Tag Archives: who is god

What Is God?

“What is God?” is a question that generates a different response from everyone who is asked. People who believe in a god will respond by saying that he/she is the creator of the universe and everything in it. On the other hand, most Atheists will deny the existence of a god without having any real alternative to explain their own existence.

Dohgons could never be so unwise because although we don’t believe in the god described in popular religions we do acknowledge that we have a creator. In fact, we know that the creative force behind the universe are Pure Dark Energy Waves. The difference between Atheists, Believers and Us is that we are wiser than to conceptualize the Great Spirit using our limited human perceptions. We know that the best way to understand the Great Spirit is to try our best to understanding its creation.

The God of popular culture is limited by the religions that describe him. All religions portray God as an all-knowing, all-loving being who desires the best for humanity. Unfortunately, those same religions cannot explain why God allows evil to persist in the world. Religions cannot be used to accurately recall history or understand nature and science. The only thing that religions are useful for is to understand human nature. The problem with society is that people are trying to use religion to explain what it can’t instead of what it can.  

The Spirit of the universe created Life to be self-directed so Life survives and thrives using one basic mechanism, which is desire fulfillment. It installed two basic instincts in every living thing, a fear of death to protect Life and an inclination toward itself to guide us. That is why every race and culture throughout history and the Planet have attributed their existence to a higher power.

In ancient times humans used their Spiritual inclination to create gods for things they didn’t understand such as; the sun, the moon, the stars, thunder and lightning, and everything that they perceive as having an effect on their life. For their various gods they created deities that had to be guarded in case their enemies were to destroy them. It wasn’t until slaves in Egypt discovered that an imaginary god was more powerful than a physical one that the god concept became enhanced a thousand times.

As time went by kings and religious leaders used the power of the single imaginary god concept to form the foundation of organized religion. They recognized that no other power, not even their own, had the ability to control the minds of people. Today most people still live by the power of the concept; unfortunately they don’t know how it works because if they did they wouldn’t call it god.

So, if religion can’t accurately explain human existence or halt our self destruction, what is it that peple are referring to as god? The Spiritual essence of the universe created humans with an inclination back toward itself, the Spirit. That same Spiritual inclination is also what makes us consider our actions in terms of Right and Wrong. So in essence, the god of popular culture is the human Conscience.

All major religions were developed to give purpose to people’s lives. They do so with the help of an imaginary humanoid that possesses super-human abilities as well as a power over life and death. That figure is then given universal moral judgment over people’s lives. Individuals believe they can gain the favor of the god by being faithful and morally upright. No problem there!

Religious people all around the world today are trying their best to gain the favor of their imaginary Gods. They become obsessed with fighting the Desires of life by fasting, praying, and trying to do good but because they always become ruled by the same Desire that they’re trying to regulate, they don’t realize that God is really their Conscience.

Like Seedless Fruits

seedless fruit

Are black and Afrakan people becoming like seedless fruits? From the way we are disregarding our own health, nature, and the health of the Planet itself, it sure would seem so.

Fruits are a great source of vitamins and minerals for the Body and Brain. Fruits are often considered pleasure or snack foods because while they don’t necessarily satisfy a hungry belly, they can tide you over until the next meal. Many people even believe that fruits are gifts from god because of their sweetness and their ability to provide pleasure to the senses. The only parts of fruits that people do not like are the seeds so for over 300 years humans have set about eliminating seeds from fruits.

Did you know that like the creation story of the Bible, (Adam, Eve, and the Apple) fruits also played a large role in the creation of the theory of Evolution that secular schools teach? In 18th century Europe the grafting of plants to modify or create new verities lead to a new way of perceiving nature. People like Darwin and others began to notice the mechanisms that produced the traits or characteristics of plants and subsequently, animals. Charles Darwin then wrote his book on the theory of Evolution of plants, animals, and humans. Scientific tampering has also resulted in the rampant genetic modification of fruits to reproduce without seeds so that they can commodify Life and profit off of it. It is no wonder so many species of birds and insects are disappearing on a daily basis.

Plants produce fruits with seeds in order for their seeds to recreate new plants that prolong the existence of the species. If there is a process then there must be an author, some call it god; we call it Life. The prerogative of every living thing in nature is to multiply and flourish while humanity has an added mandate of pursuing universal awareness. Fruits propagate, in part, by appealing to the senses of insects, animals, and humans. They are colorful which appeals to the eyes while their sweetness appeals to our taste and smell. In essence, the appeal of a fruit is only a mechanism in the process of the fruit’s Life cycle.

Of course, fruits can fall from a tree and germinate where it lands but seed dispersal and fertilization are a far more effective process. Fruits protect their seeds with an antacid coating so once eaten a seed has a high probability of passing through the belly of an animal or bird, coming out fertilized with nitrates and ready to grow. Some birds are even pre-disposed to desiring seeds and since they don’t have teeth and cannot digest the seeds the seeds end up passing right through them intact. So why do Birds desire seeds? The answer is Life, the entity, is acting on their consciousness to help contribute to the survival of the whole of itself.

Humans, on the other hand have a different purpose. Life does not manipulate Humans to be seed distributors the same way as birds however; our awareness should inform us that we have a duty to respect the mechanisms in nature. The tree of Life has already produced seedless fruits that are serving their purpose perfectly. Do you know your purpose as an AfRAkan; the Tree of Life’s first fruits? When we truly become conscious individuals, we will recognize that we should help plants achieve their task by not destroying the plants seeds out of ignorance or out of a lust for money.  

When we persist with unconscious behaviors by displaying a lack of respect for nature it also reveals our lack of awareness of the mechanisms in Life. Our existence is only to feed other people’s desires and our own. We do not feed Life’s prerogative of achieving universal awareness, therefore Life has no respect for us. It allows other organisms to overrun us causing disease and death because it knows that we have become like those seedless fruits that we desire so much.

Famous natural healer Dr. Sebi teaches that if we truly value our health, we should never eat fruits that have no seeds. If a fruit does not have a seed then it is not a natural organism and is harmful to our health because of its altered genetic composition. Furthermore, we should focus on eating the plant itself and the fruit it produces but not the seed. Most importantly, do not destroy seeds or throw them in the garbage. If you don’t want to re-plant a seed then throw it out into nature where it has a better chance of germinating by itself.

Never buy genetically modified seeds that are manufactured by corporations. Although they claim that most seed modifications are done to help humanity, they patent the seeds, which clearly mean that its all done for profit. Understand that every plant has its own consciousness, which contributes to the collective consciousness of Life. Respect plants by helping them to reproduce their seeds and in turn they will help us physically and subconsciously.