Tag Archives: cult

Miami Police Treat 10 Foot Tall Aliens the Same as Black People

Miami police treat 10-foot-tall Aliens the same as Black people; They shoot first and ask questions later.

There used to be only one unalienable truth about what would happen if Aliens announced their presence to humanity. That one truth has been backed up and agreed on by 99% of scientists, historians, and psychologists on the planet. Unless Aliens are way more ethical than humans, humans would eventually end up being either colonized or enslaved by them. This observation is based on human history that shows that whenever a more advanced culture encounters a less advanced culture, the more advanced culture will usually take over, either by force or influence.

Well, it would seem that another unalienable truth has now been discovered. Aliens will not get the benefit of the doubt when venturing into any white man’s territory unless they check in first. If not, they will get shot and scapegoated as invading criminals. Apparently, this is almost what happened to a group of 10-foot-tall Aliens who thought shit was sweet and showed up to do some intergalactic shopping at a Miami, Florida mall the other day.

The incident at the Miami mall has gone viral on social media but only a few reputable news networks have reported on it, sighting dissenting accounts by Miami police. According to police reports, at least two dozen officers showed up at the mall after responding to reports of a disturbance in which dozens of youths were engaging in a fight. The fighting resulted in a riot, in which stores were looted and scores of regular shoppers had to flee the mall.

However, several different people who were present at the mall, say that the stampede out of the mall actually happened when at least three 10-foot-tall Aliens appeared in the mall and were walking around while fading in and out of physical existence as they walked. These people also report that the police were firing their guns at the Aliens who eventually disappeared completely from the scene.

Ethical questions: If the reports of Aliens at the Miami mall are true; why would Aliens show up at a busy mall full of hundreds of people? Were they demonstrating the reaction of human Ants to their species back home? Were they naïve to the reaction of humans, who mostly do not believe in Aliens and base their opinions about Aliens on religious ideologies about Aliens being demons who work for the devil? Or, were the Aliens looking for help in the wrong place similar to the narrative of numerous Hollywood movies? How ethical are Aliens who would rather drop in at a shopping mall instead of visiting the many war zones around the world and scaring warmongers into living ethically? Not very ethical, I would say.

When I think about the similarity of the Las Vegas 10-foot-tall Alien crash incident that happened last year, I’m tempted to believe that these Alien encounters could be escapees looking for sanctuary but not finding it here among ignorant humans. Remember the movie, The Brother from Another Planet in which an Alien arrives on Earth in an attempt to escape from bounty hunters on his own world. At the extreme, which I do not believe our leaders or intelligence agencies are capable of operating at, is the possibility that these 10-foot-tall aliens are rogue Aliens who appear on Earth in defiance of our gatekeepers.

These accounts of 10-foot-tall Aliens strolling around a Miami mall may only be a hoax but there are too many unanswered questions to come to that conclusion. For instance; why would two dozen police cars turn up to break up a fight among teens at a mall and who were they firing at when no one was shot? On the flip side; why were there no pictures or videos taken of the Aliens by the hundreds of people who were there? Ther are only vague news and security camera videos.

One thing is certain though, police love to treat all Black people like criminals so popping a few naïve Aliens is well within their nature.

Dark Consciousness vs Black Consciousness

Dark Consciousness is different from Black Consciousness and it’s time to differentiate between the two. It’s been 10 years since the inception of the HERU Interface, an Afrakan spiritual concept that borrows inspiration from Dohgon Spirituality with the sole intent to improve the sanity capacity of Black people worldwide. In the beginning, we aligned the HERU Interface with Black Consciousness as they similarly promoted the acquisition of knowledge as the primary tool for global Black Liberation. Numerous things have changed since then; therefore, the HERU Interface will now part ways with the confusion that Black Consciousness has morphed into and concentrate on Dark Consciousness.

Black Consciousness has existed in the psyche of all Black and Afrakan people ever since Europeans decided to carve up Africa into colonies and indoctrinate us with their languages and cultures. Not to say we weren’t drifting off course before by the way we allowed Arabs to take over the entire northern regions of the continent but Europeans made it official. Subsequently, our conscience kicked-in and generated a desire within us to regain our ways of life in the face of the overwhelming force of indoctrination. Over time and as other mechanisms besides indoctrination such as; race mixing and desire dependency through spiritual loss, took hold of our collective psyche, Black racial unity is now virtually non-existent. Today we have Black people who do not want anything to do with Africa and Afrakans. Instead, they prefer to refer to themselves as Indians, Black Americans, Caribs, Arabs, Hispanics, Hebrews, and Moors. A similar situation even exists on the continent, where we now have Afrakans refusing to refer to themselves as Black. They would rather classify themselves by Tribe and Nationality instead of Race.    

