Category Archives: Wisdom

Your Spiritual Walk

Good Spirits Express the WISDOM of Sharing

All existences and physical things appear from The DARK or Spiritual Universe. We, thus, have to be aware of this Universe of which we, as human beings, as well as plants and animals, are its essence. This means that we must appreciate each other and everything in the Universe because we have a combined interest in our existence and the existences of all living things. The more we appreciate each other and MTHR Nature, the more goodness expands towards us. We will, then, benefit by the extension of our existence and its expansion, which will bring joy and satisfaction to what we appreciate.

The Universe has a purpose to maintain our existence, as well as the existences of all things in Nature. This means we have to stay aware of our existence and the calmness that the Universe presents. Once we understand the peacefulness of what our thinking dwells upon, then good things will happen to us. We, therefore, have to understand the way we think and appreciate our own WISDOM.

Our purpose is to maintain the good thinking that we know expands our WISDOM and elevates us from the difficulties that arise. We, therefore, have to be aware of the good thinking that exists on our minds. Once that awareness rises, our thinking will always be powerful and very effective in whatever we do. We must, thus, always be vigilant in the way we think so that the outcome of our thinking elevates us to the WISDOM that holds us acCOUNTable to anything we express.

Our Spiritual existence is always growing because we, as physical beings, also have Spiritual qualities. Once we begin to express these Spiritual qualities, we will become appreciative of our own good values. As these good values expand, our thinking expands as well to benefit those who also seek to expand their own goodness. Once this expansion is transferred to others, we develop a system of growth in goodness to everyone who shares our idea of WISDOM sharing. This is the objective of what good people have to do. There is always an idea of sharing goodness with everyone so we can become good as a whole.

Our Spirits expand because they exist in the DARK or Spiritual Universe, while we are here on Earth. Our Spirits, though, have the freedom of movement that we do not have. And since our Spirits are Omnipresent, they can exist right here with us on Earth as well as in the DARK Universe. They (our good Spirits) are, thus, always in the Universe of Spirituality, which always expands.

The DARK or Spiritual Universe is, thus, where all good Spirits exist and will maintain their existences forever. You, as a human being, upon your conception, were linked with a good Spirit that became your own. You must, therefore, maintain the WISDOM of that Spirit so that you will always be linked with its goodness and TRUTH in your physical existence. That existence will then know exactly where it will continue to reside Spiritually after your physical death. The WISDOM of your Spirit will, thus, continue to express itself so the TRUTH is always with you.

Copyright © 2019 by The Dohgon University of Thought. All Rights Reserved.

CSI 2057 the Omulu

26-year-old Ravon Stephenson was the top running back in the 2056-57 NFL season. He had led the Falcons to two consecutive Superbowl championships and had recently signed a new Billion Dollar multi-year contract. It was now days past the start of training camp for the upcoming 2057-58 season and Ravon was nowhere to be found. Rumors and gossip on Holo media soon turned into hysteria and at the urging of his family, a police investigation into his whereabouts was launched.

Atlanta PD detectives Ndami and Miller were soon assigned to investigate Ravon Stephenson’s disappearance. They compiled analytics, “dat” for short, which consisted of extensive holo, video, audio, and other surveillances to narrow down that Ravon’s last appearance was 1:36PM on Saturday, July 21st from inside his own apartment. So, after taking statements from several of his family members, a few of his close friends, and his agent, they went to visit Ravon’s multimillion-dollar condo in downtown Atlanta.

The apartment seemed to be in pristine condition except for a broken class table in the middle of the living room and a Football Helmet close by the broken glass on the floor. A physical altercation of some kind had obviously taken place but there was no Blood and while most people’s homes were equipped with security surveillance, Ravon either had none or it was removed.  

“Thin Air”, says detective Ndami. “Impossible to escape Dat in this day and age. I fear that our guy has been ghosted”.

“Sure seems that way”, replied detective Miller.

“Should we even bother prolonging the investigation?” Ndami asks rhetorically.

Frustrated by the inevitable, Miller responds sarcastically. “You probably were still in primary school when we used to have to tag every god dammed item in a crime scene, take thousands of photos, and dust everything down to find the smallest particle of evidence that might not even result in a viable lead. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days when I could exercise my investigative skills. I was one of the best. Omulu can’t solve every damn crime you know.”

“No it can’t but I’ll bet criminals back in the day didn’t have vaporizers”, Ndami replied in an equally sarcastic tone.

