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Woke Mind Virus vs the Life Entity

Woke Mind Virus vs the Life Entity; what are they and why are they clashing?
Years ago, a friend asked me why I wasn’t concerned or panicked about increasing social upheaval in America. White Supremacist Ideology driven politicians along with religious fundamentalist extremists are waging a war against Humanism and Science. I say they’re all blind on both sides; therefore, my answer was the same as it is now. I couldn’t give a crap.
The reason why I couldn’t give a crap about the political crisis in America is because, unlike most people in the world, I recognize that there is a Life Entity. Furthermore, I recognize that social and political issues have remained the same for the entire duration of my life, which is almost sixty years. The only reason why people my age are now expressing concern is because of human nature, which I cannot fault people for.
From the 1960s up to the 1990s a Cold War existed in the world in which the United States and the Soviet Union (Russia) built and stockped enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world 100 times over. There were even a few incidents in which the red button was almost pushed by both sides. The reason why I didn’t care about dying from nuclear war then was because I was too pre-occupied with facilitating personal happiness.
Today, I should feel the same as most of my peers because time has graduated us all from the pursuit of personal happiness to a more conscientious point of view, which is a concern for our children and people we care about. So, to explain why I’m not panicked, I will explain my perception of reality starting with the Life Entity then the Woke Mind Virus, the term coined by the world’s richest sanity resistor, Elon Musk.
Inspired by Dohgon Spirituality, I was able to create my own Spiritual belief system, which recognizes that reality is the construct of a Great Spirit. The Great Spirit is not the God of man because God as described by man is limited to man’s own Desires for many things, the most important of which is eternal life. Furthermore, I’ve even heard spiritualists and religious people explaining that the most important thing in reality is Love. No, it isn’t; the most important thing in reality is Conscience. But I digress.
Getting back to the topic at hand, the Great Spirit is the true creator of Life and the universe. Since the Great Spirit is pure abstract energy, it created Life in order to experience physical reality. It also created humans as one of the most intellectually capable lifeforms, of which there are many, in the universe. Intelligent beings experience physical reality as an infinite exercise; however, our parameters as intelligent beings is limited so that the collective intelligence of Life cannot become confused into believing that it is the source (Great Spirit).
The most important aspect of reality that one should recognize is that individual consciousnesses always grow to develop a collective awareness or single conscious abstract entity. For example; evil thoughts and actions have developed a Devil entity, religious idealism has developed a God entity, and the will to live given one’s abnormalities and defects has developed a Humanism entity. Actually, the entirety of Human activity falls under the umbrella of Humanism. We all act according to our wants and desires, whether religious or otherwise as a form of self-preservation that unknowingly feeds the prerogative of the Life Entity to gain universal awareness.
So, if you didn’t get it yet; Life is a single conscious entity. It is the collective intelligence of every living thing on Earth including humans, who are Life’s most useful tools. Humans gather information for Life through Life’s manipulations of the Human Desire Mechanism and as a reward, Life provides Humans with happiness. Elon Musk was once asked in an interview why he has dis-owned his transgender son and his answer shocked them. His reply was that he disavowed his transgender son because his son had become infected by the Woke Mind Virus.
Since there is no such thing as a Woke Mind Virus or medical condition associated with it, I will explain what he means but first you should know that Transgenderism like all other abnormalities under the LGBTQ umbrella is protected by the Humanism Entity. No problem there and no offense for the “abnormal” labelling. Life doesn’t care what the result of human ignorance produces. Just like all so-called “normal” people, life will take us in any direction we want to go until death exhausts us.
In recent years, Sanity Resistance white supremacists have hijacked the term “Woke,” which was once a term of endearment to the Black American community. First coined during the period after Slavery in America, Black Americans would remind each other not to let down their guard to the dangers they face from white supremacists and sellout Blacks by telling each other to “stay woke.” Since white supremacists believe that they are poking spikes in the eyes of Black people, when they attack the term “Woke,” they’ve gone all out to use it in every which way they can.
So, when Elon Musk uses a made-up disease to excuse that fact that he struggles with Sanity and would rather rely on corrupt ideology, he is really acting according to the will of the Devil entity to fight against the Humanism Entity. The Life Entity also doesn’t care about the inconsequential disputes that humans engage in. The only thing that the Life Entity cares about is the human mind straying away from Desire. Therefore, it uses most of it’s resources to keep humans on a Desire infused Ideological path away from a Conscience influenced Ethical path.
