Tag Archives: AfRAkan

Grand Deception Conspiracy vs the Covid-19 Vaccine

Several Covid-19 vaccines have been approved for use since January but while millions of doses have been administered so far, there is a huge anti-vax resistance building around the world. The vast majority of anti-vaxers believe in a Grand Deception conspiracy that states that Covid-19 is a government hoax designed to take people’s freedoms away.     

No Grand Deception conspiracy won’t stop me from protecting my health by taking the Covid-19 vaccine. In fact, I recently received my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine. It took me so long because I’m a very busy person. But when the government said “social distance” to avoid sharing Air with strangers; I followed the advice. When they said “wear a face mask” to dampen the expelling of particulates into the Air; I wore a face mask. I followed all the recommendations that Doctors suggested because I value my health and the health of my family.

Some people might think of me as a sheep that follows the commands of my master without question but the truth is that I live by common sense and not hysteria. Ever since my teenage years I loved being informed. My TV and radio are always on the news and most of my time on the Internet is spent browsing information. I’m totally aware that a lot of people love information the same as I do but most of them do for a different reason.

A lot of people who seek to stay informed believe there is a Grand Deception at work in the world. They believe that this so-called “Grand Deception” is being carried out by some secret society to hide “the Truth” in order to maintain control over people who don’t know “the Truth” whatever that truth might be. They refer to the deceivers as the Illuminati.

I used to believe in this Grand Deception until I read the Bible for myself instead of listening to preachers. It was then that I realized that the Bible was simply a glorified history book that provided many truthful insights into human behavior. I then correlated what I learned from the Bible with all the general information that I’d absorbed from society throughout the years. Finally, I used my new outlook on life to analyze general human behavior and realized that the only conspiracy going on was an attempt by some to make everyone believe there actually is a Grand Deception going on.

The Grand Deception conspiracy is why most Black people refuse to believe that Covid-19 is real and won’t take the vaccine. Unlike white anti-vaxers, Black people are experiencing a double jeopardy in these perilous times because we actually have precedence for our vaccine fears. Our fears stem from 400 years of slavery, racism, and discrimination at the hands of white people; the same people who are trying to convince us that the vaccine is safe.

There is one glaring problem with the Grand Deception Conspiracy though and that problem is the fact that white racists are fighting harder against getting vaccinated than everyone else. How is this possible if the goal of white racists is to trick Black people into taking the vaccine so it can kill us off? Right-Wing politicians, white militia cult groups, and white supremacists all over social media are all fighting like hell to avoid taking the Covid-19 vaccine.  

The truth about the Grand Deception conspiracy theory is that while there are several major deceptions at play within humanity right now, none of them are what most people think they are. In fact, those deceptions are all designed to deceive humanity for humanity’s own good. We humans are very dangerous and destructive creatures who not only have the unique ability to commit suicide, we also have the ability to kill other people out of animosity. 

The #1 deception at play in the world is religion. Like all things that humans adapt to, religion was developed by chance and stuck because it helps to reverse numerous human psychological problems. Several of those psychological problems include; fear, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, and lack of courage or cowardice. Religion would be the greatest thing since sliced bread if it didn’t have one very bad flaw. It relies on faith and faith overrides knowledge and common sense in most people.

Humanity depends on both knowledge and faith to survive but what happens when they clash? If conspiracies are based on the manipulating of faith while the Covid-19 vaccine is based on knowledge, how do we as Black people make the right decision whether to take the vaccine or not? The only thing that we can do is to make an informed decision by examining reality and using common sense.

The truth of reality is that White Conservatives and white Liberals hate vaccines and consider them to be tools of an elite Grand Deception Conspiracy yet the elite are both Conservative and Liberal whites. Black people are an afterthought in a Conservative vs Liberal game. Therefore, we must use our common sense to determine how to ensure our survival while they fight for control of the direction of humanity.

I chose to take the vaccine because I recognize that Knowledge is a prerogative of the Life force while Conspiracies depend on ignorance and misinformation.


New Afro-Conscious Social Network

Afro conscious social network

New Afro-Conscious Social Network

Afro-Conscious Media (ACM) has just launched a new Afro-Conscious Social Network website. The primary goal of our new social network is to provide a space for Black and Afrakan people of all cultures and nationalities to share their ideas, connect with others, and make new friends. The network’s secondary objective is to cultivate a narrative that will build and maintain Mental Consciousness to counteract the Spiritual, Educational, and Social digression of the Afrakan race.

Afro-Conscious Media is a Black owned organization that has been striving to build Awareness of Cultural, Political, Spiritual, Economic, and Social issues that are essential to our rise as self-determinate people on this Earth. We understand that as long as we continue to adopt the social beliefs of others, we will remain second-class and never develop the mental capacities to survive the challenges of an uncertain future. A future that is also largely being created by others.

In essence, Afro-Conscious is a space dedicated to Conscious Thought; it is not a space to promote things that cater to Desire such as; colorism, overt sexuality, or perversion as there are plenty of places already available to do that. We also strongly discourage the promoting of Scams, mental Manipulation, Cultism, and Consumerism, which are all forms of corrupt unethical thinking.

If you are not interested in self-improvement or increasing your awareness of the world around you then Afro-Conscious is not for you. Afro-Conscious encourages the building of Respect for cultural diversities as we are all one people, we just adopted the cultures of our colonial masters and have forgotten the respectful ways of our Afrakan ancestors.

