Tag Archives: Earth
10-Foot-Tall Aliens Crash-Land in Family’s Backyard
10-foot-tall Aliens crash-land in a family’s backyard. Is it more proof of Alien existence and what does it all mean?
On May 1st, 2023, news reports began to hit the air about a strange incident that took place the night before in Las Vegas, Nevada. Apparently, a large unknown object crash landed in a family’s backyard in the middle of the night. Two family members, who were in the yard repairing a vehicle at the time, saw and heard strange creatures moving about their yard so they ran inside their house and called the police. When the police arrived about an hour later, neither the creatures or the object that crashed were located. There was only a large indentation in the ground.
After a month of being inundated by news reporters and calls from all over the country, the family became very secretive about the incident, fueling speculation that they may have been silenced by the infamous Men in Black government organization. Well, a few days ago one of the family members released a video documenting their encounter with what they describe as 10-foot-tall Aliens with slender bodies, large eyes, and big mouths. Here is a video the family put out to the public.
At this point, it is no longer a debate as to whether Aliens are real or not. The question on most people’s minds is, “why are they hiding?” I have several theories about why Aliens are hiding from humans. Some theories have already been explained in TV shows and movies but my main theory involves Reincarnation.
Remember the Star Trek Prime Directive? It is a guideline for all explorers from so-called ethical civilizations. Never mind that although Europeans have dreamed about using this principle for hundreds of years, they’ve never done so. The Prime Directive was introduced in Star Trek, the 1965 TV show about a spaceship full of Earthlings who embark on a 5-year mission to explore the outer regions of the galaxy. If they encounter a planet with advanced beings on it, they are to make friends with them for mutual benefit.
However, if they encounter beings who are less developed than humans, they must not interact or interfere with those beings in any way. Not even if those beings are in dire-straights due to disease, catastrophe or war. The second scenario in which Aliens maybe hiding from the general public is if those Aliens have a pact with our leaders. This pact could be for several reasons such as for protection against other Aliens, trade of resources, or guided development.
The likely scenario is that the Aliens are coming here as curious explorers and are in contact with a secret branch of government, such as the scenario in the Men in Black movies. There are mutual agreements in place not to interfere with each other outside of an unfortunate incident such as a crash. UFO hotspots exist because these are the areas where they, the Aliens, have agreed to enter and exist military radar zones.
The HERU Interface of Black Consciousness’s explanation of why Aliens are hiding from humanity is a Spiritual one. We believe that all life in the Universe is an expression of the Great Spirit that is the Universe itself. We believe that death is an illusion and that all living entities in the Universe exist on different levels of awareness. There is the level of Cognetive Unawareness, which is occupied by animals, insects, and other creatures. They survive by instinct and have no desire outside of survival.
Then there is the human level of Self-Awareness where we instinctively try to figure out why we exist. The simplest expression of this awareness is the phrase, “I think, therefore I am”. Aliens who visit earth are on a level of Telekenetic-Awareness. They know that their Souls reincarnate but they cannot choose to reincarnate outside of their own species. Therefore, they physically explore other lifeforms in the Galaxy. Most of the being on this level will try to bridge the gap between Time and Knowledge knowing full well that the purpose of life is to experience life.
The highest level of existence below the Universal Awareness of the Great Spirit is the level of Hyper Awareness and Choice. At this level, a being anywhere in the Universe can choose to incarnate on Earth as the Soul of a human host. The only problem is that, on the Earth level of existence, a Soul comes in without previous knowledge and must exist at the will of Earth life. A new Soul could be aborted shortly after inception, it could be born retarded, deformed, gay, or with whatever ailments it may inherit from its human parents. That means that this level of existence is a level of high adventure for hyper aware Souls.
The Aliens who crash-landed in that backyard in Las Vegas were no doubt highly advanced telekenetic beings. Not only did their aircraft not disintegrate on impact, they were not injured either. They had enough awareness to repair their craft and get themselves away from humans without too much contamination. Unfortunately, as more life in our Galaxy graduate to the level of telekenetic awareness, more incidents like this one will occur.
The Nommo Are Coming Back
The Nommo are coming back to Earth. So, if humanity hasn’t destroyed itself by 2042, all the secrets of Dohgon Spirituality will soon be revealed.
