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The Nommo Are Coming Back

The Nommo are coming back to Earth. So, if humanity hasn’t destroyed itself by 2042, all the secrets of Dohgon Spirituality will soon be revealed.
Everyone in the world has a form of existential belief system to explain their existence in life. Some people follow organized religions so they believe that they were born in sin and life is a way to work their way out of that sin to earn the favor of their imaginary God. Those people have faithfully been waiting for the 2nd coming of their God for two thousand years now.
Another group of people are Atheists who believe that life is an accident of Evolution. They believe that the Universe came into existence by chance and evolved over billions of years into bacteria, animals, and humans. They believe that based on scientific theory, other life may exist in the Universe but that life was not responsible for their existence. Any life that comes to Earth from somewhere else must be operating according to the “survival of the fittest” principle of Evolution.
A 3rd set of people believe that there is a creator but they don’t follow organized religions. Instead, we prefer to refer to ourselves as “spiritual” and are turning our attention back to the spiritual beliefs of our ancestors. This can be a dangerous trend though, as is evident be the rise in Ritualism, Voodoo, Witchcraft and other unethical practices. All they are doing is proving religious people right that people should focus on coveting favor from a God instead of Demons.
I chose to focus on ethics and found Dohgon spirituality. The Dohgon are a very secretive tribe of Afrakan people who’ve been visited by a fish-like species of beings they call Nommo for thousands of years. Upon first encounter with the people of Earth, the Nommo did not see anyone that looked like them but unlike the so-called God of popular religion, the Nommo did not declare that they would re-make man in their own image and beautiful white likeness.
Instead, the Nommo shared their knowledge with the Dohgon people. The Dohgons used that knowledge to assist in building the Pyramids and the great civilization that was KMT. Eventually the Dohgon people left KMT (Egypt) as Arabs and European invaders moved in to eventually take it over. The Dohgon relocated to Mali, West Afraka where they reside peacefully today. While there, the Dohgon were visited by the Nommo again and were given more knowledge about the Nommo home world, the creator (Amma), and the creation of the Universe.
The Dohgon then decided not to pursue technical development as they once did in KMT. Instead, they centered their cultural traditions around paying homage to the Nommo and the Sirius Star system, the region of the Galaxy where the Nommo are from. They also engage in a major celebration called the Sigui, every 60 years to mark the figure-8 dance between Sirius A and Sirius B. It was during their last Sigui celebration that they received messages from the Nommo telling them that great turmoil is about to take place on Earth so they’re coming back.
Believe what you want and practice what you want but as global conflicts increase and more beings from other worlds visit the Earth to extract valuable life that they can preserve before humanity destroys itself, the Dohgon aren’t worried about the social dysfunction that are the product of human ignorance.