Tag Archives: Knowledge
Djehuti and the Dohgon Student

While ministering to his followers the mystic Djehuti said, a wise teacher was asked by a student what the purpose of his life (the teacher) was. The wise teacher answered and said that he once found a piece of a broken mirror and played with it for a long time. Soon he discovered that he could illuminate dark places if he positioned the mirror in the right way to reflect sunlight. The wise teacher then told the student that he, the teacher, is like that piece of mirror only his purpose is to reflect the wisdom of life into the empty minds of those seeking knowledge.
Not long after, a student of the great IMHOTEP heard the story and went to Djehuti seeking to expand his wisdom. The student asked Djehuti,
“I know that Wisdom is Knowledge divided by Understanding and since you possess more knowledge than I do it is obvious that you therefore must possess more wisdom. Why then do you associate wisdom with light when a mirror only reflects 1% of the Electromagnetic Spectrum?”
The student already understood that true Wisdom requires a thorough understanding of the Electromagnetic Spectrum, 99% of which exists in Darkness. Even Sound is a part of the Spectrum next to Light. Djehuti answered saying;
“There is no true darkness…..there are only greater or lesser degrees of Light. Light may be inner or outer…..upper or lower….visible or invisible…but it is always present…”
Wow! The student thought to himself. “IMHOTEP teaches that true Darkness exists and is the source of all Wisdom.” At that point the student became very skeptical of Djehuti’s wisdom but not wanting to disrespect or further challenge Djehuti the student changed the subject to mysticism which he knows that Djehuti thrives on. He asked Djehuti about some strange things that he had been experiencing while meditating. He explained that while meditating at night he would see glowing balls of light float towards him and disappear into his mind’s eye, as if to nest in his head. Sometimes he would even see the same strange balls of light leave in the morning.
“Can you explain these strange balls of light?” the student asked.
The Dohgon student waited for an answer but Djehuti did not respond. After seeming to contemplate an answer for several minutes Djehuti simply smiled and walked away. Upon reflection, the student had heard Djehuti speak many times and had even read one of his books (Your Immortal Body Of Light) so his silence told the student that wisdom is not free. Djehuti’s philosophy is that knowledge has to have a cost or people will not value it. That is wisdom within itself and although he did not get the answers that he sought, the student respected Djehuti for what he did learn.
The student also learned a great lesson about the difference between a God and a man. A God values praise while a humble man, IMHOTEP needs nothing for security. He works diligently on solutions to help humanity. He was the first medical doctor, the first Architect, and an expert in all things Cosmological, the study of the stars. He is always willing to help his fellow man and while money is essential in sustaining his Earthly needs he has no problem in helping others if they are unable to pay right away.
The student decided that he did not wish to be a God, just a man like IMHOTEP, to help to right the wrongs done to AfRAka by all Spiritless people. Not only does this student respect and value IMHOTEP‘s wisdom, he knows that the Spirit of the great IMHOTEP is alive in his teacher Professor MOmOh. If you seek understanding do not be afraid to contact him. Although he hates Mysticism, Gods, and fantasies about Aliens he will never walk away. He will steer you toward the real truths about life.
What Is Time And How Is It Created?
No, I dont mean the time determined by dividing distance by speed. I mean Time itself. What the heck is it and how is it created? For a very long time I wondered about Time until a formula was given to me by my Professor who is a master of Dohgon Cosmogony. The Dohgon are a people who knew about the movement of the Stars long before Galileo and Copernicus. Dohgon Cosmogony reveals that Time is Space divided by Pure Energy Waves. Although it is a simple formula it was very hard for me to understand because I didn’t understand the variables involved as Pure Energy Waves and Space are still not yet fully understood by modern science. Since unfamiliar explanations require familiar examples first watch the video below.
Recently, I was watching a few documentaries about people who possess extraordinary mental abilities. In the Docs there were people who could tell what day of the week any particular date was or will be, past or future. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. Ok… anyone can do that, I know but most people need a formula to do it and it takes a bit of time to calculate. Not with these people in the Docs. One guy was asked what day of the week Nov 25th, 2545 will be and he gave an answer in seconds.
“How are they able to do it?” asked the interviewer.
“I don’t use a formula” the guy confessed, “I think about it and I see the calendar page in my mind”.
This kind of mental ability is called a Savant. It is a mental anomaly that occurs in a very small percentage of the world’s population. Also, while a very small percentage of Savants are born with the anomaly some cases occur as a result of a brain injury. Savant skills are usually found in one or more of five major areas: art, musical abilities, calendar calculation, mathematics and spatial skills. This explanation of a Savant is very important to understanding Space/Time.