Everyone in the world has a form of existential belief system to explain their existence in life. Some people follow organized religions so they believe that they were born in sin and life is a way to work their way out of that sin to earn the favor of their imaginary God. Those people have faithfully been waiting for the 2nd coming of their God for two thousand years now.
Another group of people are Atheists who believe that life is an accident of Evolution. They believe that the Universe came into existence by chance and evolved over billions of years into bacteria, animals, and humans. They believe that based on scientific theory, other life may exist in the Universe but that life was not responsible for their existence. Any life that comes to Earth from somewhere else must be operating according to the “survival of the fittest” principle of Evolution.
A 3rd set of people believe that there is a creator but they don’t follow organized religions. Instead, we prefer to refer to ourselves as “spiritual” and are turning our attention back to the spiritual beliefs of our ancestors. This can be a dangerous trend though, as is evident be the rise in Ritualism, Voodoo, Witchcraft and other unethical practices. All they are doing is proving religious people right that people should focus on coveting favor from a God instead of Demons.
I chose to focus on ethics and found Dohgon spirituality. The Dohgon are a very secretive tribe of Afrakan people who’ve been visited by a fish-like species of beings they call Nommo for thousands of years. Upon first encounter with the people of Earth, the Nommo did not see anyone that looked like them but unlike the so-called God of popular religion, the Nommo did not declare that they would re-make man in their own image and beautiful white likeness.
Instead, the Nommo shared their knowledge with the Dohgon people. The Dohgons used that knowledge to assist in building the Pyramids and the great civilization that was KMT. Eventually the Dohgon people left KMT (Egypt) as Arabs and European invaders moved in to eventually take it over. The Dohgon relocated to Mali, West Afraka where they reside peacefully today. While there, the Dohgon were visited by the Nommo again and were given more knowledge about the Nommo home world, the creator (Amma), and the creation of the Universe.
The Dohgon then decided not to pursue technical development as they once did in KMT. Instead, they centered their cultural traditions around paying homage to the Nommo and the Sirius Star system, the region of the Galaxy where the Nommo are from. They also engage in a major celebration called the Sigui, every 60 years to mark the figure-8 dance between Sirius A and Sirius B. It was during their last Sigui celebration that they received messages from the Nommo telling them that great turmoil is about to take place on Earth so they’re coming back.
Believe what you want and practice what you want but as global conflicts increase and more beings from other worlds visit the Earth to extract valuable life that they can preserve before humanity destroys itself, the Dohgon aren’t worried about the social dysfunction that are the product of human ignorance.
Kenyan Cult Pastor Kills Dozens of His Followers
A Kenyan cult pastor is believed to be responsible for the deaths of dozens of his followers. Police have so far dug up 21 bodies, which includes men, women, and children and are investigating the disappearance of 58 more of his followers. The pastor, who operated a Christian church in the coastal town of Malindi for several years was taken into custody but was released pending further investigation. However, it is alleged that the followers died of starvation after being instructed by the pastor that they could meet and talk to Jesus but only after a period of extreme fasting.
This is very sad news, which unfortunately is not unusual in Africa or anywhere in the world where organized religions are practiced. I will boldly state that all religions are nothing more than cults. Some are more extreme than others but all serve the same purpose, which is to decieve. Most religious people are trained to become so faithful to their religions that they will die not knowing that they were deceived by Demons. That is why evil persists in this world. If you don’t want to be deceived by cult pastors and lose your Soul to demons, this is what you need to do.
Demons love Black and African people because we are the most Spiritually aware people on Earth. The #1 reason for our spirituality is because we have the most active Pineal Glands, which harnesses Spiritual energy from the universe and turns it into Melatonin to heal and enhance our physical bodies. We were the first humans to permutate from the spiritual to the physical realm to inhabit this Earth. Unfortunately, due to our own unaccountable behaviors, we produced offspring whose souls cannot return to the spiritual realm after death so they’re stranded in the Grey Zone and remain here as ghosts. Stronger ghosts develop into Demons.
Most people believe in a Devil but just like there is no God, there is also no Devil. Instead, what exists are millions of demons who live off the energy of the living and work 24/7 to corrupt us so that our Souls will become trapped in the Grey Zone just like them. Demons appeal to our Desires for sexual pleasure, riches, and power. Most of all, Demons thrive off sadness and despair but since they cannot directly tell people to do evil, they focus on maintaining bad energy levels around people who have weak Consciences.
