Africans are Being Used by the Catholic Church

christ righteousness

priests are now the future of the Catholic Church in the United States. What does it all mean? It means that the leaders of the Catholic church lack wisdom and are naive in their strategy to maintain influence in society. It also means that Black and people need a true Spiritual intervention.  

Statistically, over the past 20 years, the Catholic Church has seen its fastest membership growth of any region in the world take place in . This statistic is averse to another statistic that shows declining membership in all other regions of the world over the same period of time. Several factors are attributed to this decline but the most prominent is the ongoing controversy over sexual abuse allegations of children by Catholic Priests.

is a different ballgame for the Catholic Church. Churches in many regions of are consistently packed to the rafters with members from the elderly to infants. The size and designs of churches are rivaling those in America and Priests are reaping the benefit as many of them also own private jets and luxury European cars, the same as their counterparts in America. This is the kind of religious vigor that leaders of the Catholic Church are hoping to inject into the diminishing religious communities of America.  

Anyone with a little insight into true human psychology will see that the Catholic Church’s mission of using African Priests to inject new life in American churches will not work and is a little naïve. All religions thrive on two basic things, they are Hope and Faith. Hope and Faith are products of wishful thinking and wishful thinking can be measure on the Happiness Scale. The only reward for life is happiness, therefore all humans live primarily in the pursuit of personal happiness.

The Happiness Scale dictates that the happier people are, it’s the less wishful thinking they tend to engage in. Conversely, unhappy people engage in more wishful thinking and depend on Hope and Faith to cope with life. Are we saying that Americans are generally happier people than Africans? Absolutely! This is because the psyche of people throughout the world has been altered from a Coexistence with Nature to a Survival of the Fittest.

The Catholic Church’s intent to use Africans to bolster its ranks coupled with the fact that Africans are sinking lower on the Happiness Scale reveals a sad truth; Black and African people’s psyche needs a true Spiritual intervention. We know that the psyche of every human needs an operating system to provide a sense of purpose due to the ever increasing levels of Fear and Inequity in society. Organized religions took out of cultism and Idolatry by providing an illusionery vision of happiness.

As Africans gain knowledge and our awareness increases, more and more of us are realizing that religions are a deception from the true workings of reality, therefore we are abandoning in favor of more ethical belief systems. The guardians of are trying their best to maintain their religious deceptions, especially on the African mind but Conscious Black Africans don’t intend to let that happen. We will defeat the Catholic Church’s initiatives in America and Africa with the help of the HERU Interface.    

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