Tag Archives: what is a total solar eclipse

What Is A Total Solar Eclipse?

On August 21st, 2017, a total Solar Eclipse will occur in selected areas of the United States. Other areas of the country will witness partial eclipses of various degrees. Not surprisingly, this solar phenomenon has many people excited to witness this once in a lifetime event.

While it maybe entertaining for some, a Total Solar Eclipse has special meaning for Dohgons and all AfRAkans. Here is an excerpt from a question and answer session between Mighty Queen and Professor MOmOh regarding the meaning and benefit of the Total Solar Eclipse.       

The 2017 Total Solar Eclipse of the U.S.:

The Spiritual Magnetism of Darkness for Peace happens by synchronizing your 2 brain hemispheres


MQ: Mighty Queen 06390

PM: Professor MOmOh


MQ:  What is a total, solar eclipse?


PM:   A total, solar eclipse brings Darkness to daylight, which humanity must appreciate to fully understand how important its 2 brain hemispheres are needed to acquire peace.


MQ: A total, solar eclipse will be crossing the U.S. on August 21, 2017. The eclipse will make a rare 2,500-mile coast-to-coast journey across the U.S. from Oregon to South Carolina on that day. This will bring total Darkness to various cities along its path. What does this total eclipse indicate about the Spiritual Magnetism of Darkness for Peace?


PM:        Darkness always indicates Peace. Anything that happens with Darkness indicates there is an effect of peacefulness that follows it as well. Therefore, the total solar eclipse passing through the U.S. indicates how the U.S., itself, is now ready to exercise a peaceful transition from where peace is now paramount in the minds of many people. This means that the intention of people is peace, instead of war.


        War kills a lot of innocent people. Now, the total eclipse is telling us that no more war is necessary because the eclipse, itself, is now bringing NIGHT during daytime. And NIGHT means the synchronization of your two brain

        hemispheres, which indicates calmness, peacefulness and TRUTHFULNESS in everything you do.


MQ:  Why does Darkness always indicate peace, and what is the relationship of Darkness to the synchronization of your two brain hemispheres?


PM:   Your two brain hemispheres are your left and right brain hemispheres. When they are well-synchronized, your two brain hemispheres are both coordinated in whatever you THINK about. Your THINKING, then, becomes very active and willing to pursue good and clean things that keep you very peaceful in everything you do.


        Darkness always indicates peace because everything in Darkness is quiet and willing to remain peaceful until daylight appears. During daylight, humanity is awake and anxious to get things done very quickly.


        So anxiety exists during daytime and quietness exists during nighttime. This is the reason why, when the total solar eclipse occurs during daytime, humanity must exercise the peacefulness that happens at night. This is why the Universe is making daylight disappear for that period of time throughout the U.S. during the total eclipse.


        Humanity must, therefore, learn that the time for peace is now reachable to everyone, and that the period of war is over because those who pursue war are now leaving that direction of thinking for war. Thus, those who are seeking peace are increasing in numbers. Very soon, there will be no interest in wars anymore because those who pursue wars are now being pushed aside, and they are no longer in that position to make choices to go to war.


MQ: So the message of the upcoming total solar eclipse that will cross the U.S. is one that is energized for humanity to THINK peacefully by coordinating their left and right brain hemispheres?


PM:   Yes, the thinking is not just superficial, but one that people have seriously thought about expressing. It is the desire to let other people begin to THINK similarly that peace matters. It’s no longer an expression where people have to make songs about peace and do nothing about how the peace itself is made tangible for actions to manifest.


        Humanity must understand why Nature is making the appearance of the total solar eclipse happen throughout the U.S. Is it happening because of a natural request by humanity itself or is it happening because Nature, itself, needs to make darkness happen during daylight?


        The eclipse has to enforce the conscious awareness of an attitude that must now make itself very clear that peace has to exist for people to express themselves without any limitations.


MQ:  How will people begin to synchronize their two brain hemispheres in order to bring this renewed THINKING process of calmness, peacefulness and TRUTHFULNESS to the Universe?


PM:        These peaceful qualities are always present with people who seek TRUTH. When TRUTH is a part of your THINKING, you will always be very cordial to other people… and their peaceful interests are also your own interests. There is already a connection between you and them. They are not different from you, and you are not different from them.


        Synchronizing your two brain hemispheres is an easy process for humanity to accomplish. All that’s required is activating the logic of your left brain to connect with your mind. Your mind will transfer that logic to your Spirit, which will include the Spiritual Magnetic qualities of the Universe into your Spiritual qualities, and then transfer that information back to your mind.


        When that information is now in your mind, it becomes an intelligent and creative energy that will help you acquire WISDOM. WISDOM is necessary for you to express what you can do to help others.


        The reason why WISDOM is necessary is because it goes through your Spiritual system, which is internal to you. When that internal, Spiritual system of your WISDOM is activated, everything becomes expressed within you externally. Now you can see how your creativity and intelligence happen easily. This ability becomes so great within you that you are able to help others acquire their own creative forces without any struggle. You are now a person of great WISDOM who others will respect.


