterone and the female hormone is Estrogen.

Males and females produce both but in essential proportions. “If” a defective Adrenal Gland in a boy begins to produce excessive amounts of Estrogen, it will cause the boy to feel and act feminine. The problem with society is that no one is investigating to find out why Hormonal Glands are becoming defective. People would rather use violence to solve the issue but when Homosexuality never seems to disappear, people say it must be the work of the Devil.

The truth is that there are thousands of things that corrupt human biology. Chemicals in the foods we eat, toxins in the air we breathe, and even traumatic experiences such as rape, incest, and abuse can alter Glandular development in fetus development. Glandular defects can range from Hormonal imbalances to physical defects such as females being born with penises and vise-versa.

Bisphenol A, a chemical used to make plastic bottles is a known Hormone corrupter that researchers have found to change gender in animals. Why not us and why not leave Black and African people to destroy ourselves out of ignorance?  

Why do I believe that the Ugandan government is right to criminalize Homosexuality if I don’t believe Homosexuality is a choice at its core? The reason is because Homosexuals believe that they are born that way for a purpose. Just like the Ugandan government I believe that Nature has an order and Homosexuality goes against that order.

The difference between me and most anti-LGBTQ people is that I know that we will never correct Nature using ideologies derived from religion. I don’t believe that homosexuals should be put to death; however, the scale between natural and acquired Homosexuality must be artificially weighted or Insanity and Immorality will reign until Nature is eventually corrected through understanding.

This writing is not meant to offend LGBTQ communities. The aim as always is to encourage free but ethical Thought.

Beware of Anti Woke Sanity Resisters

Beware of anti-woke Sanity Resisters; they are trying to convince humanity that sanity is not the most civilized human pursuit.

“Humans are strange creatures” is a phrase that we’ve all uttered at some time or another. We say it in bewilderment at the insane things that other people do, not realizing that we all do strange things at times also. There is a particular group of people however, who prolong insane behavior as if to willfully resist the improvement of their sanity. This group of people are Racists. At the HERU Interface, we refer to all types of racists, White, Black, Arab, or Asian, as sanity resisters.   

Sanity Resistance is a sickness. However, it is a non-medical diagnosis because it is not recognized by doctors or psychologists. We recognize it as a sickness because we decipher human behavior from a Afrakan spiritual perspective. In doing so, we recognized that there are only two sides to human nature, which are Desire and Conscience and every emotion stems from these two poles. Desire is a mechanism of the Life Entity driving humans to pursue Universal Awareness while Conscience is the result of the Great Spirit that is the Universe enriching on our Soul energy.

Sanity is defined by academia as a state of mental and emotional well-being in which one is able to think, reason, and behave in a healthy and rational manner. It is the opposite of insanity, which is characterized by a lack of ability to think, reason, and behave in a healthy and rational manner. As you can probably tell, Sanity is subjective because there are no absolutes to any of its characteristics. All can be improved with effort. For these reasons, the HERU Interface recognizes Sanity as the most civilized human pursuit.

Humans resist improving our sanity for numerous reasons, sometimes because of trauma but mostly because of the Ideologies we develop to support our various personal and collective Desires. The most destructive ideology in the world over the past 500 years has been White Supremacy. Unknowing to those it effects, White Supremacy is the result of the Life Entity manipulating some white people’s Desires to conquer and rule existence. Yet, the Life Entity doesn’t mind that a lot of death, destruction, and psychological insanity results.

Most Black people including myself, engage in sanity resistance because of the generational trauma that affects our DNA and activates when we witness or experience racial injustice. We often mask generational trauma using ideologies we develop through religion, politics, and dissociative disorder. Some of us are further beaten into submission by anti-woke white supremacists who are quick to point out that slavery and colonization are either over or never existed and that our concerns over racism and oppression are due to Liberal indoctrination.

While my sanity resistance is due to generational trauma and the unbreakable bond I have with the Life Entity, I know that life is simply an excursion of my Soul into this hostile physical realm. I can intellectually dismiss generational trauma on that premise but I cannot override the emotions involved. If the Life Entity only knows one thing, it knows that the Great Spirit has the ability to step in to rebalance reality by boosting human Conscience. It’s a safety-net.

What is Sanity Resistance?


Sanity Resistance; what is it, who practices it, and can humanity survive it?

