Tag Archives: society

It’s Time for Unity-Seeking Black People to Ditch Twitter

Twitter was undoubtedly one of the most influential social media platforms, providing a space for people to express their thoughts, share news, and engage in conversations. However, for black people, this platform often fell short of delivering a safe and empowering experience. This dichotomy became even more evident after Elon Musk took it over and removed most of the platform’s safeguards. Several similar platforms have been created as saner alternatives; so, if Black people truly want to become self-empowered in the social media space, its time to ditch Twitter.   

Black people love to talk about racial unity but most of us lack the self-discipline to achieve that ultimate goal. There are several main obstacles that hinder black racial unity. These obstacles can vary depending on the specific context and country, but some common ones include: religious and spiritual beliefs, lack of leadership, different social and political ideologies, and different priorities and agendas. These differences are the same in society at-large; therefore, a lot of Black people find it easier to develop bonds around these issues outside of our race.

In the old days, some of the only ways to spread information and develop social consensus around issues that affect us as Black people was to hold town hall meetings or to spread news through word of mouth. Social media then came along to became an essential tool for us to discuss and express issues. Unfortunately, we as a race failed to understand that if we don’t control the platforms that we spend our time developing racial consensus on, those platforms will never have our best interests at heart. In essence, they exist solely to profit off of us, to control what we think about, and dictate narratives to us.

I’ve heard it said that its Black people who build brands. Whether it be fashion brands or consumer brands, most brands don’t achieve multi-billion-dollar status until Black people adopt and popularize them for other races then to swagger-jack the things we like. That means that if there wasn’t a conscious effort to keep social media sites like Blaqsbi exclusively Black, it would probably be as big a Facebook by now. Unfortunately, the term “build it and they will come” is not synonymous with Black unity.  

I understand that a lot of people depend on Twitter for communication, information, and for business. I still have a Twitter account but I don’t use Twitter for anything more than sharing my posts so I’ve never cared what Elon Musk has done there since he became CEO. To me, Musk is giving Black people a gift in the form of an opportunity to build racial unity away from his white supremacy rat hole of a platform and many of us are but instead of joining racially conscious platforms like Blaqsbi or Spill, a lot of Black people are rushing to join Threads, ran by another Black culture exploiter.

Ditching Twitter or any of the other exploiter ran social media platforms won’t be easy but we must understand that no race of people can ever develop self-sufficiency by building the businesses of other races.

Kenyan Cult Pastor Kills Dozens of His Followers

A Kenyan cult pastor is believed to be responsible for the deaths of dozens of his followers. Police have so far dug up 21 bodies, which includes men, women, and children and are investigating the disappearance of 58 more of his followers. The pastor, who operated a Christian church in the coastal town of Malindi for several years was taken into custody but was released pending further investigation. However, it is alleged that the followers died of starvation after being instructed by the pastor that they could meet and talk to Jesus but only after a period of extreme fasting.

This is very sad news, which unfortunately is not unusual in Africa or anywhere in the world where organized religions are practiced. I will boldly state that all religions are nothing more than cults. Some are more extreme than others but all serve the same purpose, which is to decieve. Most religious people are trained to become so faithful to their religions that they will die not knowing that they were deceived by Demons. That is why evil persists in this world. If you don’t want to be deceived by cult pastors and lose your Soul to demons, this is what you need to do.  

Demons love Black and African people because we are the most Spiritually aware people on Earth. The #1 reason for our spirituality is because we have the most active Pineal Glands, which harnesses Spiritual energy from the universe and turns it into Melatonin to heal and enhance our physical bodies. We were the first humans to permutate from the spiritual to the physical realm to inhabit this Earth. Unfortunately, due to our own unaccountable behaviors, we produced offspring whose souls cannot return to the spiritual realm after death so they’re stranded in the Grey Zone and remain here as ghosts. Stronger ghosts develop into Demons.  

Most people believe in a Devil but just like there is no God, there is also no Devil. Instead, what exists are millions of demons who live off the energy of the living and work 24/7 to corrupt us so that our Souls will become trapped in the Grey Zone just like them. Demons appeal to our Desires for sexual pleasure, riches, and power. Most of all, Demons thrive off sadness and despair but since they cannot directly tell people to do evil, they focus on maintaining bad energy levels around people who have weak Consciences.