Join us in building a strong Afro-Conscious community where we can learn and share new ideas, connect with others, and make new friends. Join Afro-Conscious

New Afrakan Spiritual System Encourages Racial Unity

afro futurism

Judging from the desperate condition of the Afrakan race, it is no longer debatable as to whether we need saving or not. Even so, most Black people are so happy in their religious illusions that they will never agree. Fortunately, many of us are waking up and realizing that most of the Spiritual practices that once gave us hope in a brighter future are a deception because they hold us subservient to other races of people who do not have our best interest at heart. If we are ever going to survive as a race we will need a new Afrakan Spiritual system to encourage racial unity.  

We know thаt the human рѕусhе nееdѕ аn operating ѕуѕtеm tо hеlр nаvіgаtе this world in which humans are bоrn without knоwlеdgе and often have to struggle to survive. In order to survive we must acquire knоwlеdgе, dеtеrmіnе реrѕоnаl purpose, and pursue happiness before we inevitably dіе, оftеn unfulfilled due tо thе mаnу іniԛuіtіеѕ of life. Amazingly, most іniԛuіties in life are man made including thе racism, еxрlоіtаtіоn, and dіѕсrіmіnаtіоn that wе as Black people have been facing as a rасе fоr thе раѕt 500 years.

It is also evident that iniquity is the author of the insanity of colonizing races. It has caused them to develop the Religions and Cultѕ that they use to conquer, соlоnіze, and indoctrinate the іndіgеnоuѕ реорlе of the world. Fortunately for some, their own Spiritual practices have hеlреd them to rеbuff thе Rеlіgіоnѕ аnd Cults of the colonizers. The result is that over the past 500 years, indigenous реорlе ѕuсh аѕ Asians аnd Sоuth Aѕіаnѕ hаvе dоnе vеrу wеll аt rebuffing thе rеlіgіоnѕ аnd сultѕ оf Eurореаnѕ bу аdhеrіng to their own bеlіеf systems.

Other іndіgеnоuѕ реорlе such as the North аnd South Amеrісаn Nаtіvеѕ аnd thе Sоuth Pacific Iѕlаndеrѕ іnсludіng Auѕtrаlіа and New Zealand, haven’t fаrеd so wеll. In fасt, many оf them are оnlу hаngіng on tо their Spiritual trаdіtіоnѕ bу a thrеаd. Afrаkаnѕ аnd оur dеѕсеndаntѕ that hаvе bееn ѕрrеаd throughout thе wоrld as a result of slаvеrу аnd forced mіgrаtіоn аrе thе only lоѕt саuѕе whеn it соmеѕ to bеіng able tо rеbuff the рѕусhоlоgісаl іnfluеnсеѕ of nоntrаdіtіоnаl Spirituality.

In thе Amеrісаѕ, thе Cаrіbbеаn, Europe, аnd on thе Cоntіnеnt іtѕеlf, Afrаkаnѕ (Blасk реорlе) hаvе whоlеhеаrtеdlу еmbrасеd the rеlіgіоnѕ оf оur colonizers, bе thеу Arаb оr European. In many саѕеѕ уоu саn’t аrguе wіth a Black religious реrѕоn duе to thе faith they hold thаt God оr Allah wіll rеwаrd them fоr thе suffering thеу endure іn lіfе. 

Whеn wе ѕее thе lоw level of consciousness іn Blасk соmmunіtіеѕ, creating a nеw Spiritual system tо еnсоurаgе rасіаl unity mау nоt bе ѕuсh a bаd іdеа. Mаnу реорlе mау dеnу іt but rеlіgіоnѕ аrе сultѕ. If you аѕk a religious реrѕоn whаt thе dіffеrеnсе bеtwееn a rеlіgіоn and a сult іѕ mоѕt wіll most likely ѕау that religion praises gоd while сultѕ рrаіѕе idols, dеіtіеѕ, аnd demons. In reality, thе оnlу dіffеrеnсе between religions and cults is that one praises an imaginary being and the other praises рhуѕісаl objects. 

Whу dо Blасk аnd Afrakan реорlе hаvе ѕuсh a hаrd time achieving rасіаl unіtу?

In оrdеr to achieve rасіаl unіtу, wе must fіrѕt undеrѕtаnd whаt unіtу is. Unіtу is a mеntаl ѕtаtе in whісh a ѕеt оf commonalities encourage реорlе to fоrm a ѕосіаl “Bоnd”. Unity іѕ fоund іn mаnу forms іn ѕосіеtу. It соuld exist through Rеlіgіоnѕ, Cults, Grоuрѕ оf реорlе who practice a ѕіmіlаr lifestyle, Gаngѕ, Sororities, Rасіаl and Political Idеаlіѕtѕ оr аnуthіng else that unіfіеѕ a grоuр of реорlе ѕо muсh that thеу are wіllіng tо mаkе реrѕоnаl sacrifices tо defend the grоuр.

In order tо undеrѕtаnd whу Blасk реорlе сlіng to religions even when thеу dоnt hеlр our racial unіtу wе must аnаlуzе thе еѕѕеnсе оf thе роwеr оf rеlіgіоn іtѕеlf. Thе роwеr оf rеlіgіоn lies in maintaining Blіnd Fаіth іn a Belief thаt God іѕ rеаl. Thеn bеlіеf іѕ supported and enhanced bу ritualistic practices such as prayers, offerings, and affirmations. Gathering with other people to engage in all those things also adds enormous emotional еnеrgу to ones Faith.

