Tag Archives: Black consciousness
The Black Consciousness Revolution Will Be Televised

The Black Consciousness revolution will be televised and white supremacists will not be able to do a damn thing about it. That is because media will always be a tool to help us gain unity through social organizing. Every conscious minded Black and Afrakan person on Earth will know that they are physical incarnations of omnipotent Spirits whose purpose here on Earth is to wrestle the cognition of the Life entity away from the evil ones and steer it in a more ethical direction in order to make this realm a better place.
I’m sure that most people have heard the popular statement, “the Revolution will not be televised”. It is the title of a song by Gil Scot Heron in which he states that the Black struggle for liberty will not be broadcasted on TV or Newspapers because there will be no commercial benefit in it for them. Furthermore, commercial media is run by oppressors who will not allow people to see, gain sympathy, or become inspired by the initiatives that are taking place during the Black consciousness revolution.
Unfortunately, in the 1980s Gill Scot Heron did not foresee the diversification of the media and how it will be taken out of the control of the elite. Technology took the music industry out of the hands of big corporations and it has taken the telling of history away from racists. In time, the revolution for Black liberty will be televised 24/7 because broadcasting will not need commercial sponsorship.
Humans are social creatures therefore communication will always be our best method of socializing. When one method gets locked another one will emerge until we learn to regain the psychic abilities of our ancestors. Mass communicating through Television is no different from communicating through telekinesis, they both involve using coded waves of energy. When the oppressors banned the revolution from TV and Newspapers, the Internet and Social Media emerged to fill the void. Now their TV stations and Newspapers all all losing money and going bankrupt.
Eventually, they will ban us from Social Media but we will find other mediums to spread our messages to burn the fog of Ideology from Black people’s minds because too many of our people are still sleeping. We know that this world is supernatural, that is why 99% of us believe in Gods, Angels, and Demons. The only problem is that most of us have lost our way and have become mentally enslaved by religions, cults and the survival of the fittest for the sake of happiness prerogative of popular culture.
As a result, many of us are fighting to become better Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists than those who created those religions. We are also willing to fight to the death to defend the comforts that maintain our happiness as a form of mental slavery. Many of us will become like the white supremacists who attacked the United States Congress on January 6th, 2021 because many of us also believe that our oppression is caused by the grand deceptions of the Elite. Do you see that even their revolution, no matter how stupid and hypocritical it is, is being televised? Wake up to the truth!
The truth is that Life is a single conscious entity that is on a quest to achieve universal awareness. When we tell people this, most still don’t understand what we mean but picture a flock of birds flying in the sky or a school of fish swimming in the Ocean. They twist and turn in all directions in perfect co-ordination but how do they know why or where to turn? The answer is that they are simply following the crowd. If the leader makes a mistake and flies into the engine of an airplane, all of them will die because their independent thought was temporarily compromised.
This flock mentality is a consciousness all on its own and since humans are social creatures, we have also developed a flock or crowd mentality. We use our crowd mentality for comfort, security and survival. This crowd mentality in humans is known as humanism while the flock mentality for all of life is what I refer to as the Life Entity. All life is connected through an invisible but intelligent energy field, from the smallest Amoeba, Plants, Insects, Animals, and Humans.
Black people, we must shed our self-destructive mentality that we developed when Life defaulter our consciousness into survival mode and we sought happiness in all forms of unethical ways. We must learn to harness communication in all its various forms so that we may develop a super consciousness based on fairness, equity, and accountability. Only then will we be able to also harness and steer the consciousness of the behemoth that is Life.
Racist White Militias Will Re-Enslave Black Christians

A successful onset of white supremacy in America will usher in the return of a Black Christian slave class. All Black Christians who are fooled into thinking that the illusion of religion can successfully correct the unethical propensities of human nature better be prepared for an America that resembles the post Civil War South.
Some people might argue the Black Christian slave class never ended with slavery but anyway. Recently while on Youtube watching some videos of some Black pastors who got arrested for all manners of fraud and deception, I encountered a Black Christian speaking about his dislike for Black Consciousness so I proceeded to watch his video for a few minutes as he attempted to disassociate himself from being labeled Black or African. In fact, he referred to himself as Pheno-Racial based on his Blood Type.
Furthermore, according to his delusion, which he obviously acquired from religion, he identified Christians as a racial group that color characteristics should not be applied to. The funny part was that Africans to him were cursed and could never be considered true Christians. WTF, I thought to myself! I knew many of us were lost but I guess this is how most of the Black people who sympathize with and join groups like the Proud Boys think.