Savior Minded Negroes Allow White Supremacists to Take Over School Curriculums

Savior-minded negroes have allowed white supremacists to take over the education curriculum in America and teach that Black people benefited from slavery. Spearheaded by conservative Republican politicians, the new curriculum will replace the previous school curriculum that they say is a form Liberal oppression designed to make white students feel guilty about the great nation that white people built. Most Black Americans are very upset at this new tactic by white supremacists to reverse their Civil Rights but not all Black Americans agree.
In fact, there are three main groups of Black Americans who co-sign white supremacy and all three suffer from the same savior-minded illness. They include those infected by Stockholm Syndrome, those infected with Robinson Crusoe syndrome, and those brainwashed by religion. At the HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness, we know that when the heat gets turned up on the Consciences of the Unethical Ones, their only refuge is to engage in Sanity Resistance.
Stockholm syndrome is a mental disorder in which a person that is held against his will, will begin to emotionally sympathize with his captor. Eventually the captive person will begin to assist his captor to fulfill the captor’s overall mission and objectives. It’s called Stockholm syndrome due to an incident in Stockholm, Sweden in 1973, in which the bank robbers held bank employees hostage for six days. During the standoff, the victims became emotionally attached to their captors, and even defended them after they were freed.
Robinson Crusoe syndrome is derived from the famous book by the same name about a shipwrecked European sailor stuck on a small South Pacific Island. One day the sailor (Robinson Crusoe) encountered a Black savage being chased by a group of other Black savages and decided to help the savage. After they both eluded the gang of savages, the sailor discovered that the gang of savages was chasing the one savage to eat him as it was their culture and it was his turn to be eaten. Robinson Crusoe named the savage (Friday) and the two became loyal friends.
There is nothing wrong with this scenario on the surface but if you have the capacity to think below the surface, you will realize the racism and moral superiority message behind the book. A lot of Black Americans possess this kind of savior mentality and believe that slavery was a benefit because it saved them from the savagery of African culture, which is still portrayed in media as backwards and uncivilized. Ahead of the announcement of the new school curriculum I heard some Black fools on YouTube stating that Black people should be grateful to Europeans because they were the first people in history to abolish slavery and even point out that slavery still exists in many areas of Africa.
In reality, there is a huge difference between African slavery and European slavery. African slavery is closer to a form of Indentured Servitude and not the Chattel slavery that Europeans imposed on Africans. In Africa, slavery was often a form of debt bondage, where people were enslaved as a result of owing a debt or being unable to pay a debt. Even so and due to the negative stigmas attached to the practice, the following African countries have since outlawed slavery: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Chad, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia.
Chattel slavery is a form of slavery in which people are treated as the personal property of another person. It is a system of forced labor in which people are bought and sold as property, and are forced to work without pay. Simply put, Chattel slavery in America was based on race and was a form of permanent, hereditary station.
The 3rd form of white supremacist in Black skin are the savior minded religious fools. It seems that no matter how much you try to tell people that religion is not the source of morality, they still won’t believe. The fact is that all we as humans really need to live moral lives is a conscience-based belief system. That is why all cultures around the world have different spiritual belief systems. Europeans came along and taught us that there is only one true God and belief system and it must be true, as they are the most powerful humans because they believe in him.
No other race of Americans attends churches in greater numbers than Black people yet Black communities are still plagued by crime, violence, and poverty. Instead of deducing that crime, violence, and poverty in Black communities is a concerted effort by white supremacists to keep Black people down, Black Christians would rather believe that Black problems are due to disobedience and lack of faith in a white Christian God, which translates into laziness, immorality, and poor self-discipline.
Savior mindedness traps Black minds in Stockholm and Robin Crusoe syndromes so that we will continue to support white supremacy. Savior mindedness keeps us from creating our own spiritual motivations in life so that we will remain sub-servient to the unethical religious beliefs of our oppressors. Savior mindedness is a negative crutch that is keeping Black people from achieving our true potential as the saviors of humanity. There is no savior except ourselves and only when we come to that realization, will we then begin to wrestle the cognition of the Life Entity away from the unethical ones.