The best way to avoid being deceived by a demon, such as the pastor in Kenya, is to understand that you don’t need to compete to go to heaven. Heaven is actually an illusion that was invented by ancient religious philosophers who were trying to control and maintain power in society using Fear. The God of religion is also an illusion that shares more characteristics with demons than the actual creator of life and the universe. The true creator of life and the universe is the Great Spirit, which requires no praise or competition for its favor because that is not what existence is about.  

People are physical representations of omnipotent Spirits and life is simply a realm in which our Spirit sends a portion of its energy into for experience. When Spiritual energy reacts with living tissue, Soul energy is created. Soul energy grows when we pay attention to our Conscience, which is the energy of the Great Spirit reacting with our Soul energy. Conscience encourages us to live morally and Ethically with nature and other people.

Two things can happen to our Soul energy when our physical body dies. 1) If our Soul is strong, it will return to the Universe to become one with our Spirit. If our Soul wants to return to life, our Spirit will arrange to reincarnate it into life again. 2) If our Soul is weak, it will get trapped in the Grey Zone and either fade into obscurity or seek to live off the energy of people as a ghost or demon.

The Kenyan pastor who encouraged his followers to kill themselves was definitely possessed by demons. He encouraged his followers to do something that he hadn’t done. That is a deception that was done for the single purpose of taking their money. When we fall victim to cults, all we are doing is filling up the Grey Zone and increasing evil on Earth. It’s time to abandon the senseless practices of coveting the favor of Gods, chasing Desires, and living Unethically. The only way to change this world is to start living Conscientiously.

Yoweri Museveni vs Julius Malema, Who Is Right About Homosexuality?

Yoweri Museveni vs Julius Malema, who is right about Homosexuality? None of them and here is why.

As most people have probably heard, president Yoweri Museveni of Uganda is set to sign into law, the world’s most severe anti-homosexuality law. Under the new law, anyone convicted of engaging in homosexual acts or promoting homosexuality in Uganda will face jail time and possibly the death penalty.

Most other African leaders have stayed very quiet on the issue, either because they share the same views or because they fear the wrath of Western economic powers who are sympathetic to Human Rights. There is one African politician however, that has come out against criminalizing homosexuality in Africa and that politician is the outspoken South African politician, Julius Malema.

Recently, Julius Malema took part in a march and demonstration in his country that was held to support the Human Rights of homosexuals in not only Uganda but all of Africa. Black and African communities worldwide are now coming for Julius Malima like Lions after an injured Antelope. Once praised as the foremost anti-colonial politician in Africa, Julius Malema is now being called a sell-out, a puppet and a pusher of Western immorality onto Africans.

I’ve been following Julius Molema’s rise to prominence in South African politics for many years now. His outspoken opposition to white dominance of land and economics in South Africa has earned him respect among Black people worldwide. However, to me he has the same fault that Nelson Mandela had, which is that he is a Humanist. In other words, he has blind faith that evil people can eventually be convinced to do good.

Both Yoweri Museveni and Julius Malema express a deep desire to be different from white people; however, both operate using the same ideologies as whites. Yoweri Museveni uses religion to defend his hatred for homosexuality and Julius Malema uses Human Rights to defend his support of homosexuality. If humanity still lived accouring to religion we would still be praying sicknesses away and cutting ourselves to drain away bad demon infected blood .

First of all, homosexuality has existed in every society on Earth for thousands of years. The reason why homosexuality persists is because people refuse to study it. On the other hand, it isn’t easy to study because homosexuals will never accept the fact that their hormonal confusion is unnatural. Instead, they will pursue happiness at all costs while believing that their lives are purposeful.

This is where Julius Malema comes in and says, “forget where homosexuality comes from; it’s the Human Right that counts.” In his speech he even says that homosexuality is natural and people can live their whole lives and not know that they are homosexual until old age. Julius has decided to defend homosexuals under this premise and even lumps LGBTQ Rights in with the 500-year persecution of Black and African people at the hands of Whites and Arabs.

No Yoweri Museveni and Julius Malema, homosexuality is neither the choice of an immoral mind or a natural biological condition. Homosexuality is a genetic defect that persists due to human ignorance. You can find and kill all the homosexuals in Uganda today and more will be born tomorrow. Also, you can defend homosexuality under Human Rights and watch it flourish but just know that the human Desire mechanism is a limitless beast.