Militia groups exist in many forms. Some consider themselves as protectors of community and social order and some consider themselves as protectors of the individual freedoms afforded to all citizens through the Constitution. Some are more militant than others but they all swear to protect one main thing; Christian Western Values.
Christian Western Values are moral and social values derived from Christian religious beliefs but mostly, they are based on the ideological belief that the white race is the master race on the planet. This belief is backed up by history so over time other races have been subliminally induced into believing it. They are the only race who have colonized every continent on the planet. The English language is the official languages of global Business, Trade, and Communication. And their technologies and culture are the world’s most influential.
Most Black people are perfectly happy in their illusions so they don’t see a problem with white supremacy. They are so blinded by religion that they don’t believe that white supremacist beliefs can affect them. In fact, they will even find excuses to join or side with white supremacists not knowing that they themselves will always be considered second class to white supremacists.
Black Christians will proudly declare to also be defenders of Christian Western Values not knowing that they will never achieve citizenship in Heaven. That is because, in a white Christian paradise that groups like the Boogaloo Boys are trying desperately to instigate a race war to achieve, Black Christians will either be wiped out, isolated in camps, or forced into involuntary servitude to whites.
Think it can’t happen and I’m just fear mongering? Imagine that 150 years has passed since the end of Slavery and a dumb Black Christian still cannot convince white racists that he isn’t Black based on his religious affiliation and his Blood type. He sounds like Gandhi when he tried to convince the Apartheid government in South Africa that Indians should be treated better than Blacks because Indians are a higher race than Blacks. You all deserve a Football kick.
Beware of the Alien Deception

Are Aliens living among us? Is there some sort of Alien agenda or cabal between the world’s elite and Aliens to keep humanity ignorant as they both rape the natural resources of the planet? Apparently, a lot of people, including some very popular figures within the Black Consciousness community, believes that Aliens exist and that the Elite are keeping knowledge of them a secret for sinister purposes. We don’t believe that. We believe that Aliens are a deception and we refuse to waste our time focusing on them.
Aliens have been the subject of human conversation since the beginning of recorded time. Even the top religions in the world mentions Jinns, which are classified as humanoid beings from other worlds. Aliens are like Ghosts; some people believe in them and claim to have seen them while most people dismiss both as superstition. Common sense suggests that Aliens may exist in some form or another but we refuse to focus on them for several important reasons. 1, Giving time to Aliens is a distraction away from our various issues. 2. If Aliens exist then they don’t appear to be helping Black people. 3. If Aliens are anything like humans, we all could end up enslaved or colonized by them.
Giving time to Aliens is a distraction away from our various issues as a race. We can’t even come together in unity as a race to end police brutality, oppression, and discrimination. Internationally, we have failed to build any notable morally ethical and self-sufficient country of our own. Because of our racial dysfunctions, other races easily exploit us socially, militarily, economically, and politically. They come into our communities and countries and easily set up profitable businesses because we would rather buy from other races than our own. All we have generated as a race is a savior mentality in which we have conceded that this life was not meant for us and a better life awaits us in death next to an illusionary god. Alien belief is just like religion to us, therefore we have no time for it.
If Aliens exist then it does not appear that they are helping the Black race. “We can do math”; in other words, we can reason and think logically. We also refuse to apply religious reasoning to Alien discussions. What do we mean? We mean that if Aliens, like God, are not working in mysterious ways to help us, why should we be grateful to them? Why should we put our faith in their hands? Logically speaking; if Aliens exist then they would have to be far beyond us technologically and mentally. Therefore, we would have to know how they function as a species to know how they intend to treat us. Basically, are they ethical to operate among us using the (Star-Trek Prime Directive), which is to leave us alone and just observe us or are they treating us like lab Rats, stoking conflicts and introducing diseases and viruses among us to see how we react?
Are Aliens trying to help us but we just can’t get their message? One thing we do know is that if Aliens are anything like the human race then we certainly will become enslaved or colonized by them. When we study the history of the world beginning at the point of inter-continental migration, we can clearly see that migrations that initially began as trade excursions eventually end up in the occupation of the weaker culture by the dominant cultures. Eventually, some races discovered that it would be more advantageous to set up colonies in foreign lands, colonize the locals, and force them to work to feed the empire. How do we know that Aliens wouldn’t colonize us and force us to work for them? Our only solace is the fact that their silence maybe an indication that they are not like us.
