Category Archives: Knowledge
Beware of Solar Eclipse Conspiracy Pimps

Beware of Solar Eclipse conspiracy pimps. They will try to convince you of all sorts of nonsense about the total solar eclipse; one of which is the notion that the eclipse is a sign that Jesus will soon return to Earth. Not only will this not happen during this eclipse, it will never happen anytime from now till eternity. The mis-information that conspiracy pimps spread is not based on ethics; therefore, all they are doing is trying to gain attention using fear mongering.
As most people already know, on April 8th, 2024, a total solar eclipse will occur over regions of North America. Many people are making plans to view the phenomenon that only occurs in specific regions of the world once every 18 months as opposed to a partial solar eclipse that happens twice per year. In a total solar eclipse, the moon passes in front of the sun, temporarily blocking a large percentage of sunlight from reaching the earth. As a result, daytime will appear dark but only in a specific path.
People who don’t live in the path of the solar eclipse are making plans to either drive or fly to regions where the solar eclipse will occur. Others are extremely excited and losing their minds. Apparently, some people are simply more susceptible to hysteria than others. Beyond hysteria, there are a whole separate group of people who thrive on fear and conspiracy. All you have to do is scroll on social media for a few minutes or engage a few strangers in casual conversation and all sorts of nonsense about the solar eclipse will begin to hit your senses worse than a Donald Trump speech.
So far, I’ve heard that the solar eclipse is another sign of the end times orchestrated by Jesus to let his faithful followers know of his impending return. Some others are saying that the solar eclipse will turn all who have had the covid vaccination into zombies so all who didn’t better arm themselves for a zombie apocalypse. And as usual, some say it’s all a trick by the government to implement some sort of freedom curtailing scheme.
As an example of how self-centered conspiracy theorists are; they only pay attention to total eclipses that happen over North America. What about all the other times that solar eclipses occur in other regions of the world? Remember; total solar eclipses occur somewhere in the world roughly every 18 months. And the earth is so large that another total solar eclipse won’t take place over North America until 2071. I think that if Jesus doesn’t come during this total solar eclipse, those who are waiting for him will be dead by then.
Are there any spiritual benefits associated with a total solar eclipse?
There are many age-old superstitions about solar eclipses. Religious people tend to believe that they are bad omens while spiritual people tend to believe that there are spiritual benefits associated with them. I won’t focus on the beliefs of religious people because they limit their knowledge of reality to religious superstitions. That is also why they tend to be the ones spreading conspiracies. They don’t even know that all their religions are based on Sun worship.
I also won’t focus on the spiritual beliefs of indigenous cultures around the world as they all have a similar focus, which is the belief that solar eclipses are signs of a higher power. Instead, I will focus on Dogon spirituality, which is the source of our own spiritual belief system, the HERU Interface. Dogon spirituality is the spiritual practice of the Dogon people of Mali, West Africa. They believe that their spiritual guides reside in the Sirius star system and those guides are known as the Nommo.
The living representatives of the Nommo have been visiting the Dogon for thousands of years and are always in spiritual communication by way of the Moon and Sun. How, you might ask? Well, understand that the sun is a star and stars transfer Pure Dark Energy Waves from the abstract realm into physical reality. The abstract realm is a realm outside of space and time, which means that our Sun and Sirius A might as well be occupying in the same space and time.
Therefore, since the Nommo are able to send their thoughts through stars, the only way for us to receive those thoughts is if they are modulated. This is where the Moon comes in to act as the modulator. As part of their cultural traditions, the Dogon perform special meditations during full moons and during full moon meditations, thoughts are sent and received, to and from the Nommo home-world.
While a total solar eclipse may be a cool phenomenon to some and an opportunity to spread fear-mongering conspiracies for others, it has no spiritual benefit to Dogon spirituality. If anything, it blocks spiritual communication with our friends on other worlds, which we wouldn’t normally receive during the daytime anyway.
Reincarnation vs Resurrection

How Afrakan Spirituality was Hijacked by Religion.