“I’ll go get the kit. You set up the cameras”, she says as she heads out the door.

Detective Ndami leaves the apartment, returns to their car where the petite Afrakan with a no nonsense attitude fetches a small black briefcase from a hidden compartment. She returns to the apartment just as Miller had finalized his 3D camera set ups. Ndami placed the small briefcase on the ground and proceeded to open it up.  

“The door is secure. Close those blinds”, she tells Miller. Miller takes a trip around the large living room to close all the blinds. When he was done only the internal lighting lit the room, not for any purpose other than to eliminate any outside surveillance of their activities. The general public does not know how the Omulu works therefore they don’t know how to hide from it as yet. Detective Ndami reaches into the black case and retrieves a narrow pen-like object.

“Okay, get the Helmet”, she tells Miller. Miller puts on a pair of black surgical gloves, picks up the Football Helmet and holds it up in front of Ndami. Ndami raises the pen-like object to the Helmet and pulls the cover off it on one end then the other. The object was approximately 5 inches in length with a fuzzy white surface.

“Careful now”, cautions Miller.

“I know”, Ndami replies. “If I drop it we both get vaped.”

Ndami then touches the tip of the pen-like object to the Helmet and scribbles it across it as if to color on the Helmet but only in areas where she knows Ravon may have touched it. She then takes the object away from the Helmet as Miller backs away. He puts the Helmet back on the ground then reaches into the briefcase to retrieve a Lighter. He held the Lighter close to Ndami’s hand and sparks it lit.

“Hold it steady now”, he advises her then touches the lighter to the top of the pen-like object. The object does not appear to ignite but the tip begins to melt under the heat of an invisible flame. The white fuzz changes into a glossy transparent substance that falls as it slowly consumes the object. The top of the object also begins to disintegrate and disappear at the same time.

“Hold it as long as you can”, Miller encourages Ndami but this time the much younger Ndami does not acknowledge his encouragement. She has done the Omulu many times in the 15 years since it was gifted to humanity by the Dohgon so to her, Millers constant encouragements seems patronizing and frustrating. She kept focused on the disintegrating object as gloss oozed down. When the glossy ooze had almost reached her fingers, Ndami let the object go and it floated away from her.

“I don’t even understand why that thing only works for women”, Miller complained.

“Sheeee, time for action”, Ndami replied.

Both detectives watched in silence as the object continued to burn until the white fuzz had completely disintegrated. When only the glossy ooze remained, it continued to hang in midair and pulsate. Suddenly the bubble of soap-like liquid expanded to about the size of a beach ball. Before long images begin to appear on the ball’s surface. They were images of Ravon.

Ravon’s radiant face and smile morphed into an image of him running with a football. Then it turned from a still image into a life-like hologram that moved in real time. Suddenly his image began to invert into a perspective from his vision and voices began to emit out of the glowing ball.

Unfortunately, the Omulu had confirmed that Ravon was dead but at least detectives Ndami and Miller could now see how he died. The Omulu was about to replay the last few hours of Ravon’s life, from where he spent them to who he spent them with. All detectives Ndami and Miller had to do then was to sit back and take notes.      

How to Make the World a Better Place

There is an enormous sense of pessimism in the world today. Countries are at war against each other over land and resources, terrorists are killing innocent people in order to fulfill their warped political and religious ideologies, racist leaders are stoking the flames of racism in order to expand their personal power and influence, and unethical people are destroying nature and the environment for quick profit over a healthy future for the young. The whole situation has become a thousand pound weight on the minds of every conscientious person in the world; many of whom are searching for answers on how to make the world a better place. 

The world is messed up because those in power have indoctrinated everyone with their unethical ways of life. Everyone must either adapt or perish at the hands of the unethical. Those corrupt ways of life include; corrupt religions, devilish cults, and unethical humanist beliefs. The world can become a better place but only for those who are willing to think out of the box. We have an ethical solution but it will require a dramatic shift in human thinking. This new way of thinking does not have anything to do with religious belief, cultism, or the exclusivity of secret societies. It is inclusive of all races and genders while being respectful of everyone’s role as members of the human family.

There are those among the human family who believe that human development is travelling along a linear path and that history started with them. When anomalies appear in their theories, they often dismiss those anomalies as fake. Take for instance the anomaly of the Dogon tribe of Mali. The Dogon tribe are known to possess extensive knowledge of the heavens even though they are considered a primitive tribe. Instead of embracing this knowledge, self-righteous historians dismiss Dogon knowledge as cross-contamination from early European explorers.