At the HERU Interface of Black Consciousness, we have our own unique perspective on Aliens. If Aliens exist then they must be products of the Great Spirit that is the Universe, just like us. That means they are Spirits living in physical form, just like us. The difference between them and us is that they may know what they are, while 99% of us don’t. If they know what they are than they will not intervene in humanity because they know that life is a voluntary experience. Some of them may have once existed as us and some of us may have once existed as them. Therefore, the only help they may secretly be giving us is the ability to Soul blend, which involves re-accessing some knowledge from our previous Souls.
Africans are Being Used by the Catholic Church

African priests are now the future of the Catholic Church in the United States. What does it all mean? It means that the leaders of the Catholic church lack wisdom and are naive in their strategy to maintain influence in society. It also means that Black and African people need a true Spiritual intervention.
Statistically, over the past 20 years, the Catholic Church has seen its fastest membership growth of any region in the world take place in Africa. This statistic is averse to another statistic that shows declining membership in all other regions of the world over the same period of time. Several factors are attributed to this decline but the most prominent is the ongoing controversy over sexual abuse allegations of children by Catholic Priests.
Africa is a different ballgame for the Catholic Church. Churches in many regions of Africa are consistently packed to the rafters with members from the elderly to infants. The size and designs of African churches are rivaling those in America and African Priests are reaping the benefit as many of them also own private jets and luxury European cars, the same as their counterparts in America. This is the kind of religious vigor that leaders of the Catholic Church are hoping to inject into the diminishing religious communities of America.
Anyone with a little insight into true human psychology will see that the Catholic Church’s mission of using African Priests to inject new life in American churches will not work and is a little naïve. All religions thrive on two basic things, they are Hope and Faith. Hope and Faith are products of wishful thinking and wishful thinking can be measure on the Happiness Scale. The only reward for life is happiness, therefore all humans live primarily in the pursuit of personal happiness.
The Happiness Scale dictates that the happier people are, it’s the less wishful thinking they tend to engage in. Conversely, unhappy people engage in more wishful thinking and depend on Hope and Faith to cope with life. Are we saying that Americans are generally happier people than Africans? Absolutely! This is because the psyche of people throughout the world has been altered from a Coexistence with Nature to a Survival of the Fittest.
The Catholic Church’s intent to use Africans to bolster its ranks coupled with the fact that Africans are sinking lower on the Happiness Scale reveals a sad truth; Black and African people’s psyche needs a true Spiritual intervention. We know that the psyche of every human needs an operating system to provide a sense of purpose due to the ever increasing levels of Fear and Inequity in society. Organized religions took humanity out of cultism and Idolatry by providing an illusionery vision of happiness.
As Africans gain knowledge and our awareness increases, more and more of us are realizing that religions are a deception from the true workings of reality, therefore we are abandoning religion in favor of more ethical belief systems. The guardians of religion are trying their best to maintain their religious deceptions, especially on the African mind but Conscious Black Africans don’t intend to let that happen. We will defeat the Catholic Church’s initiatives in America and Africa with the help of the HERU Interface.
Black Consciousness Does Not Endorse Abortion

Black Consciousness does not endorse Abortion; at least not our version of Black Consciousness. We live by the principles of the HERU Interface therefore we are not influenced by the opinions and ideologies of popular culture in our assessment that most Abortions stem from unaccountable humanist ideologies therefore their presence in society only serve as an unethical corrupter of the life process. With that said; we are not anti-abortion for the same reasons as most conservatives and Pro-Lifers.
The move by the Alabama senate to criminalize Abortions in the state has set off a huge firestorm of controversy. Human and Women’s Rights organizations along with numerous politicians and civil rights leaders are gearing up for a war against the conservative leaders of Alabama who bullied the Bill into Law. However, Alabama’s law makers are not scared of the coming war and are boldly stating that it’s just the first move in their intentions of having the Supreme court overturn the nearly 50-year-old Roe vs Wade ruling that saw Abortion legalized in the first place.
The HERU Interface does not endorse Abortion because Abortion should be an act of conscience, not an act of an unconscious mind that functions outside of accountability. Of course, there are circumstances in which Abortion should completely be acceptable such as in the cases of Incest and Rape but again, if everyone operated according to the principles of the HERU Interface those deranged byproducts of Desire Dependency wouldn’t exist. Other instances would also include risk to the physical health to the mother or stillbirth in which a Fetus dies in the womb.
