Tag Archives: africa
Xenophobia in Africa the work of Colonizers

Xenophobia in Africa is the work of colonizers and is designed to keep Africans dumb, violent, and dysfunctional.
We don’t like to spread conspiracies but some situations bear too much evidence of external coercion to escape controversy. When we see how some South Africans are violently trying to expel Nigerians from their country and vice-versa, we know that there is colonial influence behind it.
The colonizers know that most Africans are in too much social and financial despair to be able to see the big picture and will destroy themselves before they realize what happened. The colonizers already have Religious control so with the use of tribal violence, they know that soon they will return to take back political and economic control of Africa.
Africa is a continent that has been mired in violence and social despair for centuries; some say since the arrival of Arab and European colonizers. In the last half century however, ever since the colonizers have loosened their political grip, allowing Africans to dictate their own political affairs, life had begun to improve.
Some African leaders have even developed the audacious confidence to wrestle economic power away from the colonizers. The one part of covert colonial influence in Africa that is definitely not a conspiracy is the fact that the colonizers have always regretted giving up political power in Africa.
The colonizers hated how Robert Mugabe (RIP) liberated Zimbabwe so they successfully used economic sabotage to ensure Mugabe’s influence didn’t spread throughout Africa. Instead of falling apart however, most African countries thrived and developed successful economies.
With the emergence of numerous Millionaires and Billionaires the colonizers know that the more economically self-sufficient Africans get, it’s the more they themselves will lose access to Africa’s enormous untapped natural resource wealth. So, how are colonizers working to thwart the rise of Africa?
In the midst of all the confusion and daily reports of xenophobic violence there is a sinister campaign going on to accelerate the violence. Hidden hands are spreading false reports of xenophobic murders that either didn’t take place or are events that happened long ago.
One video even showed students in India jumping from a burning building as an event involving Nigerians. The Nigerians have predictively retaliated by attacking South African nationals living in Nigeria. Some Nigerians have now called on their home-grown Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram to kill all South Africans and they have agreed.
Our vision is not blurry. we can see the colonizers rejoicing now that the bonfire of xenophobic violence is spreading to include other African countries. All they have to do now is wait for Africans to call for help from the international community.
The colonizers will then send in UN peacekeepers and eventually the World Bank to seize financial control of more African countries. The development of Africa will regress by 50 years and Africans will return to 100% dependent state.
Africans are Being Used by the Catholic Church

African priests are now the future of the Catholic Church in the United States. What does it all mean? It means that the leaders of the Catholic church lack wisdom and are naive in their strategy to maintain influence in society. It also means that Black and African people need a true Spiritual intervention.
Statistically, over the past 20 years, the Catholic Church has seen its fastest membership growth of any region in the world take place in Africa. This statistic is averse to another statistic that shows declining membership in all other regions of the world over the same period of time. Several factors are attributed to this decline but the most prominent is the ongoing controversy over sexual abuse allegations of children by Catholic Priests.
Africa is a different ballgame for the Catholic Church. Churches in many regions of Africa are consistently packed to the rafters with members from the elderly to infants. The size and designs of African churches are rivaling those in America and African Priests are reaping the benefit as many of them also own private jets and luxury European cars, the same as their counterparts in America. This is the kind of religious vigor that leaders of the Catholic Church are hoping to inject into the diminishing religious communities of America.
Anyone with a little insight into true human psychology will see that the Catholic Church’s mission of using African Priests to inject new life in American churches will not work and is a little naïve. All religions thrive on two basic things, they are Hope and Faith. Hope and Faith are products of wishful thinking and wishful thinking can be measure on the Happiness Scale. The only reward for life is happiness, therefore all humans live primarily in the pursuit of personal happiness.
The Happiness Scale dictates that the happier people are, it’s the less wishful thinking they tend to engage in. Conversely, unhappy people engage in more wishful thinking and depend on Hope and Faith to cope with life. Are we saying that Americans are generally happier people than Africans? Absolutely! This is because the psyche of people throughout the world has been altered from a Coexistence with Nature to a Survival of the Fittest.