Most Melanin rich people today have been brainwashed by religion into believing that a god is testing their faith and will be judging them in the afterlife. They believe that there will be a “judgement day” and on that day, those who did not faithfully believe in God, will be thrown into a pit of fire known as Hell. However, 144,000 of those who do believe will be brought back to life and will live forever next to God. This concept relies 100% on resurrection, which is the holy grail of Christianity.
Resurrection is the religious concept of restoring a dead person to life. According to religious belief, it doesn’t matter what the state of a dead person’s body is. It could be in the state of decomposition, it could be a skeleton after being dead for hundreds or even thousands of years, or it could be scattered in the wind, water and earth in the form of dust. On the day of resurrection, Jesus will gather the souls of the most faithful and restore their former bodies so that they may reinhabit them.
The first problem with the resurrection concept is that according to religious scripture, 10 people have already been resurrected prior to judgement day. So, if you were looking to be one of the 144,000, there are only 143, 990 positions left to fill. The already resurrected include; Lazarus (John 11:38-44), the widow’s son at Nain (Luke 7:11-17), and Dorcas (Acts 9:36-41). This should be blatant proof that resurrection is fact but unfortunately, none of these people can be found anywhere in the world today. Why aren’t they walking around in the world, spreading the word of Jesus as proof of Gods existence? Christians; I’d love to hear how you spin this logic in the comments below.
Resurrection worked to capture the minds of Melanin rich people because of a psychological condition we at the HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness refer to as Desire Dependency. In other words; resurrection works because people have become addicted to using happiness to mask pain and suffering. We cannot see that it is only when we, the eternal spirits of the universe, retain the knowledge that it was us who chose to temporarily experience the realm of physical reality, we will become free from the fear, pain, and suffering that imprisons our minds.
Reincarnation is the rebirth of one’s Soul into a new host body. According to most Spiritual beliefs around the world, the Souls of people never die, only the physical body dies. When people die, their Souls re-enter life at the inception of a new life. Some even believe that reincarnation is a process of a Soul graduating from a low lifeform to a higher one. I believe that reincarnation is inter-species and inter-galactic and it was our original spiritual notion before palm-colored people used fear to redirect our consciousness.
There is plenty proof of reincarnation in the world but because it goes against religion, which dictates that resurrection is the only way back to life, most of us now dismiss reincarnation as superstition. The era of social media is spreading the word about reincarnation. Simply do an internet search on reincarnation and NDE (Near Death Experience) and you will find numerous accounts of people who claim to have lived multiple lives before.
If you think that we ourselves did not have a hand in the introduction of resurrection, you are wrong. Simply look to the example of Egypt, where all forms of modern spirituality had their origin. If we did not enslave the Hebrews, they would not have used our spiritual concepts to create a mystery God, which backfired on us, causing us to become preoccupied with preserving our bodied for the afterlife. The only good it serves is to stand forever as a warning of our lack of wisdom.
People who believe in resurrection work on the side of inequity. They compete for the favor of a God believing that the more good they do, it’s the more favorable they will appear in the eyes of their God. The unethical among them, work tirelessly to hoard the resources of this world, enriching themselves so that they will live longer and more pleasurably. They employ scientists to dig into DNA to discover a remedy for death while you, the less fortunate, hope with all your heart to be among the chosen few of the unethical God.
Ethical people who believe in reincarnation do not fear death because we know that our soul will reincarnate. Therefore, if life is hard to us now, we will not give up and wait for death, commit suicide, or fall into immorality to further corrupt life. We know that doing so will only make our future incarnations worse. We know that we can create a better future. That is why we work hard to improve the present by fighting unethical ideology and spiritual concepts today. It’s time for the HERU Interface.
Katt Williams Hailed As A Messiah

Comedian Katt Williams is being hailed as a messiah on social media for calling out imorality in Hollywood and the general entertainment industry. However, most people only like what he said because it makes them feel good about the various forms of false-morality they’re practicing already.
