Tag Archives: respect
Yoweri Museveni vs Julius Malema, Who Is Right About Homosexuality?

Yoweri Museveni vs Julius Malema, who is right about Homosexuality? None of them and here is why.
As most people have probably heard, president Yoweri Museveni of Uganda is set to sign into law, the world’s most severe anti-homosexuality law. Under the new law, anyone convicted of engaging in homosexual acts or promoting homosexuality in Uganda will face jail time and possibly the death penalty.
Most other African leaders have stayed very quiet on the issue, either because they share the same views or because they fear the wrath of Western economic powers who are sympathetic to Human Rights. There is one African politician however, that has come out against criminalizing homosexuality in Africa and that politician is the outspoken South African politician, Julius Malema.
Recently, Julius Malema took part in a march and demonstration in his country that was held to support the Human Rights of homosexuals in not only Uganda but all of Africa. Black and African communities worldwide are now coming for Julius Malima like Lions after an injured Antelope. Once praised as the foremost anti-colonial politician in Africa, Julius Malema is now being called a sell-out, a puppet and a pusher of Western immorality onto Africans.
I’ve been following Julius Molema’s rise to prominence in South African politics for many years now. His outspoken opposition to white dominance of land and economics in South Africa has earned him respect among Black people worldwide. However, to me he has the same fault that Nelson Mandela had, which is that he is a Humanist. In other words, he has blind faith that evil people can eventually be convinced to do good.
Both Yoweri Museveni and Julius Malema express a deep desire to be different from white people; however, both operate using the same ideologies as whites. Yoweri Museveni uses religion to defend his hatred for homosexuality and Julius Malema uses Human Rights to defend his support of homosexuality. If humanity still lived accouring to religion we would still be praying sicknesses away and cutting ourselves to drain away bad demon infected blood .
First of all, homosexuality has existed in every society on Earth for thousands of years. The reason why homosexuality persists is because people refuse to study it. On the other hand, it isn’t easy to study because homosexuals will never accept the fact that their hormonal confusion is unnatural. Instead, they will pursue happiness at all costs while believing that their lives are purposeful.
This is where Julius Malema comes in and says, “forget where homosexuality comes from; it’s the Human Right that counts.” In his speech he even says that homosexuality is natural and people can live their whole lives and not know that they are homosexual until old age. Julius has decided to defend homosexuals under this premise and even lumps LGBTQ Rights in with the 500-year persecution of Black and African people at the hands of Whites and Arabs.
No Yoweri Museveni and Julius Malema, homosexuality is neither the choice of an immoral mind or a natural biological condition. Homosexuality is a genetic defect that persists due to human ignorance. You can find and kill all the homosexuals in Uganda today and more will be born tomorrow. Also, you can defend homosexuality under Human Rights and watch it flourish but just know that the human Desire mechanism is a limitless beast.
Life begs to be understood and with good understanding comes propper management. We are the caretakers of this realm we call life.
Always Promote FEAR In Society

Fear is a powerful emotion that can be experienced in many different situations. It can be a natural response to danger, a feeling of uncertainty about the future, or a sense of vulnerability in the face of injustice or inequality. Fear can also be a destructive force, leading to negative behaviors such as aggression, prejudice, and discrimination.
If you’re like me and you’re not into anarchism; fear not because that type of fear is not what I’m promoting. What I’m promoting is F.E.A.R. which is an acronym and a helpful reminder of the values that we should strive to cultivate in order to create a more fair, equitable, accountable, and respectful society.
Fairness is the idea that everyone should be treated equally and with impartiality, regardless of their background, race, religion, gender, or any other characteristic. This means that everyone should have the same opportunities to succeed and that decisions should be based on merit, rather than on biases or prejudices.
Equity refers to the idea of ensuring that everyone has what they need to succeed. This means that we should strive to eliminate barriers and create conditions that allow everyone to reach their full potential. This can involve things like providing access to education, healthcare, and other resources that are necessary for success.
Accountability is the idea that individuals and institutions should be held responsible for their actions. This means that people should be accountable for the choices they make and the consequences of those choices, and that institutions should be accountable for their policies and practices.