Making the world a better place will require the inclusion of historical knowledge from Afraka, the oldest inhabited continent on Earth. Historians often try to fool us but we know that current human history is extrapolated based on theory and belief. Secular society extrapolates history based on science and religion extrapolates history based on ideology. That is why we know that the best way to make the world a better place is by adopting the principles of the HERU Interface

The HERU Interface is a new operating system for human consciousness. Humanity has always operated according to operating systems. Basic operating systems are known as customs while major operating systems include religion, atheism, and spirituality. All operating systems are designed to provide meaning and a sense of purpose to people’s lives. When these operating systems become corrupted by the instincts of life such as desire and fear, inequities in society will increase. The key to controlling our basic instincts therefore is to increase the strength of our conscience.

HERU is the name of an Egyptian god. Most people associate HERU with the prolific Eye of Heru symbol that they see as representing a state of awareness or consciousness. To us the Eye of Heru is not just a cool looking symbol, it represents the 6 basic human senses which are; sight, smell, touch, taste, hearing, and intuition.  Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought has re-branded the word HERU as an acronym to mean Highest Exponential Reasoning and Understanding. The word HERU is therefore a way of deciphering reality using the full power of one’s Brain and Mind.

Making the world a better place using the HERU Interface will require the adaptation of several basic principles. We should recognize that the Universe itself is an intelligent entity. It is omnipresent and omnipotent which means that it exists infinitely as abstract Pure Dark Energy Waves. It may also be referred to as the Great Spirit. We should recognize that Life is a single conscious entity created by the Great Spirit. It exists as a duality, both abstract and physical. The abstract portion is its intelligence that is growing as it gains knowledge about itself.

We should recognize that humanity, which is merely a minute percentage of the Life entity, is a tool. Humanity’s purpose is to gain knowledge for Life and in return Life provides humans with Happiness. We should recognize that the abstract essence of our being is our Soul. It will die if it is not enriched so that it may transform into Spiritual energy after our physical bodies die. Our Spirit is the only thing that will exist forever because Spiritual energy is a portion of the Great Spirit to begin with.

A Soul’s energy is developed by practicing Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. Therefore, we should be conscientious in everything we do and in our interactions with other people and the rest of Life. We should recognize that Desire is the default driving force within us. It is installed as an instinct by the Life entity. Conscience is the only balance for Desire. Conscience is representative of the Great Spirit acting within us. We can never escape our Desires therefore you should strive to attain balance instead of extreme self-discipline.

When you live primarily to satisfy our Desires we will destroy ourselves in the process. And when we practice extreme self-discipline, we are defeating the prerogatives of Life, which is to learn and grow. We should try with all our might to never covet favor from abstract entities. Not from the Great Spirit, lesser Spirits, the Life entity, or Demons. This was the genesis of religion and cultism. Instead, respect that these entities exist but strive for person growth by gaining knowledge and strengthening our self-discipline and will-power.

We should be self-driven and resilient to achieve our goals in life. We wouldn’t have Desires if Desire wasn’t useful so pursue happiness but in an ethical manner. Respect the rest of Life, better known as Nature. Recognize the prerogatives of everything in nature because everything has a unique purpose. Respect the Seeds and replenish them whenever possible because when we work with nature, nature will work with us.

Never destroy nature like the unethical, self-righteous, power-hungry sociopaths that make up the populations within most of the worlds politically and economically prominent nations. Recognize that all those who practice evil and hate are serving their purpose to Life perfectly. You see, no matter how evil they are in corrupting Life, Life is watching and is learning as it grows similar to how water will always find a path down a hill. Life has faced many existential catastrophes before but it has always found a way to come back.

Just because they don’t know that their freewill is merely a risk that Life is willing to take in order to gain knowledge doesn’t make them the authority over life and death. It simply means that they are perfect tools. If you hate evil and injustice then you are the other aspect of Life that will act to bring about balance.

The responsibility of making the world a better place is not the responsibility of political leaders or people with money, power, and influence in society. Making the world a better place is the responsibility of individuals but we must change from the inside first. We must develop the power of our conscience by practicing fairness, equity and accountability in everyday life. Soon we will not hesitate to confront inequity in others and injustice in society.

