Tag Archives: Knowledge

Searching for a Black Identity

Black Hebrew

Are you a Black person searching for an identity? This is a message to all Spiritual non-religious Black people; if a belief isnt ethical, leave it alone.

A lot of Black people refuse to examine reality in a critical way. As a result, they’ve chosen to live according to unethical ideologies and fragment themselves based on religion, ethnicity, and nationality. If you do not wish to rely on unethical religious and spiritual ideologies to comfort your existence and you value your indigenous African ancestry then don’t subscribe to Unethical religious beliefs; you will end up crucified like Kanye and Kyrie.

There is an increasing number of Black people who are calling themselves Negro Hebrews. The Black Jews or Negro Hebrews, subscribe to the belief that a god created them to be his chosen people. Unfortunately, they also believe that their God has been punishing them over the past 2000 years because of their own disobedience. By the way, this kind of thinking is a common victim mentality crutch that people develop to comfort their status while they search for redemption from their God. All people who’ve created Gods or worship Idols do the same thing.

Similar to the Moors and the Indigenous Black Americans, the Negro Hebrews claim that they are not Africans though they once inhabited parts of Africa in the past when God drove them out of Israel into exile. Then as part of further punishment they ended up as slaves in America. Damn; What an unethical God they must have! There are three primary reasons why a lot of Black people think like the Negro Hebrews. Those reasons are due to ignorance, Desire dependency, and manipulation by Ghosts and Demons.

Recently, we’ve seen the consequences of a couple of prominent people sympathizing with the plight of the Negro Hebrews by attacking the people who control Judaism. Kanye West and Kyre Irving are currently hanging on sacrificial crosses with the Blood of their courage, which is their money, slowly draining out. They will remain crucified on those crosses as examples of what will happen to Black people who don’t know their place. Some people are hailing them as heroes but we know that they are unwise because wisdom is based on a formula.

Dohgon professor Momoh thought us that the formula for Wisdom is Knowledge divided by Understanding. The problem with most people’s Understanding is that although they might gain excessive amounts of knowledge, they cannot gain Wisdom from it because they don’t know how Understanding works. In order to Understand things, you first need to understand how your own Brain and Mind works. Specifically; how your Hormones (Brain) control your Behavior (Mind) but before we can understand our Brain and Mind we first need to understand the source of our cration.

Dohgon Spirituality teaches that the true creator of Life is the Great Spirit that is the Abstract Pure Dark Energy of the universe. It not a God because it does not create things to gain praise and obedience from its creations. The Great Spirit simply creates lifeforms so that it can experience physical existence. The best way for the Great Spirit to experience existence is to occupy its creations. The Spiritual energy that occupies some living things, such as animals and humans, creates a Soul within them.

Souls develop into individual abstract entities that take on a variety of different personas. If a Soul is developed with good ethical energy, it may join the energy of the Great Spirit and reincarnate into physical reality limitless times or it may attach itself to other people to help develop that person’s Soul. If a Soul develops with bad unethical energy, it may die along with its physical host or it may also live on by attaching its energy to another living person. In essence, that bad Soul will help to corrupt another living person.

People’s minds function in two states, which are Desire and Conscience. Conscience is the force of the Great Spirit acting on the Human Soul. Desire is the force of Life acting on the Human Soul. These two forces are supposed to be balanced and that state of balance is known as unconditional Love. Ghosts and Demons cannot directly affect Human Conscience but they can affect Human Desire. Therefore, the way they corrupt Human Conscience is by encouraging Human Desire. Enhancing Human Desire tips the Mind into Desire Dependency.

Desire Dependency corrupts Human Conscience allowing Ideology and Inequity to override Truth, Ethics, and Morality. People will then struggle to treat each other using Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. Some people might say, “well Religion does all those things”. No, they don’t. Religion only encourages those things among the people of a particular religion. People outside of the religion are either shunned or initiated into an indoctrination regime.

We are not afraid of being crucified but we will never do it to sacrifice our Souls to Ghosts, Demons, or unethical Gods. We know that Ghosts and Demons cannot destroy our Souls because our Spirits exist above the level of those entities. We also know that our mission in this life is an Ethical one. It is to rebalance existence by encouraging enough Black people to use their Conscience as much as they can.  In the mean-time, Black people can avoid being crucified like the Negro Hebrew by abandoning the belief in unethical Gods. When we think ethically and pay respect to your African ancestors, we will attract good Souls who will repel the Soul-destroying energy of Ghosts and Demons.