In a gаthеrіng of people expressing thе same ѕtrоng emotions, the energy of аll their Sоulѕ vіbrаtе in unity. Thіѕ invisible energy fіеld mаkеѕ реорlе begin tо fееl funny аnd they bеgіn tо believe thаt their God іѕ now among thеm. Thе рrоblеm wіth Soul energy vіbrаtіоn іѕ thаt іt саn be generated іn аnу сіrсumѕtаnсе whеrе people оf thе same еmоtіоnаl mеntаlіtу hаvе gаthеrеd. Whеn people wіth bad intentions gаthеr thеу generate bad еnеrgу, thаt energy turns into Dеvіl energy.

What are the ethics оf сrеаtіng a Spiritual system tо еnсоurаgе Black unіtу?

Rеlіgіоnѕ аnd cults require leaders оr keepers оf the “rulеѕ”. These keepers wоuld understand аnd know that thе rеlіgіоn or сult іѕ not rеаl but in оrdеr fоr thе religion or сult tо hold роwеr as an іndереndеnt entity, аvеrаgе реорlе must nоt know thаt thе bеlіеf ѕуѕtеm is fake. This іѕ the source оf the power of аll religions and сultѕ in ореrаtіоn tоdау so whу wоuld wе wish to mаіntаіn thіѕ form оf dесерtіоn, еѕресіаllу whеn they have bееn іnѕtrumеntаl іn our dерrеѕѕіоn?

This is an issue of great internal debate. However, crеаtіng аnd рrораgаtіng a fаkе bеlіеf system would bе useful іn сарturіng thе аttеntіоn оf оur rесklеѕѕ youth whо are doing nothing оthеr thаn dеѕtrоуіng оur rасе thrоugh crime, vіоlеnсе, immorality, drug uѕе, and ѕеlf-hаtе. Wе knоw thаt thе destructive еnеrgу thе уоuth аrе projecting is the rеѕult оf сеnturіеѕ оf сulturаl dеѕtruсtіоn аt thе hаndѕ of оur оррrеѕѕоrѕ because in оrdеr tо іnѕtіll thеіr rеlіgіоnѕ and сulturеѕ on оur реорlе and render us subservient to them, thеу hаd to dеѕtrоу оur Spiritual practices and our cultures first.

Over the past few decades, a lot of Blасk аnd Afrаkаn реорlе have been waking uр оut оf our соlоnіаl ѕlumbеr аnd have been turning to Afrаkаn Sріrіtuаlіtу to fill our Spiritual void. Unfortunately, many of us are been fooled by useless Afrakan cults that involve engaging in ritualistic practices to gain wealth, health, love, or to inflict harm on others. Before you follow these useless cults just ask yourself one very important thing. If cults really worked, how is it that we didn’t use it on the white man when he was raping our young girls, chopping off our penises and hands, and carrying us away in chains for over 400 years?  

We see our brothers and sisters in mаnу аrеаѕ оf Afrаkа dеѕtrоуіng thеіr оwn соmmunіtіеѕ bу killing іnnосеnt реорlе tо uѕе their bоdу parts іn ritual practices. We see our brothers and sisters in the west destroying themselves with drugs and senseless violence because they worship money. It ѕееmѕ that we as Black people hаvеn’t lеаrnеd anything аbоut hоw rеlіgіоnѕ and cults rеаllу work. All cults do is force conscientious people to retreat back to the religions of the colonizers where their creativity is crippled by the survival instincts that fear produces.

Ritualists don’t see that the colonizers figured cults out over 2000 years ago and created the New Testament in which ritual practices were nullified using one single sacrifice. All desires, hopes, and dreams were then channeled into Jesus. We have been practicing religions and cults for thousands of years yet we have become the most self-destructive race on Earth. That is because until we learn how the magic works we will always be fooled by the trick.    

We are Conscious minded Black people who recognize that Ethics is the most civilized human pursuit. That is why we have created the HERU Interface as an alternative Spiritual belief system for Black and Afrakan people. In doing so, we endeavor to change our social condition and encourage racial unity. Without Ethics, human happiness will always be compromised by the Ideologies of the few who will use religions and cults to control the minds of the masses for their favor. Religions and Cults are unethical and useless to us because we refuse to be anything but the gods of our own destiny.



Black Panther Serves To Inspire In A World Built On Fantasy

I hold my clenched fists across my heaved chest and as I summon the power of a thousand Afrakan warriors my arms become heavy like the hammer of the mighty Thor times two. I am ready to pound the hell out of every white racist and race destroying Black person that crosses my path. I know it’s just a fantasy but I feel exhilarated, inspired, and powerful. Now I’m ready to take on the world.

Every dream begins as fantasy, an exaggeration of the actual outcome. There is no explanation for it. That’s just the way the human mind works. But if you think that it’s foolish to dwell on fantasy, who can tell me that god is not a fantasy? Yet he/she/it is the key drivers of the human psyche, providing hope, inspiration, and courage to billions to alleviate their fears of a hostile world. God has been insufficient however therefore; Black people still continue to search for any form of inspiration we can find.