In time there will be great change in human behavior that is not based on the reward mechanisms of Life but the goodwill generated by the Great Spirit acting on all of our consciences.

Never Forget the Tutsi Genocide in Rwanda

rwanda genocide

Never forget the Tutsi genocide in Rwanda because not only is it a valuable conscience building lesson for all Afrakans, if we ignore and forget it, we are bound to repeat it in our various countries and cultures.

April, 2019 marks the 25th anniversary of the worst genocide in modern Afrakan history, which resulted in the deaths of nearly one million Tutsi Rwandans at the hands of their fellow Hutu neighbors. It is of utmost importance to all Black and Afrakan people to never forget an event of such magnitude because if we do, we will never learn to become more conscientious people, its accounting will be altered, denied and forgotten, and because of those circumstances, we will undoubtedly repeat it over and over.

As westerners of Afrakan descent, we may never be able to understand the tribal nature of our genetic homeland and many Afrakans may even be quick to point that out if we dare to project any sort of moral superiority over the many and various cultures on the Afrakan continent. Therefore, we can only seek commonality with Afrakans through the fact that we are all human beings who want the same things in life, which are; mutual respect among men and freedom to live according to the historical ideologies that provide comfort and purpose to life.

With that said, it is well documented that the Tutsi genocide is the result of extreme tribalism between the prominent tribes of the region, the Hutu and the Tutsi. We recognize that the conflict began out of a lack of tribal respect on both sides. Some say it is due to deep colonial brainwashing that saw centuries of divide and conquer tactics at the hands of European powers. Some say no, its jealousy over physical features and Hutus believing that the Tutsi are East Afrakan invaders who don’t belong in the region.

Whatever the reason was, it was obvious that the level of conscience among the people had sunk to extremely low levels and when conscience is suppressed ideology will rise to take over the mind of anyone, including preachers. Before the killing frenzy began, years of animosity had slowly turned into racial hatred. Hutu politicians, Pastors, and their supporters were openly using hatred to spread propaganda until the general public was willing to kill without remorse.

Over approximately 100 days it is estimated that close to one million Tutsi were massacred throughout Rwanda. Gangs of Hutu soldiers, and civilians roamed the streets killing Tutsi men, women, and children wherever they found them hiding. No sanctuary was safe as they kicked down the doors of homes, schools, and churches to hack people to death with machetes. United Nations peacekeepers, who were stationed in the country due to prior tribal conflicts, did there best to save as many people as they could in the beginning but their calls for further help were ignored. It clearly reveals the hypocrisy of some so called morally responsible world powers.

25 years after the Tutsi genocide, it has been largely forgotten in the Western world because most of our leaders never gave a damn in the first place. When it is brought up in terms of accountability, most Hutu are remorseful but a small number of them remain defiant and are actively working to change the narrative. Like the German holocaust deniers, they spread misinformation claiming that only a few hundred Tutsi were killed or it was the Tutsi who orchestrated the whole thing, sacrificing their own tribes’ people to gain sympathy from the international community.

At Afro-Conscious Media (ACM), we do not subscribe to conspiracies. We were alive and followed the news when the genocide was happening and we’ve heard neutral 3rd party accounting from people such as Roméo Dallaire, commander of the UN forces who was on the ground in Rwanda during the genocide.

Most Tutsi survivors of the genocide express that they are still being haunted by the trauma of the event. Some say they have forgiven the Hutu in order to try to forget and move on while others have simply done their best to forget by building happy memories to suppress the bad ones.

This is the way the human mind works; we compartmentalize trauma in order to protect our sanity but while it is comforting, there is a danger in forgetting because over time those same petty differences, be they tribal or racial, will inevitably return if they are not dealt with properly and commemorated in a conscientious way.

ACM will always commemorate the Tutsi genocide, not to rehash the trauma of the event but to encourage conscious thought as to what will happen when we as Black and Afrakan people continue to engage in colorism, tribalism, and racism.

Afrakan Child Scolds Society On Pedophilia


This child is refreshing to watch. She is smart, confident, and bold. Commendations must be given to her parents for encouraging her pursuit of wisdom at such an early age.

She hits all the points that pertain to the subject, specifically the main argument often given by Pedophiles that it’s a cultural tradition. She speaks for all women and girls who are fed up by letting men know that morality must trump tradition.