Aside from rape and incest, 99% of unwanted pregnancies are the result of carefree people. Some men make it a duty to seduce insecure women into having unprotected sex. Some women don`t care about having unprotected sex because they feel that the option of Abortion is available. People in relationships get Abortions when they get pregnant unexpectedly or when they just can’t afford to care for another child. The result is that society has become completely desensitized to the thought and process of having an Abortion. They see the destruction of a lifeform as just an expensive nuisance that they might have to deal with in their pursuit of happiness.
The HERU Interface recognizes Life as being a single conscious entity. This entity is infinitely diverse and ranges from single Cell organisms to the most complex creature we know, which is ourselves. We also recognize that Life is on a quest to achieve universal awareness using mechanisms based on instinct and Desire. Desire manifests itself in humans in many ways, one of which results in reproduction. Humans have the ability to manage our Desires using our Conscience.
Conscience is a force that is generated by the Great Spirit of the universe acting on our Souls. Conscience acts to develop conscious thought which in turn regulates our Desires. In essence, Conscience is a safety-net that protects Life from itself. Unfortunately, Conscience can also be suppressed by Ideology to encourage people to believe that the immoral and unethical things they engage in are no body’s business but their own, as their happiness is all that counts.
The opinion that Humans have the right to do anything they want is a justifiable belief. Life does not care what humans do as long as we feed Life’s prerogative to learn and grow towards universal awareness. Therefore, Life will take us in any unethical or destructive direction we want to go until death exhausts us. At which point Life will simple recycle and start over. Our conscience is different from Life just like our Mind is separate from our Brain. Our Conscience encourages us to think over the magnetic propensities of our instincts therefore, Conscience is a regulator of our instincts.
Religious conservatives and pro-lifers are using their humanist consciences to block Abortion in society however, their actions are based on a belief that they are pleasing a god. The HERU Interface believes in no such being. We don’t do what’s right in order to receive a reward because the Great Spirit does not require anything from us but understanding. We recognize that Life can be steered in a different direction than the one the rest of humanity is steering it. All we have to do is continue to provide a better option and Life will soon abandon those who continue to destroy it unnecessarily.
How to Make the World a Better Place

There is an enormous sense of pessimism in the world today. Countries are at war against each other over land and resources, terrorists are killing innocent people in order to fulfill their warped political and religious ideologies, racist leaders are stoking the flames of racism in order to expand their personal power and influence, and unethical people are destroying nature and the environment for quick profit over a healthy future for the young. The whole situation has become a thousand pound weight on the minds of every conscientious person in the world; many of whom are searching for answers on how to make the world a better place.
The world is messed up because those in power have indoctrinated everyone with their unethical ways of life. Everyone must either adapt or perish at the hands of the unethical. Those corrupt ways of life include; corrupt religions, devilish cults, and unethical humanist beliefs. The world can become a better place but only for those who are willing to think out of the box. We have an ethical solution but it will require a dramatic shift in human thinking. This new way of thinking does not have anything to do with religious belief, cultism, or the exclusivity of secret societies. It is inclusive of all races and genders while being respectful of everyone’s role as members of the human family.
There are those among the human family who believe that human development is travelling along a linear path and that history started with them. When anomalies appear in their theories, they often dismiss those anomalies as fake. Take for instance the anomaly of the Dogon tribe of Mali. The Dogon tribe are known to possess extensive knowledge of the heavens even though they are considered a primitive tribe. Instead of embracing this knowledge, self-righteous historians dismiss Dogon knowledge as cross-contamination from early European explorers.
Making the world a better place will require the inclusion of historical knowledge from Afraka, the oldest inhabited continent on Earth. Historians often try to fool us but we know that current human history is extrapolated based on theory and belief. Secular society extrapolates history based on science and religion extrapolates history based on ideology. That is why we know that the best way to make the world a better place is by adopting the principles of the HERU Interface.
The HERU Interface is a new operating system for human consciousness. Humanity has always operated according to operating systems. Basic operating systems are known as customs while major operating systems include religion, atheism, and spirituality. All operating systems are designed to provide meaning and a sense of purpose to people’s lives. When these operating systems become corrupted by the instincts of life such as desire and fear, inequities in society will increase. The key to controlling our basic instincts therefore is to increase the strength of our conscience.