The best way to avoid being deceived by a demon, such as the pastor in Kenya, is to understand that you don’t need to compete to go to heaven. Heaven is actually an illusion that was invented by ancient religious philosophers who were trying to control and maintain power in society using Fear. The God of religion is also an illusion that shares more characteristics with demons than the actual creator of life and the universe. The true creator of life and the universe is the Great Spirit, which requires no praise or competition for its favor because that is not what existence is about.
People are physical representations of omnipotent Spirits and life is simply a realm in which our Spirit sends a portion of its energy into for experience. When Spiritual energy reacts with living tissue, Soul energy is created. Soul energy grows when we pay attention to our Conscience, which is the energy of the Great Spirit reacting with our Soul energy. Conscience encourages us to live morally and Ethically with nature and other people.
Two things can happen to our Soul energy when our physical body dies. 1) If our Soul is strong, it will return to the Universe to become one with our Spirit. If our Soul wants to return to life, our Spirit will arrange to reincarnate it into life again. 2) If our Soul is weak, it will get trapped in the Grey Zone and either fade into obscurity or seek to live off the energy of people as a ghost or demon.
The Kenyan pastor who encouraged his followers to kill themselves was definitely possessed by demons. He encouraged his followers to do something that he hadn’t done. That is a deception that was done for the single purpose of taking their money. When we fall victim to cults, all we are doing is filling up the Grey Zone and increasing evil on Earth. It’s time to abandon the senseless practices of coveting the favor of Gods, chasing Desires, and living Unethically. The only way to change this world is to start living Conscientiously.
Yoweri Museveni vs Julius Malema, Who Is Right About Homosexuality?
Yoweri Museveni vs Julius Malema, who is right about Homosexuality? None of them and here is why.
As most people have probably heard, president Yoweri Museveni of Uganda is set to sign into law, the world’s most severe anti-homosexuality law. Under the new law, anyone convicted of engaging in homosexual acts or promoting homosexuality in Uganda will face jail time and possibly the death penalty.
Most other African leaders have stayed very quiet on the issue, either because they share the same views or because they fear the wrath of Western economic powers who are sympathetic to Human Rights. There is one African politician however, that has come out against criminalizing homosexuality in Africa and that politician is the outspoken South African politician, Julius Malema.
Recently, Julius Malema took part in a march and demonstration in his country that was held to support the Human Rights of homosexuals in not only Uganda but all of Africa. Black and African communities worldwide are now coming for Julius Malima like Lions after an injured Antelope. Once praised as the foremost anti-colonial politician in Africa, Julius Malema is now being called a sell-out, a puppet and a pusher of Western immorality onto Africans.
I’ve been following Julius Molema’s rise to prominence in South African politics for many years now. His outspoken opposition to white dominance of land and economics in South Africa has earned him respect among Black people worldwide. However, to me he has the same fault that Nelson Mandela had, which is that he is a Humanist. In other words, he has blind faith that evil people can eventually be convinced to do good.
Both Yoweri Museveni and Julius Malema express a deep desire to be different from white people; however, both operate using the same ideologies as whites. Yoweri Museveni uses religion to defend his hatred for homosexuality and Julius Malema uses Human Rights to defend his support of homosexuality. If humanity still lived accouring to religion we would still be praying sicknesses away and cutting ourselves to drain away bad demon infected blood .
First of all, homosexuality has existed in every society on Earth for thousands of years. The reason why homosexuality persists is because people refuse to study it. On the other hand, it isn’t easy to study because homosexuals will never accept the fact that their hormonal confusion is unnatural. Instead, they will pursue happiness at all costs while believing that their lives are purposeful.
This is where Julius Malema comes in and says, “forget where homosexuality comes from; it’s the Human Right that counts.” In his speech he even says that homosexuality is natural and people can live their whole lives and not know that they are homosexual until old age. Julius has decided to defend homosexuals under this premise and even lumps LGBTQ Rights in with the 500-year persecution of Black and African people at the hands of Whites and Arabs.
No Yoweri Museveni and Julius Malema, homosexuality is neither the choice of an immoral mind or a natural biological condition. Homosexuality is a genetic defect that persists due to human ignorance. You can find and kill all the homosexuals in Uganda today and more will be born tomorrow. Also, you can defend homosexuality under Human Rights and watch it flourish but just know that the human Desire mechanism is a limitless beast.
Life begs to be understood and with good understanding comes propper management. We are the caretakers of this realm we call life.