        Through the physical connection that your synchronized left and right brain hemispheres now have with the Spiritually Magnetic qualities of the Universe, you are no longer in a position to impose yourself on people who haven’t offended you in anyway to start wars with them. You will always stand by your own TRUTH, and you will not compromise with those who need to go to war with others. You’ll always be very strong to express the TRUTH of the Spirituality of your mind, rather than the imbalanced and unstable emotions of your right brain.


MQ:  When will humanity as a whole begin to THINK by uniting their two brain hemispheres so that peace is now a common factor in people’s lives throughout the world?


PM:        People’s lives are valued when they have a purpose in life. If the purpose is to determine how each person succeeds and that success transfers to other people, then there will be a common vision where humanity as a whole begins to benefit by the success of individual people. So people are going to succeed in life. But this success is going to happen when there is a determination for other people to be part of the success of what individual people accomplish in life. When that success becomes universal, other people will rise to the joy of success as well.


        The joy of success will pass on to all individuals where success becomes a common result that allows people to also be a part of a whole. Once people see the whole exists that affects them as well, then success is no longer an individual matter. Rather it becomes a general and holistic matter that engulfs everyone.


        Everything will now be considered holistic. So the success of one person becomes the success of a whole community. This is not a communist doctrine. Rather democracy will still exist in the minds of people, and they will practice democratic views where people are helped to rise to the same level of success that other individuals have.


        Here, nobody becomes over wealthy. But it is a condition where wealth becomes a common condition that everyone is pleased to have.


        When a whole community of people is pleased to have wealth, then there won’t be people who are poor and begging for existence. Here, everyone will maintain a decent way of living and there won’t be any conditions that are managed by others so that those conditions are only appreciated by people who become affiliated with what has been established for their advantage.


        Everyone has the same advantage as everyone else. So all people are privileged to be a part of the success that has been arranged. People are no longer individually successful, but the success is organized for all to have.


        THINKING will only happen for peace to occur when all people THINK about peace. When that THINKING continues to occur in people’s minds, then there will be more concern about peace than the emotions that take people’s minds away from their logic.


        In order to synchronize your two brain hemispheres, you must be highly aware of the logic that occurs in your left brain, rather than the emotions of your right brain. Once you express the logic of your left brain, like the Earth is doing now, with the total solar eclipse that will bring Darkness, or Spiritual Magnetism, across the U.S. during daytime, you are also attracting the importance of your THINKING to become Spiritually Magnetic so that others can be attracted to the magnetic qualities of the Universe as well.


        Many people who will read what we are stating here will immediately say we don’t know what we are talking about, and that there is no way to relate what humanity does to what happens in the Universe. We all are aware of how the Earth will display the eclipse and how it will extend from Oregon to South Carolina. When the Universe expresses its own desire to affect what happens between day and night, what makes us doubt that the Universe will not affect the way humanity THINKS about uniting itself. These are conditions that occur, whether we like it or not.


        Some people will desire wars because their two brain hemispheres are lacking the synchronicity to be in agreement for peace with other people. This does not mean that all of humanity is thinking that ways. There are people like us who demand peace. And, therefore, we will acquire peace regardless of what others think.


        When that requirement for peace becomes real, we shall continue to strive for everything that unites us, just like the Universe, itself, is united to bring total Darkness to daylight during the total solar eclipse.


        We, who are concerned about the selfishness of other people needing to deny the unity of humanity to bring peace and gracefulness to humanity, will never quit our unity expressing itself to bring people together so that their common interest is unifying people’s two brain hemispheres to always seek calmness, peacefulness and TRUTHFULNESS.


        When people are now in unity, it means that their two brain hemispheres are all united to see the TRUTH coming to humanity as a whole. As a result, humanity will understand that unity now is paramount to everything that happens to them.


        People will care about their fellow citizens, and those who were struggling to provide for themselves, will no longer struggle because other citizens will care for them. This does not mean, however, that you have a whole group of citizens that will be dependent on others to exist. Rather you’ll have citizens showing joy because they, who were once struggling, are now helping others become independent in whatever is necessary for them to do.


        If you worry about the essence of losing what you have collected for all these years, you shouldn’t be afraid of what will happen to you, because the Universe will ensure that what you have now, you will always have. And you will have the ability to gather even more because your potentials will increase to acquire more so that you can give away more to other people who do not have as much as you do.


MQ:  How can humanity overcome the insecurities that single-brain thinking encourages?


PM:        Humanity must be willing to see the peace within the Darkness of the total eclipse. The fact that the total solar eclipse is crossing the U.S. from its west coast to its east coast indicates the Universe, itself, is involved in making that peace very clear to all of humanity.


        The Darkness that will express itself across the U.S. during daytime on August 21, 2017 indicates the ability to overcome falsehoods and lies that have always preceded warfare. When people are bold enough to stand tall about the lies that have always preceded warfare, now people will wake up to no longer accept the falsehoods that entangle the lies that precede warfare.


MQ:  The last total, solar eclipse that crossed the U.S. occurred 99 years ago. That was in 1918. We all know how many wars have occurred since that time and how many millions of lives have been lost to all the wars that have occurred since then.


