Tag Archives: war
Famine Devistating Somalia Again

Somalia is being devastated by famine again. Is it more proof that Africans lack perception or are there hidden factors at play?
Major news sources are reporting that Somalis is in the midst of another deadly famine yet neither the United Nations or the Somali government has made a famine declaration yet. Hundreds of men, women, children, and livestock have already died of starvation and the drought that is affecting the region is getting worse. Drought in the region is not new yet there never seems to be any preparation for their inevitability.
Of course, there are lessons to be learned in all situations but some might say that the midst of despair is the wrong time for conjecture. They will also say that this is the time to take action to help Somalians in anyway we can. I say this is the perfect time for analysis because we need to address the stereotype that Black people lack perception.
Major online news outlets have comment sections on their websites and these comment sections are filled with racists who love to bathe their brain cells in the Dopamine that spewing hatred for Black people produces. Yesterday, I was on one news website that I won’t mention, reading an article on the Somalian drought. After the article there were many comments and if you were to read comments about African famines 10 years ago, these comments would be the same because the hate never changes.
I saw comments like, “If we keep feeding them, they will keep breeding. Let’s send them birth control instead of food.” And the classic, “Why can’t they learn how to grow food?” The sensible thing to do as a Black person would be to ignore the racism as we always do but I for one, hate to hide my head in the sand like an Ostrich. I know that aside from the hate, there are many truths in what these devils are saying.
What is perception and why do Africans seem to always be ill-equipped to handle disasters?
Perception is defined as the process or state of being aware of something by way of one’s Senses. Alternative words for perception include; awareness and consciousness. Therefore, to say that a person lacks perception means that they do not process information well or they are not intelligent. When a person is described as being perceptive, it means that they are insightful, intuitive, and most of all; wise. We all know that Africans are very smart people so why does the rest of the world label Africans as not being perceptive?
Contrary to popular belief, famine is not caused by drought; famine is caused by lack of preparation. Drought is caused when a prolonged lack of precipitation (rainfall) results in a lack of vegetation growth. Human life depends on other life such as plants, animals, and insects. Without rain, all these lifeforms cannot exist in a region. Somalia is no stranger to droughts. The country is located in a region of Africa where rain might fall only a few times per year or not at all. When rain doesn’t fall for several years at a time, the situation is referred to as a drought.
The wise thing to do when you live in a drought-stricken region is to prepare for drought. People who live in cold climates call it “making Hay when the Sun shines”. In Somalia’s case, it would be stockpiling enough food for themselves and their animals in the rainy seasons. The truth of the matter is that Somalians have being doing that; however, several other factors are contribution to the famine this time. The real contributors of the famine in Somalia this time are Climate Change and prolonged Islamist sectarian Wars.
Stop Wishing the Russia/Ukrainian war will lead to Armageddon

Are you fearful that the Russia/Ukrainian war will lead to Armageddon? The reasons why you fear is because you either rely on nonsense biblical prophecies or concepts of reality that suggest the world is run by evil elites. Those people are wishing for Armageddon to come so that they can escape the tyranny of a world that they themselves created. It’s time for Black people to change our perception of reality so that our fears can dissipate allowing us to begin to live a more productive life.
Most people rely on the simplicity of religious philosophy to decipher reality. They view time as an illusion, believing that everything in reality was preordained. That means that, if life is a game, then the outcome of the game has already been predetermined. The reason for playing the game is reserved only for the God they believe in to know and understand. They believe that all true believers must persevere by faith.
Furthermore, they believe that if one wants to know and predict the events of life, all they need to do is read the bible and listen to preachers. To that end, religious philosophers as well as everyday believers have been comparing the events of life to religious scripture for the past two thousand years. Anthropomorphic beasts of the bible that were once associated with tribes in Israel, Judah, and Babylon are now associated with the empires of America, Russia, and China.
Today, the Eagle is America, the Dragon is China, and the Bear is Russia. According to Biblical predictions of the end of the world or Armageddon, all three beasts will engage in a great battle that will destroy life and the Earth. Christians need not worry though because Jesus will return to resurrect the faithful to eternal life in heaven.
There is a major problem with associating the beasts of Armageddon with countries though; countries are not religiously homogeneous, neither do they claim to wage war on behalf of any particular religious philosophy. The Dragon and the Bear combined will never defeat the Eagle because the Eagle’s DNA is infused with Dragon and Bear Genes. While Russia and China are racially homogeneous, America is comprised of people of all races.
The world was once ruled by religious crusaders. The Kings and Emperors of Europe and Asia recognized the power of religion so they assimilated its force and used it as a tool to encourage obedience in society. However, over time, the will of individual freedom, forced rulers to shift power from themselves to the people in the form of political governance. That meant that the sole preoccupation of countries became the acquisition of wealth to facilitate happiness and both religion and politics became tools for acquiring wealth.
Acquiring wealth to facilitate happiness resulted in a shift of populations away from religion and nationalism towards greater opportunity. In effect, America did not grow to become the most powerful empire in modern history because of race and religion; it became the most powerful nation because after exploiting the free labor of Africans, immigrants from all nations flocked in and further built up its wealth. Today, America maintains its way of life and power in the world by expanding its economic influence into every other country on Earth. It protects its economy using its political influence, intelligence agencies, and military forces.
For instance; they send Agents in the guise of Aid workers and religious people into Africa to disrupt the will of people away from nationalism towards either religion or money. Where they cannot create a dependence on foreign Aid, they corrupt the politicians of those countries by paying them off to let American companies set up shop with minimal roadblocks. The goal is to make the governments of developing countries financially dependent while turning the entire population into consumers. When countries try to fight back, America uses its Inteligence Agents to create internal political conflicts.
Some might say that this kind of economic dependency is exactly what Russia and China are trying to avoid so that is why they are fighting to maintain their own economic interests. It may be true but where do Black people fit into this whole scenario? Unfortunately, we’re being used by all of these beasts to maintain their happiness. Only when we as Black and African people begin to recognize the true nature of reality and begin to work towards our own economic prosperity will Africa resurrect as a Lion among the spiritual beasts.