Tag Archives: racism

Should Black People Feel Sorry For Asians?

The Covid-19 pandemic is known to have originated in China. Ever since this revelation, Asians of all nationalities have been experiencing various levels of hatred from other races because as we all know, it doesn’t take much to revert human nature from friendliness to animosity and of course, there is no race more malicious than Caucasians. So, now that Asians are feeling the pain of white hatred, should we as Black people feel sorry for Asians?

Hatred against Asians has risen a thousand-fold in the past year. Most Asians are not Chinese but since hatred and ignorance are directly related, all Asians are being scapegoated for causing the pandemic, which has transformed the social and economic order of every society on Earth. Verbal abuse and physical assaults against Asians in America turned deadly this past week as six Asian women were shot and killed by a white man in Atlanta.  

Asians are now crying out all over Social media and many have taken to marching in the streets to protest against racism. For a seemingly passive race of people, they sure have woken up to the reality that racism is not something to ignore or partake in. Although they have experienced severe racism at the hands of white people before, they have chosen to blend into every white community like Chameleons and support racist economic and political policies that disenfranchise Black people.

Asians have also blended into many Black and African countries where they are known to engage in exploitative and unethical business practices. In China last year, thousands of Black and African people were deported when false rumors began to spread that Black people were disease carriers. We know that not all Asians are bad but isn’t it funny how the tables have turned against them and now they are getting a taste of the hate that Black people have had to endure from them and other races.   

Our conscience dictates that we should sympathize and empathize with anyone who is experiencing injustice. Most people believe that their conscience is being influenced by their god, therefore they will allow themselves to express empathy according to their religion, which is totally wrong because as we all know, many atrocities are being carried out in the name of religion. True empathy cannot be selective.

For example; many Asians are Christians yet those who are expressing hatred towards them are also Christians. So, where is the disconnect? The disconnect exists due to the main flaw of religion, which is the encouraging of a competition to become the most righteous in the eyes of our various gods. Some races believe that they are righteous by default and some believe that the ability to endure pain is a golden pass in the competition. It is a crown of thorns.

Either way, the pain of victim-hood is too physically and mentally severe to endure so most people will cry out in despair and forget their religious illusions. Black people have been experiencing physical and psychological pain at the hands of other races for so long that most of us have become numb and indifferent to our own pain and the pain of others. Those of us who are sworn Christians have fully adopted the principle of forgiveness by believing that pain is a thorny crown of purification.

Do I feel sorry for Asians? Well, based on the principles of the HERU Interface of Black Consciousness, everything in life is a learning experience. I believe that Ethics is the most civilized human pursuit and since Ethics is a product of Conscience, I do empathize with Asians in their plight against racism but I hope that their pain will encourage them to become more ethical in their dealings with Black and African people.

Dilemma of a Black Conservative


“I feel like a Black Republican, money keeps comin in. But I can’t turn my back on the hood, I got love for them.” – Jay-Z

The dilemma of Black conservatism is a serious one. Depending on our level of consciousness some of us may choose to live like Kanye West and some of us like Jay-Z. Conservatism is a vile term among many Black people simply because it is often associated with white supremacy and economic oppression. The fact is, many Black people think and act conservative, we just don’t practice it politically due to our racial bonds. Kanye West and Jay-Z are two Black conservatives with politically different views. One openly praises political conservatism and one fights against it.

Conservatism in America is often associated with white supremacists and racists. Take a pick from any of the known white supremacist organizations in the country and you will find they identify themselves as Christian conservatives. Religious conservatism is the belief that one’s religion is the chosen of God therefore your actions are guided and accepted by your God. That goes for all religions, as is evident with the rise of Islamic extremism throughout the world.

White supremacists believe that Christianity is the guide for all aspects of life, be it political, financial, social, or environmental, therefore they go about destroying the environment because “God put resources on Earth for them to use”. They actively seek to convert Black people to their religious ideology; not to improve the lives of Black people but to individually covet favor from their God in hopes that they will join him in Heaven.