Respect is the recognition of the inherent dignity and value of every person. This means treating others with kindness, consideration, and empathy, and showing appreciation for the differences that make each person unique.
These values are essential for building strong communities and promoting social cohesion. When we treat each other with fairness, equity, accountability, and respect, we create a sense of trust and mutual understanding that helps us to work together towards common goals.
However, achieving these values can be a challenging task, especially in a society that is often divided by issues such as race, religion, and politics. It requires a concerted effort by individuals, communities, and institutions to challenge and overcome the biases, prejudices, and inequalities that can divide us.
One way to promote these values is through education and awareness. By learning about the history and experiences of others, we can gain a better understanding of the challenges and barriers that they face, and work to create more inclusive and equitable policies and practices.
Another way to promote F.E.A.R. is through activism and advocacy. By speaking up and advocating for change, we can raise awareness about issues of injustice and inequality, and work to bring about positive change in our communities and beyond.
Ultimately, the values of F.E.A.R. are about creating a more just and compassionate society. By embracing these values and working to cultivate them in our daily lives, we can create a world that is more fair, equitable, accountable, and respectful for all.
Searching for a Black Identity

Are you a Black person searching for an identity? This is a message to all Spiritual non-religious Black people; if a belief isnt ethical, leave it alone.
A lot of Black people refuse to examine reality in a critical way. As a result, they’ve chosen to live according to unethical ideologies and fragment themselves based on religion, ethnicity, and nationality. If you do not wish to rely on unethical religious and spiritual ideologies to comfort your existence and you value your indigenous African ancestry then don’t subscribe to Unethical religious beliefs; you will end up crucified like Kanye and Kyrie.
There is an increasing number of Black people who are calling themselves Negro Hebrews. The Black Jews or Negro Hebrews, subscribe to the belief that a god created them to be his chosen people. Unfortunately, they also believe that their God has been punishing them over the past 2000 years because of their own disobedience. By the way, this kind of thinking is a common victim mentality crutch that people develop to comfort their status while they search for redemption from their God. All people who’ve created Gods or worship Idols do the same thing.
Similar to the Moors and the Indigenous Black Americans, the Negro Hebrews claim that they are not Africans though they once inhabited parts of Africa in the past when God drove them out of Israel into exile. Then as part of further punishment they ended up as slaves in America. Damn; What an unethical God they must have! There are three primary reasons why a lot of Black people think like the Negro Hebrews. Those reasons are due to ignorance, Desire dependency, and manipulation by Ghosts and Demons.
Recently, we’ve seen the consequences of a couple of prominent people sympathizing with the plight of the Negro Hebrews by attacking the people who control Judaism. Kanye West and Kyre Irving are currently hanging on sacrificial crosses with the Blood of their courage, which is their money, slowly draining out. They will remain crucified on those crosses as examples of what will happen to Black people who don’t know their place. Some people are hailing them as heroes but we know that they are unwise because wisdom is based on a formula.
Dohgon professor Momoh thought us that the formula for Wisdom is Knowledge divided by Understanding. The problem with most people’s Understanding is that although they might gain excessive amounts of knowledge, they cannot gain Wisdom from it because they don’t know how Understanding works. In order to Understand things, you first need to understand how your own Brain and Mind works. Specifically; how your Hormones (Brain) control your Behavior (Mind) but before we can understand our Brain and Mind we first need to understand the source of our cration.
Dohgon Spirituality teaches that the true creator of Life is the Great Spirit that is the Abstract Pure Dark Energy of the universe. It not a God because it does not create things to gain praise and obedience from its creations. The Great Spirit simply creates lifeforms so that it can experience physical existence. The best way for the Great Spirit to experience existence is to occupy its creations. The Spiritual energy that occupies some living things, such as animals and humans, creates a Soul within them.
Souls develop into individual abstract entities that take on a variety of different personas. If a Soul is developed with good ethical energy, it may join the energy of the Great Spirit and reincarnate into physical reality limitless times or it may attach itself to other people to help develop that person’s Soul. If a Soul develops with bad unethical energy, it may die along with its physical host or it may also live on by attaching its energy to another living person. In essence, that bad Soul will help to corrupt another living person.
