Tag Archives: science
White Supremacy Will Never End
White Supremacy will never end until humanity adopts a more ethical ideology of reality than those offered by Religion and Science. White Supremacy is the product of the two generally accepted existential belief systems in use today, which are Religion and Science.
Religion is defined as a set of Spiritual beliefs that a group of people have concerning their origins and the origins of creation. Before the white man accepted Christianity as his core belief, he was a Pagan, meaning he held many religious beliefs including the belief that kings and leaders were gods themselves. However, upon taking control of the Jewish religion and creating the New Testament of Jesus Christ, they completely inserted themselves into the Jewish creation story.
They then claimed that since Jesus came to his own, the Jews, and the Jews did not accept his message; Jesus then gave permission to anyone who believed in God through Him, to get to Heaven. They moved their Spiritual headquarters to Rome and declared that they were now the chosen people of the Jewish God. This brand of psychological White Supremacy is so powerful that even Black people today worship a white Jesus and live subservient to white Christians.
Science is defined as knowledge in all its various forms. The acquisition of knowledge therefore has to undergo a process of approval because reality is Subjective. In other words, 1+1 only equals 2 in theory and not absolute physical proportion. Science theorizes that humanity originated in Afraka making the original humans Black. This is not necessarily a plus for Black people because Science also accepts the theoretical concept of Evolution as its core belief.
The theory of Evolution teaches that Life originated by the chance of Nature over Time. In this process, Life evolved from complex molecules in Clay mud then evolved into single cell organisms in the Ocean millions of years ago. Over time, these organisms evolved into amphibious creatures that crawled out of the ocean and developed Lungs to breathe Air on land. Some creatures also developed Legs, feathers, and wings and began to fly while some stayed grounded on land and developed into animals. In short, Evolution states that humans developed from Monkeys.
White Supremacists believe that they are different from other races of people because during the process of their evolution, they were fortunate to mix with Neanderthals while others didn’t. This Neanderthal mix is what gives them their superior genetic and intellectual character. The theory of Evolution is flawed in many ways but since it supports their unethical beliefs of racial superiority, white Supremacists are happy to use it to corrupt the development of humanity.
Religious and Scientific theories of racial superiority are both being used by the white man to maintain psychological control over humanity. Logic would suggest that based on his domineering nature, the white man should have wiped out all the other races of people long ago in order to eliminate competition and to solidify his position as God’s chosen people. However, there is one thing that everyone is missing and that is the power of the human Conscience, which was installed in us by the Great Spirit that is the Universe and not an egotistical god or the chance of Evolution.
Conscience defies the religious belief by whites that they are the chosen people of a god when they are as ignorant of their true origin as everyone else. They are still susceptible to the same pitfalls of life that everyone else is and they still suffer disease and death like everyone else. Conscience defies the scientific belief by whites that they are a genetic and intellectually superior race based on Evolution because the more they dig into the history of ancient races, it’s the more they are discovering that our ancestors had technology that eludes their understanding. They also studied human DNA and discovered that African DNA is more complex than theirs.
The solution for us is to abandon the religious and scientific theories that support White Supremacist beliefs. It will render those beliefs ineffective to everyone except them. Many races are doing so now by returning to their traditional Spiritual beliefs. Some are using their religious beliefs to engage in their own quest for racial superiority but we must not follow their examples because Black Supremacy would be just as insane and unjust as white supremacy, Arab supremacy, Asian supremacy or any other racial supremacy quest.
Black people must adopt a Spiritual belief system that gives precedence to human conscience instead of human desire. A belief system that is based on an ethical creation story and not one that is based on the self-serving desires of a worshiper seeking God. A belief system that values the whole of life and not just humanity. The only Spiritual belief system that can and will defeat white supremacy and the propensity of all races to engage in racial superiority ideology is the HERU Interface.
Will Science Find God?
Will Science find God? The Dohgon say no because not only does the God of popular religion not exist, Scientific theories about the formation of the Universe are all wrong.
There is a cliche saying in Science that states that you can’t really discover something unless you are looking for it. With that adage in mind, Scientists must first formulate a theory before engaging in research to prove their theories correct. One famous hypothesis that Scientists depend on is the theory that the universe was created by a Big Bang. The author of that Big Bang, they say, was a particle of matter so small and powerful that it can only be referred to as the “God Particle”.
Decades ago, before setting out to discover the “God Particle”, Scientists first theorized that the Universe was created out of a Big Bang in which highly compressed gas reached a critical mass and exploded. The event set off a perpetual expansion of all Matter away from a center point. Heavy Gasses cooled to form Stars, Planets, Moons, and Dust while lighter Gases float around. The Big Bang theory depends on several supporting theories, the most famous of which is the belief that Matter cannot be created or destroyed.
That would mean that everything in the universe today has always been here, only in different forms. For instance, the simplest and lightest Element we know of is Hydrogen Gas. It consists of 1 Electron and 1 Proton and it makes up approximately 75% of the Universe while heavier Elements make up less of the Universe as their weight increases. Depending on this supporting evidence, Physicists are convinced that the Big Bang theory is correct and that Dark Matter exists. Dark Matter is invisible because in theory, empty Space cannot exist.
In the 1940s when the Military began to seek more destructive weapons than those that combined reactive elements together, they turned to splitting Atoms. Soon they developed the Nuclear bomb, which involved splitting Hydrogen Atoms. These were the bombs they dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan instantly killing millions of Japanese people.