The problem is that once a Black person is converted to religious conservatism his status does not change. He may feel that he has gained the world but he is still considered a servant to the white race. Any injustice that is inflicted on a Black person by a white person in this condition is seen as the norm of a master and slave relationship. The only alternative for religious Blacks (who have a conscience) is to get political, as in the case of Martin Luther King.

Any culture that is built on the exploitation of Black people under the excuse of religious superiority will ultimately become unjust and oppressive. Oppression is the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner. Many white people will argue that they “don’t have a racist bone in their body” but they do nothing to fix the systems of oppression. They will see Black people getting gunned down by the police on a daily basis and they will do nothing.

They will see Black people being denied service at businesses and they will do nothing. They will see Black people being railroaded into prisons by the corrupt court system and they will do nothing. Their psychological condition is the result of a moral superiority complex created by religion. For that reason, Black people are scared to associate themselves with what most white people associate themselves with, which is political conservatism.

Contrary to popular belief, Black people are not an unethical race. We are hardworking, fun loving people who believe in getting good education and maintaining strong family ties. We have high ambitions of becoming Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, and Business owners. All these things require supreme self-discipline, hard work, and financial sacrifice to achieve. Those of us who make it to the top of society fall into two categories.

The first one (Kanye West) attributes his achievements to his own hard work and sacrifices so he abandons his past. He begins to think like the white man politically, fiscally, and religiously. He dumps his Black girl and picks up a white girl that everyone in sports and Hollywood has slept with simply because of his own deranged ego. Then he starts to praise the most race baiting president in history as his hero.

The second one (Jay Z) acknowledges that although he worked hard to achieve success he must pay homage to those who helped to break down many of the barriers that white supremacists put in our paths to limit our success. He maintains a fiscal and religious conservative view but he refuses to break his racial bonds, therefore he shuns the national political conservative system that enforces the oppression of Black people.

Jay-Z works behind the scenes to improve the lives of Black Americans because he knows that no matter how rich and successful he gets, he’s “Still Nigga”.

Black Pete Is a Racist Tradition

black pete is racist

Black Pete is a racist tradition that the Dutch need to acknowledge and abolish.

The so-called Holiday Season is a time of happiness and celebration for many. However, as conscious Afrakan people we do not care for religious traditions or the characters depicted in them and under normal circumstances we wouldn’t care to speak about them here. However, this particular tradition involves a stereotypically negative portrayal of Afrakans, which we find offensive.

If you haven’t heard about Black Pete before he is a fictional character who, in Dutch tradition, is the companion of Saint Nicholas, otherwise known as Santa Claus. He is like the cheerful Elves who help the Santa Claus of western tradition; only this elf possesses distinctly negative characteristics, both psychologically and physically.

Physically, Black Pete is depicted with charcoal black skin, wooly hair, and thick red lips. His attire is clownish and varied and he carries a sac full of coal. His defenders claim Black Pete is a harmless depiction of a Moor. Others claim that Black Pete is really a white person whose skin gets black from sliding down chimneys. (I guess the soot in chimneys can make white people’s hair get woolly and their lips turn red.)

Psychologically, Black Pete is a mischievous deceiver. Although he travels with Santa Claus, the epitome of kindness, he is depicted as the opposite. He hides in the shadows; he plays tricks on children, and he gives out lumps of coal as treats. In recent times however, his character has been changing to become more cheerful and he gives out candy instead of coal. (I guess the Dutch know that change is possible; they just have to grow some conscience.)

Historically, there have been many stories told about the origin of Black Pete but the most common story is that Saint Nicholas rescued the Moorish Black boy from the streets in his native Spain. As an act of gratitude the Moorish boy decided to stay and serve his rescuer. (Doesn’t that sound like so many European stories that depict a civilized white man saving a helpless Black person from certain doom. Stories such as Robinson Caruso and Friday but I digress.)

As proud Afrakan people we despise all negative depictions of our race especially by other races. The world is changing and all unjust, unethical, and racist traditions will be dealt with. The collective consciousness of humanity is growing with knowledge. Those who resist change by using Ideology to suppress their Conscience will be forced to change; if not be us then it will be by the Spiritual essence of the universe.

