Tag Archives: ZAZA Ali

ZaZa Ali a Black Consciousness Vampire?

Zaza Ali Vampire

Is ZaZa Ali a Black Consciousness vampire? Her recent exposure for trying to keep nearly $15K in appearance fees from a speaking engagement that she cancelled out on would certainly suggest so. Appearance fee provisions are contractual agreements between event organizers and performers. Patrons therefore need to be very careful to read the fine print before they purchase tickets in advance because Performers are not obligated to return advances unless they break the contract.  

In this case the ticket holders were only fortunate enough to get refunds based on their efforts to expose the unethical actions of ZaZa Ali by exposing her as the one who broke the contractual agreement. The determining factor as to whether ZaZa Ali is truly an unethical person and a Black Consciousness vampire has to be based on her overall track record. Unfortunately for her, many people are now exposing her as having a very shady past.

A vampire is a person who stays alive by sucking the blood of other people, however the term vampire has also been adopted to include people who drain other people’s energy, money, and time. A Black Consciousness vampire therefore, is a person who specializes in scamming, hustling, and robbing the Black Conscious community. Many people who rise to prominence in the community may begin with good intentions buy without a moral anchor, they will inevitably transform into Vampires.

Controversy involving ZaZa Ali is not new. Several well-known people in the Black Conscious community have spoken out about her character and history before but without substantive evidence, most of the talk was passed off as jealousy over her rapid influential rise. One of the most damming accusations about her is that she is a convicted felon who has several fraud charges.

No one is saying that people cannot change and from what we see, she has been doing just that. We know that one of the best ways to help one’s self is to help others. Unfortunately, true self-improvement begins with the strengthening of one’s morals through strong self-discipline. According to our understanding of human psychology, morality is a product of one’s Conscience and Conscience encourages Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. These three traits are the foundation of true Black Consciousness.

We encourage ZaZa not to hide behind the allegations of fraud that has inflamed the Black Consciousness community but to come clean. As she can clearly witness, people love to pile on and before you know it, her career will disappear in a puff of smoke like a real Vampire.