Life begs to be understood and with good understanding comes propper management. We are the caretakers of this realm we call life.

Homosexuals Facing Death In Uganda

Homosexuals are facing death in Uganda after the government passes the strictest anti-LGBTQ law in the world. Under the guidelines of the new law, anyone openly identifying as or engaging in homosexual activities will face 14 years to life in prison and possibly the death penalty if convicted. The United Nations as well as Human Rights organizations are condemning the new law.

However, Uganda’s president says that he doesn’t intend to back down because homosexuality “goes against the order of nature”, therefore they’re only protecting Uganda against immoral activities. In my opinion, Uganda is on the right track but for all the wrong reasons because the law won’t stop Homosexuality; it will just drive it back under ground where it is more dangerous.

We all know that Homosexuality is a very controversial subject but it is a lifestyle that’s been around for thousands of years and exists in every country and culture on the planet. Homosexuality is an “icky” subject that makes most people uncomfortable because it is perceived as the choice of immoral individuals. The truth is that Homosexuality is not always a choice.

There are people who are born that way and there are people who choose the lifestyle due to sexual perversion. Unfortunately, the scale has been tipping gradually in favor of those who choose the lifestyle for a very long time because of the human need for happiness.

Both inherent and adaptors of Homosexuality are tools of a sinister process that most people either cannot see or refuse to accept as reality. Life/Nature is a single conscious entity that consists of the collective awareness of every living organism on Earth. Life’s mission is to gain universal awareness but until such time, Life’s awareness is controlled by consensus or majority rule.

For example; if you were stuck in the middle of a huge mass of people, you would have no choice but to move with the crowd no matter how you try to resist. Now imagine if you could convince enough people around you to move in one particular direction. You would control the mind of the crowd and the crowd would move where you want it to go.     

Our true essence is abstract omnipotent energy (Spirit). As we enter physical reality, we become blank Souls that exist at the will of Nature. Not only does that mean that Nature will take us in any direction we want to go until death exhausts us, it also means that the only way that collective human consciousness can develop to a point of moral and ethical existence is to gain knowledge and pass it on.

Unfortunately, collective human awareness is stagnated by several forces which include the worshiping of gods through religions, racial superiority complexes, and unregulated desire fulfilment under the protection of Free-Will and Human Rights promoters.

Most natural born Homosexuals will tell you that they did not choose to be the way they are; they are simply satisfying their instinctual desires. Desires don’t just appear in people; they are the result of hormones that are produced in Glands and secreted into our brain where it manipulates our Desires. Homosexuality is the result of Glandular defects. For instance; the hormone that is responsible for the development of male characteristics is Testosterone and the female hormone is Estrogen.

Males and females produce both but in essential proportions. “If” a defective Adrenal Gland in a boy begins to produce excessive amounts of Estrogen, it will cause the boy to feel and act feminine. The problem with society is that no one is investigating to find out why Hormonal Glands are becoming defective. People would rather use violence to solve the issue but when Homosexuality never seems to disappear, people say it must be the work of the Devil.

The truth is that there are thousands of things that corrupt human biology. Chemicals in the foods we eat, toxins in the air we breathe, and even traumatic experiences such as rape, incest, and abuse can alter Glandular development in fetus development. Glandular defects can range from Hormonal imbalances to physical defects such as females being born with penises and vise-versa.

Bisphenol A, a chemical used to make plastic bottles is a known Hormone corrupter that researchers have found to change gender in animals. Why not us and why not leave Black and African people to destroy ourselves out of ignorance?  

Why do I believe that the Ugandan government is right to criminalize Homosexuality if I don’t believe Homosexuality is a choice at its core? The reason is because Homosexuals believe that they are born that way for a purpose. Just like the Ugandan government I believe that Nature has an order and Homosexuality goes against that order.

The difference between me and most anti-LGBTQ people is that I know that we will never correct Nature using ideologies derived from religion. I don’t believe that homosexuals should be put to death; however, the scale between natural and acquired Homosexuality must be artificially weighted or Insanity and Immorality will reign until Nature is eventually corrected through understanding.

This writing is not meant to offend LGBTQ communities. The aim as always is to encourage free but ethical Thought.

Always Promote FEAR In Society

Fear is a powerful emotion that can be experienced in many different situations. It can be a natural response to danger, a feeling of uncertainty about the future, or a sense of vulnerability in the face of injustice or inequality. Fear can also be a destructive force, leading to negative behaviors such as aggression, prejudice, and discrimination.