The Catholic Church’s intent to use Africans to bolster its ranks coupled with the fact that Africans are sinking lower on the Happiness Scale reveals a sad truth; Black and African people’s psyche needs a true Spiritual intervention. We know that the psyche of every human needs an operating system to provide a sense of purpose due to the ever increasing levels of Fear and Inequity in society. Organized religions took humanity out of cultism and Idolatry by providing an illusionery vision of happiness.
As Africans gain knowledge and our awareness increases, more and more of us are realizing that religions are a deception from the true workings of reality, therefore we are abandoning religion in favor of more ethical belief systems. The guardians of religion are trying their best to maintain their religious deceptions, especially on the African mind but Conscious Black Africans don’t intend to let that happen. We will defeat the Catholic Church’s initiatives in America and Africa with the help of the HERU Interface.
Stop Female Genital Mutilation

Female Genital Mutilation on Wikipedia
Stop Female genital mutilation (FGM). It is a painful, barbaric, and unhealthy tradition that cannot and will never stop the impulse of men and women to fulfill their sexual desires in nefarious ways because FGM is based on unconscious religious philosophy.
Female genital mutilation is a traditional practice within many Muslim influenced cultures where the genitals of young girls are cut off to limit vaginal use. Such mutilations can range from the cutting off of the clitoris to the removal of the entire external genitalia. Once healed, this non-medical procedure dramatically reduces the vaginal opening leaving only a small opening for urinating. FGM is not only barbaric, it is an extremely painful practice that often results in death or life-long pain, discomfort, and infections for girls who undergo it.
Female genital mutilation has been outlawed by the world health organization for many decades however, it is still being practiced by many cultures in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. The main reason for the persistence of FGM is that it is being used as a tool to reduce or eliminate Sexual Desire in women and girls. FGM developed in ancient times as religious philosophers across many faiths searched for ways to control human nature. But while some faiths stopped at shackling women in Chastity Belts, others went on to altering the genitals believing it would thwart a woman’s obvious susceptibility to being used by the Devil.
The superstitious belief that gods and devils manipulate human nature is the same reason why some faiths still demand that women cover themselves in public. They believe that if any part of a woman is seen by any man other than their husbands, unwanted desire would rise in the man (temptation) therefore all such temptations must be eliminated from society. If this is so, why are there still tribes of people in some regions of Africa, Asia, and South America walking around naked and there is no problem with sexual perversion?
Blinded by religious philosophy many cultures still believe that sexual promiscuity, such as adultery and prostitution is the result of women not being able to control their sexual desires. Husbands therefore, fear leaving their homes for extended periods of time because their wives will seek to fulfill their sexual desires with other men. Having circumcised wives makes men feel better knowing that their wives will not fall victim to this tool of the devil. There is also the added bonus of knowing that most other men will have little desire to seduce a circumcised woman.
Corrupt sexual desire is a problem that many societies worldwide have been struggling to manage ever since humans began to develop social morality. What people overlook or don’t know is that sexual desire is a natural instinct in humans. To control sexual desire by physical means betrays true understanding of human behavior. That is unless we persist in our power-loving tendencies to control others by force. The real truth is is that Sexual Desire can be controlled by nonphysical means and is the responsibility of both genders, not just women.
FGM is pervasive in many African cultures because it is ingrained in our traditions. Cultural tradition is a coalescing force that gives individuals within a society a sense of belonging. Humans are social creatures, meaning we generally hate to exist in isolation from other humans. We find comfort in family and friends and socialize with others who share common ways of life and spiritual beliefs. We learn by mimicking and gain acceptance through adaptation. Once adaptations are practiced over several generations, they become ingrained in the psychology of people and become traditions.
It is no wonder therefore, that FGM is most often executed by women; the same women who once kicked and screamed when it was being done to them. Women have become so brain washed by the tradition that they see FGM as a rite of passage that signals a young girl’s worthiness for marriage at only 9 and 10 years old. In essence, women in such societies have become no more than property of the men, like goats and donkeys. They see nothing wrong with it because they are thought that a woman’s place is to serve a man.