HERU is the name of an Egyptian god. Most people associate HERU with the prolific Eye of Heru symbol that they see as representing a state of awareness or consciousness. To us the Eye of Heru is not just a cool looking symbol, it represents the 6 basic human senses which are; sight, smell, touch, taste, hearing, and intuition. Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought has re-branded the word HERU as an acronym to mean Highest Exponential Reasoning and Understanding. The word HERU is therefore a way of deciphering reality using the full power of one’s Brain and Mind.
Making the world a better place using the HERU Interface will require the adaptation of several basic principles. We should recognize that the Universe itself is an intelligent entity. It is omnipresent and omnipotent which means that it exists infinitely as abstract Pure Dark Energy Waves. It may also be referred to as the Great Spirit. We should recognize that Life is a single conscious entity created by the Great Spirit. It exists as a duality, both abstract and physical. The abstract portion is its intelligence that is growing as it gains knowledge about itself.
We should recognize that humanity, which is merely a minute percentage of the Life entity, is a tool. Humanity’s purpose is to gain knowledge for Life and in return Life provides humans with Happiness. We should recognize that the abstract essence of our being is our Soul. It will die if it is not enriched so that it may transform into Spiritual energy after our physical bodies die. Our Spirit is the only thing that will exist forever because Spiritual energy is a portion of the Great Spirit to begin with.
A Soul’s energy is developed by practicing Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. Therefore, we should be conscientious in everything we do and in our interactions with other people and the rest of Life. We should recognize that Desire is the default driving force within us. It is installed as an instinct by the Life entity. Conscience is the only balance for Desire. Conscience is representative of the Great Spirit acting within us. We can never escape our Desires therefore you should strive to attain balance instead of extreme self-discipline.
When you live primarily to satisfy our Desires we will destroy ourselves in the process. And when we practice extreme self-discipline, we are defeating the prerogatives of Life, which is to learn and grow. We should try with all our might to never covet favor from abstract entities. Not from the Great Spirit, lesser Spirits, the Life entity, or Demons. This was the genesis of religion and cultism. Instead, respect that these entities exist but strive for person growth by gaining knowledge and strengthening our self-discipline and will-power.
We should be self-driven and resilient to achieve our goals in life. We wouldn’t have Desires if Desire wasn’t useful so pursue happiness but in an ethical manner. Respect the rest of Life, better known as Nature. Recognize the prerogatives of everything in nature because everything has a unique purpose. Respect the Seeds and replenish them whenever possible because when we work with nature, nature will work with us.
Never destroy nature like the unethical, self-righteous, power-hungry sociopaths that make up the populations within most of the worlds politically and economically prominent nations. Recognize that all those who practice evil and hate are serving their purpose to Life perfectly. You see, no matter how evil they are in corrupting Life, Life is watching and is learning as it grows similar to how water will always find a path down a hill. Life has faced many existential catastrophes before but it has always found a way to come back.
Just because they don’t know that their freewill is merely a risk that Life is willing to take in order to gain knowledge doesn’t make them the authority over life and death. It simply means that they are perfect tools. If you hate evil and injustice then you are the other aspect of Life that will act to bring about balance.
The responsibility of making the world a better place is not the responsibility of political leaders or people with money, power, and influence in society. Making the world a better place is the responsibility of individuals but we must change from the inside first. We must develop the power of our conscience by practicing fairness, equity and accountability in everyday life. Soon we will not hesitate to confront inequity in others and injustice in society.
In time there will be great change in human behavior that is not based on the reward mechanisms of Life but the goodwill generated by the Great Spirit acting on all of our consciences.
Black Consciousness vs Christ Righteousness

Black Consciousness vs Christ Righteousness.
So, Christians want to fight back against Black Consciousness using what they call Christ Righteousness. Well the Heru Interface of Black Consciousness says bring it on! Christ righteousness is a roman invention and since Black people are not Romans, any Black person promoting Christ is not only perpetuating a slave mentality, they’re suffering from it too.
I will say this over and over again; only smart people are able to create their own motivations in life. The Europeans created Christianity, the Arabs created Islam, the Hebrews created Judaism, the Indians created Hinduism, the Asians created Buddhism, and Afrakans created nothing. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
The mere fact that we haven’t created a major religion means that we can still be saved. In the meantime, our laziness to think for ourselves has rendered us dependent on the psychological comforts and motivations of other races.
Does the fact that we haven’t created a major religion mean that we are dumb? No, it simply means that although we are still Spiritual, we just haven’t found our way back to the true creator of the universe yet. Instead, you continue to allow your minds to be controlled by the religious concepts of other races that rely on false representations of the Great Spirit.