In the decade following WW2, many nations competed to develop Nuclear weapons. Fearing impending nuclear catastrophe, a group of European nuclear physicists convinced the United Nations to form a coalition that would explore positive uses for Nuclear technology. They named this co-operation CARN and embarked on a new mission to find Higgs Boson particles. Higgs Boson particles are theorized to be the glue that holds the particles of an Atom together.
To physicists, Higgs Boson particles are the God Particles of creation. They theorize that if they could find this particle it could open the box to the secrets of the universe. Critics however, fear that scientists could be tampering with Pandora’s box instead. CERN scientist ignored the warnings, built an enormous Hadron particle accelerator, and spent over 50 years smashing Hadron particles against each other in hopes of seeing a God Particle.
In 2012 CERN scientists announced that they had finally proven the existence of Higgs Boson particles. Unfortunately, they didn’t learn any new secrets about the universe. They didn’t become God-like, able to create matter at will. They also didn’t prove the theory of a Big Bang or the existence of Dark Matter. All they discovered was that the process of discovery is often more exciting than the find. HERUInterface.com
Dohgons, Einstein, and Gravitational Waves
This past week Scientists rejoiced after proving that Einstein was right about the existence of Gravitational Waves but Dohgons have known for centuries that all energy forms in the universe exist as waves. Why then does science attribute the knowledge of Gravitational waves to Einstein? There are two reasons for this. One reason is the belief that AfRAkan minds are too primitive to perceive a vision of the universe beyond gods and superstition. The other reason has to do with the scientific method of determining truth.
Dohgons Cosmogony states that the universe is a series of Time Bubbles. The Mother Time Bubble started when Pure Dark Energy Waves, which infinitely exist in the form of waves, Flux to form particles of matter. It is dissimilar to the Big Bang chaos theory of science and Professor MoMoh of the Dohgon University of Thought has calculated a formula for how abstract energy changes to physical matter which has nothing to do with E=MC2. Can we prove it? We will let time do that because we have a different outlook on human consciousness and what is actually driving it.
We know that every abstract energy form that affects physical matter exists as abstract waves. That goes for Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism, and most of the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum. We also know that in order for science to accept Dohgon truth it must be submitted as a (theory) with credentials to one or several scrutinizing scientific bodies. That is a way of ensuring that only people within recognized scientific circles get credited with making “so called” discoveries.
We know that they have been stealing and claiming discovery of information for thousands of years. AfRAkans are not mad at science for claiming discovery of Gravitational Waves though, because we know that human consciousness is being driven by two instincts; survival and universal awareness. There are some humans whose minds are receptive to deciphering information coming directly from Pure Dark Energy Waves and there are some whose minds are blocked so they “discover” things.
It’s Time for the HERU Interface
Most people who eat from the tree of knowledge eventually become conflicted with religion. It’s not a strange predicament. After all, Dohgon Spirituality reveals that knowledge divided by understanding produces wisdom.
They say true wisdom is the understanding of god but the only understanding of god I got from religion was deep insight into human behavior. If I was a Humanist that would be great but existence cannot be understood solely through the understanding of human nature. What about the rest of Life, the Elements, and the Forces that holds existance together?
Religion talks about miracles and wonders but not about how they happen except by the unseen hand of an illusionary god. When we begin to understand and perform wonders ourselves we begin to realize that perhaps religion is just a cheap magician’s trick. In gazing at the stars trying to see heaven we’ve learned much about the sun, moon, and stars and we can now track comets that return from one to hundreds of years. We’ve even learned about biology and can manipulate Life itself.
Understanding human nature reveals that the human psyche needs an operating system to give meaning to our existence. Every indigenous tribe no matter how isolated they were had a set of morals and ideals to direct their consciousness. Religions are just packaged sets of morals and ideals with an unseen god as their overseer. Religions have become a problem however because they separate humanity from Life. Now we are destroying Life and fighting amongst each other in order to get to heaven to live forever beside our illusionary gods.
Are you frustrated with your religion because it doesn’t provide the answers to Life that you seek? Know that religions are simply moral interfaces or operating systems for human nature. Religions were not meant to control your entire consciousness. Religion reminds us how to treat each other but why do we need an overseer for that? Conscious people should be able to love and respect other people in our constant pursuit of happiness.
Science is a great alternative but if we are not morally grounded we will use science to destroy Life quicker than Religion. Human consciousness has become so rich with knowledge that we are able to turn back and analyze where we came from but even Evolution recognizes that Life had to begin somewhere. Perhaps someday science will reach beyond the Primordial Soup that they say is the genesis of DNA.
Are you an Atheist that is frustrated with the direction of humanity? Consider this; a long time ago in a place that was once considered the center of the world there lived a people who developed their senses so keenly that they were able to recognize an unseen entity living within and among them. They named the entity ANKH and created a symbol for it. They did not worship it; instead, they honored the powerful ways in which it manifested itself in the world around them.
I am Ankh. You are Ankh. Every living thing on Earth is Ankh. It’s time to recognize and respect Life again. It’s time to replace the religious ideologies that corrupt human consciousness and induce us into exploiting nature as well as to hate and kill each other. It’s time for a new interface for human consciousness. It’s time for the HERU Interface.