        Will humanity’s THINKING really expand beyond the limitations of it emotional, single-brain THINKING? And what will people 99 years from now be saying about what we, as humans, did or didn’t do to overcome the insecurities of the our past 99 years (1918-2017) to acquire the Spiritual Magnetism and peace within our THINKING? Will people in the future say that we recognized the value of the total solar eclipse that appeared right in front of our eyes here in the U.S. on August 21, 2017?


        Or, will they say that humanity fell right back into another 99 years filled with warfare due to its same individualistic and greedy concerns?


        Is humanity at a critical mass point in time? Will humanity as a whole really have the ability to synchronize its two brain hemispheres to THINK with the Spiritual Magnetism that is required to bring 99 years of peace, rather than warfare, to our future?


        Also, what is the significance of the number 99?


PM:        Humanity will not solve the problems that exist in the universe now because there is still greed that surrounds human thinking. As long as there is greed, there will always be the need for humans to seek what is available for their best interests.


        When people think for what they can do for themselves, rather then what they can do for other people, there is a big problem. That problem is then confided in their ability to only use one brain hemisphere, instead of the two brain hemispheres.


        When people are confined to one-brain thinking, there is always the need to seek only individual thinking, rather than the thinking that will benefit a whole lot of people. This is why, to solve any problems that we are facing now, we need people’s commitment to deal with individualistic, one-brain thinking as a problem. And this problem must be solved with people understanding the coming total solar eclipse in the U.S.


        If enough people wake up to the message of Darkness (or Spirituality) that the total eclipse represents, we’ll have a good opportunity to begin to overcome impending problems.


        Yes, humanity is at a critical mass point in time because everything happening is overwhelming for humanity. So if things continue to overwhelm humanity, then humanity’s THINKING is now at a critical mass point. This means that humanity is no longer effectively THINKING. Then something has to happen to human THINKING as well. This means that, just like the eclipse that will happen on August 21, 2017 in the U.S., an eclipse will also happen to humanity’s THINKING in a different way.


        Humanity will no longer have the freedom to assume that everything it does is approved by whoever it thinks is there to support its ability to act foolishly.


        Humanity must continue to THINK as if the Universe needs the care that it must exhibit, rather than some foolishness about what humanity can or cannot do.


        Humanity must engage its two brain hemispheres to consider that whatever happens on Earth is under the auspices of the Spiritual Magnetism of Darkness within the Universe. That ability of Spiritual Magnetism emerges from human THINKING by synchronizing the two brain hemispheres. If, however the two brain hemispheres are not organized, then turmoil will prevail.


        Humanity is no longer in that capacity to exercise turmoil in its brain hemispheres because what is happening with the eclipse in the U.S. is a warning for humanity to organize itself to ensure that peace is always within their reach.


        Number 99 represents the transition of what is happening physically to translate into something new Spiritually. Will that newness be valid for humanity to initiate changes in what it will manifest in its coming existence? That’s a question that humanity has to answer for the coming generations. If the question is answered well, then the coming generations will not worry much about what the question signifies.


        However, if the question is not answered well, then it becomes a problematic condition that will happen over and over again.


MQ:  What should people be concentrating on during the Darkness of the total solar eclipse that will cross the U.S.?


PM:   The best thing that people can become involved with is the Dohgon Meditation. The Dohgon Meditation is very clear and simple. All it has to do with is NUMBERS. People must meditate by COUNTING from 0-100 and 100-0. This must be done during the time Darkness persists during daylight during the total solar eclipse that will be crossing the U.S. It will be wise, however, to continue the Meditation even when the eclipse is over.


        The Dohgon Meditation is practiced by COUNTING the numbers from 0-100 and 100-0 three times a day in the morning upon waking, at noon, and before going to bed. This is necessary for all of humanity to connect with its Spirituality and also help synchronize your two brain hemispheres.


        There is a special flux method of COUNTING that is used by the Dohgon. To find out more about this method, please see the “Books” section of our website and consider purchasing, Dialing Your Mind with NUMBERS.


MQ:  What will counting the numbers do for humanity?


PM:   The numbers will create a bridge between people and their Spirits. The more you are connected to your Spirit, the easier it is to understand how the Spirits are your ANKHcestors (ancestors), and you have the ability now to link with them and to know how their presence in the Spiritual World is helping you also to connect with your Spirituality. This takes away the fear on your mind so that you can become mentally strengthened so that your two brain hemispheres can become well synchronized and balanced.


MQ:  How can people be very confident about themselves in practicing the Dohgon Meditation, as well as synchronizing their two brain hemispheres?


PM:   Once you understand the purpose of synchronizing your two brain hemispheres, you will always be settled, instead of overwhelmed with pursuing your purpose. You will now be very confident within yourself to know that everything you are doing is organized and its purpose is consistent.


        If you have any questions, please email us at https://dohgonuniversity.com/contact-us/


Calmness is necessary for the human mind to get back to its purpose of existence. –Professor MOmOh, The Dohgon University of Thought

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