That is why when a movie like Black Panther comes along to offer inspiration in the form of a fantasy, Black people have responded with overwhelming support. In fact, I have never seen Black people all across the globe get so excited about a movie before. Like Trekkies or Star Wars fanatics who get dressed up in fan gear to attend a showing, Black Panther supporters came out in all sorts of Afrakan themed attire. The result is that the movie has now broken sales records in numerous countries and is predicted to become one of the top grossing movies of all time.

In the months prior to its premiere, anticipation for Black Panther never wavered, it grew bigger by the day, which was a good sign for its creators, Marvel and Disney, that they had a hit on their hands. Personally, after witnessing the blind obsession on social media over what I saw as no more than a fantasy, I wrote it off. My consciousness does not allow me to get swept up in consumerism, which is a factor in all movie and product debuts.

So here we are, a week after the premiere and Black Panther has actually lived up to the hype but even it wasn’t a good movie in terms of its entertainment value, just the representation of Afrakans in positive positions of power was good enough for most Black folks. A new term has even been coined called “Afro Futurism” to classify movies in which Black people are set in leading positions of power.

On the other hand, Black Panther has got every major news organization scrambling to understand its success. They are wondering how Black Panther, a lesser known figure in the Marvel Universe is able to outsell all other movies with major characters such as Iron Man, X-Men, Thor, Spider Man, Captain America, and Avengers. Its success came because Black people were given a chance to Direct, Act, and create a story about us for us. The result is a product that inspires greatness within us. 

Main-stream media is hearing from us how just seeing other Black people in positions of power is inspirational yet many of them are still confused. They say, “but it’s just a movie, a fantasy”. What they refuse to acknowledge is the power of inspirational figures even though they draw inspiration from statues and portraits of Jesus and movies about Super-man, James Bond, and Luke Sky-Walker.

Those inspirations make them feel that they can dictate the policies of the world, travel to the Stars, or become super sleuths that solve complected crimes. For us, Black Panther serves to inspire in a world built on fantasy. What world am I referring to? I’m not referring to the world of Wakanda; I’ am referring to the world we face every time we open our front doors.

How To Self-Heal

self healing

The human body is an instrument thus its health is in a constant state of flux. Our physical health depends on factors that are widely misunderstood therefore most times we only pay attention to our mental and physical health when we get sick. There are steps however, that Afrakans can take to enhance and protect our overall health to prevent sickness and disease. We can do so be learning how to self-heal.

Self-healing is not a new concept therefore some of the methods involved in self-healing are already widely practiced. Those methods include getting enough sleep, eating healthy, physical exercise, mental exercise, and meditating. Another less known self-healing method involves getting help from the Spiritual essence of the universe through our Brain and since Afrakans still have a functioning energy receptor, this will also help to keep it functional. This method is called the Dohgon self-healing method.  

Life expectancy for Afrakans varies from between 65 to 85 years depending on genetics, culture, and regional environmental factors. Of course, there are some who beat the odds and live longer but aside from war and crime, these are factors that cannot be easily altered or controlled. Some Afrakans are born with genetic illnesses that will either have an immediate or long-term effect on their health. Most illnesses however, are acquired over time due to ignorance and willful self-harm.

For instance, there are activities that we engage in at work or in general, and food that we eat that is harming us but we don’t realize it because society in general is also ignorant of their effects. There are businesses that operate for “profit over health”, that willfully produce chemically harmful foods for us to eat. Then there are other activities we engage in such as; smoking, using harmful drugs or even over-eating, that we know is harming us yet we refuse to stop it because it makes us feel good.

The Doghon Afrakan method of self-healing is a method that involves improving the Mind which, in turn will improve the health of the Brain and Body. This method involves naturally improving your Brains’ ability to produce the healing hormone Melatonin. Melatonin is a neurotransmitter that acts within Cells to repair and improve their functionality. The result is that Cells will do a better job fighting disease and the harmful effects that other hormones may have on them.    

There is an abstract energy receptor inside the Brain of all animals. That energy receptor is called the Pineal Gland. Europeans regard this energy receptor as a useless gland that was made redundant by evolution. Why did they conclude that, you might ask? The reason they came to that conclusion is because theirs is virtually nonfunctional. It is a conclusion born out of defective logic and understanding of the Spiritual essence of the universe.  

The Pineal Gland in Europeans is defective due to Calcification caused by genetics and white noise radiation. Unfortunately, the Pineal Gland is also the primary producer of Melatonin in the human body. Europeans have recently begun to change their views of the Pineal Gland due to a recognition of the importance of Melatonin in self-healing. In the meantime, as an alternative to natural Melatonin, they are making pills comprised of synthetic or harvested Melatonin from animals.

To begin your self-healing process using the benefits of Melatonin there are several things that you must do every night as night time is when the Pineal Gland produces Melatonin. Some people believe that the Pineal Gland just needs darkness but that’s not true because of the Sun. The goal is to get proper sleep by going to bed at a decent time, preferably a few hours before midnight and get at least 7 hours of sleep. While you sleep there should be no White Noise distractions from TVs, radios, or any form of Light from digital clocks and night lights.

Before you go to sleep you need to quiet your Mind of the day’s activities as much as possible. An effective way to do this is to use the Dohgon Flux number counting as a meditation. Do this meditation by simply sitting at the edge of your bed and while all Light and Sound distractions are eliminated, do the count inside your head. Your thoughts may drift because of mild memories or traumatic stress but if you can’t calm your thoughts while doing the count, don’t worry about it too much.