Throughout the Black struggle for liberty from oppression and colonization, numerous leaders have emerged and faded. Those who managed to gain prophetic status, no matter where in the world they resided, are still regarded as champions of Black Liberation today. There was never any talk of who was Black from who was Arab, Spanish, Portuguese, or Native Indian. Black people in the West were inspired by Hail Selassie I, Nelson Mandela, and Kwame Nkrumah and Afrakans were inspired by Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Fredric Douglas, and Martin Luther King. The problem is that knowledge without unity results in confusion. This condition is most evident in American society today as politicians have learned to silence people’s consciences using extrememist indoctrination.

Lasting Black unity requires a deep understanding of our Spiritual origins. Without it, Black people will always dig for information to prove that we were civilized before European and Arab colonization. Every time we discover some information, we try with all our energy to bring our past back to life, not realizing that only flawed ways of life fail. The solution is to learn from the past then use past insight to create a better future for ourselves and our children. Back in 2011, I asked Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought, the formost scholar on Brain and Mind functions, why he wasn’t trying to reach out to the Ghetto Scholars that were all over social media so he could teach them how to use their talents to take full advantage of Afrakan ancestral knowledge and he said that he had tried but was ignored by SA-Neter TV and others.

That revelation disappointed me but the reason why would manifest a few years later when I came to the realization that most ghetto scholars were nothing more than hustlers trying to capitalize on  Black Consciousness and the hunger that Black people had to find solace. I also realized that most ghetto scholars and most Black Consciousness followers are not into trying to improve their Brains and Minds, much less improving their Sanity. Similar to religious people, ghetto scholars are happy trying to relive spiritual practices that were created and used by ancient philosophers to comfort human ignorance. The result will inevitably be occultism.        

What is Dark Consciousness?

Modern science theorizes that the universe is 99.9% Dark Matter and Energy. Dohgon Spirituality recognizes that the primary characteristic of the universe is Pure Dark Energy Waves. We do not believe that a God exists independently within the universe. That would mean that God came from somewhere else. Instead, we believe that Pure Dark Energy Waves possesses the intelligence that creates physical reality in a consistent basis. We therefore recognize Pure Dark Energy Waves as the Great Spirit that is the Universe. The Great Spirit created Life and through Life it created Humans. It then installed a tiny portion of itself inside us and that energy grows to become what we call our Soul.

Our Soul drives our consciousness by way of numerous instinctual mechanisms; however, the more Life influences our Soul, our Soul becomes dependent on the mechanisms of Life, which primarily are Survival and Desire fulfillment. At a certain point, which most of humanity has reached already, Life will take over completely and use people to gain Universal Awareness. If you don’t know, Life is a single conscious entity that took on its own awareness from the collective consciousness of every living organism on Earth. People no longer listen to their Conscience as Life induces their Desire to pursue Happiness until Death exhausts them. They adopt either a Religious or a Humanist point of view about Life and either work to protect or destroy the by-products of their own ignorance, such as homosexuality.

The prerogative of Dark Consciousness is to understand the Great Spirit that is the Universe and its creations, which are Non-Living Matter, Life/Nature, Humans, and any other iterations of Life that may exist within the physical realm. Unlike other Ghetto scholars, we know that the best way to understand the adverseties of Life is to first understand our own Brain and Mind. The HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness will continue to produce information based on our understanding of reality because we know that there are still some Black people who haven’t been completely brainwashed by the Life Entity and are seeking ways to regain their connection to the Great Spirit that is the Universe.

Beware of Incel White Supremacists

Black people, beware of Incel white supremacists; they are the new tools to keep us locked in survival mode. Recently, another one of these bastards killed three innocent Black people in Florida before taking the cowards way out by killing himself. Recognize that most, if not all racially motivated killings of Black people in America over the past decade was done by Incel white supremacists.

What is an Incel and how do they become white supremacists?

The term incel is an acronym for involuntary celibate. Celibate means being single relationship-wise and involuntary means against ones’ will. According to psychologists, Incels are predominantly young heterosexual white males who feel they are unable to attract romantic partners because of their looks or social status. These problems are compounded ten-fold in recent times by their addiction to video gaming culture.