Stopping female genital mutilation is not an easy task. It requires changing cultural beliefs, which unfortunately are also interwoven with religious ideology. A better solution is to increase the awareness of people through education. Eventually people will learn that sexual desire is a natural human instinct that can be controlled by their minds. The key to developing a strong mind is to develop strong conscience and self-discipline by improving our connection to the Spiritual force of the universe.
Most religions are good self-discipline builders that can help people blow themselves up in crowds or encourage ideas of racial superiority that lead to racism and genocide but they are weak conscience builders because they rely on corrupt ideology to thrive. That is why you see pastors sexual abusing children and taking advantage of their followers financially and sexually. That is why you see men seeking to marry children or animals to have sex with. They don’t know how to use their conscience to build and regulate their morals so they make excuses saying a devil is responsible for temptation.
Unconscious people have traditionally attempted to control their sexual desires by putting the responsibility of sexual weakness on women. They have thwarted the development of female sexuality within their societies by mutilating the genitals of young girls. Black consciousness calls on all cultures that still practice female genital mutilation to listen to your conscience and the cries of every young girl that you “Cut” to stop this unconscious, unnatural, and unnecessary tradition because sexual desire can be controlled by developing strong consciences.
Moors Not Black Or AfRAkan

The Moors say that they are neither Black or AfRAkan.
The Pan-Afrakan Diaspora consists of several religious and cultural groups. The main groups are Christians, Muslims, Hebrew Israelites, Moors, and Spiritual Agnostics. Some groups acknowledge their AfRAkan ancestry and some don’t. Those who choose to deny their AfRAkan ancestry either do so due for religious blindness, for monetary gain, or through plain ignorance of Life. The Moors are the one group who deny their AfRAkan ancestry for all three reasons.
The Moors believe that they are not bound by country, continent, or race. Instead, they say they are indigenous to the entire world having inhabited the planet since all landmasses were one some 150 million years ago. There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, we wish all humans would think that we are all one people as part of the Life entity. Unfortunately the Moors are being hypocritical because today they would rather enter into a pact with world powers and live by systems based on Gods, kingdoms, and money rather than recognize the greater order of existence.
The mission of the Moors is to establish themselves as placeholders among the world elite. In order to achieve their goal, they must first prove their worth to those who now control organized religion as well as military and economic power in the world. Furthermore, they must prove that they are neither Black or AfRakan but are members of a non-extinguished Moroccan empire. The Moors believe that most Black American slaves were no more than prisoners of war while others were aboriginals along with the indigenous tribes of North and South America.
Historically, the term Moor refers to a loose-nit, non-racial group of people based in Morocco, North Afraka during the Middle Ages. Originally Arabs from Turkey and the Middle East, the group diversified racially as they conquered Afrakan and European territory to grow into a formidable empire. Their biggest conquests were in Portugal and Spain, which they inhabited and ruled for hundreds of years. Eventually the Moors were beaten back into North Afraka where they slowly faded in power and influence.
During the Middle Ages, the Moors were well respected for their geographical knowledge and navigational abilities. Early European explorers sought their help in all their endeavors into Afraka and on the High Seas. During the slave trade in which Afrakans were captured and brought in chains to North and South America, the Moors were known to have immunity from slavery. Some historians even believe they actually participated and were financially rewarded for their work in capturing Sub-Saharan Afrakans for their European partners.
Proof of Moorish treachery occurred in Jamaica, West Indies, where as part of a war truce, large groups of runaway slaves known as Maroons made agreements with the British to capture and return other runaway slaves to the plantations. As reward, the British labeled them Moors and gave them their own land. Fortunately, there were more ethical Maroons who refused the British treaties and kept the figh going against both the Moors and the British.