According to most dictionaries, Sanity is defined as a state of being Sane. Therefore, when someone is Sane it means that they possess the ability to use good reasoning and sound judgement. That definition is not quite clear however, because Sanity is obviously based on a consensus of human behavior. So, what happens when those in power do not use good reasoning or sound judgement in their treatment of others? It means that they are Resisting Sanity for a purpose.

At the HERU Interface of Black Consciousness, we’ve come up with a term to describe people who willfully act against the natural inclination of humans towards a Saner existence. We say that they are engaging in Sanity Resistance. Furthermore, we recognize the pursuit of Sanity as the most civilized human endeavor and anyone who resists Sanity are not only unethical, they’re also uncivilized.

A lot of Black people will say, “fcuk sanity. There is no place for sanity as long as a constant state of survival exists in the world.” We say, a constant state of survival exists because most Black people are allowing our adversaries to dictate our reality. In other words, we believe that in order to get our own way, we must adopt the characteristics of our oppressors. This results in a world where human Sanity never improves and even regresses in cycles.

The world and especially America is experiencing a major Sanity Resistance wave right now. White people, the self-professed most civilized race, is engaged in a civil war between those within their ranks who have gained enough Sanity to recognize that all humans are equal and those who resist that belief. Similarly, Black people are either adopting white ideology ranks on both sides or are practicing self-destruction in an ever-increasing wave of immorality, crime and violence.

You would think that Black Americans would be smart enough to take advantage of the dysfunctioning white establishment, which is their traditional oppressor but they’re not. How can they when they don’t recognize or acknowledge that Sanity Resistance is the primary illness that is tearing apart white society? Perhaps Black people have used the excuses of racism, discrimination, and oppression too long to justify our own resistance to sanity so now we cannot escape insanity’s pull towards total self-destruction.

As the world watches America spiral into social and political chaos, people who value Sanity are worried because contrary to its unethical origins, America grew to become a place where opposing thoughts, ideas, and views about the world could flourish without resulting in physical conflicts. Also, contrary to popular belief, the Sanity Resistance movement wasn’t started by Donald Trump; He simply came along, stumbled-upon the Sanity Resistance power of white supremacy and is successfully using it to his advantage.

Humanity will survive the Sanity Resisting propensities its nature. We know this because there have been many instances in the past where insane individuals have used the power of their racist and unethical Ideology to cause wars and catastrophe on national and global scales. Civil war might break out in the United States and thousands of Black people might die as a result. Nuclear war might break out between Russia and NATO and Billions of people might also die as a result but when it’s all said and done, humans will pursue Sanity again with a fresh reminder of the consequences of Sanity Resistance on their minds.

Hold on to your Sanity; it’s gonna be a bumpy ride but even if you don’t make it, the fact that you tried to remain ethical means that your Soul will be a part of the rebirth and you will have the opportunity to make life a better place next time.

Yeezy Fashions Presents; White Lines Matter

White Lines Matter

Yeezy Fashions presents, White Lines Matter. Of course, this is only a joke unlike Kanye West’s latest fashion designs for his Yeezy fashion brand, which are T-shirts and Sweaters printed with the phrase White Lives Matter. What I’m saying is, why stop there Kanye? Why settle with constantly offending your own Black community? You should go all out by promoting insanity to all of humanity.

I think everyone knows what white lines are but if you don’t, they are lines of Cocaine, the most popular illicit drug of the past 100 years. The most popular way to ingest Cocaine is to arrange the powder in thin lines and draw it into your nostrils using a straw. Since I am not a drug user, I wouldn’t know what the effect feels like. I only know the chemical effect, which is the stimulation of excessive Dopamine production inside the Brain. The result of excessive Cocaine use is Desire Dependency and Desire Dependency corrupts human Conscience in a multitude of ways.  

Recently, at a fashion show in which he launched new items as part of his “High-End Rag” Yeezy fashion brand, Kanye West featured a shirt printed with the Sanity Resistance phrase “White Lives Matter”. He went on to proudly adorn himself in that shirt several times since. Most sane Black folks are understandably upset because only people who pretend not to understand the original phrase “Black Lives Matter”, try to rebuff the statement by pushing dissenting views.