Grand Deception Conspiracy vs the Covid-19 Vaccine

Several Covid-19 vaccines have been approved for use since January but while millions of doses have been administered so far, there is a huge anti-vax resistance building around the world. The vast majority of anti-vaxers believe in a Grand Deception conspiracy that states that Covid-19 is a government hoax designed to take people’s freedoms away.     

No Grand Deception conspiracy won’t stop me from protecting my health by taking the Covid-19 vaccine. In fact, I recently received my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine. It took me so long because I’m a very busy person. But when the government said “social distance” to avoid sharing Air with strangers; I followed the advice. When they said “wear a face mask” to dampen the expelling of particulates into the Air; I wore a face mask. I followed all the recommendations that Doctors suggested because I value my health and the health of my family.

Some people might think of me as a sheep that follows the commands of my master without question but the truth is that I live by common sense and not hysteria. Ever since my teenage years I loved being informed. My TV and radio are always on the news and most of my time on the Internet is spent browsing information. I’m totally aware that a lot of people love information the same as I do but most of them do for a different reason.

A lot of people who seek to stay informed believe there is a Grand Deception at work in the world. They believe that this so-called “Grand Deception” is being carried out by some secret society to hide “the Truth” in order to maintain control over people who don’t know “the Truth” whatever that truth might be. They refer to the deceivers as the Illuminati.

I used to believe in this Grand Deception until I read the Bible for myself instead of listening to preachers. It was then that I realized that the Bible was simply a glorified history book that provided many truthful insights into human behavior. I then correlated what I learned from the Bible with all the general information that I’d absorbed from society throughout the years. Finally, I used my new outlook on life to analyze general human behavior and realized that the only conspiracy going on was an attempt by some to make everyone believe there actually is a Grand Deception going on.

The Grand Deception conspiracy is why most Black people refuse to believe that Covid-19 is real and won’t take the vaccine. Unlike white anti-vaxers, Black people are experiencing a double jeopardy in these perilous times because we actually have precedence for our vaccine fears. Our fears stem from 400 years of slavery, racism, and discrimination at the hands of white people; the same people who are trying to convince us that the vaccine is safe.

There is one glaring problem with the Grand Deception Conspiracy though and that problem is the fact that white racists are fighting harder against getting vaccinated than everyone else. How is this possible if the goal of white racists is to trick Black people into taking the vaccine so it can kill us off? Right-Wing politicians, white militia cult groups, and white supremacists all over social media are all fighting like hell to avoid taking the Covid-19 vaccine.  

The truth about the Grand Deception conspiracy theory is that while there are several major deceptions at play within humanity right now, none of them are what most people think they are. In fact, those deceptions are all designed to deceive humanity for humanity’s own good. We humans are very dangerous and destructive creatures who not only have the unique ability to commit suicide, we also have the ability to kill other people out of animosity. 

The #1 deception at play in the world is religion. Like all things that humans adapt to, religion was developed by chance and stuck because it helps to reverse numerous human psychological problems. Several of those psychological problems include; fear, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, and lack of courage or cowardice. Religion would be the greatest thing since sliced bread if it didn’t have one very bad flaw. It relies on faith and faith overrides knowledge and common sense in most people.

Humanity depends on both knowledge and faith to survive but what happens when they clash? If conspiracies are based on the manipulating of faith while the Covid-19 vaccine is based on knowledge, how do we as Black people make the right decision whether to take the vaccine or not? The only thing that we can do is to make an informed decision by examining reality and using common sense.

The truth of reality is that White Conservatives and white Liberals hate vaccines and consider them to be tools of an elite Grand Deception Conspiracy yet the elite are both Conservative and Liberal whites. Black people are an afterthought in a Conservative vs Liberal game. Therefore, we must use our common sense to determine how to ensure our survival while they fight for control of the direction of humanity.

I chose to take the vaccine because I recognize that Knowledge is a prerogative of the Life force while Conspiracies depend on ignorance and misinformation.


Beware of Egyptian Mythology

egyptian mythology

Beware of Egyptian Mythology. It could be just as dangerous to Black people’s Spiritual development as religion is.

Most Black people who are embracing Afrakan Spirituality, Black Consciousness, and Afrocentricity are turning to Egyptian mythology as a core belief system. In one sense they are correct because Egyptian mythology is the origin of the three major world religions, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. In another sense, it could be a deception that will lead to further psychological corruption.