While you are sleeping your Pineal Gland will activate and begin to produce Melatonin using the Spiritual Energy it is collecting from the Pure Dark Universe. The Melatonin will travel all throughout your body to heal and repair your damaged Cells. You may not notice the improvement right away but over time this Dohgon self-healing method will help to improve your overall health.

4 US Troops Killed Helping Afraka Heighten its Security Consciousness

Recently, it was revealed that Islamic militants in Niger, West Africa, had killed 4 elite US soldiers. US troops are killed in action all over the world on a regular basis, mostly by friendly fire and in covert operations that go wrong. While news of military casualties is often mentioned in the news, they are so common that most people barley notice.

This incident is different because it is getting major buzz due to controversies involving the president. I won’t dwell on the controversies here because that is not the purpose of this blog. The purpose of this blog is to point out the deficiency of Afrakans to manage security threats on the continent due to a lack of knowledge and unity.

Details about the incident revealed that the US soldiers were part of an intelligence force that had been operating in the region for years. Their work involves training local armies while gathering intel on the growing problem of Islamic extremism in the region. It was also revealed that private US military contractors were involved in recovering the body of one of the dead soldiers.

Do most people know what a “Private Contractor” is? They are former US soldiers who work for paramilitary corporations, some directly for military purposes in place of formal troops and some for private corporations who want to protect their financial interests. They have no accountability therefore thay operate with impunity.

Private Contractors have the ability to dictate the political and economic policies of countries by disrupting populations and creating fear and distrust among individuals within those societies. Using divide and conquer tactics to stoke tribal conflicts, they create conditions where the people cannot rise above a fight for survival to focus on profiting from the enormous value of the resource around them.

On a higher level foreign governments manipulate elections in Afraka using systems that ensure that Dictators stay in place. They know Dictators are easy to corrupt and will sell out their country’s resources to make themselves rich while the people suffer.

While US military expertise is useful, Afrakan countries must not let the US scare them into believing that they are the only solution to Islamic Terrorism. It’s time to step up and build a system that is better than the current world system. As is evident, the US is the “Police force” of the United Nations, whom they once manipulated into pursuing a “new world order”.

The US once embraced the title of world police because it covertly helped them to spread their economic empire. However, the US is currently locked in an internal struggle for identity. I call it “Pinky’s Betrayal”. It is a situation where low and working class America, who feel the big corporations have left them behind, has rebelled under the influence of a narcissistic leader.

So while the US is struggling with its conscience, Afrakans must work harder to build their self-awareness. Consciousness is a dynamic force that grows with knowledge to improve self-awareness. Afrakans must rise collectively to a level of self-awareness where we recognize the things that are beneficial as well as the things that are detrimental to the continent.

Such issues include managing Religious, Economics, Cultural, and Tribal disputes. All these things can easily digress into terrorism in the absence of knowledge, awareness, and conscience. Afraka must step up to fight terrorism or remain undignified pawns of world powers.

Why Did Afrakans Carry Ankhs In Their Hands?

ankh in the hand

Why did Afrakans carry Ankhs in their hands? Well throughout history every generation believed that theirs was the “end of times”. In reality, although times are getting tougher, violence is increasing, and love and empathy are fading, humanity is adapting and changing to survive. People who fail to manage challenges in the present will have no hope of surviving the challenges that the future will bring. Even so, most people still don’t know how to prepare for a tough future because most don’t have any control over their own Minds. The reason why Afrakans carried Ankhs in their hands is because they understood Life.   

What is Life?

The #1 problem with humanity is that most people don’t realize that Life is a single conscious entity. Furthermore, most Black people live by the reality in front of their eyes and like “Flat Earth believers” they simply cannot perceive the whole of the reality they live in. Some follow popular culture to maintain a sense of happiness while most endure an underlying sadness as they cope with the pitfalls of the society they exist in.

Every living organism on the planet is a separate aspect of the same living entity. The Earth is a Biome where this single living entity has diversified in order to ensure its survival. This entity feeds on itself and recycles to support higher organisms in a chain. The highest organisms survive by instinct and the collective intelligence passed down through generations.

We are the entity yet we all have independent thoughts therefore; our connection is through the collective intelligence we feed the whole. Knowledge was and still is the most important commodity of any culture. The most important people in indigenous communities besides the leaders were the Shamans, Medicine Men, and Scribes. They preserved the knowledge of the group and they knew what was good physically and psychologically for the health and survival of the community.  

Humans used to live in harmony with the rest of Life within the Biome but because we lost our Spiritual connection to the Universe, Life diversified us into different races to suit the environments we ventured into. Life also compensated to facilitate the under-production of our original happiness Hormone; Melatonin by synthesizing its own happiness Hormone, Serotonin.

What is Spirit?

Spirit is the creative force behind the universe. Although it is abstract and cannot exist in the physical realm, it acts to regulate and manipulate it. It also acts on all living things (Souls) that have Cognitive abilities to generate a Conscience within them. Humans are physically and mentally tied to both Spirit and Life. When human consciousness functioned in one accord with the Spiritual essence of the universe there was no violence, envy, jealousy, and hate as there is now.