A lot of Black folks who are hip to the tricks of business, politics, and entertainment are dismissing Kanye’s White Lives Matter shirts as nothing more than a publicity stunt. On the other hand, those of us who know the twisted psychology of people like Kanye West, know that his White Lives Matter shirt is a stepping-up of his deep self-hatred over being trapped in a Black body. Like a Quarterback on a Football field, he assessed his success in the game of life and attribute it to his own skills and not the sacrifices of less important team members such as the Linebackers.

Kanye West is only one of a multitude of Black people who, after achieving a certain level of financial success as individuals, turn their backs on the Black community and blames its dysfunctions on several things which include; laziness, lack of ambition, socialism, slave-mentality, or un-Godliness. These people may as well be cocaine snorters because they don’t realize that no matter how much they diss the Black community, they can never get away from including themselves in their various forms of self-hate. In other words, others will always see them as Niggers.

Why do so many of us hate ourselves and resort to attacking our own race? The short answer is that they are suffering from dissociative disorder, which is a psychological condition that has arisen in the majority of Black people because they have lost their cultural traditions, spiritual beliefs, and ways of life and have fully simulated into popular culture. Popular culture is either Christian or Islamic based depending on who our colonizers are and since they can never become European or Arab no matter how much they mix their DNA with those people; they will forever exist as second-class humans.

Kanye West is beyond reproach, which means that any advice or criticism that approaches his senses are immediately incinerated before they can even come close to reaching his Conscience. In fact, Kanye’s Conscience has long been imprisoned like the political opponents of dictators. Conscience and Desire are the only two polar aspects of human cognition. That means that Kanye’s Mind is ruled by his Desires. He will continue to display insane and unethical behavior in the name of his self-righteous ideologies.

Eventually he will get tired of dissing the Black community and fully join the Sanity Resistance movement along with the white supremacists. At that point I know he will start selling shirts printed with the phrase “White Lines Matter”.

Chase That Crazy Trumpkin Out of Town


With Halloween and Election Day in American merely days away, all sanity pursuing Black Americans must take the initiative to vote so that they can chase that crazy Trumpkin out of town. If you don’t do it, the next 4 years will be scarier for you than Halloween is to a 4-year-old child.

A very famous Bob Marley song says; “We built your penitentiaries, we built your schools, yet you gave us brainwashed education to make us the fools. Didn’t my people before me, slave for this country. Now you treat us with scorn and you eat up all our corn. Well we’re gonna chase you crazy bald heads out of town”.

Some people might say, “brother Integral, you’re not American. Why are you always talking about America instead of minding your own business?” Well, whether I or most people like it or not, America is still the most influential country in the world. It is technology leader, a major cultural influencer, and the economic engine of the planet. Anything that happens in America, good or bad, creates a ripple effect on global stability.

Contrary to white supremacist beliefs, America did not rise to become an empire solely because of white people. Americas prominence in the world stems from Americas multi-racial and multi-cultural make-up. People of all nationalities and races have emigrated to America over the past few centuries. Early immigrants left their countries in search of a better life with better economical opportunities.

Over the past few decades however, America has streamlined its immigration to focus on highly educated people from other countries. In other countries the process is known as “Brain Drain”.  Simply research the ranks of many of the largest corporations in America and you will discover that most are full of Asians, Arabs, Jews, and other non-Arian people.

After 300 years of free slave labor that they used to jump-start America’s rise to global prominence, they refuse to acknowledge the concerns of Black people. And after using intimidation, fear, racism, and discrimination to beat most Black Americans into submission, bump-head white supremacists say that Black people are only un-successful because they love poverty and playing-the-victim.

We know why white supremacists love to focus on Black people; we are easy targets. Unfortunately, Black people in America and the world will always remain that way as long as we remain disorganized, desire dependent, and easily led by conspiracies and propaganda. The chief bump-head loves to say that he has done more for the Black community than any politician in history but what does he mean when race relations have actually gotten worse under his presidency?

Fear of being killed by racist cops and citizens has increased while he hasn’t said anything about it. Secure the blue-line he says to the cops and to the white militias he says “stand by”. When he says he has done a lot for the Black community it means that he has only given Black people the option to continue playing their position in society as subservient laborers.

Black America; its time to fight back against white supremacists and their politicians in this election by electing people who are sympathetic to the concerns of the Black community. Its time to chase that crazy orange colored Trumpkin out of town.