We do not believe that rehashing Egyptian mythology is the answer because while it holds much wisdom, it has many faults. Time is not linear or circular, it is spiral therefore we cannot go back to the past, we can only learn from the past to build a better future.
We know that in the absence of real knowledge, religion is humanity’s greatest attempt at a conscientious existence. We see how humanity has compiled the morals they have attained through their conscience and put them into the hands of a neutral 3rd party entity, a god. That is why we do not discount the usefulness of religion. It encourages people to use their conscience to control their desires.
In recognizing the fact that human cognition needs an operating system to provide meaning and purpose, we have created our own belief system we call the Heru Interface. It is not a religion or cult, it is a way of life and an answer to our Spiritual deficiency. Most of all, it recognizes and respects the entities that control reality without worshiping them.
Heru interface and Dohgon Spirituality has heard all the excuses that Black people come up with for maintaining their mental enslavement. Jesus was black, the original Jews were Black, Ethiopia is the true home of Christianity, not Rome. It all fails because we know that Christianity was started by the Romans who adopted Hebrew religious beliefs and combined them with the teachings of Jesus.
Roughly 60 years after Jesus was crucified, the Roman general Saul created the buy-in, or excuse to adopt a faith they couldn’t defeat by claiming to experience a “Divine intervention” while travelling to Damascus. He then used his influential position to coalesce people who were now hailing Jesus as a profit, into a single movement while calling themselves Christians.
It wasn’t until the First Council of Nicaea Nicean in 325 AD, that Christian bishops, religious philosophers, and Royalty came to a consensus on the creation of the first Bible.
Jesus was not Black therefore the “chosen people” of Judaism could not have been Ethiopian. Jesus was a descendant of the same people the Bible states that god was talking to when he asked the question, “can the Ethiopian change his skin?” God was speaking to someone other than Black, scolding them for doing evil when evil was not their true nature.
But now you say, hold up; the book of Jeremiah where this phrase is from was way before Jesus. Fail again. The Romans said that Jesus said, “I came to my own people but they didn’t accept my message, therefore I give permission to all people who believe my message, to enter Heaven”. That also proves that Jesus was a Hebrew, not an Ethiopian.
But anyway, enough bible logic. Let’s get into the real reason why Black people refuse to let go of religious deception. The number one reason is that everyone is born with blank slates or empty Mind. As part of the Life entity, our instinctual desires and fears force us to form bonds with the people around us. If those people are leading us wrong, there’s no way to know unless our conscience is also nurtured and developed to balance or override our desires.
Conscience is also an instinct that first shows up when we notice inequities. Our sibling has a better toy or a more enticing piece of candy, for instance. Inequities are the tools of the life entity. What is Life? Well if you can believe in gods in the clouds, you can believe that Life is a single conscious entity.
The Heru interface recognizes that the creative force behind the universe is the Great Spirit, which is a Mind. Just like our own Minds, its consistency is abstract Pure Dark Energy Waves. The Great Spirit created Life and through Life it created Humans. Humans first existed in accord with the rest of Life but as Life became more self-aware it began to pursue the goal of universal awareness.
Life enhanced human desires so that humans wouldn’t be contented and it enhanced human fears to ensure its long-term survival. As Life gained control of human emotions our connection to the Great Spirit through our Pineal Glands became diminished. Our Pineal Glands Calcified diminishing its ability to produce Melatonin, our most important hormone.
Melatonin repairs the human body at the cellular level as well as to energize the human conscience. Conscious is an energy field that is the only balancing force for human Desire. Religious people are misguided because in the absence of true Spirituality, you created deities and Idols to quench your desires and alleviate your fears. Eventually you learned to substitute deities with invisible mystery gods but the purpose is the same.
Now please tell us using your best logic that Christ Righteousness isn’t based on desire. You want to live in physical form forever, you are addicted to happiness, and you covet favor for being good. All throughout your Bible it peaks of drinking Wine, being physically perfect and beautiful, as well as acquiring physical riches. Heaven promises no night, streets of Gold, and inexhaustible amounts of Milk, and Honey.
The real reason why Black people persist in religious deception is because in the absence of true Spirituality, it caters to their deepest desires. It traps them into having Faith and maintaining Hope in an illusion that will never come to pass. Christianity is great for perpetuating the pursuits of Life but not the true Spirit of our existence.