Tag Archives: xenophobia attacks in south africa

Xenophobia in Africa the work of Colonizers


Xenophobia in Africa is the work of colonizers and is designed to keep Africans dumb, violent, and dysfunctional.

We don’t like to spread conspiracies but some situations bear too much evidence of external coercion to escape controversy. When we see how some South Africans are violently trying to expel Nigerians from their country and vice-versa, we know that there is colonial influence behind it.

The colonizers know that most Africans are in too much social and financial despair to be able to see the big picture and will destroy themselves before they realize what happened. The colonizers already have Religious control so with the use of tribal violence, they know that soon they will return to take back political and economic control of Africa. 

Africa is a continent that has been mired in violence and social despair for centuries; some say since the arrival of Arab and European colonizers. In the last half century however, ever since the colonizers have loosened their political grip, allowing Africans to dictate their own political affairs, life had begun to improve.

Some African leaders have even developed the audacious confidence to wrestle economic power away from the colonizers. The one part of covert colonial influence in Africa that is definitely not a conspiracy is the fact that the colonizers have always regretted giving up political power in Africa.

The colonizers hated how Robert Mugabe (RIP) liberated Zimbabwe so they successfully used economic sabotage to ensure Mugabe’s influence didn’t spread throughout Africa. Instead of falling apart however, most African countries thrived and developed successful economies. 

With the emergence of numerous Millionaires and Billionaires the colonizers know that the more economically self-sufficient Africans get, it’s the more they themselves will lose access to Africa’s enormous untapped natural resource wealth. So, how are colonizers working to thwart the rise of Africa?

In the midst of all the confusion and daily reports of xenophobic violence there is a sinister campaign going on to accelerate the violence. Hidden hands are spreading false reports of xenophobic murders that either didn’t take place or are events that happened long ago.

One video even showed students in India jumping from a burning building as an event involving Nigerians. The Nigerians have predictively retaliated by attacking South African nationals living in Nigeria. Some Nigerians have now called on their home-grown Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram to kill all South Africans and they have agreed.

Our vision is not blurry. we can see the colonizers rejoicing now that the bonfire of xenophobic violence is spreading to include other African countries. All they have to do now is wait for Africans to call for help from the international community.

The colonizers will then send in UN peacekeepers and eventually the World Bank to seize financial control of more African countries. The development of Africa will regress by 50 years and Africans will return to 100% dependent state.