New Afro-Conscious Social Network

Afro conscious social network

New Afro-Conscious

Afro-Conscious Media (ACM) has just launched a new Afro-Conscious website. The primary goal of our new is to provide a space for and Afrakan people of all cultures and nationalities to share their ideas, connect with others, and make new friends. The network’s secondary objective is to cultivate a narrative that will build and maintain Mental to counteract the , Educational, and Social digression of the Afrakan race.

Afro-Conscious Media is a owned organization that has been striving to build Awareness of Cultural, Political, , Economic, and Social issues that are essential to our rise as self-determinate people on this Earth. We understand that as long as we continue to adopt the social beliefs of others, we will remain second-class and never develop the mental capacities to survive the challenges of an uncertain future. A future that is also largely being created by others.

In essence, Afro-Conscious is a space dedicated to Conscious Thought; it is not a space to promote things that cater to such as; colorism, overt sexuality, or perversion as there are plenty of places already available to do that. We also strongly discourage the promoting of Scams, mental Manipulation, Cultism, and Consumerism, which are all forms of corrupt thinking.

If you are not interested in self-improvement or increasing your awareness of the world around you then Afro-Conscious is not for you. Afro-Conscious encourages the building of Respect for cultural diversities as we are all one people, we just adopted the cultures of our colonial masters and have forgotten the respectful ways of our Afrakan ancestors.

Join us in building a strong Afro-Conscious community where we can learn and share new ideas, connect with others, and make new friends. Join Afro-Conscious

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