By now, most of us have probably seen or heard of the infamous Katt Williams rant on the Shannon Sharpe, Club Shay Shay podcast in which he roasted dozens of his fellow comedians as well as a few other entertainers as frauds and Hollywood underworld operatives. The podcast has gone viral, racking up more than 25 million views on social media in only a few days. Everyone is now hailing him as a new messiah in the black community and since messiahs are few and far between, Black people are willing to accept whatever we can get.
Katt Williams has always been considered a rebel in the industry similar to Dave Chapelle. He claims that there are “gatekeepers to success” in Hollywood who require submission and moral indignity from entertainers in exchange for money and fame. There are two reasons why he had taken such a stance. Either; one, because he is bitter and jealous of the success of his fellow entertainers or two, because he has a moral foundation to stand on.
I skipped through about an hour of the podcast and came to the conclusion that while he has dabbled in immoral activity throughout his life, he does have a moral base to stand on. However, I wouldn’t go as far as calling him a messiah. He tells his life story of being born in an ultra-Christian household but left home at 13 years old when his disobedience led to a serious altercation with his father. His blind faith in God helped him to navigate homelessness on the streets for 5 years. He lived among prostitutes and pimps, hustling stolen goods, eventually becoming a teenaged father.
His saving grace was his keen ability to read and write beyond his young age, which led him into writing and performing stand-up comedy. His big break came when he played the pimp Money Mike in Friday After Next. He tells an admirable story of surviving and maintaining a level of success in an industry full of devils who thrive on emasculating Black men. In reality, he is an anti-hero who states that he has never done drugs because he knows the power of addiction, yet he has a marijuana and cigarette addiction. He idolizes pimps and prefers being around toxic women.
Although Katt Williams’s life story puts him above the average Black man in America, he is certainly no messiah. His life story is only relatable to most because of one thing. Similar to him, a lot of Black men in America today start out in religious households but because of the overwhelming influence of poverty and popular culture, must quickly choose between morality and immorality. Ultimately, we all take risks and are happy when someone like Katt Williams comes along and pats us on the back for not doing drugs, avoiding the lure of white women, and didn’t suck another man’s dick to gain money and fame.
10-Foot-Tall Aliens Crash-Land in Family’s Backyard

10-foot-tall Aliens crash-land in a family’s backyard. Is it more proof of Alien existence and what does it all mean?
On May 1st, 2023, news reports began to hit the air about a strange incident that took place the night before in Las Vegas, Nevada. Apparently, a large unknown object crash landed in a family’s backyard in the middle of the night. Two family members, who were in the yard repairing a vehicle at the time, saw and heard strange creatures moving about their yard so they ran inside their house and called the police. When the police arrived about an hour later, neither the creatures or the object that crashed were located. There was only a large indentation in the ground.
After a month of being inundated by news reporters and calls from all over the country, the family became very secretive about the incident, fueling speculation that they may have been silenced by the infamous Men in Black government organization. Well, a few days ago one of the family members released a video documenting their encounter with what they describe as 10-foot-tall Aliens with slender bodies, large eyes, and big mouths. Here is a video the family put out to the public.
At this point, it is no longer a debate as to whether Aliens are real or not. The question on most people’s minds is, “why are they hiding?” I have several theories about why Aliens are hiding from humans. Some theories have already been explained in TV shows and movies but my main theory involves Reincarnation.
Remember the Star Trek Prime Directive? It is a guideline for all explorers from so-called ethical civilizations. Never mind that although Europeans have dreamed about using this principle for hundreds of years, they’ve never done so. The Prime Directive was introduced in Star Trek, the 1965 TV show about a spaceship full of Earthlings who embark on a 5-year mission to explore the outer regions of the galaxy. If they encounter a planet with advanced beings on it, they are to make friends with them for mutual benefit.
However, if they encounter beings who are less developed than humans, they must not interact or interfere with those beings in any way. Not even if those beings are in dire-straights due to disease, catastrophe or war. The second scenario in which Aliens maybe hiding from the general public is if those Aliens have a pact with our leaders. This pact could be for several reasons such as for protection against other Aliens, trade of resources, or guided development.
