Tag Archives: uncle tom’s cabin

Kanye West Rebuilding Uncle Tom’s Cabin In Wyoming

Kanye West

Kanye West is rebuilding Uncle Tom’s Cabin in Wyoming and plans to turn it into a church after becoming president of the United States.

Most people already know that Kanye West is a little off in the way he interprets reality compared to most people. In fact, he has admitted publicly that he has bipolar disorder, a mental condition that brings on medium to severe mood swings and even depression. I sympathize with the brother however; bipolar disorder is a pretty common ailment that affects almost 6 million Americans so why don’t we see more people acting the way Kanye does? The answer is because Kanye also suffers from Uncle Tom Syndrome.

Most Black people have a good idea what is meant when Black people refer to other Black people as being “Uncle Toms”. It means that that they are sell-outs to their blackness. The term “Uncle Tom” actually comes from a very influential anti-slavery book written in the mid 1800s by a white school teacher who stole the book’s idea from a Black man. The book became so popular among Christian white northerners that many people now believe that it was a key fuel for the abolitionist movement. Even Abraham Lincoln met and congratulated her.

The book chronicles the life of a slave by the name of Tom. Although Tom suffered many injustices at the hands of white people, he made friends with many of them, even saving the life of a drowning white child. The main reason for Tom`s open-mindedness was his Christian indoctrination. Eventually Tom was brutally murdered by white people but in his dying breath he forgave his killers. It was as if the author intended to recreate the story of Jesus using a Black man named Tom in his place.

The story worked, or should I say it worked for Liberal whites and Christian Blacks. Resentful Backs couldn’t give a damn and why should they when they keep turning the other cheek only to get slapped even worse than the first time. The reason why the book was named “Uncle Tom`s Cabin” was because after Tom`s death, his cabin was designated as a symbol of his faith in Jesus and Christians made pilgrimage to see it. A real life replica of the fictional cabin was also constructed and like in the book, people made pilgrimages to see it.

I admire the ingenuity of the Christian story concept. It was developed by religious philosophers at a time when they held as much power in society as Kings. The only problem with the concept is that it only works on the poor and disenfranchised in society. Those in power by race or class play with its fundamentals like they play a game of Golf; they cheat when no-one is watching. Most people who are interested in ethics can clearly see that Christianity as well as most of the worlds major religions have numerous flaws. The reason why most people still cling to them is either because of blind faith, tradition, or lack of alternative.

So, here comes Kanye West, a man who has too much money and doesn’t know what to do with it. From his history of chasing video models, we can’t say he operates using a high level of ethics. In his early career he had some Black Conscious views but like so many other Black people who run out of options he has chosen to adopt the philosophy of Uncle Tom. He believes that the problems of Black people are all due to a lack of faith in Jesus. Then he dissed Harriet Tubman saying she didn’t free any slaves because any Black person who is not rich is not free.

Jesus Walks down a catwalk in raggedy clothes for sale but you can’t see his face,  only his eyes. His face is covered by a superhero mask called Bipolarism that gives him power. He`s gonna be president some day you know. Bet you can’t tell him nothing! He has even built a multi-million dollar cabin way out there in Wyoming so he can conjure the spirit of Uncle Tom along with a million other dead Black Christian lost Souls to sweep over America and save Black people from their sin of not accepting Jesus.

If you wish to escape the unethical religious, political, and social concepts that rule humanity then pursue Ethics. Duty to creation is more ethical than subservience to a god or man.