Tag Archives: universal awareness

What is the HERU Interface?

HERU Interface

What is the HERU Interface?

The Heru Interface is a new operating system for human consciousness. An interface is a bridge between two platforms or devices that facilitates communication and interaction. For that reason, an interface can be considered an operating system. Common interfaces for operating computers are Windows and Mac OS. Common operating systems for understanding life and reality are religion and science.

The word HERU is an acronym that stands for Highest Exponential Reasoning and Understanding. It is an acronym that was defined by Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought. It is such a fitting description for how to use your Mind to control your Brain that we have adapted it as a moniker for our cause.

The word Heru is synonymous with the “Eye of Heru” symbol that has become a pop culture icon. From TV network icons to body art, the Eye of Heru is recognized and admired universally as a symbol of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Without true wisdom, its use is purely one-dimensional however.

The word Heru is also a translation for the Greek word Horus. Heru was a protector god in Egyptian mythology. He was symbolically depicted as a man with a Falcon’s head. Falcons are predator birds that roam high in the sky and possess very sharp vision to spot the smallest prey on the ground. They were therefore characterized as being “all-seeing”.

In order for something to be “all seeing” it has to possess universal awareness. Unfortunately, there is no entity that knows everything except the Great Spirit that created the Universe. We do not recognize that spirit as god because all gods are limited by the ideologies that describe them. Gods also require praise and obedience while the Great Spirit requires nothing.

We recognize the Great Spirit as abstract Pure Dark Energy. Science also recognizes it (in part) as the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum. It cannot exist in the physical world but it acts to regulate and manipulate it. Simply put, the Great Spirit is a Mind. It transforms its abstract energy into physical matter through a special process that is defined in Dohgon Science.

The Carbon core of Stars are portals between physical and abstract realms. The Great Spirit first created the Elements and Life then through Life it created Humans. Humans and some other aspects of Life exist as a Duality because we are both physical and Abstract. We can tap into the Great Spirit using the energy generated by electricity passing between nerve endings in our Brains. That energy creates the Electro-Magnetic field we call our Minds.

At some time in its existence Life switched from simply existing to a pursuit of Universal Awareness. Life is using every tool at its disposal to achieve its ultimate goal including sacrificing parts of itself. Life is bound to the physical therefore it can only manipulate by physical means using Mechanisms centered on Desire.

The only reward for Human activity is Happiness, which is facilitated by the hormone Dopamine. That is why all human activity is now centered around a constant Pursuit of Happiness to the point of Addiction and death. We want and desire beauty, pleasure, wealth, prosperity, good health, and ultimately to live forever.

The Great Spirit is active within us in the form of Conscience, which is the only balance for Desire. Conscience transforms Desire into Love by inducing brain cells to produce Oxytocin alongside Dopamine. Conscience also encourages Fairness, Equity, and Accountability in the human psyche.

The pillars of Conscience are the foundation of true Black Consciousness. You can never be too Conscious but you can be Desire Dependent, which means that you are a servant to Life. In such a condition your Mind is ruled by the Desires of Life. You will want and desire unnatural beauty, sexual pleasure, power, and anything else that gets your Dopamine flowing.

The Heru Interface is a new way of thinking and perceiving the world. It encourages people to think consciously instead of unconsciously. Unethical thinking is a byproduct of the mechanisms of life but since we are bound to Life we need to help Life to flourish and grow in an ethical way instead of in the corrupt and unethical ways we are witnessing today.

Understanding Trump’s Irrational Stance On Climate Change

This past week Trump announced that he intends to pull America out of the Paris Accord on Climate Change. It is a move that angers all of the other countries involved, which is virtually every country that is a part of the United Nations. Most people see this new move as just another deed of Trump’s irrational character. However, if you understand Life then you will begin to understand Trump’s irrational stance on climate change.

American Climate Change deniers have been rejoicing ever since Trump took office. They know that Trump is all about Business so this was the “icing on the cake” that they were waiting for him to deliver. Big Business is anti-Climate Change because environmental rules and regulations is a hindrance to Free Enterprise, at least in the traditional sense. They haven’t been able to pollute the environment the way they used to do with no accountability because their hands have been tied by strict environmental regulations imposed by the federal government and soon, the Paris Accord.

Furthermore, they say the Paris Accord will further handicap American businesses while most other industrialized countries such as China, and Russia are cheating existing environment rules. Business owners have been passing their frustrations down to working class Americans by blaming Environmentalists for the lack of good paying jobs in America. People’s lives and standards of living has been deteriorating due to high unemployment; therefore they have now turned to the rhetoric of Trump who has promised to rescue them. It’s all a perfect storm driven by human nature.