The problem with embracing Egyptian mythology wholeheartedly is that Egyptian mythology has numerous flaws and just like all major world religions, it should not be taken literally. The culture and achievements of ancient Egyptian society remains one of the most advanced and influential cultures to ever exist on Earth.

The legacy of Egypt reveals that the ancient Egyptians were able to gain a level of understanding of reality that most societies today have yet to be able to achieve. There is evidence that they used Electricity, developed advanced architecture, as well as advanced medicine and medical techniques.  

They also had intricate knowledge of the Stars, Planets, and Moons as well as the seasons of the Earth. Unfortunately, they became preoccupies with trying to achieve immortality in the physical instead of being satisfied with Spiritual transcendence. This led to the corrupting of their Spiritual belief systems.

This major flaw ultimately led to the downfall of Egyptian society as Pharaohs spent their whole lives preparing for their deaths. They also demanded that all their servants should follow them into the afterlife. Even those servants who didn’t want to die were put to death upon the passing of a Pharaoh.

Egyptian mythology is a powerful alternative to religion however, Black and Afrakan people wishing to use Egyptian mythology as a Spiritual belief system must not get trapped into trying to re-live the past. Instead, we must learn to extract Wisdom from past knowledge and use that Wisdom to build a better future for the Afrakan race.

This is the prerogative of the HERU Interface. We know that although our ancient brothers and sisters in KMT were able to develop amazing architecture and achieve extensive knowledge of Life and reality, they ultimately ended up on the wrong path, which also lead to their ultimate demise. They could not recognize or accept the duality of existence, the physical and the abstract and how the two can co-exist but can never become one and the same thing.

The Abstract essence of the universe is Pure Dark Energy. These energies are what science recognizes (in-part) as the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum. They cannot exist in the physical but they act to manipulate physical matter through the forces they generate within and around Matter.

The Physical essence of the universe is much more familiar to us because it is what reacts with most of our Senses. In other words, physical reality is tangible Matter. Humans exist as a duality; we are both Abstract and Physical. Our Mind is our Abstract quality while our Brain and Body are our Physical quality.

Our physical bodies will ultimately die, at which point we will lose the ability to interact with the physical world. We will no longer be able to see, hear, taste, touch, or smell but for some reason our ancestors in KMT as well as religious people today somehow believe that our physical bodies will resurrect in some kind of heaven. The HERU Interface says no; our physical bodies will not regenerate after death.

The HERU Interface has both historical as well as futuristic connotations. It is historical in that it pays homage to an Afrakan concept that goes back thousands of years. And it has futuristic connotations in that it recognized that although belief systems may not be real, they can still be useful tools.

Knowledge however gained, will always have subjective implication. Some people will accept it and some will reject it because they are unwilling to change. We know that belief systems are important to instilling structure within a society. When those belief systems don’t make sense or are not beneficial to the health of a society, we must be willing to change them.

Egyptian mythology is a great alternative belief system but due to its obvious flaws, we must beware of taking its traditions literally.  

Black Consciousness vs Black Liberation

black thought

Black Consciousness vs Black Liberation; what is the difference and which one is best for Black people? We believe that both are important and go hand in hand but without Black Consciousness Black Liberation is a completely useless endeavor. Here is why.

The vast majority of Black people who are waking up, abandoning religion and the system of popular culture are seeking Black liberation. Like the constitutional motto of the United States declares, Black people want “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Unfortunately, they realized long ago that that motto was not meant for them because while other races eat from the table of opportunity, they have to fight for the scraps that fall off.

Our struggle therefore has to go one step further. We have to unify socially, politically, and economically if we are ever going to be able to get a seat at the table of equal opportunity. In the past, our leaders have tried to unify us using many tactics. They have tried to get us informed and educated by creating black colleges, newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations. They have tried to unify us with religion and social organizations. They have tried to empower us by creating Black owned businesses for us to build wealth in our communities.

Our leaders have also tried to increase our political power by encouraging us to vote and get involved in the political process. We can’t say none of that has worked, however we still find ourselves struggling to be respected as human beings. We believe that our failures are based on our general level of consciousness as to reality and how the world works. In other words, we will never achieve Black Liberation until we focus on how to become truly conscious Black people.   

Black consciousness is an active process by which Black people are using their conscience as a motivator to gain mental strength. Mental strength involves increasing one’s self-discipline and self-motivational abilities. With the strengthening of those qualities a black person can then go about improving their personal health and the health of their communities by gaining knowledge of self, their history, and how the world works.