Chase That Crazy Trumpkin Out of Town

With Halloween and Election Day in American merely days away, all sanity pursuing Black Americans must take the initiative to vote so that they can chase that crazy Trumpkin out of town. If you don’t do it, the next 4 years will be scarier for you than Halloween is to a 4-year-old child.
A very famous Bob Marley song says; “We built your penitentiaries, we built your schools, yet you gave us brainwashed education to make us the fools. Didn’t my people before me, slave for this country. Now you treat us with scorn and you eat up all our corn. Well we’re gonna chase you crazy bald heads out of town”.
Some people might say, “brother Integral, you’re not American. Why are you always talking about America instead of minding your own business?” Well, whether I or most people like it or not, America is still the most influential country in the world. It is technology leader, a major cultural influencer, and the economic engine of the planet. Anything that happens in America, good or bad, creates a ripple effect on global stability.
Contrary to white supremacist beliefs, America did not rise to become an empire solely because of white people. Americas prominence in the world stems from Americas multi-racial and multi-cultural make-up. People of all nationalities and races have emigrated to America over the past few centuries. Early immigrants left their countries in search of a better life with better economical opportunities.
Over the past few decades however, America has streamlined its immigration to focus on highly educated people from other countries. In other countries the process is known as “Brain Drain”. Simply research the ranks of many of the largest corporations in America and you will discover that most are full of Asians, Arabs, Jews, and other non-Arian people.
After 300 years of free slave labor that they used to jump-start America’s rise to global prominence, they refuse to acknowledge the concerns of Black people. And after using intimidation, fear, racism, and discrimination to beat most Black Americans into submission, bump-head white supremacists say that Black people are only un-successful because they love poverty and playing-the-victim.
We know why white supremacists love to focus on Black people; we are easy targets. Unfortunately, Black people in America and the world will always remain that way as long as we remain disorganized, desire dependent, and easily led by conspiracies and propaganda. The chief bump-head loves to say that he has done more for the Black community than any politician in history but what does he mean when race relations have actually gotten worse under his presidency?
Fear of being killed by racist cops and citizens has increased while he hasn’t said anything about it. Secure the blue-line he says to the cops and to the white militias he says “stand by”. When he says he has done a lot for the Black community it means that he has only given Black people the option to continue playing their position in society as subservient laborers.
Black America; its time to fight back against white supremacists and their politicians in this election by electing people who are sympathetic to the concerns of the Black community. Its time to chase that crazy orange colored Trumpkin out of town.
ZaZa Ali a Black Consciousness Vampire?

Is ZaZa Ali a Black Consciousness vampire? Her recent exposure for trying to keep nearly $15K in appearance fees from a speaking engagement that she cancelled out on would certainly suggest so. Appearance fee provisions are contractual agreements between event organizers and performers. Patrons therefore need to be very careful to read the fine print before they purchase tickets in advance because Performers are not obligated to return advances unless they break the contract.
In this case the ticket holders were only fortunate enough to get refunds based on their efforts to expose the unethical actions of ZaZa Ali by exposing her as the one who broke the contractual agreement. The determining factor as to whether ZaZa Ali is truly an unethical person and a Black Consciousness vampire has to be based on her overall track record. Unfortunately for her, many people are now exposing her as having a very shady past.
A vampire is a person who stays alive by sucking the blood of other people, however the term vampire has also been adopted to include people who drain other people’s energy, money, and time. A Black Consciousness vampire therefore, is a person who specializes in scamming, hustling, and robbing the Black Conscious community. Many people who rise to prominence in the community may begin with good intentions buy without a moral anchor, they will inevitably transform into Vampires.
Controversy involving ZaZa Ali is not new. Several well-known people in the Black Conscious community have spoken out about her character and history before but without substantive evidence, most of the talk was passed off as jealousy over her rapid influential rise. One of the most damming accusations about her is that she is a convicted felon who has several fraud charges.
No one is saying that people cannot change and from what we see, she has been doing just that. We know that one of the best ways to help one’s self is to help others. Unfortunately, true self-improvement begins with the strengthening of one’s morals through strong self-discipline. According to our understanding of human psychology, morality is a product of one’s Conscience and Conscience encourages Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. These three traits are the foundation of true Black Consciousness.
We encourage ZaZa not to hide behind the allegations of fraud that has inflamed the Black Consciousness community but to come clean. As she can clearly witness, people love to pile on and before you know it, her career will disappear in a puff of smoke like a real Vampire.