We know that although Pedophilia is universally outlawed, it still exists in most if not all countries. It is either practiced in secret as rape and abuse or as cultural and religious tradition. The main argument for Pedophilia in many parts of Afraka is that child marriage is a tradition.

We know that it is of critical importance to maintain our traditions, especially in this age of increasing exposure to foreign culture. We have become so easily manipulated by music, fashion, and movies that some of are even adapting the psychology of other races too.

Even so, Afrakans cannot maintain the excuse that sex between an adult and a child is an ethical practice once it is within the confines of a marriage. Girls need time to develop physically and hormonally so that they can become independently productive members of society.

Gone are the days when women were expected to stay in the home while their husbands went out to work to provide for the family. The male dominant conditions that produced dependent females are no longer present therefore; the need for child marriage is no longer relevant.

We have heard the argument about independent women being the downfall of society and we are not amused. That is also the excuse being used by unconscious people who rely on religion and culture to function.

If the unconscious among us had their way humanity would still by living in the Middle Ages. Women would still be blamed for enticing the desires of men and men would be still be trying to fulfill their desires by having sex with children.

We must fight the desires of life by heading to the moral advices, which are being generated by the Spiritual essence of the universe within us. Only then will a child not be able to reprimand our conscience.

The 4 AfRAkan Queens Have Something To Say To You

The 4 AfRAkan Queens have something to say to you

Be sure of yourself. Do not ever hesitate in whatever good you do. People will come and criticize the good in you, but there is a Future that you see that others don’t see. This is what your purpose is all about. It is to read your Future and make it is as effective as your Past was and your Present is… so that when the Future arrives it will be as clean as your Past and Present.

Your Future, then, will be like your Past and Present, in which you have control over what happens in your life.

We, at The Dohgon University of Thought, are very grateful to collaborate with GoddessMotherofOrishaSupaQueen, who is the creator of the Ancestor Bottles™ that are displayed above. Those ancestors are:

Muana, Kailondo, Lana, and MTHR TANG. These ancestors represent a collection of Spiritually Magnetic artwork by GoddessMotherofOrishaSupaQueen. We, The Dohgon, are now introducing her artwork to the world.

If you own a gallery, museum or other institution… or you run a movie or anime studio… we encourage you to contact The Dohgon University of Thought and Goddess Mother so that we can make arrangements for your gallery, studio or institution to benefit from these creations by presenting them to a much larger audience.

Contact us at: with your desire to make these Spiritual creations available to humanity. Address your email to GoddessMotherofOrishaSupaQueen.

Interview With GoddessMotherofOrishaSupaQueen, creator of Ancestor Bottles™

Copyright © 2017 by The Dohgon University of Thought. All Rights Reserved.

Basic Principles of Black consciousness

Black History Month

What are the basic principles of Black consciousness?

The basic principles of Black consciousness are principles that pertain to a Black or Afrakan persons racial awakening. These principles enforce and encourage an internal desire to improve one’s self in the knowledge of one’s race, culture, and the pitfall of the world in which we exist. They also encourage a desire to respect, protect, and uplift the Black Afrakan race so that we, as a race can demand respect from other members of the human family and not remain people who are seen as weak push-overs who can be easily taken advantage of without consequence.  

Consciousness is the state of being self-aware. Black Consciousness therefore is the state of being aware of one’s race and its condition relative to other races. Unconscious Black people do not recognize that the Black and Afrakan race is despised and under attack. They exist in a fairy tale believing that a god made them to suffer at the hands of other Races. They endure by Faith believing that a reward awaits them in the afterlife.

Semi-conscious Black people do realize that the Black race is hated so they either try their best to assimilate with other races culturally and genetically or rely on Human Rights Laws to protect them. A very small percentage of Black people are actually conscious. We take pride in our racial identity and seek ways to preserve our blackness. All Black conscious people may not be universally unified in our principles but I’m sure that we’re more similar than different. Dohgon Spirituality and the HERU Interface employs these six basic principles of Black consciousness.

0) Honor and Respect our Afrakan ancestry and our ancestors

Anthropology states that there are 5 distinct races in the world today, all of which originated from the original Afrakan race. The fact that Afrakans still exist is proof that we are the Carbon copy and not the Blueprint for other races as they would like us to believe. In other words, they did not evolve from the original; they genetically mutated from us as a result of our own unaccountable behaviors and developed environmental adaptations.