*** The writings on this website are personal thoughts and opinions that are in no way endorsed by the Dohgon University of Thought. I am IntegRAl MAAT, a student of Dohgon Spirituality

How To Avoid Becoming A Terrorist

A terrorist is a Devil who seeks to kill innocent people as well as to instill fear in society. Black people must avoid this insane practice now that we are waking up and defending our own Race and Spiritual beliefs. Just know that we were never an unethical race of people but until you come to that realization, you need to learn how to avoid becoming a terrorist.

As we observe the carnage being inflicted by terrorists on innocent civilians in several European countries, the Middle East, Northern AfRAka, and America we may feel that it may never affect us, however terrorists are made, not born, therefore anyone can become a terrorist including you.

Terrorists believe that the destruction that they inflict on their victims is for a noble cause. The base of their motivation is a Bond between themselves and that cause, be it Racial, Religious, Political, or Territorial. We know this as fact because in each region the primary target of the terror is different.

In Europe the primary target of the terrorists are European. Islamic terrorists view European as the primary cause for the destruction of their Spiritual homeland in the Middle East. To them, acts of terror are a continuation of a two thousand year old religious war between Jews, Christians, and them for control of the so-called Holyland.

Furthermore, Muslims perceive that Christians and Jews are actively disrupting the development of productive self-sustaining societies in the region so that those societies will never be able to form any type of formidable force to keep others out. They believe that Islamic sects and countries that welcome foreigners are puppets controlled by Money and Western ideology.

In AfRAka, Islamic terrorists are wreaking havoc in many Sub-Saharan countries. The most terror prone country is Nigeria where the terrorist organization Boko Haram has been responsible for thousands of bombings, shootings, and kidnappings of innocent people over the past decade.

Lets not forget that Christian terrorists exist too. In the Congo, for instance, Christian militias are responsible for killing thousands of innocent Muslims. In America, Christian terrorists are forming armed militias and attacking the government. Recognize that terrorism comes in all religions and ideologies. We are mostly hearing about Islamic terrorists because of several factors, which include media source, control of the News, as well as government oversight.

All acts of terror are deplorable and we sympathize with the victims and the families of those affected by it. We know that most of these incidents of terror involve Black people either as victims or as the perpetrators. We know it may be hard to avoid becoming a victim of terror because you never know when or where a terrorist will strike.

The primary consequence of terrorism is the destruction of Life, which is a single conscious entity engaged in a process of developing Universal Awareness. Life uses mechanisms such as Risk reward and Desire fulfillment, which without the control of Conscience, manifests itself in humans as Sins or (Devilish) behavior. The lives of Black people will only begin to improve when we learn to control the Desires of Life, not through Humanism but by listening to the Great Spirit.

The Great Spirit that is the universe created Life therefore; it is the influence of the Spirit that generates Conscience, individually as well as the collective consciousness of Life. Conscience is a force similar to common forces in nature such as Electricity and Magnetism. It is not physical therefore it cannot we measured in size or weight. Conscience can only be measured by the influence it exerts on physical matter, namely Brain Cells responsible for thought and reasoning.

In order to avoid becoming a terrorist there are several variable that AfRAkans can control. One of them is to resist adopting the religious ideologies of others. By adopting the religious ideologies of others we invariable begin to sympathize with and defend their territorial bonds. Ultimately, we will fight for Rome, Mecca, and Jerusalem while dismissing our own AfRAkan Spiritual traditions.

Another way to avoid becoming a terrorist is to be Conscious about your AfRAkan Pride. When we see the levels of despair that continues to plague many AfRAkan countries we naturally seek to blame. AfRAkans have concluded that Racism and Colonization by others are the main factors. Animosity for Europeans grows, driving many AfRAkans to adopt the ideologies of others who also hate Europeans. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”.  

Listen to and obey your conscience by protecting the sanctity of Life. Avoid giving power to supernatural beings such as gods and demons that would entice you to sacrifice your Life to gain a reward. Although those beings are abstract, their energy can become influential forces by way of the energy we feed them.

Evil energy is a contagious disease. Doing evil to others also generates evil in them, especially when they have substituted true Spirituality with a god. The collective evil energy humanity creates is the entity that is referred to as the Devil. Now imagine a world where everyone has to use evil life destroying mechanisms as protection against each other. (Guns, Bombs, and Missiles) Sound’s like Hell doesn’t it?