If you’re like me and you’re not into anarchism; fear not because that type of fear is not what I’m promoting. What I’m promoting is F.E.A.R. which is an acronym and a helpful reminder of the values that we should strive to cultivate in order to create a more fair, equitable, accountable, and respectful society.

Fairness is the idea that everyone should be treated equally and with impartiality, regardless of their background, race, religion, gender, or any other characteristic. This means that everyone should have the same opportunities to succeed and that decisions should be based on merit, rather than on biases or prejudices.

Equity refers to the idea of ensuring that everyone has what they need to succeed. This means that we should strive to eliminate barriers and create conditions that allow everyone to reach their full potential. This can involve things like providing access to education, healthcare, and other resources that are necessary for success.

Accountability is the idea that individuals and institutions should be held responsible for their actions. This means that people should be accountable for the choices they make and the consequences of those choices, and that institutions should be accountable for their policies and practices.

Respect is the recognition of the inherent dignity and value of every person. This means treating others with kindness, consideration, and empathy, and showing appreciation for the differences that make each person unique.

These values are essential for building strong communities and promoting social cohesion. When we treat each other with fairness, equity, accountability, and respect, we create a sense of trust and mutual understanding that helps us to work together towards common goals.

However, achieving these values can be a challenging task, especially in a society that is often divided by issues such as race, religion, and politics. It requires a concerted effort by individuals, communities, and institutions to challenge and overcome the biases, prejudices, and inequalities that can divide us.

One way to promote these values is through education and awareness. By learning about the history and experiences of others, we can gain a better understanding of the challenges and barriers that they face, and work to create more inclusive and equitable policies and practices.

Another way to promote F.E.A.R. is through activism and advocacy. By speaking up and advocating for change, we can raise awareness about issues of injustice and inequality, and work to bring about positive change in our communities and beyond.

Ultimately, the values of F.E.A.R. are about creating a more just and compassionate society. By embracing these values and working to cultivate them in our daily lives, we can create a world that is more fair, equitable, accountable, and respectful for all.

What is Ethics?

Ethics is a collection of moral philosophies pertaining to human nature and behavior. In other words, morals are behavioral activities that exercise the Conscience of people. In Dohgon Spirituality, which I sourced to create the HERU Interface of Black Consciousness, the basic morals are Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. Religious people follow commandments, while secular people depend on Laws.

The problem with ethics is that they can vary depending on the Judge. For instance; in Law, a judge hands down a sentence and the state carries out the punishment. When citizens disagree with the judgement the judge simply says that he or she is simply interpreting the Law. But who made the Law? Laws are made by a collective of supposedly Ethical Lawmakers in society. In simple terms, people elect politicians to represent them and the politicians make the Laws that control everyone’s behavior.

Spiritually speaking, a God is an imaginary Judge and it is people again who engage in judgement based on the ethics of what they believe. The impartiality of a God is important in this equation because individuals are known to be flawed. The most important question in this scenario is; if God is imaginary then where do morals come from? Religion claims to be the source of ethics but who didn’t know that killing or any other one of the 10 commandments were wrong before religion said that God said they were?

Simply knowing that something is wrong isn’t enough to deter most people so another form of deterrence had to be implemented, which targets the deepest desires of human psychology. That deterrence is the thought of falling out of favor with God, being left out of Heaven and cut off from eternal life.

Where does Ethics come from?

The real source of ethics is the human Conscience but a more important question should be, where does human conscience come from? Human conscience is the Great Spirit that is the Universe acting on the abstract energy field or (Soul) of humans. There are only two sides to the personality of people just like there are two sides to the human Brain. The Left Brain is Rational and the Right Brain is Emotional; therefore, the two sides of a Soul are Desire and Conscience.

If happiness is all that’s important to people, then they will be Desire Dependent and Right Brained. They will also be susceptible to unethical and immoral behavior because they will dismiss their Conscience in favor of the Ideologies that bond them with other people of the same Race, Nationality, Religion, and so on.

Black People Will Be Eating Lab Grown Meat Soon

lab grown meat

Black people will be eating lab grown meat soon. If you haven’t heard, the FDA has recently approved Lab Grown Meats as being safe for human consumption in the United States. This means that while most people will choose to avoid it because they either fear it or don’t like the idea of artificially sourced foods, it will be forced on Black people in covert ways. This is not conspiracy or a plan to kill off Black people; its just Capitalism at work.