Incels spend their whole teenage years playing video games then when they reach into their twenties, reality kicks in and they begin to get frustrated with life. They realize that they cannot continue to play video games all their lives because their parents and siblings are starting to label them as losers. They begin to search for companionship but because they never socialized with the opposite sex, they don’t know how to engage in friendly conversations with females that would eventually develop into romance.

When rejection from the opposite sex turns into frustration, incels begin to search for things to blame. Hate is a form of happiness, so what most incels do at this point is comfort themselves with the thought that the problem is not them; the problem is the opposite sex and the rise of feminism and homosexuality. They begin to view females as morally corrupt creatures who only go for attractive guys, guys with money, or Black guys.

Some Incels have resorted to killing women to take out their frustrations but with the rise of white supremacist propaganda in the social media age, Incels have honed-in on a new scapegoat for their social dysfunctions. One of the main talking points of white supremacy is that the white race is under attack and the civilization that they created for themselves will soon be destroyed and taken over by inferiors such as Negros, Jews, Asians, South Asians, and Arabs.

Due to white supremacist propaganda, Incels also believe that one of the primary reasons why they cannot find love is because of Black people and our overwhelming influence on social culture. Remember when the mark of true white beauty was thin straight noses, invisible lips, pale white skin and slender figures? Well now most white girls want full lips, dark skin and big butts and are going to sun tan parlors, filling their pores with collogen and silicone to achieve these qualities.

Every time another one of these young Incel white supremacists go on a murder rampage, it generates fear within Black communities. Understand that fear traps the mind in survival mode. Two things happen in survival mode; one, we resort to comforting beliefs such as religion and two, in comfort mode our creativity goes dormant. Creativity mode is essential for collective racial upliftment because as more of us express our creativity, it inspires others among us to become the best that we can be.

We all know the truth that guns don’t kill people, its people who kill people. Therefore, it should be blatantly obvious that Incels need mental health support but don’t count of conservative politicians to step in because it’s their game plan the use the fear that their Incel offsprings generates to keep Black people in survival mode.

What Does the Rise of Anti-West African Dictators Mean?

What does the rise of anti-West African dictators mean? Is it sign that Africans are finally waking up and are deciding to cut the final strings of European colonization, is it just another form of foreign manipulation that Africans are too dumb to realize or is it simply an excuse to engage in the same old corruption and power-grab culture that African leaders can’t seem to overcome within their personalities? I hope that anti-west political sentiments in Africa will lead to greater African unity but I know that that will never happen until Africans adopt a single Afro-centric spiritual belief system so until then, here is what I believe is really going on in African politics.

Back in early 2023 when Kamala Harris visited several African countries, I stated that it was a sign for African leaders to step-up their “hustle game”. Unfortunately, no one understood what I meant. Politics at any level is a “leveraging game”. It is an opportunity to use the power that you have to get what you need, not for yourself but for the constituents you represent and the country you serve. Most African leaders overlook their duty and fall into corruption for personal gain. Some might say it’s a racial flaw that keeps Black and African people at a sub-civilized level of existence but I know that the real problem is that we don’t have our own spiritual belief system to support our conscience.

African leaders possess the greatest leveraging power in the world right now but unfortunately, they don’t use it. They don’t leverage the power of their natural resources to gain economic clout in both the East and West the same way China used the resource of the cheap labor of their citizens to become the 2nd largest economy in the world. Instead, the inverse happens. Eastern and Western leaders go into African countries and dictate economic conditions, both by putting African countries in debt to the World Bank and by tying Aid to Trade. The result is that African countries receive pennies for their natural resources compared to the thousands of dollars the same resource costs in developed countries.

In the past few months, several African countries have experienced military and political coups. The new leaders of every one of those countries have expressed the same sentiments, which is that they are tired of being used and exploited by the West. In each scenario we also see people waving Russian and Chinese flags as if they’ve actually gained freedom from exploitation. In actuality, what they’ve done is simply exchanged one exploiter for another. Now instead of getting social and economic Aid for natural resources, what they will have to do is build their military might by buying weapons from Russia and China to defend the paranoia that will grow within their leaderships. They will buy so much guns, bombs, and tanks that they will resemble North Koreans in black face.