The Moors of today channel their beliefs from Nobel Drew Ali, a Black American Muslim who established the Moorish Science Temple of America in Chicago in 1914. Nobel Drew Ali was thought by his father, a Moroccan immigrant, that all African Americans were Moors who belonged to the Moroccan empire and by simply claiming themselves to be Moors, they would automatically gain Moroccan citizenship and posess all the rights of the Moroccan Empire.
Credit the Moors for gaining and revealing hidden insights into the inner workings of the system of corporations known as countries that have been governing world affairs since the turn of the 19th century. Just know that systems created by men based on Desire and Ignorance are all destined to fail. Petitioning the unethical to get a seat at their table just means that you want into their wicked and unethical systems that praise Gods, Kings, and Demons.
Human creativity is capable of much greater things. That is why Dohgons are gaining knowledge to increase our understanding of Life so that we can build a better interface for human cognition. We know that the Great Spirit that is the Universe is the creator and our Soul is experiencing a voluntary excursion into this hostile environment known as Life. We incarnated as Black people for a reason so to cop-out of this challenge is not an option. We know the truth of our existence so we will never deny our Afrakan identity and ancestry for unethical religious, political, economical, or cultural beliefs again. We will make Life a better place.
ANKH’s Brain
Imagine ANKH as a Brain trapped in a paradox. This paradox is a space between awareness and consciousness. Awareness is a state of the Mind while consciousness is a state of the Brain. Can we be conscious yet not be aware? Yes, we can. This is evident by the mere fact that we do not understand what we are. Furthermore, I believe that the development of Life is currently stalled in that paradox, perhaps voluntarily.
Ask yourself, have we really taken the time to understand ANKH/Life? I know we have always sought answers to why we exist, selfishly omitting the rest of creation. In our quest we have created gods and other concepts that attempt to give reason and meaning to our existence. Why then are we not more advanced than we are now? Why do we still stumble around in ignorance? Could it be that we are searching in the wrong place?
There are trillions of Life forms on this planet, a small percentage of which are conscious. The level of consciousness varies from species to species with Humans being the most conscious. Humans are therefore classified as the vanguard species. Our attempt to understand our existence is only the beginning of our self awareness.
To date, all of our premature attempts at awareness have left us disillusioned. Some of us live by blind faith, believing that everything that happens to us is the will of our imaginary gods. Some of us strive for power and domination over everyone else by adopting a state of mind called “survival of the fittest”. And finally, some of us are so lost that we function with complete disregard for all Life including our own.
Fortunately Life understands that the best way to ensure survival is to diversify. That is why there are so many races of people. Do not be unwise to think that any one is more important than another. As AfRAkans we may appear to be at the bottom of the rung but we are Life’s first Human. All other races of Humans diversified from us. If you check it you will see that only AfRAkan DNA has the least mutation.
History has revealed that Humans have become a self destructive species. No other species kills for sport, greed, animosity, covetice, or malicious intent. Does that not create a default condition of fear in Humanity? Do you trust everyone you meet given the evidence of un-justness that is continually exhibited in society? Life may not be fully aware yet but it is a Brain and it is collecting information, learning, and growing albeit at a very cautious pace.
The problem with the pace of human development is that every time Life/ANKH has gained a level of awareness Humans have used the knowledge for destructive purposes. Thousands of years ago Humans migrated out of AfRAka. Colder temperatures in the northern regions of the planet affected certain internal processes in us which resulted in dramatic physiological and emotional changes in our behavior.
Where we once functioned with fairness, equity, and accountability we gradually changed to selfishness, survival of self, and a kill or be killed mentality. They say “necessity is the mother of invention”, well these new humans learned that survival required better weapons, bigger armies, and systems of obedience to those who garner the most power and influence.
When these Humans began to return to AfRAka it was to gain knowledge from their ancestors but eventually their selfishness and pomposity lead to systems of savagery, exploitation, and colonization. Life/ANKH recoiled in astonishment. They continued to engage in countless wars that have killed tens of millions. When Life gained knowledge of the atomic structure of matter, humanity used it to build the Atomic bomb and destroy 3 million more people in a split second. Again Life/ANKH recoiled in astonishment.