Scientists have been experimenting with producing meats of various sorts in laboratories for decades. As the technology improved, so did the quality of the meat. The real breakthrough came with the introduction of Stem Cell Technology. Now scientists are able to grow large portions of meat that looks, feels, and tastes like real meat from animals. The only thing left now is to convince society that Lab Grown Meats are safe to eat.

Stem Cell Technology involves taking specific cells from the developing Embryo of an animal and growing those cells in a laboratory. Those cells will never grow into an animal because they are only the cells of the specific tissue of the animal, such as the muscles. As the cells grow and multiply, they are infused with proteins, fats, sugars, vitamins, and minerals. If you’re asking yourself; “what about the Blood that gives most meats a red color?” well, you can count on food dye for that.

Eating Lab Grown Meats might sound dangerous but society has been consuming Genetically altered foods for a very long time. GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) is the term that was given to foods that are grown after their DNA was altered. Such alterations are done to make foods either grow faster, grow in atypical environments, or more resistant to disease, pesticides, insects, and other pests. The top 6 GMO foods people eat and don’t realize are; Soy, Corn, Canola Oil, Sugar, and Milk so the next time you go to the grocery store, read the labels.

If you don’t want to eat Lab Grown Meats, what is the solution? Black people can avoid Lab Grown Meats by doing several things. The 1st solution is to read meat labels at the grocery store because, until LGM becomes widely accepted and consumed in society, white people will demand to know where and how it is sold. The 2nd solution involves giving up Fast Foods, which are often highly processed. That means that the meat they use contains a lot of fillers such as Fat and Soy.

The 3rd solution is to go Vegetarian, Vegan, or any one of the other labels given to people who don’t eat meat. The same vitamins and nutrients that are found in meats can also be found in most vegetables. All we have to do is get over the meat-loving propaganda that society constantly pushes. The 4th solution to avoiding the coming Lab Grown Meat agenda is to get into government and help to implement food policies in society.

There is a very good reason why most of the Black people who are in government don’t fight to change policies that they know will disproportionately affect the Black community. That reason is indifference. A good example of indifference can be observed in the American Hispanic community when it comes to Hispanic migrants. Most of them are fully on board with white supremacist policies to keep new Hispanic migrants out.

The #1 reason for their indifference is that they don’t want to jeopardize their own position as established Americans. This is the same reason why Black politicians don’t rock the boat. The 5th and most sensible solution to avoiding Lab Grown Meats is to set up food distribution networks with Black Farmers. This will require self-discipline, unity, and sacrifice but it could work.

The best example of a minority group of people controlling their food from the farm to the table are the Asians but while there are more Black farmers than Asian, there aren’t as many major Black-owned supermarkets. This forces Black farmers to conform to the regulations of the distribution networks. In other words, it means that if the distributors stop buying meat from Black farmers, they will be forced to cut or stop cattle farming.

Make no mistakes about it, Lab Grown Meats will find their way onto the breakfast, lunch, and dinner plates of Black Americans in a few months. Some Black people will avoid it, some will view it as a conspiracy and sign of Revelations, and some will stand in line for hours at McDonalds, Popeyes, KFC, and other fast-food joints waiting to get a taste of their new irresistible Lab Grown Meat Burgers. If you don’t want to eat Lab Grown Meat then start implementing your own evasive solutions now.

Black Panther; Wakanda Forever Mines African Spirituality

The eagerly anticipated sequel to the 2018 blockbuster film Black Panther premiered last week and from early reports, it will be another hit. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever keeps true to the important narrative of a predominantly Black/African cast and a story that is told from a Black/African perspective/point of view.

This time around though, the movie also brings into perspective another people who have also been omitted in Hollywood. Those people are the indigenous tribe’s of Central and South America. The evidence is clear; Hollywood is finding success mining Indigenous Spirituality.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is centered around three basic themes. The first is paying homage to Chadwick Boseman, the original Black Panther who passed away in real life due to cancer. The theme of most Marvel and superhero movies has been fighting, killing, and visual effects.

However, due to the popularity of Chadwick Boseman as the Black Panther, Marvel and other producers had no choice but to use Wakanda Forever as a memorial of sorts. They knew that it’s what the audience would appreciate and they did.  