No, the rise of anti-West dictators in Africa will not sever the strings of foreign economic exploitation and it will not improve the political leveraging power of African leaders. It will also not improve the sanity of African leaders by encouraging a greater use of their consciences. Finally, the rise of anti-west African dictators will not improve the lives of common Africans. What it will do is cause more death and destruction by itchy-fingered military soldiers on people who are already suffering. I’m not telling you what to do Africans, I’m just telling you like it is.

Savior Minded Negroes Allow White Supremacists to Take Over School Curriculums

Savior-minded negroes have allowed white supremacists to take over the education curriculum in America and teach that Black people benefited from slavery. Spearheaded by conservative Republican politicians, the new curriculum will replace the previous school curriculum that they say is a form Liberal oppression designed to make white students feel guilty about the great nation that white people built. Most Black Americans are very upset at this new tactic by white supremacists to reverse their Civil Rights but not all Black Americans agree.

In fact, there are three main groups of Black Americans who co-sign white supremacy and all three suffer from the same savior-minded illness. They include those infected by Stockholm Syndrome, those infected with Robinson Crusoe syndrome, and those brainwashed by religion. At the HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness, we know that when the heat gets turned up on the Consciences of the Unethical Ones, their only refuge is to engage in Sanity Resistance.  

Stockholm syndrome is a mental disorder in which a person that is held against his will, will begin to emotionally sympathize with his captor. Eventually the captive person will begin to assist his captor to fulfill the captor’s overall mission and objectives. It’s called Stockholm syndrome due to an incident in Stockholm, Sweden in 1973, in which the bank robbers held bank employees hostage for six days. During the standoff, the victims became emotionally attached to their captors, and even defended them after they were freed.

Robinson Crusoe syndrome is derived from the famous book by the same name about a shipwrecked European sailor stuck on a small South Pacific Island. One day the sailor (Robinson Crusoe) encountered a Black savage being chased by a group of other Black savages and decided to help the savage. After they both eluded the gang of savages, the sailor discovered that the gang of savages was chasing the one savage to eat him as it was their culture and it was his turn to be eaten. Robinson Crusoe named the savage (Friday) and the two became loyal friends.

There is nothing wrong with this scenario on the surface but if you have the capacity to think below the surface, you will realize the racism and moral superiority message behind the book. A lot of Black Americans possess this kind of savior mentality and believe that slavery was a benefit because it saved them from the savagery of African culture, which is still portrayed in media as backwards and uncivilized. Ahead of the announcement of the new school curriculum I heard some Black fools on YouTube stating that Black people should be grateful to Europeans because they were the first people in history to abolish slavery and even point out that slavery still exists in many areas of Africa.

In reality, there is a huge difference between African slavery and European slavery. African slavery is closer to a form of Indentured Servitude and not the Chattel slavery that Europeans imposed on Africans. In Africa, slavery was often a form of debt bondage, where people were enslaved as a result of owing a debt or being unable to pay a debt. Even so and due to the negative stigmas attached to the practice, the following African countries have since outlawed slavery: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Chad, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia.

Chattel slavery is a form of slavery in which people are treated as the personal property of another person. It is a system of forced labor in which people are bought and sold as property, and are forced to work without pay. Simply put, Chattel slavery in America was based on race and was a form of permanent, hereditary station.

The 3rd form of white supremacist in Black skin are the savior minded religious fools. It seems that no matter how much you try to tell people that religion is not the source of morality, they still won’t believe. The fact is that all we as humans really need to live moral lives is a conscience-based belief system. That is why all cultures around the world have different spiritual belief systems. Europeans came along and taught us that there is only one true God and belief system and it must be true, as they are the most powerful humans because they believe in him.

No other race of Americans attends churches in greater numbers than Black people yet Black communities are still plagued by crime, violence, and poverty. Instead of deducing that crime, violence, and poverty in Black communities is a concerted effort by white supremacists to keep Black people down, Black Christians would rather believe that Black problems are due to disobedience and lack of faith in a white Christian God, which translates into laziness, immorality, and poor self-discipline. 

Savior mindedness traps Black minds in Stockholm and Robin Crusoe syndromes so that we will continue to support white supremacy. Savior mindedness keeps us from creating our own spiritual motivations in life so that we will remain sub-servient to the unethical religious beliefs of our oppressors. Savior mindedness is a negative crutch that is keeping Black people from achieving our true potential as the saviors of humanity. There is no savior except ourselves and only when we come to that realization, will we then begin to wrestle the cognition of the Life Entity away from the unethical ones.