People’s minds function in two states, which are Desire and Conscience. Conscience is the force of the Great Spirit acting on the Human Soul. Desire is the force of Life acting on the Human Soul. These two forces are supposed to be balanced and that state of balance is known as unconditional Love. Ghosts and Demons cannot directly affect Human Conscience but they can affect Human Desire. Therefore, the way they corrupt Human Conscience is by encouraging Human Desire. Enhancing Human Desire tips the Mind into Desire Dependency.
Desire Dependency corrupts Human Conscience allowing Ideology and Inequity to override Truth, Ethics, and Morality. People will then struggle to treat each other using Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. Some people might say, “well Religion does all those things”. No, they don’t. Religion only encourages those things among the people of a particular religion. People outside of the religion are either shunned or initiated into an indoctrination regime.
We are not afraid of being crucified but we will never do it to sacrifice our Souls to Ghosts, Demons, or unethical Gods. We know that Ghosts and Demons cannot destroy our Souls because our Spirits exist above the level of those entities. We also know that our mission in this life is an Ethical one. It is to rebalance existence by encouraging enough Black people to use their Conscience as much as they can. In the mean-time, Black people can avoid being crucified like the Negro Hebrew by abandoning the belief in unethical Gods. When we think ethically and pay respect to your African ancestors, we will attract good Souls who will repel the Soul-destroying energy of Ghosts and Demons.
Where is Professor MOmOh?

Where is Professor MOmOh? This is a troubling question that is on a lot of concerned people’s minds including my own. His regular emails stopped coming over a year ago then in March of 2021, the Dohgon University of Thought website went offline. Professor MOmOh sometimes asked me to update the website so when I saw that the website was offline, I tried unsuccessfully to contact him. I am now writing this because, after speaking with a few fellow long-time Dohgon students, I discovered that they also have similar concerns.
Has something unfortunate happened to Professor MOmOh? After trying unsuccessfully to contact the professor by phone or email over the past 6 months, I fear that something unfortunate has happened to him. If so, then it seems that his absence from the public reveals the cons of the Internet; the same tool that helped him to dispense Dohgon knowledge across the globe. The emergence of the internet confronts the indoctrinating effects of organized religion, ideology driven knowledge and Eurocentric history. It is enabling Black and Afrakan people to add our voice to the collective consciousness of Life so that we are gradually unlearning the corrupt ideologies of our oppressors.
Unfortunately, the Internet creates virtual communities where like-minded people are hundreds and even thousands of miles from one another. Unless social connections are developed beyond the screens and digital signals of the Internet, there is no way to know about the well-being of our friends and collogues in far away places. Professor MOmOh was in his seventies and he had a history of experiencing Strokes, which he always recovered from without the use of pharmaceutical medicines. Did he experience another Stroke that he still hasn’t recovered from yet? That could be the case.
Why did Professor MOmOh stand out above everyone in the Black Consciousness movement? Professor MOmOh stood out to me because he wasn’t interested in taking Black people back in time by tryiing to recreate the glory days of Afrakan civilization before Europeans insurrection. If our ancient civilizations were so great, they wouldn’t have fell in the first place. Instead, Professor MOmOh was interested in rediscovering and using the knowledge our ancestors once possessed to improve our thinking abilities so that we can come together as a people to build a better future.
If I never hear from Professor MOmOh again, he knows that I forever thANKH him for inspiring me to navigate reality using highest exponential reasoning and understanding and to live using Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. We did not always see eye to eye on several things including the existence and prevalence of conspiracies in society but I always respected his wisdom in general. His ability to simplify the chemical processes of the human brain made it easy for me to understand my own mind as well as the basics of human behavior. He also renewed my hope that the Afrakan race will one day rise to prominence from its second-class stature among the human family. He showed me that Afrakan knowledge is not a fairy-tale but is only wisely hidden from the prying eyes of the unethical ones.