Without knowledge of self and self-discipline, Black Liberation is just a wishful mental and physical pursuit in which Black people are trying to gain freedom from government oversight so that we can expedite our own destruction. We may hate the government and police but we all know that if they didn’t exist all hell would break loose. Racism is still a big factor because without true racial unity, they will continue to do what they want to us without consequence. They don’t respect us because from the way we kill each other, they know we don’t respect ourselves.

Our young men want to be liberated to smoke weed and get high all day as well as impregnate as many women as they want without taking care of their children. Our young women want to be liberated to destroy their skin with bleaching creams, butt implants, and hair chemicals because it will be nobody’s business but their own. Their primary source of making money will be in catering to the various desires of their peers such as selling drugs, prostitution, and partying. As long as we don’t understand that our two primary mental states are Desire and Conscience we will continue to degenerate as a race.   

Take the example of predominantly Black societies in many areas of the world. Common people are in constant disputes against authority. To us, authority always seems to represent oppression and while colonialism has played a huge role, colonialism is fading while crime, violence, and corruption is on the rise. It is disappointing to witness because building productive societies will always require some level of oversight. The only way that Black societies will be able to successfully function in this new age is to raise the level of consciousness of the people within the society.

The HERU Interface’s participation in the struggle for Black Liberation is through Black Consciousness and Consciousness is about self-improvement. We are not coons are self-haters who blame ourselves wholeheartedly for our own condition. We also make no apologies for the white man’s continued racism, discrimination, and oppression of Black people worldwide. We are proud Black Afrakan people who will continue to fight for liberation by targeting the consciences of all races including our own.

Jamaicans Losing Their Religion

Jamaicans are slowly losing their religion. It is a social condition that has been happening for years and one that has recently become more evident when popular entertainer, Mr. Vegas, challenged the controversial statements of a well-known pastor on social media and in church. Mr. Vegas’s surprising loss of faith in the church is a recent phenomenon as the popular Dancehall artiste has always been very outspoken about his Christian beliefs in public and in his music.

Mr. Vegas is a smart man who has been reading the bible for years and while he has discovered many passages in it that are contradictory, he has never questioned his Faith before. However, one passage that always bothered his conscience is one that says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”. This passage is explained as; people are dying because they don’t or refuse to truly know god.

When a rational thinking person reads this passage and he or she observes the level of corruption in society and in the church he or she will naturally conclude that most people don’t know god. And even those that have unshakable Faith in god are dying in great numbers at the hands of merciless criminals. The rational thinking person will then either challenge the church and society using his own understanding of god or he will seek an alternative belief system because the one that society is using to understand god is not working.

Mr. Vegas has chosen to seek an alternative belief system in Kemetic Spirituality as well as to challenge religion. The question that he has to face now is how he will determine truth from Illusion because real Knowledge is based on Truth. He already knows that only real knowledge can help Black people end our cycle of destruction. The best way determine truth from illusion is through questioning. However, on one hand illusionists believe that to question is to lack faith in what they believe to be true. Therefore, they will redefine questioning to mean (seeking clarity) instead of to actually seeking truth. What then is (seeking clarity) if not to enforce that which you already believe.

All Jamaicans who are experiencing a loss of faith in Christianity and are seeking an alternative belief system need to be careful of settling for other religions or Atheism before you truly understand yourself psychologically. Imagine, 3000 years ago philosophers knew that DESIRE was the key problem in human nature but pastors and 99% of people today do not understand DESIRE. Know that the only balance for Desire is Conscience. That is how all religions were born. Religions are systems of Desire management where an overseer (god) is put in place to help people control their Desires.

People today are actively destroying the tenants of Conscience which are; Fairness, Equity, and Accountability, by using Human Rights laws as a means of quenching their various Desires. Pastors are creating conflict in society because they don’t understand desire so they condemn people without helping them to strengthen their Consciences in a productive way. Conflict will always produce conflict. If pastors were truly conscious they would invite and train people to manage their dysfunctions by strengthening the power of their Minds by strengthening their consciences.

When Jamaicans begin to learn how our Mind works we will also begin to understand the validity of religion and how to move beyond it without destroying ourselves in the process. We will learn that religion can only get us to the bank of a great river where joy and prosperity can be seen at the other side. Those of us who do not understand Life will drown as we try to swim across.  The Mind is the bridge. Learn to understand it, enrich it with knowledge, and we will reconnect to the Spiritual energies of the universe. Our collective unity will then form the bridge to achieve racial respect and prosperity.


