Tag Archives: Sanity Resister
Woke Mind Virus vs the Life Entity
Woke Mind Virus vs the Life Entity; what are they and why are they clashing?
Years ago, a friend asked me why I wasn’t concerned or panicked about increasing social upheaval in America. White Supremacist Ideology driven politicians along with religious fundamentalist extremists are waging a war against Humanism and Science. I say they’re all blind on both sides; therefore, my answer was the same as it is now. I couldn’t give a crap.
The reason why I couldn’t give a crap about the political crisis in America is because, unlike most people in the world, I recognize that there is a Life Entity. Furthermore, I recognize that social and political issues have remained the same for the entire duration of my life, which is almost sixty years. The only reason why people my age are now expressing concern is because of human nature, which I cannot fault people for.
From the 1960s up to the 1990s a Cold War existed in the world in which the United States and the Soviet Union (Russia) built and stockped enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world 100 times over. There were even a few incidents in which the red button was almost pushed by both sides. The reason why I didn’t care about dying from nuclear war then was because I was too pre-occupied with facilitating personal happiness.
Today, I should feel the same as most of my peers because time has graduated us all from the pursuit of personal happiness to a more conscientious point of view, which is a concern for our children and people we care about. So, to explain why I’m not panicked, I will explain my perception of reality starting with the Life Entity then the Woke Mind Virus, the term coined by the world’s richest sanity resistor, Elon Musk.
Inspired by Dohgon Spirituality, I was able to create my own Spiritual belief system, which recognizes that reality is the construct of a Great Spirit. The Great Spirit is not the God of man because God as described by man is limited to man’s own Desires for many things, the most important of which is eternal life. Furthermore, I’ve even heard spiritualists and religious people explaining that the most important thing in reality is Love. No, it isn’t; the most important thing in reality is Conscience. But I digress.
Getting back to the topic at hand, the Great Spirit is the true creator of Life and the universe. Since the Great Spirit is pure abstract energy, it created Life in order to experience physical reality. It also created humans as one of the most intellectually capable lifeforms, of which there are many, in the universe. Intelligent beings experience physical reality as an infinite exercise; however, our parameters as intelligent beings is limited so that the collective intelligence of Life cannot become confused into believing that it is the source (Great Spirit).
The most important aspect of reality that one should recognize is that individual consciousnesses always grow to develop a collective awareness or single conscious abstract entity. For example; evil thoughts and actions have developed a Devil entity, religious idealism has developed a God entity, and the will to live given one’s abnormalities and defects has developed a Humanism entity. Actually, the entirety of Human activity falls under the umbrella of Humanism. We all act according to our wants and desires, whether religious or otherwise as a form of self-preservation that unknowingly feeds the prerogative of the Life Entity to gain universal awareness.
So, if you didn’t get it yet; Life is a single conscious entity. It is the collective intelligence of every living thing on Earth including humans, who are Life’s most useful tools. Humans gather information for Life through Life’s manipulations of the Human Desire Mechanism and as a reward, Life provides Humans with happiness. Elon Musk was once asked in an interview why he has dis-owned his transgender son and his answer shocked them. His reply was that he disavowed his transgender son because his son had become infected by the Woke Mind Virus.
Since there is no such thing as a Woke Mind Virus or medical condition associated with it, I will explain what he means but first you should know that Transgenderism like all other abnormalities under the LGBTQ umbrella is protected by the Humanism Entity. No problem there and no offense for the “abnormal” labelling. Life doesn’t care what the result of human ignorance produces. Just like all so-called “normal” people, life will take us in any direction we want to go until death exhausts us.
In recent years, Sanity Resistance white supremacists have hijacked the term “Woke,” which was once a term of endearment to the Black American community. First coined during the period after Slavery in America, Black Americans would remind each other not to let down their guard to the dangers they face from white supremacists and sellout Blacks by telling each other to “stay woke.” Since white supremacists believe that they are poking spikes in the eyes of Black people, when they attack the term “Woke,” they’ve gone all out to use it in every which way they can.
So, when Elon Musk uses a made-up disease to excuse that fact that he struggles with Sanity and would rather rely on corrupt ideology, he is really acting according to the will of the Devil entity to fight against the Humanism Entity. The Life Entity also doesn’t care about the inconsequential disputes that humans engage in. The only thing that the Life Entity cares about is the human mind straying away from Desire. Therefore, it uses most of it’s resources to keep humans on a Desire infused Ideological path away from a Conscience influenced Ethical path.
Beware of Anti Woke Sanity Resisters
Beware of anti-woke Sanity Resisters; they are trying to convince humanity that sanity is not the most civilized human pursuit.
“Humans are strange creatures” is a phrase that we’ve all uttered at some time or another. We say it in bewilderment at the insane things that other people do, not realizing that we all do strange things at times also. There is a particular group of people however, who prolong insane behavior as if to willfully resist the improvement of their sanity. This group of people are Racists. At the HERU Interface, we refer to all types of racists, White, Black, Arab, or Asian, as sanity resisters.
Sanity Resistance is a sickness. However, it is a non-medical diagnosis because it is not recognized by doctors or psychologists. We recognize it as a sickness because we decipher human behavior from a Afrakan spiritual perspective. In doing so, we recognized that there are only two sides to human nature, which are Desire and Conscience and every emotion stems from these two poles. Desire is a mechanism of the Life Entity driving humans to pursue Universal Awareness while Conscience is the result of the Great Spirit that is the Universe enriching on our Soul energy.
Sanity is defined by academia as a state of mental and emotional well-being in which one is able to think, reason, and behave in a healthy and rational manner. It is the opposite of insanity, which is characterized by a lack of ability to think, reason, and behave in a healthy and rational manner. As you can probably tell, Sanity is subjective because there are no absolutes to any of its characteristics. All can be improved with effort. For these reasons, the HERU Interface recognizes Sanity as the most civilized human pursuit.
Humans resist improving our sanity for numerous reasons, sometimes because of trauma but mostly because of the Ideologies we develop to support our various personal and collective Desires. The most destructive ideology in the world over the past 500 years has been White Supremacy. Unknowing to those it effects, White Supremacy is the result of the Life Entity manipulating some white people’s Desires to conquer and rule existence. Yet, the Life Entity doesn’t mind that a lot of death, destruction, and psychological insanity results.
Most Black people including myself, engage in sanity resistance because of the generational trauma that affects our DNA and activates when we witness or experience racial injustice. We often mask generational trauma using ideologies we develop through religion, politics, and dissociative disorder. Some of us are further beaten into submission by anti-woke white supremacists who are quick to point out that slavery and colonization are either over or never existed and that our concerns over racism and oppression are due to Liberal indoctrination.
While my sanity resistance is due to generational trauma and the unbreakable bond I have with the Life Entity, I know that life is simply an excursion of my Soul into this hostile physical realm. I can intellectually dismiss generational trauma on that premise but I cannot override the emotions involved. If the Life Entity only knows one thing, it knows that the Great Spirit has the ability to step in to rebalance reality by boosting human Conscience. It’s a safety-net.