The likely scenario is that the Aliens are coming here as curious explorers and are in contact with a secret branch of government, such as the scenario in the Men in Black movies. There are mutual agreements in place not to interfere with each other outside of an unfortunate incident such as a crash. UFO hotspots exist because these are the areas where they, the Aliens, have agreed to enter and exist military radar zones.
The HERU Interface of Black Consciousness’s explanation of why Aliens are hiding from humanity is a Spiritual one. We believe that all life in the Universe is an expression of the Great Spirit that is the Universe itself. We believe that death is an illusion and that all living entities in the Universe exist on different levels of awareness. There is the level of Cognetive Unawareness, which is occupied by animals, insects, and other creatures. They survive by instinct and have no desire outside of survival.
Then there is the human level of Self-Awareness where we instinctively try to figure out why we exist. The simplest expression of this awareness is the phrase, “I think, therefore I am”. Aliens who visit earth are on a level of Telekenetic-Awareness. They know that their Souls reincarnate but they cannot choose to reincarnate outside of their own species. Therefore, they physically explore other lifeforms in the Galaxy. Most of the being on this level will try to bridge the gap between Time and Knowledge knowing full well that the purpose of life is to experience life.
The highest level of existence below the Universal Awareness of the Great Spirit is the level of Hyper Awareness and Choice. At this level, a being anywhere in the Universe can choose to incarnate on Earth as the Soul of a human host. The only problem is that, on the Earth level of existence, a Soul comes in without previous knowledge and must exist at the will of Earth life. A new Soul could be aborted shortly after inception, it could be born retarded, deformed, gay, or with whatever ailments it may inherit from its human parents. That means that this level of existence is a level of high adventure for hyper aware Souls.
The Aliens who crash-landed in that backyard in Las Vegas were no doubt highly advanced telekenetic beings. Not only did their aircraft not disintegrate on impact, they were not injured either. They had enough awareness to repair their craft and get themselves away from humans without too much contamination. Unfortunately, as more life in our Galaxy graduate to the level of telekenetic awareness, more incidents like this one will occur.
The Nommo Are Coming Back

The Nommo are coming back to Earth. So, if humanity hasn’t destroyed itself by 2042, all the secrets of Dohgon Spirituality will soon be revealed.
Everyone in the world has a form of existential belief system to explain their existence in life. Some people follow organized religions so they believe that they were born in sin and life is a way to work their way out of that sin to earn the favor of their imaginary God. Those people have faithfully been waiting for the 2nd coming of their God for two thousand years now.
Another group of people are Atheists who believe that life is an accident of Evolution. They believe that the Universe came into existence by chance and evolved over billions of years into bacteria, animals, and humans. They believe that based on scientific theory, other life may exist in the Universe but that life was not responsible for their existence. Any life that comes to Earth from somewhere else must be operating according to the “survival of the fittest” principle of Evolution.
A 3rd set of people believe that there is a creator but they don’t follow organized religions. Instead, we prefer to refer to ourselves as “spiritual” and are turning our attention back to the spiritual beliefs of our ancestors. This can be a dangerous trend though, as is evident be the rise in Ritualism, Voodoo, Witchcraft and other unethical practices. All they are doing is proving religious people right that people should focus on coveting favor from a God instead of Demons.
I chose to focus on ethics and found Dohgon spirituality. The Dohgon are a very secretive tribe of Afrakan people who’ve been visited by a fish-like species of beings they call Nommo for thousands of years. Upon first encounter with the people of Earth, the Nommo did not see anyone that looked like them but unlike the so-called God of popular religion, the Nommo did not declare that they would re-make man in their own image and beautiful white likeness.
Instead, the Nommo shared their knowledge with the Dohgon people. The Dohgons used that knowledge to assist in building the Pyramids and the great civilization that was KMT. Eventually the Dohgon people left KMT (Egypt) as Arabs and European invaders moved in to eventually take it over. The Dohgon relocated to Mali, West Afraka where they reside peacefully today. While there, the Dohgon were visited by the Nommo again and were given more knowledge about the Nommo home world, the creator (Amma), and the creation of the Universe.