Terrorism is an evil product of Life but we cannot blame Life since Life lacks universal awareness. We are Life therefore we can only learn from our mistakes and strive to become better people by listening to our conscience. Know that those who persist in doing evil do so to please the illusions they have created to comfort their disconnection from the Great Spirit.

Do not fear evil people or terrorists. They will perish and their Souls will never know the Great Spirit. They think they will meet their gods but the only thing that will happen is their Souls will die and its energy will serve to replenish the cycle of Life until they wise up.

Attack White People’s Conscience

angry white man

Attack white people’s conscience. This might sound violent but not only is attacking white people’s conscience the most non-violent way for Black people to achieve liberty, it will help white people improve their Sanity as well.

Racism and Police Brutality are only two of the many plagues that torment the daily lives of Black Americans. In order to achieve liberty, Black Americans have either been fighting back, seeking better ways to integrate into society, or seeking to separate all together. All options come with their own consequences because following Slavery, Black people have continually been harassed and killed by racists and corrupt police officers at alarming rates.

There are several ways to combat the problem and unfortunately, none of them are easy but the real solution will involve a completely new way of thinking. The choice will depend on the willingness of Black people themselves. Thanks to social media in the modern era, Black people are not as isolated and low-informed as we used to be. News travels fast and when the police kill a black person without just cause there is usually someone around to see and document it, either by video or personally sharing the incident online for others to be informed.

Religious leaders in the past, confronted racism and police brutality by attempting to showcase the hypocrisy of the actions of white racists who believed in the same God as they did. The tactic worked to a certain extent because it forced a lot of white people to use their conscience. The only problem with that tactic was that most white people never gained real sympathy for Black people; they only thought it would gain them favor in the eyes of their imaginary God.

Most religious leaders today know nothing about the psychology behind religion. In fact they think its real and a god is waiting to anoint Black people for our faithful misery. If they did know how religion really worked, they would be out in the streets leading marches and protests every single week. RIP to MLK but religious leaders today learned nothing from him because he himself didn’t understand why his movement had so much success. Black religious leaders; if you only knew the power you posses. 

Physical Confrontation

A lot of Black people have this silly belief that they can defeat the white man by force. They point out the actions of the Black Panther Party of the late 60s and early 70s with pride but dismiss the conclusion of the movement and others like it. They omit the fact that white people are seasoned killers who are experts in all manner of conflict including; conventional, biological, chemical, nuclear, and psychological warfare. They are most like the fictional Devil character most people fear.

Furthermore, white people own the media and all platforms of communication. They own the Internet, computer companies, cell phones that we all love to play on, and television and news outlets. Because of their hidden prerogative to feed universal awareness they also understand Black people better than most Black people understand themselves. Depending on how you organize, you may kill a few white people in pockets around the country but realistically speaking, how long do you think a physical war with white people would last?

Total Racial Segregation

Black people also have the option of separating from white society. We have already been doing it for decades by moving into urban ghettos. The initial purpose was for financial help in the form of cheap or assisted housing. Eventually it grew into a way for both whites and Blacks to benefit from living separately. White people saw an opportunity to push Black people away from themselves and Black people saw a way to live their life without having to interact with too many whites.

The problem with ghettos is that because white people control the services and infrastructure, they defund the resources to maintain them. The results are poor education, poisoned water, broken down pest-infested dwellings, and of course, unhealthy food. Crime and drug use increases due to lack of good paying jobs and whites use the police as over-seers to keep Blacks from ranging too far out of bounds.

Some Black leaders have suggested the possibility of a segregated State within the United States. It would be a completely Black State, run by Black politicians, business people, and community leaders. All Black people across America who wish to socially separate from white people would relocate there. And of course, racist whites would also force Black people to relocate there.

A Black State’s internal success would depend on Black peoples ability to sort out our own problems among ourselves. The external success would depend on the level of interference from racist whites that would seek to defund it federally as will as to isolate it economically.