The second theme was America’s intent on getting control of Vibranium, the most powerful metal in the Marvel Universe and the source of Wakanda’s advanced technology. How ironic is it that America actually represents the white man, even if most people don’t recognize it.

The biggest film to use a similar narrative was Avatar, in which the heroes in that film were also Indigenous beings protecting their spiritual home-world against invaders. At this point, white supremacists don’t care anyway. Remember when Trump said to a interviewer, “What, you don’t think we kill people too?”

The third theme involved Wakanda’s conflict with Atlantis, the so-called ancient lost city that many people believe still exists somewhere under the Atlantic Ocean. Marvel depicts the people of Atlantis as the indigenous people of Central and South America, who may or may not be the Aztec, the Mayans, or the Olmec.

Marvel portrays Atlantis as having a similar origin story to that of Wakanda. They say that thousands of years ago, a similar Meteor to the one that brought Vibranium to Africa, brought Vibranium to Atlantis.

They harnessed the meteor’s power and used it to enrich their society. When disaster struck Atlantis and the city sunk under the sea, Vibranium is what helped them to adopt and survive in isolation under the Atlanti ocean. 

Similar to their use of Africans, Hollywood doesn’t seem to have any interest in including indigenous Americans and portraying them in a positive light other than mining their indigenous Spiritually.

Wakanda Forever is essentially a three-way conflict; Wakanda and Atlantis against each other and both against America under the guise of the United Nations. In all cases, arrogance and the desire to gain or maintain control over a powerful natural resource brings about a lot of death and destruction.

Wakanda and Atlantis are fictional places; however, both concepts are infused with indigenous mythology that are present in real-life African and Central American Spirituality. Some might say that there is no danger in Hollywood mining these cultural resources and making them popular.

However, some African traditionalists point out that Spiritual warfare was essential in Europe’s colonization of Africa and the brainwashing of African people’s minds into believing in Christianity.

Therefore, these movies are only a further whitewashing of African Spirituality that has been deemed to be useless already.

What is Sanity Resistance?


Sanity Resistance; what is it, who practices it, and can humanity survive it?

According to most dictionaries, Sanity is defined as a state of being Sane. Therefore, when someone is Sane it means that they possess the ability to use good reasoning and sound judgement. That definition is not quite clear however, because Sanity is obviously based on a consensus of human behavior. So, what happens when those in power do not use good reasoning or sound judgement in their treatment of others? It means that they are Resisting Sanity for a purpose.

At the HERU Interface of Black Consciousness, we’ve come up with a term to describe people who willfully act against the natural inclination of humans towards a Saner existence. We say that they are engaging in Sanity Resistance. Furthermore, we recognize the pursuit of Sanity as the most civilized human endeavor and anyone who resists Sanity are not only unethical, they’re also uncivilized.

A lot of Black people will say, “fcuk sanity. There is no place for sanity as long as a constant state of survival exists in the world.” We say, a constant state of survival exists because most Black people are allowing our adversaries to dictate our reality. In other words, we believe that in order to get our own way, we must adopt the characteristics of our oppressors. This results in a world where human Sanity never improves and even regresses in cycles.

The world and especially America is experiencing a major Sanity Resistance wave right now. White people, the self-professed most civilized race, is engaged in a civil war between those within their ranks who have gained enough Sanity to recognize that all humans are equal and those who resist that belief. Similarly, Black people are either adopting white ideology ranks on both sides or are practicing self-destruction in an ever-increasing wave of immorality, crime and violence.

You would think that Black Americans would be smart enough to take advantage of the dysfunctioning white establishment, which is their traditional oppressor but they’re not. How can they when they don’t recognize or acknowledge that Sanity Resistance is the primary illness that is tearing apart white society? Perhaps Black people have used the excuses of racism, discrimination, and oppression too long to justify our own resistance to sanity so now we cannot escape insanity’s pull towards total self-destruction.

As the world watches America spiral into social and political chaos, people who value Sanity are worried because contrary to its unethical origins, America grew to become a place where opposing thoughts, ideas, and views about the world could flourish without resulting in physical conflicts. Also, contrary to popular belief, the Sanity Resistance movement wasn’t started by Donald Trump; He simply came along, stumbled-upon the Sanity Resistance power of white supremacy and is successfully using it to his advantage.