Dohgons believe that a Galactic cycle change was responsible for the change in human behavior and a change in the consciousness of Life itself. Life became aware and began a quest for universal awareness. It began to use humans through chemical processes that act to facilitate pleasure and sensations of happiness. Human Spiritual connection gradually faded at the same time resulting in an inability of most humans to develop a mature Conscience.

Psychologists have been trying in vain to decipher Humanity’s ills. They all fail because they cannot see the real “Elephant in the room” which is Life. Humanity is in despair because people unknowingly function under the control of Life instead of being balanced by the Spirit. As Life gains further control of human behavior our perception of reality will increasingly become more pessimistic. Our actions will also become more unethical and violent.

What is ANKH?

European Archaeologists determined long ago that the ANKH symbol depicted everywhere in Egyptian Hieroglyphics represents Eternal Life. They came to that conclusion based on what they perceive as the ancient Egyptian’s cultural pre-occupation with immortality. Those experts simply could not perceive that the ANKH represents Life itself. In fact, Afrakans created a symbol for Life because they were able to gain deep insights into the physical and abstract reality they existed in. They also understood their place within it.

Everywhere it is depicted in Egyptian Hieroglyphs the ANKH was always carried in the hand. There was a specific reason why Afrakans always carried the ANKH in their hands. The reason is that the hands represent physical control. Therefore, a ANKH in one’s hand is the outer physical representation of an inner mental condition. In essence, the ANKH in the hands was a show of self-discipline. It represents Life over Death, Spirit over Soul, and Mind over Body. But most of all, the Ankh in the hand represents Conscience over Desire.

Most of the unethical things that humanity does is to produce Serotonin but because most humans lack Awareness they think that everything they do is by choice. They don’t know that choice is really an illusion and that Life entices all humans who lack self-awareness, or Conscience, to pursue and fulfill their Desires no matter the consequence.

How to take control of one’s own Life.

When we say that Afrakans should take control of their lives by caring ANKHs in their hands, we are speaking metaphorically. What we mean is that Afrakans need to recognize 3 basic things…

  1. Your Conscience is the Spirit of the Universe guiding you.
  2. Your Desires are being manipulated by the mechanisms of Life.
  3. You need to use the Spirit to control and override the mechanisms of Life.

The main preoccupation of all religions is self-discipline. That doesn’t mean that all we need to do to take control of our lives is to become better Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Religions do well in using Conscience to strengthening self-discipline but they all fail to recognize the true Spirit of the Universe as well as the Life entity in front of our eyes.

For those reasons, religions are like worn brakes on a tractor-trailer trying to stop on a wet road. No matter how hard people try to use religions to control human behavior they all fail, leaving Black people to concede that Death will surely provide a reward for their suffering in Life.

The best way for Afrakans to take control of their lives is to recognize and respect Life. Learn the mechanisms of life; particularly how Life uses Serotonin, Dopamine, and other pleasure Hormones to control our cognition on its quest for universal awareness. Develop your self-discipline by learning how to concentrate.

Become a student of the Dohgon University of Thought, which is the foremost school of mental concentration management. Dohgon master teacher, Professor MOmOh has designed many tools to decalcify your Pineal Gland, which is the conduit to the Spirit of the Universe. By increasing your Spiritual communication you are encouraging your conscience to function with Fairness, Equity, and Accountability.

Of course Humans cannot live without Desire or we would be like those robots that some people are trying so hard to create. All we are saying is that Desire needs to be controlled or we will become devilish, as is evident by the direction of society today. Conscience is the only manager of our Desires. Learn to manage Desire and soon you will become so mentally self-disciplined that you will feel as if you’re walking with an ANKH in your hand. Only then will you truly be in control of your own Life.    


The Trump Effect On Black Consciousness

Understanding the Trump effect on Black Consciousness.

So America has elected Donald Trump for president, a man who offends Black people while fueling the flames of racism to reach a temperature that America hasn’t experienced in decades. What surprises most people but not us is that many Black people actually voted for him. Some of us are calling them dumb but Black Trump supporters are using their brain. They’re just not using it for racial unity. Instead, they are trying to defend their religions, their bank accounts, and to defend their lack of cultural identity.  

Among Black conservatives you have the evangelicals, the business professionals, and the racially disconnected. The Black evangelicals want to fit in with the larger group of evangelicals so they support the ideology that a god is coming soon so Black people just need to endure our suffering just a little while longer. The business professionals want to protect their financial interests from socialist ideologies such as high taxes, high wages and universal healthcare. And the racially disconnected are trying their best to disassociate themselves from the “Black community” because of its stereotypes.

All three groups are trying to use their conscience by buying into the false narrative of conservatism, which is primarily built on Ideology, not Truth. What Black conservatives are actually doing is comforting their uneasy presence among people who do not like them (cooning). Why aren’t they using their status for the cause of Black unity? The reason is because Black cultures around the world and especially in America have been systematically destroyed and replaced by systems designed to limit our potential while training us to keep the wheels of religion and business rolling.

This condition is evident by the fact that most Black people refuse to understand what their conscience really is. Conscience comes from the Spirit of the universe and is the thing that makes us hate seeing Black people acting like fools, killing one another, drug dependent, and complacent. Conscience is what makes Black people hate the condition we find ourselves in and want to change it. Conscience regulates the Desires generated by our Free Will to form Morals. Religion is the placement of a group of morals into the hands of a regulator known as a God.