Today, the cultures and systems that some have created to maintain psychological control over humanity have got most people believing that Nirvana is the ultimate goal and fading to white physically and mentally is the only way to achieve real happiness. As conscious minded people we need to resist popular culture and return to our own traditions. That involves honoring and respecting our Afrakan ancestors and our ancestry.

One of the most egregious things we’ve witnessed so far from unconscious Black people is the belief that they are anything but Afrakan. In many parts of the world including America, there are Black dummies who are claiming to be Hispanic, Arabs, Hebrews and even Native American. They have no expertise to determine their own origin so they rely on hatred of self, religious ideology, or fake history to comfort their ignorance. Even when genetic DNA tests prove their Afrakan origins they dismiss it claiming the white man is deceiving them.

1) Value Your Genetic characteristics

Afrakans have the most noticeable genetic characteristics of all the races. Our skin tones range from black to golden brown, our hair can be kinky course or soft and wavy and our physical features include thick lips, broad noses, and a strong physique. Although other races admire us for our athletic prowess, they despise us for wanting to compete for the same things in life that they do.

Unfortunately, the indoctrinating effect of popular culture has had a detrimental effect on our racial pride and self-esteem. The result is our people no longer value our physical genetic characteristics. Most of our women now either wear hair from other races or burn the kink out of their own hair with chemicals. Both Black men and women are either trying to bleach the blackness out of their skin or reproducing with other races to ensure their children will have an easier go at life.

We don’t blame them. We know they’ve been indoctrinated into the “survival of the fittest” mentality of popular culture so that’s all they know. Once they begin to accept and value their Afrakan genetic characteristics they will begin to experience a new sense of racial pride. They will begin to look in the mirror and exclaim, “Black is beautiful”.

2) Increase your Awareness

Society is being flooded with deceptions and misinformation for many purposes; the most dangerous of which is to keep Black people from achieving our true potential in life. We can become geniuses because no other race has a direct connection to the abstract energy of the universe as we do through our Pineal Glands. Most of us don’t know that and they will never tell you because most of them also don’t know it.

Those in power control the world by luck because their pursuit of happiness created conditions in their Brains that shifted their psyche outward. That means that in order to achieve happiness they have to acquire things from the outside world. We call it being Right Brained or Desire Dependent. In such a condition, they thrive on conquest, power, and self-righteousness. 

Indigenous people all over the world have struggled to keep up with the European, simply because we had to adapt their ways in order to survive their conquest. Unfortunately, in the process most of us have become corrupt, unethical and self-destructive. Our societies are digressing both from internal corruption and outside psychological, economic, and biological sabotage. Don’t think that it’s a co-incidence that crime, sexual perversion, and drug addiction is so prevalent in our communities. 

Professor MOmOh of the Dohgon University of Thought teaches that we are Creative while they are Innovative because true creativity comes from the abstract universe while innovation comes from manipulating thing already in existence. Increasing your awareness involves gaining knowledge about how society and the world works but most of all, it means gaining knowledge about how our own brains works. Learn about the Eye of Heru and your Senses so you can transform from a reactionary person to a truly conscious, self-disciplined, and balanced person who functions by your Mind and not your Brain. In time we will become so self-disciplined that we will begin to regain the intuition skills of our ancestors.

3) Choose Spirituality over Religion

Afrakan Spirituality existed long before religion. In fact, it was Afrakan Spirituality that others used to create religions. Now they say their religions are real and civilized while Afrakan Spirituality is primitive and occult. Well, we have news for them. Believing in unseen people in the clouds is more occult than believing in the energies that drive the wind, heat the Earth, and energize metals. We call these energies Spirits but they are unseen forces that animate living and non-living things by flowing through them.

Afrakan Spirituality is an extension of our Animistic nature. Animism means to live in accord with nature; respect nature and recognize that no part of nature is more important than the next. In doing so our ancestors attributed separate Spirits to things such as Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. Unfortunately, we began to made Idols to represent the Spirits. Then we began to worship those Idols and depend on them to solve our problems and to enrich our lives through our various unnatural desires.

We attributed all good things to our good idols such as the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars and we attributed evil to all our bad idols making them responsible for such things as Death, Thunder and Lightning, Volcanoes, Storms, and even dangerous Animals. Eventually single idols for good and evil replaced our multiple idols. Our idols also became more powerful when we gave them superior moral judgement over every aspect of our lives which was the genesis of modern religions.

