Tag Archives: the african awakening
Dohgons Do Not Worship

We have noticed an increase in the amount of people seeking as well as professing knowledge about the Dohgon people of Mali, West AfRAka. From European Anthropologists to Ghetto Scholars, all seem mystified at the anomaly of the Dohgon, a people whose wisdom and intricate knowledge of the Life and the Stars Time, European colonization, and AfRAkan apathy could not erase.
But while many might marvel at the wisdom of the Dohgon and ask “how did they know so much?” there are those of us who know better than to accept stupid explanations that suggest the Dohgon got their knowledge from cross contamination by European explorers who thought them about Astronomy. That is because at the Dohgon University of Thought Professor MOmOH is a Dohgon who not only possesses great wisdom but can apply the knowledge of his ANKHcestors.
The Human Soul is a strange thing. Once disconnected from the Spirit the Soul seeks to worship instead of to acknowledge and learn from Truth, as Truth is the basis for Knowledge and Understanding, which brings forth Wisdom. We know that knowledge without understanding results in admiration and worship. That is why people worship the Sun, Moon, Stars and all things unexplained.
The Dohgon people do not seek admiration or they would not seek to live in isolation. They left evidence of their understanding of Life and the universe in the Pyramids that they created centuries ago in Egypt (KMT) so that humanity will one day acknowledge that a higher level of understanding can be achieved without any of the destructive forms of technology that Spiritless people may develop.
Fools may dismiss Dohgon wisdom as an impossible hoax but the greatest testament of white supremacist’s lack of understanding is the fact that the Pyramids are still standing after 8 thousand years and they still cannot decipher their construction. The answer is that they were built using the power of Concentration to connect to Spiritual intelligence at a level which only Professor MOmOH and a few others alive today can achieve.
Without the ability to concentrate people’s consciousnesses have deferred to idolatry. That is why we have no doubt that the spiritless people of this world who rely on Islam, Christianity, and other reigions to function will eventually destroy the Pyramids just like they are doing to the remnants of the Dohgon people in Mali today.
Professor MOmOH is not like the ghetto scholars on YouTube and Social Media who use knowledge of AfRAkan history as a shield to wage a futile war against Euro-centricity and white supremacy. He can explain how humans originated in Tanganyika, how AfRAkans built the pyramids, and how AfRAkans traveled to the Americas long before Europeans.
He can explain how AfRAkans thought the Olmec and the Aztecs how to use natural numbers to build Pyramids of their own but he is not interested in reciting history. He is more interested in teaching those who wish to understand Nature and their own Mind and Brain. More pacifically, he teaches how to unify the Senses (Concentrate) in order to heal the body of diseases.
AfRAkans; when the spiritless people get finished destroying all evidence of our past and overwrite it with their own history, what use will history be to you then? It will be worthless and your children will not believe the things you tell them or the books you give them to read when they are bombarded constantly with deception from Hollywood, TV, and the Internet.
Subsequently, you will begin to form cults and worship the Dohgon as gods because today you choose to worship instead of to learn and understand. At the Dohgon University of Thought, we Concentrate on Truth as opposed to focusing on lies, philosophy, and idol worship.