True Black Consciousness is our Conscience directing us toward a love of Race, culture, and AfRAkan origins. Once we learn to understand ourselves we will no longer need religions to fortify our morals because we will function using Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. This is true conservatism therefore, at such a time, it will be impossible for Black consciousness to become co-opted by someone like Trump.

Basic Principles of Black consciousness

Black History Month

What are the basic principles of Black consciousness?

The basic principles of Black consciousness are principles that pertain to a Black or Afrakan persons racial awakening. These principles enforce and encourage an internal desire to improve one’s self in the knowledge of one’s race, culture, and the pitfall of the world in which we exist. They also encourage a desire to respect, protect, and uplift the Black Afrakan race so that we, as a race can demand respect from other members of the human family and not remain people who are seen as weak push-overs who can be easily taken advantage of without consequence.  

Consciousness is the state of being self-aware. Black Consciousness therefore is the state of being aware of one’s race and its condition relative to other races. Unconscious Black people do not recognize that the Black and Afrakan race is despised and under attack. They exist in a fairy tale believing that a god made them to suffer at the hands of other Races. They endure by Faith believing that a reward awaits them in the afterlife.

Semi-conscious Black people do realize that the Black race is hated so they either try their best to assimilate with other races culturally and genetically or rely on Human Rights Laws to protect them. A very small percentage of Black people are actually conscious. We take pride in our racial identity and seek ways to preserve our blackness. All Black conscious people may not be universally unified in our principles but I’m sure that we’re more similar than different. Dohgon Spirituality and the HERU Interface employs these six basic principles of Black consciousness.

0) Honor and Respect our Afrakan ancestry and our ancestors

Anthropology states that there are 5 distinct races in the world today, all of which originated from the original Afrakan race. The fact that Afrakans still exist is proof that we are the Carbon copy and not the Blueprint for other races as they would like us to believe. In other words, they did not evolve from the original; they genetically mutated from us as a result of our own unaccountable behaviors and developed environmental adaptations.

Today, the cultures and systems that some have created to maintain psychological control over humanity have got most people believing that Nirvana is the ultimate goal and fading to white physically and mentally is the only way to achieve real happiness. As conscious minded people we need to resist popular culture and return to our own traditions. That involves honoring and respecting our Afrakan ancestors and our ancestry.

One of the most egregious things we’ve witnessed so far from unconscious Black people is the belief that they are anything but Afrakan. In many parts of the world including America, there are Black dummies who are claiming to be Hispanic, Arabs, Hebrews and even Native American. They have no expertise to determine their own origin so they rely on hatred of self, religious ideology, or fake history to comfort their ignorance. Even when genetic DNA tests prove their Afrakan origins they dismiss it claiming the white man is deceiving them.

1) Value Your Genetic characteristics

Afrakans have the most noticeable genetic characteristics of all the races. Our skin tones range from black to golden brown, our hair can be kinky course or soft and wavy and our physical features include thick lips, broad noses, and a strong physique. Although other races admire us for our athletic prowess, they despise us for wanting to compete for the same things in life that they do.

Unfortunately, the indoctrinating effect of popular culture has had a detrimental effect on our racial pride and self-esteem. The result is our people no longer value our physical genetic characteristics. Most of our women now either wear hair from other races or burn the kink out of their own hair with chemicals. Both Black men and women are either trying to bleach the blackness out of their skin or reproducing with other races to ensure their children will have an easier go at life.

We don’t blame them. We know they’ve been indoctrinated into the “survival of the fittest” mentality of popular culture so that’s all they know. Once they begin to accept and value their Afrakan genetic characteristics they will begin to experience a new sense of racial pride. They will begin to look in the mirror and exclaim, “Black is beautiful”.

2) Increase your Awareness

Society is being flooded with deceptions and misinformation for many purposes; the most dangerous of which is to keep Black people from achieving our true potential in life. We can become geniuses because no other race has a direct connection to the abstract energy of the universe as we do through our Pineal Glands. Most of us don’t know that and they will never tell you because most of them also don’t know it.

Those in power control the world by luck because their pursuit of happiness created conditions in their Brains that shifted their psyche outward. That means that in order to achieve happiness they have to acquire things from the outside world. We call it being Right Brained or Desire Dependent. In such a condition, they thrive on conquest, power, and self-righteousness. 

Indigenous people all over the world have struggled to keep up with the European, simply because we had to adapt their ways in order to survive their conquest. Unfortunately, in the process most of us have become corrupt, unethical and self-destructive. Our societies are digressing both from internal corruption and outside psychological, economic, and biological sabotage. Don’t think that it’s a co-incidence that crime, sexual perversion, and drug addiction is so prevalent in our communities. 

Professor MOmOh of the Dohgon University of Thought teaches that we are Creative while they are Innovative because true creativity comes from the abstract universe while innovation comes from manipulating thing already in existence. Increasing your awareness involves gaining knowledge about how society and the world works but most of all, it means gaining knowledge about how our own brains works. Learn about the Eye of Heru and your Senses so you can transform from a reactionary person to a truly conscious, self-disciplined, and balanced person who functions by your Mind and not your Brain. In time we will become so self-disciplined that we will begin to regain the intuition skills of our ancestors.

