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10-Foot-Tall Aliens Crash-Land in Family’s Backyard

10-foot-tall Aliens crash-land in a family’s backyard. Is it more proof of Alien existence and what does it all mean?
On May 1st, 2023, news reports began to hit the air about a strange incident that took place the night before in Las Vegas, Nevada. Apparently, a large unknown object crash landed in a family’s backyard in the middle of the night. Two family members, who were in the yard repairing a vehicle at the time, saw and heard strange creatures moving about their yard so they ran inside their house and called the police. When the police arrived about an hour later, neither the creatures or the object that crashed were located. There was only a large indentation in the ground.
After a month of being inundated by news reporters and calls from all over the country, the family became very secretive about the incident, fueling speculation that they may have been silenced by the infamous Men in Black government organization. Well, a few days ago one of the family members released a video documenting their encounter with what they describe as 10-foot-tall Aliens with slender bodies, large eyes, and big mouths. Here is a video the family put out to the public.
At this point, it is no longer a debate as to whether Aliens are real or not. The question on most people’s minds is, “why are they hiding?” I have several theories about why Aliens are hiding from humans. Some theories have already been explained in TV shows and movies but my main theory involves Reincarnation.
Remember the Star Trek Prime Directive? It is a guideline for all explorers from so-called ethical civilizations. Never mind that although Europeans have dreamed about using this principle for hundreds of years, they’ve never done so. The Prime Directive was introduced in Star Trek, the 1965 TV show about a spaceship full of Earthlings who embark on a 5-year mission to explore the outer regions of the galaxy. If they encounter a planet with advanced beings on it, they are to make friends with them for mutual benefit.
However, if they encounter beings who are less developed than humans, they must not interact or interfere with those beings in any way. Not even if those beings are in dire-straights due to disease, catastrophe or war. The second scenario in which Aliens maybe hiding from the general public is if those Aliens have a pact with our leaders. This pact could be for several reasons such as for protection against other Aliens, trade of resources, or guided development.
The likely scenario is that the Aliens are coming here as curious explorers and are in contact with a secret branch of government, such as the scenario in the Men in Black movies. There are mutual agreements in place not to interfere with each other outside of an unfortunate incident such as a crash. UFO hotspots exist because these are the areas where they, the Aliens, have agreed to enter and exist military radar zones.
The HERU Interface of Black Consciousness’s explanation of why Aliens are hiding from humanity is a Spiritual one. We believe that all life in the Universe is an expression of the Great Spirit that is the Universe itself. We believe that death is an illusion and that all living entities in the Universe exist on different levels of awareness. There is the level of Cognetive Unawareness, which is occupied by animals, insects, and other creatures. They survive by instinct and have no desire outside of survival.
Then there is the human level of Self-Awareness where we instinctively try to figure out why we exist. The simplest expression of this awareness is the phrase, “I think, therefore I am”. Aliens who visit earth are on a level of Telekenetic-Awareness. They know that their Souls reincarnate but they cannot choose to reincarnate outside of their own species. Therefore, they physically explore other lifeforms in the Galaxy. Most of the being on this level will try to bridge the gap between Time and Knowledge knowing full well that the purpose of life is to experience life.
The highest level of existence below the Universal Awareness of the Great Spirit is the level of Hyper Awareness and Choice. At this level, a being anywhere in the Universe can choose to incarnate on Earth as the Soul of a human host. The only problem is that, on the Earth level of existence, a Soul comes in without previous knowledge and must exist at the will of Earth life. A new Soul could be aborted shortly after inception, it could be born retarded, deformed, gay, or with whatever ailments it may inherit from its human parents. That means that this level of existence is a level of high adventure for hyper aware Souls.
The Aliens who crash-landed in that backyard in Las Vegas were no doubt highly advanced telekenetic beings. Not only did their aircraft not disintegrate on impact, they were not injured either. They had enough awareness to repair their craft and get themselves away from humans without too much contamination. Unfortunately, as more life in our Galaxy graduate to the level of telekenetic awareness, more incidents like this one will occur.