Homosexuals Facing Death In Uganda
Homosexuals are facing death in Uganda after the government passes the strictest anti-LGBTQ law in the world. Under the guidelines of the new law, anyone openly identifying as or engaging in homosexual activities will face 14 years to life in prison and possibly the death penalty if convicted. The United Nations as well as Human Rights organizations are condemning the new law.
However, Uganda’s president says that he doesn’t intend to back down because homosexuality “goes against the order of nature”, therefore they’re only protecting Uganda against immoral activities. In my opinion, Uganda is on the right track but for all the wrong reasons because the law won’t stop Homosexuality; it will just drive it back under ground where it is more dangerous.
We all know that Homosexuality is a very controversial subject but it is a lifestyle that’s been around for thousands of years and exists in every country and culture on the planet. Homosexuality is an “icky” subject that makes most people uncomfortable because it is perceived as the choice of immoral individuals. The truth is that Homosexuality is not always a choice.
There are people who are born that way and there are people who choose the lifestyle due to sexual perversion. Unfortunately, the scale has been tipping gradually in favor of those who choose the lifestyle for a very long time because of the human need for happiness.
Both inherent and adaptors of Homosexuality are tools of a sinister process that most people either cannot see or refuse to accept as reality. Life/Nature is a single conscious entity that consists of the collective awareness of every living organism on Earth. Life’s mission is to gain universal awareness but until such time, Life’s awareness is controlled by consensus or majority rule.
For example; if you were stuck in the middle of a huge mass of people, you would have no choice but to move with the crowd no matter how you try to resist. Now imagine if you could convince enough people around you to move in one particular direction. You would control the mind of the crowd and the crowd would move where you want it to go.
Our true essence is abstract omnipotent energy (Spirit). As we enter physical reality, we become blank Souls that exist at the will of Nature. Not only does that mean that Nature will take us in any direction we want to go until death exhausts us, it also means that the only way that collective human consciousness can develop to a point of moral and ethical existence is to gain knowledge and pass it on.
Unfortunately, collective human awareness is stagnated by several forces which include the worshiping of gods through religions, racial superiority complexes, and unregulated desire fulfilment under the protection of Free-Will and Human Rights promoters.
Most natural born Homosexuals will tell you that they did not choose to be the way they are; they are simply satisfying their instinctual desires. Desires don’t just appear in people; they are the result of hormones that are produced in Glands and secreted into our brain where it manipulates our Desires. Homosexuality is the result of Glandular defects. For instance; the hormone that is responsible for the development of male characteristics is Testosterone and the female hormone is Estrogen.
Males and females produce both but in essential proportions. “If” a defective Adrenal Gland in a boy begins to produce excessive amounts of Estrogen, it will cause the boy to feel and act feminine. The problem with society is that no one is investigating to find out why Hormonal Glands are becoming defective. People would rather use violence to solve the issue but when Homosexuality never seems to disappear, people say it must be the work of the Devil.
The truth is that there are thousands of things that corrupt human biology. Chemicals in the foods we eat, toxins in the air we breathe, and even traumatic experiences such as rape, incest, and abuse can alter Glandular development in fetus development. Glandular defects can range from Hormonal imbalances to physical defects such as females being born with penises and vise-versa.
Bisphenol A, a chemical used to make plastic bottles is a known Hormone corrupter that researchers have found to change gender in animals. Why not us and why not leave Black and African people to destroy ourselves out of ignorance?
Why do I believe that the Ugandan government is right to criminalize Homosexuality if I don’t believe Homosexuality is a choice at its core? The reason is because Homosexuals believe that they are born that way for a purpose. Just like the Ugandan government I believe that Nature has an order and Homosexuality goes against that order.
The difference between me and most anti-LGBTQ people is that I know that we will never correct Nature using ideologies derived from religion. I don’t believe that homosexuals should be put to death; however, the scale between natural and acquired Homosexuality must be artificially weighted or Insanity and Immorality will reign until Nature is eventually corrected through understanding.
This writing is not meant to offend LGBTQ communities. The aim as always is to encourage free but ethical Thought.
Thank Your Spirit for Your Life
“Thanks for my life”, is a statement that maybe said by people for several different reasons; the religious to praise their God, the depressed to express hope in the midst of despair, or the resentful to guilt trip their peers. Although I say this phrase every night before bed and every morning when I wake up, I’m not religious, I’m not depressed, and I’m not resentful against anything or anyone for anything in my life. The two important entities I give thanks to are the Great Spirit that is the Universe and my own Spirit.