Human nature is driven by one prerogative and that is the pursuit of happiness. Some people believe that happiness can be achieved if we just let Life be Life and some people believe that happiness must be created. Life is a single conscious entity therefore both states exist simultaneously. Those who believe that happiness must be created are simply a risk that Life is engaging in as it pursues its ultimate goal of universal awareness. Life does not want to destroy its home (Earth), just the same as each of us do not want to jeopardize our personal health but we must take risks in the absence of knowledge.

The Paris Climate Change accord is a necessary achievement of human awareness. It was achieved in the absence of the awareness that Life is a single conscious entity for the preservation of humanity. Even so, its creators know that human preservation must also extend to every part of life that is essential to our survival as a species. We are Life, the ethical and the unethical. Trump and his supporters are simply a separate aspect of Life that, through their pursuit of happiness, are driven to fight and push the boundaries of existence because deep down Life is not content with being happy when death is an ever-present uncertainty.

Like Seedless Fruits

seedless fruit

Are black and Afrakan people becoming like seedless fruits? From the way we are disregarding our own health, nature, and the health of the Planet itself, it sure would seem so.

Fruits are a great source of vitamins and minerals for the Body and Brain. Fruits are often considered pleasure or snack foods because while they don’t necessarily satisfy a hungry belly, they can tide you over until the next meal. Many people even believe that fruits are gifts from god because of their sweetness and their ability to provide pleasure to the senses. The only parts of fruits that people do not like are the seeds so for over 300 years humans have set about eliminating seeds from fruits.

Did you know that like the creation story of the Bible, (Adam, Eve, and the Apple) fruits also played a large role in the creation of the theory of Evolution that secular schools teach? In 18th century Europe the grafting of plants to modify or create new verities lead to a new way of perceiving nature. People like Darwin and others began to notice the mechanisms that produced the traits or characteristics of plants and subsequently, animals. Charles Darwin then wrote his book on the theory of Evolution of plants, animals, and humans. Scientific tampering has also resulted in the rampant genetic modification of fruits to reproduce without seeds so that they can commodify Life and profit off of it. It is no wonder so many species of birds and insects are disappearing on a daily basis.

Plants produce fruits with seeds in order for their seeds to recreate new plants that prolong the existence of the species. If there is a process then there must be an author, some call it god; we call it Life. The prerogative of every living thing in nature is to multiply and flourish while humanity has an added mandate of pursuing universal awareness. Fruits propagate, in part, by appealing to the senses of insects, animals, and humans. They are colorful which appeals to the eyes while their sweetness appeals to our taste and smell. In essence, the appeal of a fruit is only a mechanism in the process of the fruit’s Life cycle.

Of course, fruits can fall from a tree and germinate where it lands but seed dispersal and fertilization are a far more effective process. Fruits protect their seeds with an antacid coating so once eaten a seed has a high probability of passing through the belly of an animal or bird, coming out fertilized with nitrates and ready to grow. Some birds are even pre-disposed to desiring seeds and since they don’t have teeth and cannot digest the seeds the seeds end up passing right through them intact. So why do Birds desire seeds? The answer is Life, the entity, is acting on their consciousness to help contribute to the survival of the whole of itself.

Humans, on the other hand have a different purpose. Life does not manipulate Humans to be seed distributors the same way as birds however; our awareness should inform us that we have a duty to respect the mechanisms in nature. The tree of Life has already produced seedless fruits that are serving their purpose perfectly. Do you know your purpose as an AfRAkan; the Tree of Life’s first fruits? When we truly become conscious individuals, we will recognize that we should help plants achieve their task by not destroying the plants seeds out of ignorance or out of a lust for money.  

When we persist with unconscious behaviors by displaying a lack of respect for nature it also reveals our lack of awareness of the mechanisms in Life. Our existence is only to feed other people’s desires and our own. We do not feed Life’s prerogative of achieving universal awareness, therefore Life has no respect for us. It allows other organisms to overrun us causing disease and death because it knows that we have become like those seedless fruits that we desire so much.

Famous natural healer Dr. Sebi teaches that if we truly value our health, we should never eat fruits that have no seeds. If a fruit does not have a seed then it is not a natural organism and is harmful to our health because of its altered genetic composition. Furthermore, we should focus on eating the plant itself and the fruit it produces but not the seed. Most importantly, do not destroy seeds or throw them in the garbage. If you don’t want to re-plant a seed then throw it out into nature where it has a better chance of germinating by itself.

Never buy genetically modified seeds that are manufactured by corporations. Although they claim that most seed modifications are done to help humanity, they patent the seeds, which clearly mean that its all done for profit. Understand that every plant has its own consciousness, which contributes to the collective consciousness of Life. Respect plants by helping them to reproduce their seeds and in turn they will help us physically and subconsciously.