Tag Archives: what is life

What is the Purpose of My Life?

What is the purpose of my life?

Before discovering the Dohgon I was on a personal quest to understanding the world and my purpose in it. In my quest I had read the Bible, dabbled in Islamic teachings, and used my secular education to compile an unreliable vision of the world around me. Fortunately, I was always a skeptical person so I always needed more proof to relieve doubts about everything I learned or experienced.

One of my greatest comforts was and still is Logic, or Common Sense, because it helps me to decipher my doubts. For instance; when religious people say a god created the world 6 thousand years ago, that is obviously illogical because it doesn’t account for the bones of Dinosaurs that can be Carbon dated to 65 million years ago.

My greatest psychological trauma was a perception that Afrakan people are primitive and lack the ability to develop self-sustaining, productive societies outside of the influence of Europeans and others. In actuality, my perception of reality had become tainted by the brainwashing effects of popular culture. Therefore, I judged based on a crooked, unwise ideologies that I developed through Religion and tainted education.

Upon discovering the wisdom of the Dohgon my Mind began to expand. I began to learn to develop a more reliable common denominator to depend on. I learned that history does not start with humans. That’s like counting starting from (one) while omitting (zero), the origin number. History begins with zero, the Great Spirit that is the universe.

The Great Spirit (Pure Dark Energy Waves), is abstract and cannot exist in physical reality therefore it acts to create, manipulate, and regulate matter using Forces such as Gravity, Electricity, and Magnetism. The Great Spirit created the physical world by transforming itself through a Permutation process. In doing so, it also created Space/Time, as we know it. Spirit also created Life through the same process and trough Life it created Humans.

Observation: If the Great Spirit created Life, wouldn’t that make Life a single entity?

The Great Spirit shows us examples of Life’s single but diverse character in everything including ourselves. The human body is a diverse collection of Cells and Organs, all working in accord for a greater purpose. If one organ fails, the Body is in jeopardy of dying. Life is similar in that Plants take in the Carbon Dioxide we exhale and produces the Oxygen we need to live.

Plants are also a vital link in the Food chain of Life. Many Plants need the Bees and other insects to transfer Pollen in the reproductive process between male and female Plants.

Some unwise and unethical Humans have decided to kill off the Bees and other insects with Pesticides so that they can sell genetically modified Plants to farmers. Now many species of Plants that used to depend in insects to flourish are in danger of extinction.

(Paradox of the Wise and Foolish) If I said that Life is a single entity working in accord for the greater good of the whole, why then do some people (the ignorant and unjust) persist in killing parts of the whole (like a Cancer)?

The Dohgon provided the answer again. The unjust are disconnected from the guidance of their Spirit because…

  • their Pineal Glands have become Calcified so their Spirit cannot reach their Conscience.
  • they’ve grown to rely on Life to guide their Souls but Life only knows how to use reward mechanisms to drive human consciousness.
  • they function primarily to fulfill Desires, which in turn induces a constant pursuit of Happiness state.
  • they do not understand that life is a temporary and voluntary physical experience of a omnipotent being.

Life isn’t about (Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness) as philosophers, politicians, and sociologists theorize. Life is about something completely different.

To find the answer we need to go back into history. We need to study the lives and cultural practices of our ancestors. It is said that in Dohgon culture, when two old friends meet on the road they exchange pleasantries for a prolonged period of time. But in western society we pass one another and say, “Hi, how are you?” without even expecting or waiting on an answer. The question is the greeting.

This tells us that people in the past cared more about one another and their communities. They placed more emphasis on the happiness of others than on themselves. This psychological condition automatically expands to include the health of the whole community. Therefore, the purpose of my life is to help and protect the whole and to show people who they are.

Beware of unethical people and their “survival of the fittest” individualistic BS that is leaving people depressed, lonely, and unwanted, especially if they are either born at a disadvantage or they would rather not compete at all.

I am IntegRAl MA’AT, a student of Dohgon Spirituality.

How To Fight Misogyny In Society

This is a response to a story that caused quite a stir on social media recently. The story involves the moral ideologies that regulate human behavior and the corrupt systems that maintain them. The story also highlights the failures of the religious systems that were developed to train people to manage their behavior. Our aim here is to teach women how to fight misogyny in society.

Being happy and fortunate to live in an age where she feels free to express her self-claimed Human Rights, Ugandan Law student, Joaninne Nanyange, took to Facebook recently to vent her humiliation at being barred from her Law classes over wearing indecently short Skirts to class. She posted an extended rant about having to endure the unjust patriarchal slant of Ugandan society as well as the inability of her male classmates to control their sexual desires at seeing her legs.

She also posted a picture of the outfit that officials at her school said was unfit. Like most of the dozens of responders to her post, I did not see a problem with her outfit. What that says to me is that most of the men in Ugandan society must have weak Consciences. In actuality, Ugandan men are not unique in that respect as most men in the world are the same. Some societies simply have stronger Laws and Human Rights codes to deal with sexual harassment.

The human Brain works through the stimulation of our Senses to release pleasure chemicals that facilitate happiness. Sexuality is an essential aspect of human nature therefore it is no coincidence that sex produces our highest level of natural pleasure. Life uses sex for one basic purpose, reproduction, but humans use it for added pleasure and happiness. It is only our Conscience that manages when, where, and how we engage in sex.

Morals are products of our Conscience. The grouping of morals into a system that can regulate human Consciousness is known as a Religion. When a man cannot control his Sexual Desires his belief in his Religion is weak. In such cases his willingness to act on his feelings will depend solely on the weight of the consequences of his actions as dictated by the society he lives in. Unfortunately, misogyny will always exist in societies built on corrupt Patriarchal systems.

There is a way that Joaninne Nanyange and all women can fight misogyny and the inequities of patriarchal societies. They can begin by recognizing and working for Life instead of Humanity. Aside from the Great Spirit of the universe, Life is the next most powerful supernatural force. Although Life cannot perform miracles Life can help us but only when we know how to work with it.

Life helps us when we learn to help ourselves because we are Life in the process of becoming self-aware. Recognizing a problem in society is only the beginning of being able to redirect the collective consciousness of Life. First, Joanne will have to use her education and influence to mobilize like-minded individuals in her community.

She must then Target the Conscienc of the men in her society. How? Be creative. Conscience produces many biproduct emotions, one of which is Empathy. She will get a lot of push back because most people are resistant to change in any form. However, with her persistence as an advocate for women’s rights she will incourage her society to implement laws to protect women.

The instinctive directive of Life toward sexual engagement between the sexes can be managed. It just takes willing participants and recognition that we have the ability to create our own reality.