Attack white people’s Conscience

The best method of fighting racism and police brutality in America is to gain a deeper understanding of Life then use the tactics of the past for the betterment of society on a whole. Black people must recognize that Life is a single conscious entity on a quest for universal awareness. White people are life’s most useful tool. The hormone Serotonin, which keeps them happy while their imaginary gods give them purpose, drives their consciousness.

Like Black people, they do produce Melatonin but because their Pineal Glands are calcified, they don’t produce enough to balance the erratic effects of Serotonin. It reinforces their unethical ideologies about reality that they arrive at through Curiosity and Risk. The Melatonin that they do produce acts on their Conscience to encourage fairness, equity, and accountability.

When Black people defeated the laws that maintained segregation in America, it was referred to as a gain for Black America. It was not referred to as a gain for the psychological improvement of white people. That’s because white people are so self-centered that they believe they don’t need psychological help.

A lot of Black people will have a problem with this method because while it will help to combat racism, discrimination, and police brutality, it will also help white people with their sanity. This method involves targeting white people’s Conscience but first we must understand what Conscience does in order to target it.

Conscience is a base instinct that produces the psychological traits caring, sympathy, and empathy. White people seem to have an abundance of all three so why is their conscience so weak? Their conscience is not weak at all; it’s just hijacked by ideologies that enforce their false beliefs of racial and moral superiority over others. Ideology hates Truth so when they go to school and learn truth it burns away ideology.

That is why ideology driven conservative whites hate truth-seeking whites. They label anything based on conscience as political correctness and weak-minded Liberalism. Yes, they fight among each other over ideology but they never hate each other based on race. When they do fight they fight over money, territory, and class. They also never colonize and enslave their own. They only recognize the human will to be free in their own race.

Therefore, their conscience must be targeted through the media. Their conscience must be targeted through the courts and political systems. Their conscience must be targeted through religious and educational systems. Expose their hypocrisy by asking them if their god thinks its right to hate. Ask them if all humans were not created equal with the same inalienable rights. It will cause them to question the ideologies that comfort and support their so-called “way of life”.

Most Black Americans are under no illusions about race; it is an ever-present obstacle in their pursuit of happiness. They find themselves having to defend their own lives all because of their race. A solution must be implemented or America will continue on its inevitable course to all out civil war. Black people can arm themselves for that reality, seek total segregation, or help change the level of consciousness within society in general. The choices are clear, which one will you choose?

Jesse Williams Proves Truth Is An Offense

The audience at the 2016 BET Award show stood and cheered as actor Jesse Williams delivered a short but powerful acceptance speech regarding Black oppression in America. Not surprisingly, the reaction from white america was utter condemnation. Many whites on social media have even labelled the actor a reverse racist. To Black America it just proves that truth is an offense to some.

The fact is, Jesse’s speech only offended white peoplebecause they are oblivious to or complicit with the sustained racial injustices that Black people endure on a daily basis. Oh, some of them can relate like the Jews, the Irish, the Spanish, and many others at different times in history of course. They all know what it feels like to be considered “other” but once in favor of the whole they too became oblivious and complicit in the system.

It’s just human nature to cling to people and ideologies that are familiar to one-self. Today the pariah on a pedestal is the Muslim and even Black people hate them for no other reason than their religion. Can you see the pattern? Racism is a human psychological flaw.

Blacks may never be replaced at the bottom rung because we are too different and too dysfunctional. We need to learn that the only way to change our condition is with our minds. That requires setting goals and working to achieve them through self-discipline. These goals involve helping and supporting each other individually, as a community, and then nationally.

It’s crazy to think that whites will sympathize with us for no other reason than we are people too. Like us, they all have a conscience that needs to be actively targeted and kept buoyant. Ideology suppresses conscience but since conscience is an instinct some humans try to twist it into their ideologies.

Christians for instance, sympathized and helped Black slaves in the past because they coveted the favor of god. Now they have millions of Blacks faithfully enduring hell on earth so they can taste the sweetness of heaven when they die. I singled out Christianity but all religions are the same.

There is no defender against the injustice of humans against each other, other than the Spirit within us to fight back. We need to stop being fooled by Hollywood movies about a superman or by religion about a god coming to the rescue. Fight the power. 320ro