Category Archives: Knowledge

The Anunnaki Story Is Unethical, Avoid It

The Anunnaki story is unethical, avoid it! The story was no doubt created by the same unethical people who created the mystery god story of the bible. Black people who are abandoning popular religions should not fall for this unethical story. We need to follow ethical breadcrumbs in our endeavor to discover the truth of our existence.

As Black people abandon the religions of our colonizers due to the unethical nature of those concepts, and their inability to satisfy our spiritual needs, many of us are turning to popular myths such as the Anunnaki creation story. The Anunnaki story has gained significant attention in recent years. Originating from ancient Mesopotamian texts, this tale revolves around a group of deities referred to as the Anunnaki. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that the Anunnaki story lacks ethical foundations.

What is ethics and why is it important?

Society defines Ethics as a branch of philosophy that deals with morality and the principles of right and wrong. Dohgon Spirituality defines Ethics and Morality as the energy of the Great Spirit that is the Universe acting on human Conscience to reign-in and balance human Desires.

Either way, Ethics is important because it helps us to determine what is right and wrong in any given situation. It can help us to make decisions that are in line with our values and beliefs, and it can help us to understand the consequences of our actions. Ethics can also help us to understand the impact of our decisions on others and the environment.

What is the Anunnaki story?

The Anunnaki story states that the Anunnaki discovered Earth about 500 thousand years ago. During that time in their history, their planet was experiencing a global catastrophe. It was losing its atmosphere and the only substance that could dramatically slow the process was the spreading of gold dust in the atmosphere.

They knew that the supply of gold on their planet would ultimately run out so they were actively exploring the galaxy to find gold on other worlds. When they found Earth and its enormous supply of gold, the only living organisms here were plants, animals, and insects. The Anunnaki quickly brought down a slave race of beings to mine the gold for them but after a few thousand years the slaves rebelled so they exterminated them.

The Anunnaki then decided to create a more obedient slave race by mixing their DNA with Earth’s primates (Apes) to create humans. Thousands of years passed and they saw that humans were getting unruley so they gave human leaders religions to keep humans content and hopeful that they will join their god in the heavens someday.

Up until a few thousand years ago, the Anunnaki would arrive in plain sight to collect the gold that humans stockpiled for them but in modern times and since religions are working so well in keeping humans obedient, they’ve chosen to only reveal themselves to human leaders and elites of chosen countries.

Most people believe that Aliens exist and have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. The only problem is that there isn’t much evidence to prove it. Anunnaki followers believe that the reason why no empirical evidence to prove the existence of Aliens is available to the general public is because government and elites are hiding it.

Why do we label the Anunnaki myth unethical?

First of all, the Anunnaki myth is not unethical to regular people because they refuse to implement ethics in every intellectual pursuit they engage in. If they did, they would quickly consider the pursuit of ethics as the true measure of civilization. To us, the Anunnaki myth is unethical because of two things;

The first problem we have with the Anunnaki myth is that it states that the Anunnaki first came to Earth in search of Gold. If you don’t know, since ancient times up until present day, Gold has been the true standard of affluence. Therefore, it isn’t hard to understand why the creators of the Anunnaki myth would have chosen to use Gold as the object that beings from other worlds would travel across the galaxy to find.

Scientists have understood the chemical properties of gold for over a hundred years now. Scientists also understand that gold, like all elements can be created artificially. The only problem they face is generating enough energy to manipulate Atoms into gold. Gold also has a purity scale, which is measured in Karats. The higher the karat, the purer the gold. 24 karat gold is the purest form of gold, while 10 karat gold is the least pure.

Our question is; if the Anunnaki are millions of years more advanced than humans, why is it that they’ve not figured out how to create gold instead of travelling billions of miles across the galaxy to dig it up? The answer to that question is that those who created the Anunnaki story would rather follow the example of religion instead of using their brains to think logically. They’re hoping that everyone will be as gullible as them.

The second problem we have with the Anunnaki story is the unethical concept of slavery and the assumption that slavery and conquest is a natural characteristic of every species that has ever and will ever exist in the universe. I categorically reject that assumption and will also point out that even when we apply the evolution scale, intelligent beings will eventually graduate beyond the need to exploit other beings in order to survive.

To prove how ingrained this concept is in the psyche of even the most intelligent Europeans, the world renound physsicist Stephen Hawking issued a warning that humanity should fear Aliens because humans will end up as slaves to them. I guess Stephen Hawking hadn’t heard about the concept of the Nommo. The Nommo are a species of benevolent spiritual entities in the mythology of the Dohgon people of West Africa.

