Where is Professor MOmOh?

? This is a troubling question that is on a lot of concerned people’s minds including my own. His regular emails stopped coming over a year ago then in March of 2021, the Dohgon University of Thought website went offline. Professor MOmOh sometimes asked me to update the website so when I saw that the website was offline, I tried unsuccessfully to contact him. I am now writing this because, after speaking with a few fellow long-time Dohgon students, I discovered that they also have similar concerns.

Has something unfortunate happened to Professor MOmOh? After trying unsuccessfully to contact the professor by phone or email over the past 6 months, I fear that something unfortunate has happened to him. If so, then it seems that his absence from the public reveals the cons of the Internet; the same tool that helped him to dispense Dohgon across the globe. The emergence of the internet confronts the indoctrinating effects of organized religion, driven and Eurocentric history. It is enabling Black and Afrakan people to add our voice to the collective consciousness of Life so that we are gradually unlearning the corrupt ideologies of our oppressors.

Unfortunately, the Internet creates virtual communities where like-minded people are hundreds and even thousands of miles from one another. Unless social are developed beyond the screens and digital signals of the Internet, there is no way to know about the well-being of our friends and collogues in far away places. Professor MOmOh was in his seventies and he had a history of experiencing Strokes, which he always recovered from without the use of pharmaceutical medicines. Did he experience another Stroke that he still hasn’t recovered from yet? That could be the case.

Why did Professor MOmOh stand out above everyone in the Black Consciousness movement? Professor MOmOh stood out to me because he wasn’t interested in taking Black people back in time by tryiing to recreate the glory days of Afrakan civilization before Europeans insurrection. If our ancient civilizations were so great, they wouldn’t have fell in the first place. Instead, Professor MOmOh was interested in rediscovering and using the our ancestors once possessed to improve our thinking abilities so that we can come together as a people to build a better future.   

If I never hear from Professor MOmOh again, he knows that I forever thANKH him for inspiring me to navigate using highest exponential reasoning and understanding and to live using Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. We did not always see eye to eye on several things including the existence and prevalence of conspiracies in society but I always respected his wisdom in general. His ability to simplify the chemical processes of the human made it easy for me to understand my own mind as well as the basics of human behavior. He also renewed my hope that the Afrakan race will rise to prominence from its second-class stature among the human family. He showed me that Afrakan knowledge is not a fairy-tale but is only wisely hidden from the prying eyes of the unethical ones.

Professor MOmOh’s knowledge, understanding and wisdom of life ultimately made me change my world view. Instead of believing that I am only one helpless individual in a world controlled by powerful preachers, elite billionaires, and power-hungry politicians, I can help to change the narrative by injecting Ethical concepts into the same as he was doing. That is how reality ultimately works. People with unethical concepts enslave people, corrupt minds, and destroy society while conscientious people work to make the world a better place.   

Souls who are gifted by their Spirit with exceptional creativity enter this world and reveal great knowledge that brings about profound change. If enough people are inspired by the knowledge, the knowledge will live beyond the life of the individual who revealed it. Essential knowledge is often dismissed by people who have become slaves to the mechanisms of Life and is eventually lost to the Sands of Time until another gifted Soul emerges into reality decades or centuries later.

Professor MOmOh believed that concentrating ability could be developed to the point of spontaneous intuition. I don’t know if he was able to achieve such an ability himself but I know that I’m too much of a procrastinator to even come close. I can only wish I did possess such an ability because then I wouldn’t have to speculate about where Professor MOmOh is; I’d already know.


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June 18, 2022 6:54 am

His son states he is ok.

December 19, 2022 1:14 pm

My question is: how can we get further access to his wisdom? Since the website is down is there any way we can at least gain access to the e-books which are also inaccessible?

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