3) Choose Spirituality over Religion

Afrakan Spirituality existed long before religion. In fact, it was Afrakan Spirituality that others used to create religions. Now they say their religions are real and civilized while Afrakan Spirituality is primitive and occult. Well, we have news for them. Believing in unseen people in the clouds is more occult than believing in the energies that drive the wind, heat the Earth, and energize metals. We call these energies Spirits but they are unseen forces that animate living and non-living things by flowing through them.

Afrakan Spirituality is an extension of our Animistic nature. Animism means to live in accord with nature; respect nature and recognize that no part of nature is more important than the next. In doing so our ancestors attributed separate Spirits to things such as Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. Unfortunately, we began to made Idols to represent the Spirits. Then we began to worship those Idols and depend on them to solve our problems and to enrich our lives through our various unnatural desires.

We attributed all good things to our good idols such as the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars and we attributed evil to all our bad idols making them responsible for such things as Death, Thunder and Lightning, Volcanoes, Storms, and even dangerous Animals. Eventually single idols for good and evil replaced our multiple idols. Our idols also became more powerful when we gave them superior moral judgement over every aspect of our lives which was the genesis of modern religions.

Conscious people must recognize that gods and devils are Illusions but if you cannot escape religion then use it for Goodwill and not self-servitude. Goodwill is the magnetic force behind religion. Unfortunately, most people including religious leaders don’t know this. They think that when someone does good it is because an invisible god is guiding that person and when someone does evil it’s because that person is being manipulated by a devil. In reality, the two forces responsible for good and evil are Conscience and Desire.  

Conscience is an internal force that is generated by the Spiritual energy of the universe acting on the Soul of a living being. We can choose to listen to our conscience or we can ignore it using ideology but the more we listen the stronger it becomes. Conscience generates goodwill, empathy, care, and concern. Care and concern encouraging fairness, equity, and accountability in our interactions with others.

Desire on the other hand, is a self-serving force that is generated by the Life entity within us. Life’s primary goals are self-preservation and universal awareness and in exchange, Life provides happiness. That is why our daily activities are centered around a constant pursuit of happiness. And without the balancing effect of a strong conscience, our desires quickly corrupt our character making us selfish, uncaring, unethical, and even evil people.      

4) Support Black Financial Empowerment

One of the best ways to improve the Black Afrakan race is to work on becoming financially independent and empowered. Financial empowerment involves good personal money management as well as the support of Black owned businesses and companies. We exist in a Capitalist world but most of us don’t really know how Capitalism works and because of our Animistic nature we keep fighting for Socialism (economic equality). That along with systemic racism is the essence of Black financial dependence.

Capitalism was born out of the basic exchange of goods, services, and labor (slavery) for money. Today it’s become a complex system optimized by unbalanced economic conditions, which means it works best when everyone is not on the same level financially. It even becomes more effective by psychological manipulation in the form of consumerism. That is the state of black society today; poor discontent consumers driven by the belief that acquiring physical things will make us happy. The only positive is it keeps the economy in motion.

Since we’ll never change the political systems in society unless we run our own country, we’ll have to learn to make Capitalism work for us. Start in schools by learning how to create businesses instead of learning how to become good workers for someone else. Learn how to save your money and invest it wisely. Avoid credit and debt that put you in financial slavery to the Banks. Support Black owned businesses locally and nationally.

Important in our quest for financial independence is to avoid bad-minded thoughts that may tell you that you’re making another Black person rich while you’re poor. It took thousands of years to create our present condition so it cannot change overnight.

5) Promote Black Consciousness

Conscious Black people should always defend, protect and promote black consciousness, whether it’s under attack from other races or our own ignorant and self-destructive people. It’s not easy to swim against the current of popular culture so those of us who do need all the support we can get. Recognize that there are different levels of Black consciousness. Some black people are just waking up while some have been awake for years. Some of us are more political, militant or spiritual than others but as long as the goal is the upliftment of the black race then we’re all on the same wavelength.

Never support anyone or anything that destroys our race. That includes shunning black people who dismiss the problems within our race and side with the biased ideologies of others because it makes them acceptable. Always confront racism discrimination and injustice in society but also confront violence, gangsterism and all other unethical behaviors of black people in our own communities.

Recognize that black consciousness is not immune from corruption. There will always be people who will jump on the bandwagon when something is popular or profitable. It’s just the mechanisms of life working its magic. If you don’t know what real black consciousness is you might become disgruntled and disillusioned with those who profess to be conscious leaders. Black consciousness is not about seeking idols to follow. It’s about self-improvement first, then allowing your mind to accept what makes sense or you will quickly be led down the path of cultism. Once you find your truth, it’s your duty to promote black consciousness so that the general level of black consciousness may also rise.


Whether you’re on the continent of Afraka or in the diaspora these 6 basic principles of Black consciousness are essential principles to uphold. Always honor and respect your Afrakan ancestry and the ancestors, value your genetic characteristics, increase your awareness by gaining knowledge, choose Spirituality over religion, support Black financial empowerment, and always promote true Black consciousness. This is the only way that we as a people will rise above colonial influence and the indoctrinating effects of popular culture.

Finally; always listen to your conscience. It is giving you the mental strength and Self-discipline you need to persevere through the ethically corrupt reality others have created and now thrive in. We cannot survive living under the Sea, neither can Fishes survive living on land. This is due to environmental adaptations. Our apathy has allowed others to create a social environment that is detrimental to our survival unless we are determined to define our own existence as a Race.