The Dohgon then decided not to pursue technical development as they once did in KMT. Instead, they centered their cultural traditions around paying homage to the Nommo and the Sirius Star system, the region of the Galaxy where the Nommo are from. They also engage in a major celebration called the Sigui, every 60 years to mark the figure-8 dance between Sirius A and Sirius B. It was during their last Sigui celebration that they received messages from the Nommo telling them that great turmoil is about to take place on Earth so they’re coming back.
Believe what you want and practice what you want but as global conflicts increase and more beings from other worlds visit the Earth to extract valuable life that they can preserve before humanity destroys itself, the Dohgon aren’t worried about the social dysfunction that are the product of human ignorance.
Big Bang Theory Wrong, This Is How The Universe Was Created

How was the Universe Created? This is a question that most people are confident that they can answer but keep in mind that all the answers that you will get are all theories. The two most popular answers are derived from scientific and superstition. Science theorize that the Universe was created by a Big Bang and religion says it was created by a God but the Dohgon are confident in their Egg of Creation theory, which was inspired from a Sirius source.
The Dohgon are a reclusive tribe of people in Mali, West Afraka who believe that the physical Universe emerged from an abstract realm, which consists of Pure Dark Energy. Pure Dark Energy (PDE) may be thought of as Pure Intelligence, a Mind, the Great Spirit, or God. The only thing that they ask is to not think that PDE is or is similar the God of popular religion, which is an egotistical being that travels around the Universe creating people that will praise and worship him.
PDE or the Great Spirit exists as abstract energy and physical matter simultaneously but if you know anything about Astronomy then you also know that the Universe is 99% abstract energy. Scientists refer to the vast majority of abstract dark energy as Dark Matter or Anti-Matter but those are just cool names to place-hold something they can’t study so they put it on the backburner for later.
Just like how the Dohgon were provided by their ancestors from Sirius with insights into the workings of planets, solar systems and the movements of faraway stars, they were also provided with insights into the properties of PDE and how PDE created the Universe. They refer to this knowledge as the Egg of Creation. Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought explains the Dohgon Egg of Creation this way. Although PDE is abstract energy, it exists in the form of waves and those waves have different lengths depending on pressure they experience.
Dohgon cosmogony refers to PDE waves as Harmonic waves. Each wave has a color, a number, and a sound beginning at the source, which is zero blackness. 1 is red, 2 is yellow, 3 is green, 4 is blue, 5 is purple, and so on. The only place in the Universe where abstract waves can develop enough pressure to transform into physical matter is inside the core of a Star. The process of matter development is laid out in this formula PE(Pure Energy)=1-2-3-4 9-8 27 99-100.
Religious people are steadfast in their belief that their God created the Universe for them to enjoy as long as they believe and keep worshiping him. Scientists also say they are confident in their Big Bang theory but are having to adjust the theory every time they discover something new about the Universe. Dohgons may appear to be primitive and backwards but their history is too great to dismiss. They had a hand in building the Pyramids and they know detailed Astronomy without the use of telescopes so why wouldn’t I believe in their Egg of Creation story.
Black Diasporans Moving to Africa: Advantages and Disadvantages

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of Black Diasporans moving to Africa. From celebrities to everyday people seeking a new life, many of us are choosing to relocate to the continent we or our ancestors once called home. While there are certainly advantages to making such a move, there are also some potential disadvantages to consider.
- Reconnecting with Ancestral Roots
For many Black Diasporans, moving to Africa is a way to reconnect with our ancestral roots. Whether we have a direct connection to a particular country or simply feel drawn to the continent as a whole, there is a sense of pride and belonging that comes with being in a place where our ancestors once lived.
