Understanding Trump’s Irrational Stance On Climate Change

This past week Trump announced that he intends to pull America out of the . It is a move that angers all of the other countries involved, which is virtually every country that is a part of the United Nations. Most people see this new move as just another deed of Trump’s irrational character. However, if you understand then you will begin to understand Trump’s irrational stance on climate change.

American Climate Change deniers have been rejoicing ever since Trump took office. They know that Trump is all about Business so this was the “” that they were waiting for him to deliver. Big Business is anti-Climate Change because environmental rules and regulations is a hindrance to Free Enterprise, at least in the traditional sense. They haven’t been able to pollute the environment the way they used to do with no because their hands have been tied by strict environmental regulations imposed by the federal government and soon, the Paris Accord.

Furthermore, they say the Paris Accord will further handicap American businesses while most other industrialized countries such as China, and Russia are cheating existing environment rules. Business owners have been passing their frustrations down to working class Americans by blaming Environmentalists for the lack of in America. People’s lives and standards of living has been deteriorating due to high unemployment; therefore they have now turned to the rhetoric of Trump who has promised to rescue them. It’s all a perfect storm driven by human .

Human is driven by one prerogative and that is the pursuit of happiness. Some people believe that happiness can be achieved if we just let be and some people believe that happiness must be created. Life is a single conscious entity therefore both states exist simultaneously. Those who believe that happiness must be created are simply a risk that Life is engaging in as it pursues its ultimate goal of . Life does not want to destroy its home (Earth), just the same as each of us do not want to jeopardize our personal health but we must take risks in the absence of knowledge.

The Paris Climate Change accord is a necessary achievement of human awareness. It was achieved in the absence of the awareness that Life is a single conscious entity for the preservation of humanity. Even so, its creators know that human preservation must also extend to every part of life that is essential to our survival as a species. We are Life, the ethical and the unethical. Trump and his supporters are simply a separate aspect of Life that, through their pursuit of happiness, are driven to fight and push the boundaries of existence because deep down Life is not content with being happy when death is an ever-present uncertainty.