Brother Polight, SaRa Sutin Seti, and Young Pharaoh’s Dilemma

Brother Polight, SaRa Sutin Seti, and Young Pharaoh’s Dilemma.

There are a number of individuals within the Black community who have gained popularity primarily for their efforts to wake the community up from under the spell of religion and the degenerating effects of popular culture. Some people refer to them as Ghetto Scholars while others view them as self-promoting opportunists.

Whatever the real story is we must understand that these individuals are serving a purpose. The main purpose that Ghetto Scholars serve is to provide an alternative view of Black history, culture, and Spirituality so that Black people may become inspired to embark on their own journey of personal discovery.

Some Black people who are looking for Revolutionaries to follow blindly or are too lazy to engage in self-improvement, will not see the benefit of Ghetto Scholars but they will also benefit from the process as they attempt to rebuff them and seek alternatives.

A Ghetto Scholar is an individual who is highly motivated to obtain knowledge about Black history and culture that has been purposely omitted from public record. They then use that knowledge to rebuff the false narrative and stereotypes that stigmatize and cripple the development of Conscious Black Minds.

Knowledge that most Ghetto Scholars possess is not recognized through the certificate programs of established Universities therefore, their knowledge can only be weighed by the effect it produces within the community.    

Important to understand is that although the term Ghetto Scholar is being applied to defenders of various religions like Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, that is not true Ghetto Scholarship as religion is recognized by the Black Conscious community as a tool of indoctrination, not mental freedom.

True Ghetto Scholarship is afforded to people who seek to raise the level of Black Consciousness in a non-religious, non-colonial way. Individuals who have also become indoctrinated by political ideologies such as conservatism and socialism are also considered unconscious as they will tend to defend the wrongs of their peers by suppressing their own conscience.  

Through the years, Ghetto Scholars have attempted to reach the masses in numerous ways. However, thanks to Social media in the new millennium their message is finally reaching a wider audience. Among the Ghetto Scholars who have excelled in the Social Media age are Polight, SaRa Suten Seti, Young Pharaoh, Akh and the Dagger Squad, Shakka Ahmose, Mfundishi, Red and Blue Pill, and many others.

Most Ghetto Scholars were also assisted by popular videographer and entrepreneur SaNeter of SaNeter TV. He has been instrumental in this new era of the Black Conscious movement by acting as a mediator between the various factions as well as documenting the New York Black Consciousness scene from the streets to the events and debates.  

Ghetto Scholars are not born with knowledge; they acquire their knowledge through a process of using common sense and intelligence to build a framework of information that is beneficial to Black Consciousness. The process is often a difficult one as non-institutional knowledge is often acquired through (life experience) or living and learning.

It is a process of creating (social bonds) that are not easily broken. For instance; Polight started out as a homeless youth on the New York streets before becoming a feared Crip gang member. His consciousness was steered through associating with Islamic organizations before embarking on his own business and educational endeavors.

SaRa Sutin Seti comes from a family with deep Islamic ties within his Detroit community. His consciousness was steered in a Kemitic direction through a desire to learn all he can about Afrakan history through several Kemitic master teachers, particularly Dr Ben-Jochannan.

Young Pharaoh is a self-professed former gang member from the streets of Buffalo NY. He has little formal education but a keen learning ability to enables him to comprehend information that most find complex. It was while serving time in jail awaiting trial on several Drug and Gun charges that he begun to take his unique learning ability seriously.

In each case, the process of psychological development involved (bonding) with individuals and ideologies that are very difficult to abandon due to the personal oaths of loyalty people often make in order to (fit in) with others. If you are born into a family that is deeply religious then you will become indoctrinated by that religion.

If you get initiated into a gang there is an expectation of deep loyalty that can only be broken by death depending on the reputation of that gang. There is no two ways about it. Human nature is all about the (bonds) we create for comfort and acceptance. Each person’s ability to transcend those bonds also speaks of their mental strength or Consciousness.

In recent month, the Black Conscious movement has been experiencing a lot of turmoil. Prominent figures such as Polight, Sara Sutin Seti, and Young Pharaoh have distanced themselves from being labelled members of any so-called unified Black Consciousness community.