Humanity will survive the Sanity Resisting propensities its nature. We know this because there have been many instances in the past where insane individuals have used the power of their racist and unethical Ideology to cause wars and catastrophe on national and global scales. Civil war might break out in the United States and thousands of Black people might die as a result. Nuclear war might break out between Russia and NATO and Billions of people might also die as a result but when it’s all said and done, humans will pursue Sanity again with a fresh reminder of the consequences of Sanity Resistance on their minds.

Hold on to your Sanity; it’s gonna be a bumpy ride but even if you don’t make it, the fact that you tried to remain ethical means that your Soul will be a part of the rebirth and you will have the opportunity to make life a better place next time.

Understanding Replacement Theory

great replacement theory

Most people believe that when you hear white supremacists chanting the phrase “the Jews will not replace us,” they are issuing a decree based on what has now become known as the Great Replacement Theory. Actually, the truth is that they’re declaring their status as faithful servants of the Jews. Suffer me a minute and I will show you why white supremacists have always been losers.

The alarming rise in white supremacist activities in various regions of the world has got most non-whites as well as saner white people worried and anxious about how to address the issue. The first step in addressing any issue is to identify its real cause. The so-called experts on news networks and on social media have identified the cause of the resurgence of white supremacy as the result of the writings of anti-immigration activists in Europe who are blaming the overwhelming influx of immigrants and refugees into Europe on the work of secret-society Jews who are trying to diminish white authority in Europe and the rest of the world. They call these influential writings by white supremacist authors, The Great Replacement Theory.

The premise of the Great Replacement Theory is that powerful Jews are on a mission to take away the freedoms of white Europeans and put them under social and economic dependency to the Jews. The way the Jews are trying to accomplish their goal is by bringing more non-white immigrants into white countries so that they will one day outnumber white populations. Once that happens the Jews will then use the guise of Democracy to implement anti-Christian, anti-conservative values in society. In the end, every white country will become Socialist, crime-infested wastelands.

The funny thing is, Socialism is not a non-European concept. It was developed as a result of the various political systems white people themselves fought each other over in their numerous attempts to free themselves from their own tyrannical rulers. It was they themselves who decided that the best political systems were those in which the people should have the power. Now that they fear becoming outnumbered, they want to trade-in Democracy for Authoritarianism, but I digress.

White supremacists harbor a romanticized view of the history of the white race. So much so that they fail to recognize that 2000 years ago they were actually defeated by the Jews and have been faithful servants to the Jews ever since. In order to understand how such a condition has existed for more than 2000 years, I will first explain why white supremacists claim they hate the Jews when they actually worship them.

Race is a concept that was invented by Anthropologists to classify people based on the obvious physical differences people of different regions of the world have. Europeans are a conquering and assimilating people in numerous ways but the most common is their propensity to mix their DNA with the people they conquer. The result is that today’s white supremacist has so much racial mixture inside him that he is only pure white in racist ideology and not genetic purity.

Before encountering the religious beliefs of the Jews, Romans and other Europeans worshipped many gods including their leaders. Upon conquering Israel in around 63BC, the Romans physically enslaved the Jews but failed to conquer the Jews psychologically. That is because the Jews had a superior spiritual belief system that was based on a mystery God and not Idols like they did. The result was that over the next three to four hundred years Jewish spirituality slowly infected the Romans like a plague.

Psychogy lesson #1; no culture has ever created a religion and not placed themselves as the chosen people of that religion. That meant that after the Romans got psychologically subdued by Jewish spirituality, they obviously had a dilemma to deal with. Their answer came in 325 Ad at the First Council of Nicaea when the Europeans created a buy-in into the Jewish religion using the story of Jesus. They claimed that Jesus, the most famous prophet of any religion, came with a message for his people, the Jews, but since the Jews rejected his message, Jesus gave permission for all non-Jews who believed in God through him, to go to heaven.

That means that a secret love-hate relationship exists between white supremacists and the Jews. The Jews know it and are taking full advantage of it today. Yes, there will be occasions when an out-of-control white supremacist such as Hitler gets out of line and bites the hand of his master but he will eventually get reigned in. White supremacists may claim to hate the Jews but who do you think are the #1 protectors of Israel today? Every Arab country in the Middle East knows the answer so when they hear nonsense like the Great Replacement Theory being thrown around, they just laugh because they know the Jews will never replace their most valuable asset.