Professor MOmOh’s knowledge, understanding and wisdom of life ultimately made me change my world view. Instead of believing that I am only one helpless individual in a world controlled by powerful preachers, elite billionaires, and power-hungry politicians, I can help to change the narrative by injecting Ethical concepts into reality the same as he was doing. That is how reality ultimately works. People with unethical concepts enslave people, corrupt minds, and destroy society while conscientious people work to make the world a better place.
Souls who are gifted by their Spirit with exceptional creativity enter this world and reveal great knowledge that brings about profound change. If enough people are inspired by the knowledge, the knowledge will live beyond the life of the individual who revealed it. Essential knowledge is often dismissed by people who have become slaves to the mechanisms of Life and is eventually lost to the Sands of Time until another gifted Soul emerges into reality decades or centuries later.
Professor MOmOh believed that concentrating ability could be developed to the point of spontaneous intuition. I don’t know if he was able to achieve such an ability himself but I know that I’m too much of a procrastinator to even come close. I can only wish I did possess such an ability because then I wouldn’t have to speculate about where Professor MOmOh is; I’d already know.
What is the Real Purpose of the Olympics?

The Tokyo 2020 Olympics has now ended and while it was very successful for some countries, it was disappointing and forgettable for most including the host, Japan. The general sentiment is that the Olympics should have never been staged in the first place considering the current global health crisis. However, a lot of people believe the Olympics is a necessary global event for more positive than negative reasons.
What is the real purpose of the Olympics? Is the real purpose of the Olympics to hide humanity’s problems? Is it another way for the rich nations of the world to show further dominance over the smaller and poorer nations? Or is the Olympics a way of encouraging global unity despite the fact that most other tactics are failing?
Humanity remains a dysfunctional species for several reasons, the #1 being lack of knowledge but instead of trying our best to increase our knowledge, we all compensate by using ideology for self preservation. Ideology manifests in different races of people in different ways. In most white people it manifests in a racial superiority complex so they try to prove their superiority in as many ways as possible including in Sports.
When you look at the array of sports featured at the Olympics you should notice that most of them have European origins. What does that mean? It means that there is a psychological message being portrayed that Europeans are the dominant race and it is they who are trying to encourage global participation in sports for a particular purpose. That purpose could be to prove ideological dominance or it could be an involuntary act of Conscience to save humanity as dictated by the Great Spirit that is the Universe.
The real purpose of the Olympics could simply be the same purpose as that of pro sports; it is a distraction that provides temporary reprieve from anxiety-causing social issues. So, just like watching Basketball, Football, or Baseball after a long day at work takes our minds away from our financial, political, and racial problems, watching our elite athletes compete against other countries every four years at the Olympics encourages national pride.
When our nation’s athletes win, we run around waving our country’s flags because we feel emotionally connected to our athletes. The same thing happens in every country, which proves that although humanity is divided into races, countries, and cultures, we’re all psychologically the same. The Olympics is simply the least combative form of global competition we know.
Competition is a human trait that makes us all want to be the best but hopefully the real purpose of the Olympics is to teach unethical races and individuals that also achieving the status of the best race, culture, political ideology, religion, or financial status should be done respectfully.
Most Creation Stories are Nonsense

A Zimbabwean Spiritualist recently declared that it was time for him to reveal a big secret about the creation of the world. He stated that in the beginning, in the region of Ethiopia, God decided to create 3 Races of people; Whites, Arabs, and Blacks. Each race was agreed to rule the world for a period of time in rotation. The Whites ruled first then the Arabs then the Blacks. During the time of Black rule, the world experienced so much peace and prosperity that the other races got jealous and decided to end Black rule before our time was over.
The White and Arab races got together in secret and unleashed genocide on the Black race. They killed all Black people except a mother and her two children; a boy and a girl. The mother and children escaped into the region of Zimbabwe where they hid inside a cave for a very long time. While inside the cave they engaged in incestuous practices which repopulated the Black race. While inside the cave they also discovered the largest source of Gold in the world. The Black race used the Gold to rebuild our wealth and we began to prosper again.