I firmly believe that my abstract awareness (mind) and physical (body) as I know them, are not the real me. They are products of this reality (Life) and are bound to the conditions of this reality. The simplest way for me to recognize this paradox is to recognize that I had no choice regarding the condition I was born in. I could have been born white, crippled, gay, deformed, impoverished, or any of the other countless possibilities which exist in the world today.
While I’m here, my ignorance of Life could have also resulted in me adopting unethical characteristics such as; becoming a criminal, a killer, a rapist, a thief, a drug addict or any of the other countless life destroying activities that people engage in. Instead, I was born into reality a member of a race of humans that are the most despised and exploited race on the planet. Not only that, I recognize that my race can’t seem to recognize the psychological tools that are essential to competing and surviving the unethical propensities of humanity.
If I’m severely limited in my ability to control my reality, why am I thankful, you might be asking? I’m still thankful because I know that although I’m susceptible to fearing the pitfalls of life, craving happiness, and the frustrations over the dysfunctions of my race, this life is all about experiencing physical reality and how better to experience life for all its worth than to come in as a blank slate.
Unfortunately, every few thousand years, life on earth reaches a point where the Desires of humans develop an autonomous force (evil) that overrides another force that develops from collective human Conscience (love). When this happens, life on Earth takes a turn for the worse and will either destroy itself or be saved through Spiritual intervention. Spiritual intervention occurs when a person’s Spirit reaches into the physical world to enlighten that person’s Soul.
People with Enlightened Souls pay attention to and give precedence to their Conscience. Their Desires change from wanting to gain personal happiness to wanting to make the world a better place for all those who they have kinship with. They go to bed at night and wake up every morning thanking their Spirit for their life because they know that it was their Spirit by way of the Great Spirit that told them that there is a more ethical explanation of existence than the one in which an egotistical god subjects people to suffering because he wants to create loyal and obedient followers. HERU Interface of Black Consciousness
African Poop Is Becoming a Commodity
Africans, you might not believe this but your poop is becoming a commodity in western countries. What do I mean when I say poop and how is it becoming a commodity, you might be asking?
Most Black people don’t pay attention to science so we may not understand Biology and the importance of good health. Even so, people living in Africa and other parts of the so-called “Developing” world, are at an advantage compared to a lot of white people and even Blacks living in 1st world countries. Africans are not susceptible to a very deadly diseases called Clostridium difficile (C. difficile), which is killing thousands of people every year.
Good health is a combination of regular physical activity and a healthy diet. However, good Gut bacterial balance is essential to good health as well. There are billions of Bacteria that live inside us, most of which reside inside our belly/gut/digestive system, breaking down food and living a normal life the same way we as humans live a normal life on Earth. Over time and as humanity “advanced” as they say, humans began to develop chemical drugs to help fight Diseases. These Disease-fighting drugs are commonly referred to as Anti-Biotics.
Anti-Biotics are designed to help our Immune System fight and get rid of Bacteria inside us that contribute to the development of Sicknesses and Diseases. Unfortunately, one of the disadvantages of Anti-Biotics is that they also get rid of good Bacteria or Pro-Biotics, as they are referred to as. This Bacterial imbalance results in a condition called C. difficile and the symptoms include inflammation of the colon and severe diarrhea.
It is reported that an average of five houndred thousand infections of C. difficile are recorded in patients in the United States every single year. Of those, approximately 29,000 patients die within 30 days of the initial diagnosis. More than 80 percent of the deaths associated with C. difficile occurred among Americans aged 65 years or older.
So, what is the cure for C. difficile? The cure for C. difficile is the reintroduction of good bacteria inside the stomach. Some good Bacteria can be found in Yogurt but the best source scientists have found so far is the poop of African people. Most African people haven’t destroyed their Gut Biology with too much Anti-Biotics therefore, your poop is becoming a commodity in the healthcare industry.
Pharmaceutical companies are now setting up facilities in many African countries and are hard at work developing drugs infused with live Pro-Biotics from your poop. You will not get paid of course, because just like how Europeans and Asians come into Africa and mine your mineral resources for next to nothing, creating drugs from your poop will be no different unless you encourage your leaders to do something about it.