- Greater Economic Opportunities
Many African countries are experiencing rapid economic growth, with industries ranging from technology to agriculture on the rise. For those of us looking to start a business or pursue a career in a growing field, moving to Africa can offer greater economic opportunities than we might find elsewhere.
- Cultural Immersion
Living in Africa can provide a unique opportunity to immerse ourselves in its rich and diverse cultural landscapes. From traditional music and dance to local cuisine and festivals, there is always something new to discover and explore.
- Lower Cost of Living
In many African countries, the cost of living is significantly lower than in the US or Europe. This can make it easier for Black Diasporans to establish a comfortable life for themselves and our families, even on a modest income.
- Culture Shock
Moving to a new country can be a challenge, and adjusting to a new culture can be even more difficult. For those of us who have never been to Africa before, the differences in language, customs, and ways of life can be overwhelming.
- Limited Infrastructure
While many African countries are experiencing rapid growth and development, there are still areas where infrastructure is lacking. This can make it difficult to access basic services like healthcare and education, as well as to conduct business or travel.
- Political Instability
Some African countries have a history of political instability and conflict, which can be a concern for those considering a move. While many countries are relatively safe and stable, it is important to do thorough research and understand the risks before making a decision.
- Racism and Prejudice
While Black Diasporans may feel a sense of belonging in Africa due to our shared ancestry, we are not immune to racism, prejudice, and xenophobia. In some cases, we may even face discrimination from locals who view us as outsiders.
In conclusion, moving to Africa can offer a range of advantages for Black Diasporans, from reconnecting with ancestral roots to greater economic opportunities and cultural immersion. However, it is important to consider the potential disadvantages as well, such as culture shock, limited infrastructure, political instability, and racism. By doing thorough research and carefully weighing the pros and cons, Black Diasporans can make an informed decision about whether moving to Africa is the right choice for us.
African Poop Is Becoming a Commodity

Africans, you might not believe this but your poop is becoming a commodity in western countries. What do I mean when I say poop and how is it becoming a commodity, you might be asking?
Most Black people don’t pay attention to science so we may not understand Biology and the importance of good health. Even so, people living in Africa and other parts of the so-called “Developing” world, are at an advantage compared to a lot of white people and even Blacks living in 1st world countries. Africans are not susceptible to a very deadly diseases called Clostridium difficile (C. difficile), which is killing thousands of people every year.
Good health is a combination of regular physical activity and a healthy diet. However, good Gut bacterial balance is essential to good health as well. There are billions of Bacteria that live inside us, most of which reside inside our belly/gut/digestive system, breaking down food and living a normal life the same way we as humans live a normal life on Earth. Over time and as humanity “advanced” as they say, humans began to develop chemical drugs to help fight Diseases. These Disease-fighting drugs are commonly referred to as Anti-Biotics.
Anti-Biotics are designed to help our Immune System fight and get rid of Bacteria inside us that contribute to the development of Sicknesses and Diseases. Unfortunately, one of the disadvantages of Anti-Biotics is that they also get rid of good Bacteria or Pro-Biotics, as they are referred to as. This Bacterial imbalance results in a condition called C. difficile and the symptoms include inflammation of the colon and severe diarrhea.
It is reported that an average of five houndred thousand infections of C. difficile are recorded in patients in the United States every single year. Of those, approximately 29,000 patients die within 30 days of the initial diagnosis. More than 80 percent of the deaths associated with C. difficile occurred among Americans aged 65 years or older.
So, what is the cure for C. difficile? The cure for C. difficile is the reintroduction of good bacteria inside the stomach. Some good Bacteria can be found in Yogurt but the best source scientists have found so far is the poop of African people. Most African people haven’t destroyed their Gut Biology with too much Anti-Biotics therefore, your poop is becoming a commodity in the healthcare industry.
Pharmaceutical companies are now setting up facilities in many African countries and are hard at work developing drugs infused with live Pro-Biotics from your poop. You will not get paid of course, because just like how Europeans and Asians come into Africa and mine your mineral resources for next to nothing, creating drugs from your poop will be no different unless you encourage your leaders to do something about it.