Conscious people must recognize that gods and devils are Illusions but if you cannot escape religion then use it for Goodwill and not self-servitude. Goodwill is the magnetic force behind religion. Unfortunately, most people including religious leaders don’t know this. They think that when someone does good it is because an invisible god is guiding that person and when someone does evil it’s because that person is being manipulated by a devil. In reality, the two forces responsible for good and evil are Conscience and Desire.  

Conscience is an internal force that is generated by the Spiritual energy of the universe acting on the Soul of a living being. We can choose to listen to our conscience or we can ignore it using ideology but the more we listen the stronger it becomes. Conscience generates goodwill, empathy, care, and concern. Care and concern encouraging fairness, equity, and accountability in our interactions with others.

Desire on the other hand, is a self-serving force that is generated by the Life entity within us. Life’s primary goals are self-preservation and universal awareness and in exchange, Life provides happiness. That is why our daily activities are centered around a constant pursuit of happiness. And without the balancing effect of a strong conscience, our desires quickly corrupt our character making us selfish, uncaring, unethical, and even evil people.      

4) Support Black Financial Empowerment

One of the best ways to improve the Black Afrakan race is to work on becoming financially independent and empowered. Financial empowerment involves good personal money management as well as the support of Black owned businesses and companies. We exist in a Capitalist world but most of us don’t really know how Capitalism works and because of our Animistic nature we keep fighting for Socialism (economic equality). That along with systemic racism is the essence of Black financial dependence.

Capitalism was born out of the basic exchange of goods, services, and labor (slavery) for money. Today it’s become a complex system optimized by unbalanced economic conditions, which means it works best when everyone is not on the same level financially. It even becomes more effective by psychological manipulation in the form of consumerism. That is the state of black society today; poor discontent consumers driven by the belief that acquiring physical things will make us happy. The only positive is it keeps the economy in motion.

Since we’ll never change the political systems in society unless we run our own country, we’ll have to learn to make Capitalism work for us. Start in schools by learning how to create businesses instead of learning how to become good workers for someone else. Learn how to save your money and invest it wisely. Avoid credit and debt that put you in financial slavery to the Banks. Support Black owned businesses locally and nationally.

Important in our quest for financial independence is to avoid bad-minded thoughts that may tell you that you’re making another Black person rich while you’re poor. It took thousands of years to create our present condition so it cannot change overnight.

5) Promote Black Consciousness

Conscious Black people should always defend, protect and promote black consciousness, whether it’s under attack from other races or our own ignorant and self-destructive people. It’s not easy to swim against the current of popular culture so those of us who do need all the support we can get. Recognize that there are different levels of Black consciousness. Some black people are just waking up while some have been awake for years. Some of us are more political, militant or spiritual than others but as long as the goal is the upliftment of the black race then we’re all on the same wavelength.

Never support anyone or anything that destroys our race. That includes shunning black people who dismiss the problems within our race and side with the biased ideologies of others because it makes them acceptable. Always confront racism discrimination and injustice in society but also confront violence, gangsterism and all other unethical behaviors of black people in our own communities.

Recognize that black consciousness is not immune from corruption. There will always be people who will jump on the bandwagon when something is popular or profitable. It’s just the mechanisms of life working its magic. If you don’t know what real black consciousness is you might become disgruntled and disillusioned with those who profess to be conscious leaders. Black consciousness is not about seeking idols to follow. It’s about self-improvement first, then allowing your mind to accept what makes sense or you will quickly be led down the path of cultism. Once you find your truth, it’s your duty to promote black consciousness so that the general level of black consciousness may also rise.


Whether you’re on the continent of Afraka or in the diaspora these 6 basic principles of Black consciousness are essential principles to uphold. Always honor and respect your Afrakan ancestry and the ancestors, value your genetic characteristics, increase your awareness by gaining knowledge, choose Spirituality over religion, support Black financial empowerment, and always promote true Black consciousness. This is the only way that we as a people will rise above colonial influence and the indoctrinating effects of popular culture.

Finally; always listen to your conscience. It is giving you the mental strength and Self-discipline you need to persevere through the ethically corrupt reality others have created and now thrive in. We cannot survive living under the Sea, neither can Fishes survive living on land. This is due to environmental adaptations. Our apathy has allowed others to create a social environment that is detrimental to our survival unless we are determined to define our own existence as a Race.    