I asked my Professor what is going on in the mind of a Savant and he explained that; TRUTH exists in a realm of Universal Intelligence but since human consciousness is disconnected from Universal Intelligence we struggles to accept Truth. Most of us function by ideology rather than Truth. The Universe never lies. When we claim to discover something we are simply connecting to the Universal Truth of reality. It’s like Columbus discovering America when it already existed and there were people already living here.
Knowledge about everything that has ever happened or will happen based on pre-existing variables in the Universe is permanently stored in the Dark Universe in the form of Pure Energy Waves. That information is available to anyone; we just have to know how to connect to it. Savants are good at calculating certain things because their minds can connect with Pure Energy Waves from the Dark Universe where Space and Time are non existent.
For example; what is the answer to 3456×7352? Do you believe that an answer exists? Of coarse an answer instantly came into existence and is waiting for you to access but your mind cannot access it without performing a calculation. The time between when you first looked at the question and when you actually figured out the answer is your space/time differential.
A Savant is able to tell the day of the week because his mind can access information at will with little or no space/time differential. But lets back up and figure out how Savants are able to access information if the info is not necessarily Universal Truth. The answer is that the Time that we function by is a product of our own creation and not Universal Truth. We know that because there are Lunar calendars and Solar calendars that are culturally based. The calendar that most of the world uses is a Solar Roman calendar.
A savant is not accessing Universal Truth or predicting the future, he is simply accessing the truth of his reality. We also know that he is not seeing into the past or future because he is seeing a calendar that never existed or will exist in the form that he sees it. What he sees is a calendar page based on information already pre calculated by the Universe and that his mind accesses and uses to create an image of. It is like laying out all the calculations beforehand then scanning them to pick the one you need.
In other words, once a set of variables are laid out all the possible answers are instantly calculated and stored in the form of Pure Energy Wave. Because the Savant’s Brain is rewired to connect to the wavelength that contains the information, he simply needs to pick the answer without performing a linear arithmetic exercise.
It all sounds unbelievable, I know. Pure Energy Waves are still a mystery to science but imagine, there was a time when we did not know about the Electromagnetic Spectrum, and more specifically Radio Waves. Those that we create and those that originate from space but today we know they exist. If you stand outside at 2am in the morning the world seems so quiet and peaceful. Can you hear the millions of radio signals, TV signals, and Cell Phone signals? No? The signals need to be modulated to a frequency that can vibrate Air particles for your ear to hear. Then you will go mad without the filters to block all the sound waves.
Pure Energy Waves are a part of the intelligence of the Universe. Everything in the physical universe was created by Pure Energy Waves by way of a permutation process. The creation of Matter initiated Time and Time created Space. That is why in order to understanding Time you have to understand how Pure Energy Waves created Space.
Savants remind us that the mind is capable of very powerful things. We just have to know how to reopen those areas of the mind that have closed based on centuries of neglect and brain washing. Know that Pure Energy Waves first enter the world as Numbers and each Number has a Color. To find out how to unlock the code of Pure Energy Waves contact Professor MOmOH, the man who knows everything.
Dohgons Do Not Worship

We have noticed an increase in the amount of people seeking as well as professing knowledge about the Dohgon people of Mali, West AfRAka. From European Anthropologists to Ghetto Scholars, all seem mystified at the anomaly of the Dohgon, a people whose wisdom and intricate knowledge of the Life and the Stars Time, European colonization, and AfRAkan apathy could not erase.
But while many might marvel at the wisdom of the Dohgon and ask “how did they know so much?” there are those of us who know better than to accept stupid explanations that suggest the Dohgon got their knowledge from cross contamination by European explorers who thought them about Astronomy. That is because at the Dohgon University of Thought Professor MOmOH is a Dohgon who not only possesses great wisdom but can apply the knowledge of his ANKHcestors.
The Human Soul is a strange thing. Once disconnected from the Spirit the Soul seeks to worship instead of to acknowledge and learn from Truth, as Truth is the basis for Knowledge and Understanding, which brings forth Wisdom. We know that knowledge without understanding results in admiration and worship. That is why people worship the Sun, Moon, Stars and all things unexplained.
The Dohgon people do not seek admiration or they would not seek to live in isolation. They left evidence of their understanding of Life and the universe in the Pyramids that they created centuries ago in Egypt (KMT) so that humanity will one day acknowledge that a higher level of understanding can be achieved without any of the destructive forms of technology that Spiritless people may develop.