Thousands of years later the other races noticed the prosperity of the Black race so they decided to finish the job they started and get rid of us once and for all. They came very friendly but after discovering the cave where our Gold was being mined they began to kill us again. They fought very fiercely and took over Zimbabwe but they couldn’t kill off Black people so they enslaved us instead. They renamed the country Rhodesia and named the mine, King Solomon’s Mine. Black people lived under oppression until Robert Mugabe took Zimbabwe back from them but the war to exterminate the Black race is still going on.
First of all, no disrespect to those who trust and believe in the traditional Creation stories of their Ancestors. Those stories are very important in expanding the imagination of children however, when we grow up and acquire knowledge about the world around us, we need to step up our game and come up with more Ethical Creation stories about life and why we exist.
All indigenous people around the world have their own creation stories. The Aboriginals of Australia have their own Creation stories. New Zealanders and other South Pacific people have their own Creation story. Native Americans have their own Creation stories, and so do Asians and so on. Of course, Africans can claim to have the original Creation story because science has come to a consensus that Africans were the first humans but whatever Creation story we invent must always be based on Ethics.
Unfortunately, the Creation story that this Zimbabwean Spiritual medium describes is not very Ethical at all. It tears at the fabric of reality and disrespects the true Ethical nature of the Universe. It’s no different from the Creation story of Europeans and their Bible because it describes a being (God) that creates other beings for his own amusement without considering the consequences. Before this so-called God created the 3 Races, did he not know that conflict would arise between the Races?
Instead of being ruled by the circumstance of our existence, we must begin to turn the tide and take control of our own destiny. We need to learn how to extract wisdom from the things that we rely on for personal comfort but never advance us or provide protection from the inequities of life. For instance; what is “ruling” and why do people need to “Rule”? This is an unethical concept that originates from the belief that humans need to be herded like cattle for our own safety and protection against outside forces.
The Zimbabwean spiritualist states that Africans are being killed because of the Gold we own. Why are we so fascinated with Gold? Why can’t we see that Gold is simply a shiny non-corrosive metal that provides pleasure to our Sense of Sight. Things that provide pleasure to our Senses can make us Desire Dependent when we become obsessed by them. The truth is that other races don’t fight us because of our Gold; they fight us because they Desire to rule everything that they can use to enrich themselves. Those things could be the land, water, air, food, or our labor.
How do we know that most Creation stories from religious people and mystics are nonsense? We know that most Creation stories are nonsense because we understand human psychology. There are three key elements that every fake Creation story possesses. The first thing is that every author of a creation story inserts themselves as the “chosen” people of the story. The second thing is that there is always a promise of riches in exchange for loyalty and obedience to a god. And the third thing is that people always want to live forever.
The Great Spirit that is the Universe is not a God. That is why all so-called spiritual mediums have such a hard time deciphering reality. They all fail to understand how reality was created so they attribute creation to the work of a god. They also believe that their god wants praise for creating the world so they view every Desirable thing in the world as a gift and a commodity. That is why they view Gold as being a gift that everyone will fight for. They don’t realize that Carbon, which is the dullest and blackest element, is really the most valuable substance on Earth.
Life was not created by a god; Life was created by the Great Spirit that is the Universe, which is a Mind. Humans were also created by the Great Spirit as a way of experiencing its own creation. In the process, the energy of the Great Spirit generates a lesser Spirit inside every creature it creates. That energy begins as a Soul before it matures into a Spirit. Every Soul has independent thought but is connected to every other Life as part of a collective consciousness.
That means that Life is a conscious entity similar to the Great Spirit. The difference between the Life entity and the Great Spirit is Life is conscious but lacks universal awareness, therefore it is using every living creature, including humans as tools to gain knowledge. Life also cannot create new Life; it can only work with what has already been created and corrupt it even more using its various mechanisms. For this reason, Life does not care how we are born as long as it can extract knowledge from our existence.
The mechanisms that Life uses are responsible for corrupting existence as we know it. The primary mechanism that Life uses is Desire. The process happens inside our Brain and involves a Craving and a Chemical reward in the form of Dopamine. In other words, Life targets our Senses in order to encourage us to pursue pleasure; better known as Desire. Unfortunately, our Desires can lead us into Addiction. That is why money is not the root of evil; the Love of money is the root of evil. Gold is simply a shiny metal that we have placed a value on and now fight over because it is Desirable.