It’s Time for the HERU Interface

heru interface

Most people who eat from the tree of knowledge eventually become conflicted with religion. It’s not a strange predicament. After all, Dohgon Spirituality reveals that knowledge divided by understanding produces wisdom.

They say true wisdom is the understanding of god but the only understanding of god I got from religion was deep insight into human behavior. If I was a Humanist that would be great but existence cannot be understood solely through the understanding of human nature. What about the rest of Life, the Elements, and the Forces that holds existance together?

Religion talks about miracles and wonders but not about how they happen except by the unseen hand of an illusionary god. When we begin to understand and perform wonders ourselves we begin to realize that perhaps religion is just a cheap magician’s trick. In gazing at the stars trying to see heaven we’ve learned much about the sun, moon, and stars and we can now track comets that return from one to hundreds of years. We’ve even learned about biology and can manipulate Life itself.

Understanding human nature reveals that the human psyche needs an operating system to give meaning to our existence. Every indigenous tribe no matter how isolated they were had a set of morals and ideals to direct their consciousness. Religions are just packaged sets of morals and ideals with an unseen god as their overseer. Religions have become a problem however because they separate humanity from Life. Now we are destroying Life and fighting amongst each other in order to get to heaven to live forever beside our illusionary gods.

Are you frustrated with your religion because it doesn’t provide the answers to Life that you seek? Know that religions are simply moral interfaces or operating systems for human nature. Religions were not meant to control your entire consciousness. Religion reminds us how to treat each other but why do we need an overseer for that? Conscious people should be able to love and respect other people in our constant pursuit of happiness.

Science is a great alternative but if we are not morally grounded we will use science to destroy Life quicker than Religion. Human consciousness has become so rich with knowledge that we are able to turn back and analyze where we came from but even Evolution recognizes that Life had to begin somewhere. Perhaps someday science will reach beyond the Primordial Soup that they say is the genesis of DNA.

Are you an Atheist that is frustrated with the direction of humanity? Consider this; a long time ago in a place that was once considered the center of the world there lived a people who developed their senses so keenly that they were able to recognize an unseen entity living within and among them. They named the entity ANKH and created a symbol for it. They did not worship it; instead, they honored the powerful ways in which it manifested itself in the world around them.

I am Ankh. You are Ankh. Every living thing on Earth is Ankh. It’s time to recognize and respect Life again. It’s time to replace the religious ideologies that corrupt human consciousness and induce us into exploiting nature as well as to hate and kill each other. It’s time for a new interface for human consciousness. It’s time for the HERU Interface.


How Do We Fit Into This Precious Miraculous Life?

How do we fit into this precious miraculous Life? This is a question that is asked daily by people in search of clarity and meaning.

“Search”, because no thought is ever brought into reality without a purpose. “We”, meaning Humans because although we are a part of Life and have a certain level of self awareness our vision is not quite clear so we think ourselves unspecial and not a good “fit” for the reality we live.

How do we live? We live day-in and day-out preoccupied with finding Happiness. And until we die we persevere by faith (mostly the blind faith of religion or wishful thinking) hoping for a better tomorrow but each tomorrow we say the next day will be “the day” when Life makes us Happy by revealing the answers to all questions we ask.

What is Life? Life is an entity whose only mission is to survive. Life learns as it goes and so far it has learned that in order to survive it cannot be stagnant in an environment that is as harsh as the world it exists in. Life survives therefore by self preservation and through the acquisition of knowledge.

“We” Humans are the sharpest tools in Life’s kitchen. But while we are fully entrusted with acquiring knowledge for Life, we are not trusted with its preservation. Life protects itself from Human Free-Will by an installed safety-net called Conscience.

We are the most self aware of Life creations. We are driven by chemicals in our Brain that control our emotions. Emotional stability is to be content and contentment requires a certain level of happiness. Have you ever heard the term “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”? That term relates to the mission of Life itself.

A pursuit begins at a point of wanting which is perfect for the tools that Life equipped us with for its pursuit of knowledge and our pursuit of happiness. Life’s tools are Curiosity and Risk while ours are Want and Desire for Happiness.

Some might say that Life is lost because of the condition of Humanity but I don’t believe it is. I have seen a video of a Snake trying to eat its own tail. Without enough awareness we are like that snake. We never become aware that we are consuming our own tail because limited self awareness makes us act without forethought.

If you are seeking answers to the many questions you ask about your precious miraculous Life why don’t you ask Professor MOmOh, the man who knows everything.