Black Consciousness vs Christ Righteousness

christ righteousness

Black Consciousness vs Christ Righteousness.

So, Christians want to fight back against Black Consciousness using what they call Christ Righteousness. Well the of Black Consciousness says bring it on! Christ righteousness is a roman invention and since Black people are not Romans, any Black person promoting Christ is not only perpetuating a slave mentality, they’re suffering from it too.

I will say this over and over again; only smart people are able to create their own motivations in life. The Europeans created Christianity, the Arabs created Islam, the Hebrews created Judaism, the Indians created Hinduism, the Asians created Buddhism, and Afrakans created nothing. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

The mere fact that we haven’t created a major means that we can still be saved. In the meantime, our laziness to think for ourselves has rendered us dependent on the psychological comforts and motivations of other races.

Does the fact that we haven’t created a major mean that we are dumb? No, it simply means that although we are still Spiritual, we just haven’t found our way back to the true creator of the universe yet. Instead, you continue to allow your minds to be controlled by the religious concepts of other races that rely on false representations of the Great Spirit.

We do not believe that rehashing Egyptian mythology is the answer because while it holds much wisdom, it has many faults. Time is not linear or circular, it is spiral therefore we cannot go back to the past, we can only learn from the past to build a better future.

We know that in the absence of real knowledge, is humanity’s greatest attempt at a conscientious existence. We see how humanity has compiled the morals they have attained through their conscience and put them into the hands of a neutral 3rd party entity, a god. That is why we do not discount the usefulness of religion. It encourages people to use their conscience to control their desires.

In recognizing the fact that human cognition needs an operating system to provide meaning and purpose, we have created our own belief system we call the . It is not a religion or cult, it is a way of life and an answer to our Spiritual deficiency. Most of all, it recognizes and respects the entities that control reality without worshiping them.  

and has heard all the excuses that Black people come up with for maintaining their mental enslavement. Jesus was black, the original Jews were Black, Ethiopia is the true home of Christianity, not Rome. It all fails because we know that Christianity was started by the Romans who adopted Hebrew religious beliefs and combined them with the teachings of Jesus.

Roughly 60 years after Jesus was crucified, the Roman general Saul created the buy-in, or excuse to adopt a faith they couldn’t defeat by claiming to experience a “Divine intervention” while travelling to Damascus. He then used his influential position to coalesce people who were now hailing Jesus as a profit, into a single movement while calling themselves Christians.

It wasn’t until the First Council of Nicaea Nicean in 325 AD, that Christian bishops, religious philosophers, and Royalty came to a consensus on the creation of the first Bible.

Jesus was not Black therefore the “chosen people” of Judaism could not have been Ethiopian. Jesus was a descendant of the same people the Bible states that god was talking to when he asked the question, “can the Ethiopian change his skin?” God was speaking to someone other than Black, scolding them for doing evil when evil was not their true nature.

But now you say, hold up; the book of Jeremiah where this phrase is from was way before Jesus. Fail again. The Romans said that Jesus said, “I came to my own people but they didn’t accept my message, therefore I give permission to all people who believe my message, to enter Heaven”. That also proves that Jesus was a Hebrew, not an Ethiopian.

But anyway, enough bible logic. Let’s get into the real reason why Black people refuse to let go of religious deception. The number one reason is that everyone is born with blank slates or empty Mind. As part of the Life entity, our instinctual desires and fears force us to form bonds with the people around us. If those people are leading us wrong, there’s no way to know unless our conscience is also nurtured and developed to balance or override our desires.

Conscience is also an instinct that first shows up when we notice inequities. Our sibling has a better toy or a more enticing piece of candy, for instance. Inequities are the tools of the life entity. What is Life? Well if you can believe in gods in the clouds, you can believe that Life is a single conscious entity.

The Heru interface recognizes that the creative force behind the universe is the Great Spirit, which is a Mind. Just like our own Minds, its consistency is abstract Pure Dark Energy Waves. The Great Spirit created Life and through Life it created Humans. Humans first existed in accord with the rest of Life but as Life became more self-aware it began to pursue the goal of universal awareness.

Life enhanced human desires so that humans wouldn’t be contented and it enhanced human fears to ensure its long-term survival. As Life gained control of human emotions our connection to the Great Spirit through our Pineal Glands became diminished. Our Pineal Glands Calcified diminishing its ability to produce Melatonin, our most important hormone.

Melatonin repairs the human body at the cellular level as well as to energize the human conscience. Conscious is an energy field that is the only balancing force for human Desire. Religious people are misguided because in the absence of true , you created deities and Idols to quench your desires and alleviate your fears. Eventually you learned to substitute deities with invisible mystery gods but the purpose is the same.

Now please tell us using your best logic that Christ Righteousness isn’t based on desire. You want to live in physical form forever, you are addicted to happiness, and you covet favor for being good. All throughout your Bible it peaks of drinking Wine, being physically perfect and beautiful, as well as acquiring physical riches. Heaven promises no night, streets of Gold, and inexhaustible amounts of Milk, and Honey.

The real reason why Black people persist in religious deception is because in the absence of true , it caters to their deepest desires. It traps them into having Faith and maintaining Hope in an illusion that will never come to pass. Christianity is great for perpetuating the pursuits of Life but not the true Spirit of our existence.

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