“Conscious Life” is a description of an idea. ANKH is its name. It is a way of referring to the state of consciousness if Life were a living entity. As a collective entity Life can be considered a Brain that we should be helping to develop and grow into one day becoming aware. This can only be achieved through the diversification of knowledge. If however, we choose to continue on a self destructive path Life will have no choice but to “rinse and repeat” as it has done many times before.
Afrakan Or African, Which One Are You?

Afrakan or African, which one are you?
Academia has chosen the term Negroid to classify the AfRAkan race however, several other unofficial names are being used including; Black, Nubian, and African. All these terms refer to the indigenous inhabitants of the continent known as Africa and their direct descendants. Although physically diverse, the indigenous people of Africa are racially connected by way of key genetic characteristics.
So, when someone uses the word African to refer to a Nigerian, a South African, or a Kenyan they are referring to the race rather than that person’s nationality or tribe. When someone uses the terms Negro, Black, or Nubian to refer to an Afro-American, a Afro-West Indian, a Afro-Latino, or a Afro-English person they are referring to the race and not the nationality of that person.
Do you know what the word Africa means? Did we give ourselves that definition? One of the most valuable things that a person can possess next to a good education is a strong personal identity. One has to be very careful therefore to ensure that you are the one that defines your own identity instead of someone else defining it for you.
Dohgons have defined our identity as AfRAkan and while the term may appear similar it is unlike the words African or Afrikaan in that it has a meaning that is defined by us and not European colonizers. AfRAka means First-Sun-Soul.
Af means first, as in the first humans on the planet. Many so called historians would like to white-wash history but they know that once they do their foundation will be pulled out from beneath their feet. Therefore the only direction that they can take is to rely on false concepts that tell them that they are at the forefront of an evolutionary process or that a god created them to take dominion over everyone.
Whichever direction they take they know that the AfRAkan is the only genetically complete human being, the first of whom was Mother Tang followed shortly after by Father Tang. Both emerged through a permutation process out of Pure Dark Energy Waves about one million years ago on the banks of Lake Tanganyika. Every other race is a mutation from the original. The colonizers have since renamed Tanganyika, as Tanzania.
RA means Sun and while AfRAkans are the people of the Sun we do not worship the Sun. We are simply acknowledging the Sun as a life sustaining source of energy. Although the Sun emits very dangerous radiation the Melanin that enriches our skin is a protective agent that allows us to tolerate the Suns’ harsh effects while at the same time benefit from its unseen energies.
Stars are the first physical entities to manifest in the physical Universe. When a Star is able to sustain Life on a planet it births through the process of its creation we call it a Sun. That Sun also acts as a conduit to the Pure Dark Energy Waves of the abstract unseen universe through its Carbon core.
Ka means Soul. A Soul is an energy field that is generated by a living organism. People, animals, plants, and even Water can generate a Soul since Water is one step below Life. A Soul develops over time to be good or bad according to the internal energy it germinates. Bad energy creates a demonic Soul while good energy attracts the Spiritual energy of the universe. And since Spirit cannot be bad or become corrupted it acts to enrich a good Soul to one day transform into Spiritual energy.
AfRAkans are the foremost of all Souls because we have a functioning energy receptor in our brain which can be calibrated to harness the full power of Pure Dark Energy Waves (Spirit). That receptor is called the Pineal Gland and once it is functioning correctly you as a Soul will have a better chance of transforming into a Spirit.
Spirit is the omnipotent abstract energy of the universe. It cannot be created, destroyed, or corrupted by physical matter. As your Soul begins to function under the influence of Spiritual energy you well have no choice but to function with fairness, equity, and accountability. That is because Pure Dark Energy Waves carry in them all the Truths of the universe.
With the loss of a Spiritual connection to the universe most humans have become devilish in our mentality. AfRAkans can and a lot have become mentally devilish while some races cannot help being devilish due to their physiology. The calcification of their Pineal Glands has resulted in severe unaccountable and devilish behavior that has corrupted all humanity.