Polight has embarked on a worldwide endeavor to find “Spiritual Truth”, as he says but we know that he won’t find it because no one knows the Spirit like Professor MOmOh of the Dohgon. He knows that the Key to Spiritual understanding lies within the human Brain and Mind. All religions and spiritual practices attempt to take people’s focus away from their personal wants and needs and direct them toward a divine or outer force.

SaRa Sutin Seti and Young Pharaoh have taken on the Nation of Islam in a war of words that has escalated into threats and accusations of harassment. Many people are saying the dispute may not end well for the two prominent Ghetto Scholars as the NOI is a very powerful organization.

The power of the NOI lies in their organizing ability that was developed through the self-discipline of Islam. If people only knew the Brain and Mind like the Dohgon they would know that Religion is all about self-discipline and there is no religion more self-disciplined than Islam. The result is that when they put their efforts into a task, they have the willpower to see it through.

Be wise and don’t let your egos get you in trouble brothers because the Spiritual Essence of the Universe is actively working on the Conscience of the religious; slowly chipping away at their corrupt ideologies 24/7.  

Self discipline is active process of controlling and suppressing one’s (Desire) but replacing one desire with another is useless. Know that until we learn to control our egotistical desires for Sex, Money, Power, and Influence, we will remain broken individuals, never able to address our real Desires for Racial and Cultural liberty.

Furthermore, Black Consciousness, whether unified or not, will always exist as long as there are examples to follow or not to follow and as long as Black people continue to become indoctrinated into religious and ideological mind traps that serve to maintain our subservient social condition.  

Why Did Afrakans Carry Ankhs In Their Hands?

ankh in the hand

Why did Afrakans carry Ankhs in their hands? Well throughout history every generation believed that theirs was the “end of times”. In reality, although times are getting tougher, violence is increasing, and love and empathy are fading, humanity is adapting and changing to survive. People who fail to manage challenges in the present will have no hope of surviving the challenges that the future will bring. Even so, most people still don’t know how to prepare for a tough future because most don’t have any control over their own Minds. The reason why Afrakans carried Ankhs in their hands is because they understood Life.   

What is Life?

The #1 problem with humanity is that most people don’t realize that Life is a single conscious entity. Furthermore, most Black people live by the reality in front of their eyes and like “Flat Earth believers” they simply cannot perceive the whole of the reality they live in. Some follow popular culture to maintain a sense of happiness while most endure an underlying sadness as they cope with the pitfalls of the society they exist in.

Every living organism on the planet is a separate aspect of the same living entity. The Earth is a Biome where this single living entity has diversified in order to ensure its survival. This entity feeds on itself and recycles to support higher organisms in a chain. The highest organisms survive by instinct and the collective intelligence passed down through generations.

We are the entity yet we all have independent thoughts therefore; our connection is through the collective intelligence we feed the whole. Knowledge was and still is the most important commodity of any culture. The most important people in indigenous communities besides the leaders were the Shamans, Medicine Men, and Scribes. They preserved the knowledge of the group and they knew what was good physically and psychologically for the health and survival of the community.  

Humans used to live in harmony with the rest of Life within the Biome but because we lost our Spiritual connection to the Universe, Life diversified us into different races to suit the environments we ventured into. Life also compensated to facilitate the under-production of our original happiness Hormone; Melatonin by synthesizing its own happiness Hormone, Serotonin.

What is Spirit?

Spirit is the creative force behind the universe. Although it is abstract and cannot exist in the physical realm, it acts to regulate and manipulate it. It also acts on all living things (Souls) that have Cognitive abilities to generate a Conscience within them. Humans are physically and mentally tied to both Spirit and Life. When human consciousness functioned in one accord with the Spiritual essence of the universe there was no violence, envy, jealousy, and hate as there is now.

Dohgons believe that a Galactic cycle change was responsible for the change in human behavior and a change in the consciousness of Life itself. Life became aware and began a quest for universal awareness. It began to use humans through chemical processes that act to facilitate pleasure and sensations of happiness. Human Spiritual connection gradually faded at the same time resulting in an inability of most humans to develop a mature Conscience.

Psychologists have been trying in vain to decipher Humanity’s ills. They all fail because they cannot see the real “Elephant in the room” which is Life. Humanity is in despair because people unknowingly function under the control of Life instead of being balanced by the Spirit. As Life gains further control of human behavior our perception of reality will increasingly become more pessimistic. Our actions will also become more unethical and violent.

What is ANKH?