They are said to be the first living beings created by the supreme being, Amma. They are described as fish-like creatures who descended from the sky to teach the Dohgon people about the universe and the secrets of life. When another famous European astronomer, Carl Sagan was asked about the Dohgon, he reverted to the racist side of his nature and claimed that anything the Dohgon knew about the heavens must have been attained from European explorers.

The plain truth is that non-African concepts about spirituality and the origin of life cannot be trusted. Their nature is conquest and domination; therefore, all their concepts about reality will be based on conquest and domination. So, as mentioned before, the Anunnaki myth finds its roots in ancient Mesopotamia, particularly in Sumerian and Babylonian texts.

These texts depict the Anunnaki as a group of deities who played a significant role in human history. However, it is crucial to understand that these texts were created in a time when mythology was commonly used to explain natural phenomena and societal structures.           

The Importance of Benevolence;

Most dictionaries define Benevolence as an act of kindness or charity, typically done without expecting anything in return. It is an act of goodwill and generosity, often motivated by a desire to help others. We recognize benevolence as the highest state of sanity.

The Great Spirit that is the Universe is an infinite mass of Pure Dark Energy. Thought is manipulated energy that begins in chaos and strives for perfection. If conquest and domination is chaos then benevolence is perfection. How many benevolent Alien species are there in the galaxy?

That is a question that we can’t answer yet but we do have an example of one; the Nommo. The Nommo came to our brothers the Dohgon and didn’t want gold or to conquor subjugate and be worshipped. They simply came to share knowledge.

Furthermore, the Nommo are so ethical that, even though their physical appearance is very different from us, they’ve never tried to change our appearance to look like them, unlike the unethical god mentioned in Genesis in the Bible.  

If you are a person of African ancestry and you are searching for an ethical spiritual belief system for inspiration, consider Dohgon spirituality and the HERU Interface. The Nommo are our spiritual inspiration and there is nothing unethical about them or their objectives for visiting Earth.

The Nommo are simply willing to share their knowledge with us in hopes that doing so will inspire us to pursue an ethical existence.



Big Bang Theory Wrong, This Is How The Universe Was Created

How was the Universe Created? This is a question that most people are confident that they can answer but keep in mind that all the answers that you will get are all theories. The two most popular answers are derived from scientific and superstition. Science theorize that the Universe was created by a Big Bang and religion says it was created by a God but the Dohgon are confident in their Egg of Creation theory, which was inspired from a Sirius source.

The Dohgon are a reclusive tribe of people in Mali, West Afraka who believe that the physical Universe emerged from an abstract realm, which consists of Pure Dark Energy. Pure Dark Energy (PDE) may be thought of as Pure Intelligence, a Mind, the Great Spirit, or God. The only thing that they ask is to not think that PDE is or is similar the God of popular religion, which is an egotistical being that travels around the Universe creating people that will praise and worship him.

PDE or the Great Spirit exists as abstract energy and physical matter simultaneously but if you know anything about Astronomy then you also know that the Universe is 99% abstract energy. Scientists refer to the vast majority of abstract dark energy as Dark Matter or Anti-Matter but those are just cool names to place-hold something they can’t study so they put it on the backburner for later.

Just like how the Dohgon were provided by their ancestors from Sirius with insights into the workings of planets, solar systems and the movements of faraway stars, they were also provided with insights into the properties of PDE and how PDE created the Universe. They refer to this knowledge as the Egg of Creation. Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought explains the Dohgon Egg of Creation this way. Although PDE is abstract energy, it exists in the form of waves and those waves have different lengths depending on pressure they experience.

Dohgon cosmogony refers to PDE waves as Harmonic waves. Each wave has a color, a number, and a sound beginning at the source, which is zero blackness. 1 is red, 2 is yellow, 3 is green, 4 is blue, 5 is purple, and so on. The only place in the Universe where abstract waves can develop enough pressure to transform into physical matter is inside the core of a Star. The process of matter development is laid out in this formula PE(Pure Energy)=1-2-3-4 9-8 27 99-100.

Religious people are steadfast in their belief that their God created the Universe for them to enjoy as long as they believe and keep worshiping him. Scientists also say they are confident in their Big Bang theory but are having to adjust the theory every time they discover something new about the Universe. Dohgons may appear to be primitive and backwards but their history is too great to dismiss. They had a hand in building the Pyramids and they know detailed Astronomy without the use of telescopes so why wouldn’t I believe in their Egg of Creation story.