In their attempt mimic the greatness of AfRAkans that they encountered in Egypt (KMT) the spiritless people created religions but those religions only led to more devilish behavior that has resulted in the deaths of over 100 million people through 2 world wars and countless more conflicts. The colonization of AfRAka resulted in the corruption of most AfRAkans. The result is that most Black and AfRAkan people today suffer from Desire Dependency.
Desire Dependency is a mental state in which Black people function under the control of Life instead of being guided by the Spirit. In this state people live to fulfill their Wants and Desires, specifically “Uncontrolled Happiness”. They want money, fame, sexual pleasure, and most of all to go to a paradise they call Heaven to live with the gods others indoctrinated them to believe in.
They attempt to control their Desires for Happiness by focusing on their gods but no matter how much Faith they develop they don’t know that their Desires still rule because now they Desire heaven. Sadly, most of their false beliefs are now falling apart. It’s evident in the way people are becoming disillusioned and are turning to suicide and mass murder.
AfRAkans, it’s time to wake up. Don’t be the last to go down with the sinking ship like good slaves. The Dohgon are on a mission to return the AfRAkan mind to a state of fairness, equity, and accountability. Professor MOmOH has the tools that are designed to get your Pineal Gland de-calcified and working properly.
You may be AfRAkan or a descendant of AfRAkans but once you rediscover your true origin you too will develop a Conscious desire to redefine your identity. We believe that at that time you will also want to identify yourself as an AfRAkan.
Why did Africa or the poor countries in Africa start borrowing money? Why not issue their own money?

Why did Africa or the poor countries in Africa start borrowing money? Why not issue their own money? This is a common question asked by people who don’t understand the legacy of colonization and how it relates to modern economics.
The poor countries in Africa started borrowing money because they were forced to do so by the First World countries using their World Bank system. You see, when the World Bank begins to help countries they begin to dictate the economy of a country, in most cases making over 200% interest on their funds.
Poor Countries cannot spoil their economies by printing more money because it will affect the world economic system. Their currency is tied to and graded according to their Debt.
Help from the World Bank not only comes in the form of money, it also comes with intellectual assistance. In other words, The World Bank tells countries how to spend the money in order to insure that they will get their money back. That means that they send in “so called” experts to guide and control the economies of poor countries.
Those foreign experts get paid from the loan and once the experts get control of your economy they also bring in foreign companies for infrastructure and other projects. So in essence, all the money from the Aid Loan goes right back out of the country. The World Bank only uses companies from contributing countries making Aid a business more than anything else.
How Afraka Get Scammed By Religion

A Zimbabwean man during this time of European imperialism said the following:
“When you [Europeans] came, you had the Bible and we [Africans] had the land. Now, we have the Bible and you have the land”.
What do you think he means and describe what he implies about the impact of missionaries on Afraka?
The Zimbabwean man spoke with pure wisdom. He is saying that before the Europeans invaded Afraka, Afraka belonged to Afrakans, which is oxymoronic because before Europeans Afrakans took no ownership of the land. The concept of land ownership did not make sense, which is why it was so easy for Europeans to claim ownership, but I digress.
In playing by his rules they [Europeans] acknowledged that Afrakans own the land by default, having occupied it since creation. Therefore, they [Europeans] could not gain ownership unless some sort of exchange took place. It was then that they [Europeans] devised a twisted plan they call (the exchange of Salvation).
In other words, they came to save AfRAkans from the Sin of not knowing God and in exchange they claimed the land for their empires in Europe. The funny part is that they didn’t do it to trick AfRAkans, they did it to protect themselves from their own Nature. (tribal conquests between European nations)
A lot of Afrakans are still mentally enslaved by this religious belief today. They will not reclaim their land from the imperialists in Europe because they want to be good Christians. Likewise, they will not reclaim their land from the Arabs because they want to be good Muslims.
Isn’t it ironic that Zimbabwe is one of the only Afrakan countries to reclaim their land from European imperialists?