Why doesn’t the Great Spirit intervene and correct Life before Life destroys itself? The short answer is, it is. The Great Spirit operates in Life as our Conscience. Do you hate evil, corruption and inequity? Do you wish that life was a better place to exist? If so, then the Great Spirit is working through you to do something to correct Life. Do not be weak by giving up and accepting evil into your life like all those people who have turned to worshiping demons. Take inspiration from the principles of the HERU Interface and develop your own Ethical Spiritual beliefs.
Creation stories have a purpose. They are either designed to provide answers to the numerous questions people have about Life or they are designed to make those who create them believe that they are a part of an exclusive and important community of people. Unfortunately, most creation stories are unethical or do not make sense so before you believe anyone’s account of the creation of the world, use your Common Sense and ask how that Creation story resulted in the world as it is now.
Black History Month vs African Immigrants

Black History Month vs African immigrants, why does a disconnect exist. Also, why don’t most African immigrants feel that Black History is important considering the obvious whitewashing of not only American history but world history as well?
A few weeks ago, a candidate running to be governor of Michigan vowed to end Black History Month in the state if he is elected. His stance on Black History Month is not new as many white politicians have uttered similar views before. What is astonishing is the fact that he is a Black man of Nigerian heritage. His stance has caused an uproar among ADOS (American Descendants of Slaves) who feel that African immigrants are always disrespecting them.
There is no hiding the fact that the political climate in America has grown to become extremely volatile over the past ten or so years. The majority of Americans used to dwell near the center of the political spectrum. Now most have drifted towards opposite ends and guess which end most African immigrants have chosen to support. If you guessed the Right, you are correct and there are several reasons why, the number one reason being that Africans are blinded by religion. The cannot see that if it wasn’t for Liberal immigration policies white people wouldn’t let them into America in the first place.
There are serious rumblings of a tribal war about to break out between ADOS and African immigrants over this and similar social issues which ADOS view as a pattern of disrespect towards them by African immigrants. Cooler heads must prevail because we are all familiar with the white man’s tactic of divide and rule. We must recognize that we are all coming from similar colonial circumstances. Ever since African countries began to gain their independence from colonial rule, the tactic of maintaining control over Africans have changed. You no longer see white heads of state and white soldiers, now you see missionaries and Aid workers.
The white man was once the most feared creature in many African countries. Not even the mighty Lion had the ability to strike fear in the hearts of Africans like him but now he is considered a savior. When tribes go to war against each other, he is there as the peace maker. When drought causes famine and millions of Africans starve, he is there with food. When poverty forces Africans into desperation and they risk their lives crossing Arab territory to get to Europe, he is there to help. Don’t think that all this help comes without a price though; the price is Christian indoctrination.
What happens when every good thing you know of in life, including religion, comes from the white man? The result is that you begin to believe that he was sent by your god to be your savior. When you luck-out and get a chance to immigrate to the great land of infinite riches and opportunity, you feel you owe a debt of psychological loyalty to the white man for being able to dwell among him because he must be chosen.
On the flip side, you become racially disconnected with ADOS because you feel that they are only suffering in America because they don’t appreciate the white man. Now you do your best to impress them by dressing up your children in stupid little Elf outfits and pose in front of a brightly lit Christmas tree as if to say, “Look, I am different from the unappreciative ADOS. I am loyal. Vote for me to be Governor and I will do your bidding.”
My intent is not to bash Africans, just to expose the unwise actions of some. This is only my opinion of why the animosity between Black Americans and African immigrants exist. I know that there are millions of Africans who sympathize with the struggles of Black Americans to gain respect as true Americans. There are also plenty of ADOS who are doing similar things to divide the race because they are also blinded by religion which they view as having precedence over racial unity.
All Black people, no matter our various nationalities, need to understand the importance of Black History Month because I’m sure we’ve all heard the phrase, “A people without a history is like a Tree without roots.” History is not on our side so the more we allow others to manage our history, its the more our history is eroding away.