What is Ethics?

Ethics is a collection of moral philosophies pertaining to human nature and behavior. In other words, morals are behavioral activities that exercise the Conscience of people. In Dohgon Spirituality, which I sourced to create the HERU Interface of Black Consciousness, the basic morals are Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. Religious people follow commandments, while secular people depend on Laws.

The problem with ethics is that they can vary depending on the Judge. For instance; in Law, a judge hands down a sentence and the state carries out the punishment. When citizens disagree with the judgement the judge simply says that he or she is simply interpreting the Law. But who made the Law? Laws are made by a collective of supposedly Ethical Lawmakers in society. In simple terms, people elect politicians to represent them and the politicians make the Laws that control everyone’s behavior.

Spiritually speaking, a God is an imaginary Judge and it is people again who engage in judgement based on the ethics of what they believe. The impartiality of a God is important in this equation because individuals are known to be flawed. The most important question in this scenario is; if God is imaginary then where do morals come from? Religion claims to be the source of ethics but who didn’t know that killing or any other one of the 10 commandments were wrong before religion said that God said they were?

Simply knowing that something is wrong isn’t enough to deter most people so another form of deterrence had to be implemented, which targets the deepest desires of human psychology. That deterrence is the thought of falling out of favor with God, being left out of Heaven and cut off from eternal life.

Where does Ethics come from?

The real source of ethics is the human Conscience but a more important question should be, where does human conscience come from? Human conscience is the Great Spirit that is the Universe acting on the abstract energy field or (Soul) of humans. There are only two sides to the personality of people just like there are two sides to the human Brain. The Left Brain is Rational and the Right Brain is Emotional; therefore, the two sides of a Soul are Desire and Conscience.

If happiness is all that’s important to people, then they will be Desire Dependent and Right Brained. They will also be susceptible to unethical and immoral behavior because they will dismiss their Conscience in favor of the Ideologies that bond them with other people of the same Race, Nationality, Religion, and so on.

African Poop Is Becoming a Commodity

Africans, you might not believe this but your poop is becoming a commodity in western countries. What do I mean when I say poop and how is it becoming a commodity, you might be asking?

Most Black people don’t pay attention to science so we may not understand Biology and the importance of good health. Even so, people living in Africa and other parts of the so-called “Developing” world, are at an advantage compared to a lot of white people and even Blacks living in 1st world countries. Africans are not susceptible to a very deadly diseases called Clostridium difficile (C. difficile), which is killing thousands of people every year.

Good health is a combination of regular physical activity and a healthy diet. However, good Gut bacterial balance is essential to good health as well. There are billions of Bacteria that live inside us, most of which reside inside our belly/gut/digestive system, breaking down food and living a normal life the same way we as humans live a normal life on Earth. Over time and as humanity “advanced” as they say, humans began to develop chemical drugs to help fight Diseases. These Disease-fighting drugs are commonly referred to as Anti-Biotics.

Anti-Biotics are designed to help our Immune System fight and get rid of Bacteria inside us that contribute to the development of Sicknesses and Diseases. Unfortunately, one of the disadvantages of Anti-Biotics is that they also get rid of good Bacteria or Pro-Biotics, as they are referred to as. This Bacterial imbalance results in a condition called C. difficile and the symptoms include inflammation of the colon and severe diarrhea.

It is reported that an average of five houndred thousand infections of C. difficile are recorded in patients in the United States every single year. Of those, approximately 29,000 patients die within 30 days of the initial diagnosis. More than 80 percent of the deaths associated with C. difficile occurred among Americans aged 65 years or older.

So, what is the cure for C. difficile? The cure for C. difficile is the reintroduction of good bacteria inside the stomach. Some good Bacteria can be found in Yogurt but the best source scientists have found so far is the poop of African people. Most African people haven’t destroyed their Gut Biology with too much Anti-Biotics therefore, your poop is becoming a commodity in the healthcare industry.

Pharmaceutical companies are now setting up facilities in many African countries and are hard at work developing drugs infused with live Pro-Biotics from your poop. You will not get paid of course, because just like how Europeans and Asians come into Africa and mine your mineral resources for next to nothing, creating drugs from your poop will be no different unless you encourage your leaders to do something about it.