European Archaeologists determined long ago that the ANKH symbol depicted everywhere in Egyptian Hieroglyphics represents Eternal Life. They came to that conclusion based on what they perceive as the ancient Egyptian’s cultural pre-occupation with immortality. Those experts simply could not perceive that the ANKH represents Life itself. In fact, Afrakans created a symbol for Life because they were able to gain deep insights into the physical and abstract reality they existed in. They also understood their place within it.

Everywhere it is depicted in Egyptian Hieroglyphs the ANKH was always carried in the hand. There was a specific reason why Afrakans always carried the ANKH in their hands. The reason is that the hands represent physical control. Therefore, a ANKH in one’s hand is the outer physical representation of an inner mental condition. In essence, the ANKH in the hands was a show of self-discipline. It represents Life over Death, Spirit over Soul, and Mind over Body. But most of all, the Ankh in the hand represents Conscience over Desire.

Most of the unethical things that humanity does is to produce Serotonin but because most humans lack Awareness they think that everything they do is by choice. They don’t know that choice is really an illusion and that Life entices all humans who lack self-awareness, or Conscience, to pursue and fulfill their Desires no matter the consequence.

How to take control of one’s own Life.

When we say that Afrakans should take control of their lives by caring ANKHs in their hands, we are speaking metaphorically. What we mean is that Afrakans need to recognize 3 basic things…

  1. Your Conscience is the Spirit of the Universe guiding you.
  2. Your Desires are being manipulated by the mechanisms of Life.
  3. You need to use the Spirit to control and override the mechanisms of Life.

The main preoccupation of all religions is self-discipline. That doesn’t mean that all we need to do to take control of our lives is to become better Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Religions do well in using Conscience to strengthening self-discipline but they all fail to recognize the true Spirit of the Universe as well as the Life entity in front of our eyes.

For those reasons, religions are like worn brakes on a tractor-trailer trying to stop on a wet road. No matter how hard people try to use religions to control human behavior they all fail, leaving Black people to concede that Death will surely provide a reward for their suffering in Life.

The best way for Afrakans to take control of their lives is to recognize and respect Life. Learn the mechanisms of life; particularly how Life uses Serotonin, Dopamine, and other pleasure Hormones to control our cognition on its quest for universal awareness. Develop your self-discipline by learning how to concentrate.

Become a student of the Dohgon University of Thought, which is the foremost school of mental concentration management. Dohgon master teacher, Professor MOmOh has designed many tools to decalcify your Pineal Gland, which is the conduit to the Spirit of the Universe. By increasing your Spiritual communication you are encouraging your conscience to function with Fairness, Equity, and Accountability.

Of course Humans cannot live without Desire or we would be like those robots that some people are trying so hard to create. All we are saying is that Desire needs to be controlled or we will become devilish, as is evident by the direction of society today. Conscience is the only manager of our Desires. Learn to manage Desire and soon you will become so mentally self-disciplined that you will feel as if you’re walking with an ANKH in your hand. Only then will you truly be in control of your own Life.    


It’s Time for the HERU Interface

heru interface

Most people who eat from the tree of knowledge eventually become conflicted with religion. It’s not a strange predicament. After all, Dohgon Spirituality reveals that knowledge divided by understanding produces wisdom.

They say true wisdom is the understanding of god but the only understanding of god I got from religion was deep insight into human behavior. If I was a Humanist that would be great but existence cannot be understood solely through the understanding of human nature. What about the rest of Life, the Elements, and the Forces that holds existance together?

Religion talks about miracles and wonders but not about how they happen except by the unseen hand of an illusionary god. When we begin to understand and perform wonders ourselves we begin to realize that perhaps religion is just a cheap magician’s trick. In gazing at the stars trying to see heaven we’ve learned much about the sun, moon, and stars and we can now track comets that return from one to hundreds of years. We’ve even learned about biology and can manipulate Life itself.

Understanding human nature reveals that the human psyche needs an operating system to give meaning to our existence. Every indigenous tribe no matter how isolated they were had a set of morals and ideals to direct their consciousness. Religions are just packaged sets of morals and ideals with an unseen god as their overseer. Religions have become a problem however because they separate humanity from Life. Now we are destroying Life and fighting amongst each other in order to get to heaven to live forever beside our illusionary gods.

Are you frustrated with your religion because it doesn’t provide the answers to Life that you seek? Know that religions are simply moral interfaces or operating systems for human nature. Religions were not meant to control your entire consciousness. Religion reminds us how to treat each other but why do we need an overseer for that? Conscious people should be able to love and respect other people in our constant pursuit of happiness.