Fools may dismiss Dohgon wisdom as an impossible hoax but the greatest testament of white supremacist’s lack of understanding is the fact that the Pyramids are still standing after 8 thousand years and they still cannot decipher their construction. The answer is that they were built using the power of Concentration to connect to Spiritual intelligence at a level which only Professor MOmOH and a few others alive today can achieve.
Without the ability to concentrate people’s consciousnesses have deferred to idolatry. That is why we have no doubt that the spiritless people of this world who rely on Islam, Christianity, and other reigions to function will eventually destroy the Pyramids just like they are doing to the remnants of the Dohgon people in Mali today.
Professor MOmOH is not like the ghetto scholars on YouTube and Social Media who use knowledge of AfRAkan history as a shield to wage a futile war against Euro-centricity and white supremacy. He can explain how humans originated in Tanganyika, how AfRAkans built the pyramids, and how AfRAkans traveled to the Americas long before Europeans.
He can explain how AfRAkans thought the Olmec and the Aztecs how to use natural numbers to build Pyramids of their own but he is not interested in reciting history. He is more interested in teaching those who wish to understand Nature and their own Mind and Brain. More pacifically, he teaches how to unify the Senses (Concentrate) in order to heal the body of diseases.
AfRAkans; when the spiritless people get finished destroying all evidence of our past and overwrite it with their own history, what use will history be to you then? It will be worthless and your children will not believe the things you tell them or the books you give them to read when they are bombarded constantly with deception from Hollywood, TV, and the Internet.
Subsequently, you will begin to form cults and worship the Dohgon as gods because today you choose to worship instead of to learn and understand. At the Dohgon University of Thought, we Concentrate on Truth as opposed to focusing on lies, philosophy, and idol worship.
How To Survive The Decline Of The Piscean Interface

The operating system of human consciousness is severely corrupted and is guiding humanity on a course to its destruction.
When we think of operating systems we might think of computers and the programs that make them function such as Windows and Mac. These operating systems take the electronic Binary Code switching that the computers hardware does and converts it into a language that we can understand and easily manipulate.
Operating systems can become corrupted however and when they do we all know that a computer will not do what it was made to do. Human consciousness had an operating system centered on accountability until about 3000 years ago when that system became corrupted by the Pisces Interface.
The Piscean Interface is a system that forces humans to instead of being accountable to LIfe, exhibit selfishness and a desire to dominate and abuse Life because of a disconnection from it. This altered state of consciousness came about as a result of a cosmic cycle change that caused severe changes in the environment of the planet.
Furthermore, those environmental changes affected human consciousness by altering hormones in the brain that control the nervous system. Some humans lost the ability to concentrate so their consciousness began to operate by fear and coping mechanisms that made the Soul and Spirit appear as one and Time linear instead of being a Bubble.
Without Understanding there can be no True Knowledge and without Understanding there can be no Wisdom. That is how the Pisces Interface produced a condition that has led to the worshiping of unseen forces as gods. Human consciousness was altered into relying on hope, beliefs and faith in order to cope with the disconnection from the energies of the Universe that once powered human awareness.
The combination of Hope, Belief, and Faith produced religious systems that comfort humanity’s disconnection from nature. Today, instead of being accountable to nature most believe that they were given dominion over nature by the imaginary gods they created. They expend endless resources on their quest to find god particles and other planets in space to escape the damage they cause to the Earth.
The Piscean Interface drives the minds of its hosts as they continue to destroy the planet. Those whose minds are not severely affected but who suffer wisdom amnesia are at the will of the arrogant and racially insane. Racial insanity makes some believe that their race is superior to others. Wisdom amnesia makes some races believe that getting accepted into the culture of the racially insane is an achievement.
Today most AfRAkans are dependent in mind, believing that the others dictate their freedom. They celebrate the anniversary of independence from colonialism and slavery and believe that it is a great achievement. They celebrate being the first to be accepted in sports such as Golf, Tennis, and Baseball. They celebrate being the first to graduate from certain universities; become a medical doctor, Lawyer, or the CEO of a company. It is because most AfRakans have lost their awareness and now also operate by the Piscean Interface.
Fortunately there are some AfRAkans who know that the age of Pisces is ending and is being replaced by the Age of Aquarius. As Galactic Time approaches the “x” axis the turbulence will increasingly become evident in the insanity of humanity. We, the Dohgon know that human consciousness will shift back to Sanity and most who are not equipped for the changes will perish.
The shift back to sanity involves conditioning the mind to concentrate and for the soul to be accountable to Life. Everyone has an opportunity to learn how to survive the decline of the Piscean Interface. Visit the Dohgon University of Thought for more info.