Tag Archives: will the vaccine kill me
Grand Deception Conspiracy vs the Covid-19 Vaccine

Several Covid-19 vaccines have been approved for use since January but while millions of doses have been administered so far, there is a huge anti-vax resistance building around the world. The vast majority of anti-vaxers believe in a Grand Deception conspiracy that states that Covid-19 is a government hoax designed to take people’s freedoms away.
No Grand Deception conspiracy won’t stop me from protecting my health by taking the Covid-19 vaccine. In fact, I recently received my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine. It took me so long because I’m a very busy person. But when the government said “social distance” to avoid sharing Air with strangers; I followed the advice. When they said “wear a face mask” to dampen the expelling of particulates into the Air; I wore a face mask. I followed all the recommendations that Doctors suggested because I value my health and the health of my family.
Some people might think of me as a sheep that follows the commands of my master without question but the truth is that I live by common sense and not hysteria. Ever since my teenage years I loved being informed. My TV and radio are always on the news and most of my time on the Internet is spent browsing information. I’m totally aware that a lot of people love information the same as I do but most of them do for a different reason.
A lot of people who seek to stay informed believe there is a Grand Deception at work in the world. They believe that this so-called “Grand Deception” is being carried out by some secret society to hide “the Truth” in order to maintain control over people who don’t know “the Truth” whatever that truth might be. They refer to the deceivers as the Illuminati.
I used to believe in this Grand Deception until I read the Bible for myself instead of listening to preachers. It was then that I realized that the Bible was simply a glorified history book that provided many truthful insights into human behavior. I then correlated what I learned from the Bible with all the general information that I’d absorbed from society throughout the years. Finally, I used my new outlook on life to analyze general human behavior and realized that the only conspiracy going on was an attempt by some to make everyone believe there actually is a Grand Deception going on.
The Grand Deception conspiracy is why most Black people refuse to believe that Covid-19 is real and won’t take the vaccine. Unlike white anti-vaxers, Black people are experiencing a double jeopardy in these perilous times because we actually have precedence for our vaccine fears. Our fears stem from 400 years of slavery, racism, and discrimination at the hands of white people; the same people who are trying to convince us that the vaccine is safe.
There is one glaring problem with the Grand Deception Conspiracy though and that problem is the fact that white racists are fighting harder against getting vaccinated than everyone else. How is this possible if the goal of white racists is to trick Black people into taking the vaccine so it can kill us off? Right-Wing politicians, white militia cult groups, and white supremacists all over social media are all fighting like hell to avoid taking the Covid-19 vaccine.
The truth about the Grand Deception conspiracy theory is that while there are several major deceptions at play within humanity right now, none of them are what most people think they are. In fact, those deceptions are all designed to deceive humanity for humanity’s own good. We humans are very dangerous and destructive creatures who not only have the unique ability to commit suicide, we also have the ability to kill other people out of animosity.
The #1 deception at play in the world is religion. Like all things that humans adapt to, religion was developed by chance and stuck because it helps to reverse numerous human psychological problems. Several of those psychological problems include; fear, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, and lack of courage or cowardice. Religion would be the greatest thing since sliced bread if it didn’t have one very bad flaw. It relies on faith and faith overrides knowledge and common sense in most people.
Humanity depends on both knowledge and faith to survive but what happens when they clash? If conspiracies are based on the manipulating of faith while the Covid-19 vaccine is based on knowledge, how do we as Black people make the right decision whether to take the vaccine or not? The only thing that we can do is to make an informed decision by examining reality and using common sense.
The truth of reality is that White Conservatives and white Liberals hate vaccines and consider them to be tools of an elite Grand Deception Conspiracy yet the elite are both Conservative and Liberal whites. Black people are an afterthought in a Conservative vs Liberal game. Therefore, we must use our common sense to determine how to ensure our survival while they fight for control of the direction of humanity.
I chose to take the vaccine because I recognize that Knowledge is a prerogative of the Life force while Conspiracies depend on ignorance and misinformation.