Science is a great alternative but if we are not morally grounded we will use science to destroy Life quicker than Religion. Human consciousness has become so rich with knowledge that we are able to turn back and analyze where we came from but even Evolution recognizes that Life had to begin somewhere. Perhaps someday science will reach beyond the Primordial Soup that they say is the genesis of DNA.

Are you an Atheist that is frustrated with the direction of humanity? Consider this; a long time ago in a place that was once considered the center of the world there lived a people who developed their senses so keenly that they were able to recognize an unseen entity living within and among them. They named the entity ANKH and created a symbol for it. They did not worship it; instead, they honored the powerful ways in which it manifested itself in the world around them.

I am Ankh. You are Ankh. Every living thing on Earth is Ankh. It’s time to recognize and respect Life again. It’s time to replace the religious ideologies that corrupt human consciousness and induce us into exploiting nature as well as to hate and kill each other. It’s time for a new interface for human consciousness. It’s time for the HERU Interface.


How Do We Fit Into This Precious Miraculous Life?

How do we fit into this precious miraculous Life? This is a question that is asked daily by people in search of clarity and meaning.

“Search”, because no thought is ever brought into reality without a purpose. “We”, meaning Humans because although we are a part of Life and have a certain level of self awareness our vision is not quite clear so we think ourselves unspecial and not a good “fit” for the reality we live.

How do we live? We live day-in and day-out preoccupied with finding Happiness. And until we die we persevere by faith (mostly the blind faith of religion or wishful thinking) hoping for a better tomorrow but each tomorrow we say the next day will be “the day” when Life makes us Happy by revealing the answers to all questions we ask.

What is Life? Life is an entity whose only mission is to survive. Life learns as it goes and so far it has learned that in order to survive it cannot be stagnant in an environment that is as harsh as the world it exists in. Life survives therefore by self preservation and through the acquisition of knowledge.

“We” Humans are the sharpest tools in Life’s kitchen. But while we are fully entrusted with acquiring knowledge for Life, we are not trusted with its preservation. Life protects itself from Human Free-Will by an installed safety-net called Conscience.

We are the most self aware of Life creations. We are driven by chemicals in our Brain that control our emotions. Emotional stability is to be content and contentment requires a certain level of happiness. Have you ever heard the term “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”? That term relates to the mission of Life itself.

A pursuit begins at a point of wanting which is perfect for the tools that Life equipped us with for its pursuit of knowledge and our pursuit of happiness. Life’s tools are Curiosity and Risk while ours are Want and Desire for Happiness.

Some might say that Life is lost because of the condition of Humanity but I don’t believe it is. I have seen a video of a Snake trying to eat its own tail. Without enough awareness we are like that snake. We never become aware that we are consuming our own tail because limited self awareness makes us act without forethought.

If you are seeking answers to the many questions you ask about your precious miraculous Life why don’t you ask Professor MOmOh, the man who knows everything.


Eyeball Tattoos


Next to Life, vision is our most important gift. It would seem that this belief is missing from the minds a lot of Black youth because once again some of these foolish youth have taken up the new trend of tattooing their Eyeballs. It’s obvious that they have total disregard for the health of their Eyes. It is also further evidence that they are ruled by vanity and hold no value for their lives in general.

Life seeks directions of growth like Tree roots bore through the soil in search of nourishment for the Tree. If there is no nourishment to be found in a particular area of soil the Tree will halt the growth of that Root and send its energy in another direction, leaving that Root to die. A Ghetto is not classified as a dead Root unless the people in it have no regard for their lives.

Vanity grows in the absence of real ambition. Ambition is individually generated but is fostered, nourished, and reinforced by family, culture, as well as tradition. If we understand that then the youth alone cannot be blamed. They are merely left to their own device by the broken cultures in which they exist. Because of this they fall victim to all the Vanity (self satisfying things) that is captured by their senses.

Wisdom is Knowledge divided by Understanding. We are in the information age and the youth are bombarded by endless information in which they could use to improve their lives but without the ability to properly understand the information no Wisdom is ever gained. Professor MOmOH of the Dohgon University of Thought is on a mission to rescue the minds of Black youth and teach them how to use their minds as our ANKHchestors once did in building the Pyramids.

Black people, it’s time to leave the foolish vanities of Tattooing your Eyeballs alone and come home to the Dohgon.