Tag Archives: Black History Month
Black History Month vs African Immigrants

Black History Month vs African immigrants, why does a disconnect exist. Also, why don’t most African immigrants feel that Black History is important considering the obvious whitewashing of not only American history but world history as well?
A few weeks ago, a candidate running to be governor of Michigan vowed to end Black History Month in the state if he is elected. His stance on Black History Month is not new as many white politicians have uttered similar views before. What is astonishing is the fact that he is a Black man of Nigerian heritage. His stance has caused an uproar among ADOS (American Descendants of Slaves) who feel that African immigrants are always disrespecting them.
There is no hiding the fact that the political climate in America has grown to become extremely volatile over the past ten or so years. The majority of Americans used to dwell near the center of the political spectrum. Now most have drifted towards opposite ends and guess which end most African immigrants have chosen to support. If you guessed the Right, you are correct and there are several reasons why, the number one reason being that Africans are blinded by religion. The cannot see that if it wasn’t for Liberal immigration policies white people wouldn’t let them into America in the first place.
There are serious rumblings of a tribal war about to break out between ADOS and African immigrants over this and similar social issues which ADOS view as a pattern of disrespect towards them by African immigrants. Cooler heads must prevail because we are all familiar with the white man’s tactic of divide and rule. We must recognize that we are all coming from similar colonial circumstances. Ever since African countries began to gain their independence from colonial rule, the tactic of maintaining control over Africans have changed. You no longer see white heads of state and white soldiers, now you see missionaries and Aid workers.
The white man was once the most feared creature in many African countries. Not even the mighty Lion had the ability to strike fear in the hearts of Africans like him but now he is considered a savior. When tribes go to war against each other, he is there as the peace maker. When drought causes famine and millions of Africans starve, he is there with food. When poverty forces Africans into desperation and they risk their lives crossing Arab territory to get to Europe, he is there to help. Don’t think that all this help comes without a price though; the price is Christian indoctrination.
What happens when every good thing you know of in life, including religion, comes from the white man? The result is that you begin to believe that he was sent by your god to be your savior. When you luck-out and get a chance to immigrate to the great land of infinite riches and opportunity, you feel you owe a debt of psychological loyalty to the white man for being able to dwell among him because he must be chosen.
On the flip side, you become racially disconnected with ADOS because you feel that they are only suffering in America because they don’t appreciate the white man. Now you do your best to impress them by dressing up your children in stupid little Elf outfits and pose in front of a brightly lit Christmas tree as if to say, “Look, I am different from the unappreciative ADOS. I am loyal. Vote for me to be Governor and I will do your bidding.”
My intent is not to bash Africans, just to expose the unwise actions of some. This is only my opinion of why the animosity between Black Americans and African immigrants exist. I know that there are millions of Africans who sympathize with the struggles of Black Americans to gain respect as true Americans. There are also plenty of ADOS who are doing similar things to divide the race because they are also blinded by religion which they view as having precedence over racial unity.
All Black people, no matter our various nationalities, need to understand the importance of Black History Month because I’m sure we’ve all heard the phrase, “A people without a history is like a Tree without roots.” History is not on our side so the more we allow others to manage our history, its the more our history is eroding away.