Tag Archives: spill in chinese
It’s Time for Unity-Seeking Black People to Ditch Twitter

Twitter was undoubtedly one of the most influential social media platforms, providing a space for people to express their thoughts, share news, and engage in conversations. However, for black people, this platform often fell short of delivering a safe and empowering experience. This dichotomy became even more evident after Elon Musk took it over and removed most of the platform’s safeguards. Several similar platforms have been created as saner alternatives; so, if Black people truly want to become self-empowered in the social media space, its time to ditch Twitter.
Black people love to talk about racial unity but most of us lack the self-discipline to achieve that ultimate goal. There are several main obstacles that hinder black racial unity. These obstacles can vary depending on the specific context and country, but some common ones include: religious and spiritual beliefs, lack of leadership, different social and political ideologies, and different priorities and agendas. These differences are the same in society at-large; therefore, a lot of Black people find it easier to develop bonds around these issues outside of our race.
In the old days, some of the only ways to spread information and develop social consensus around issues that affect us as Black people was to hold town hall meetings or to spread news through word of mouth. Social media then came along to became an essential tool for us to discuss and express issues. Unfortunately, we as a race failed to understand that if we don’t control the platforms that we spend our time developing racial consensus on, those platforms will never have our best interests at heart. In essence, they exist solely to profit off of us, to control what we think about, and dictate narratives to us.
I’ve heard it said that its Black people who build brands. Whether it be fashion brands or consumer brands, most brands don’t achieve multi-billion-dollar status until Black people adopt and popularize them for other races then to swagger-jack the things we like. That means that if there wasn’t a conscious effort to keep social media sites like Blaqsbi exclusively Black, it would probably be as big a Facebook by now. Unfortunately, the term “build it and they will come” is not synonymous with Black unity.
I understand that a lot of people depend on Twitter for communication, information, and for business. I still have a Twitter account but I don’t use Twitter for anything more than sharing my posts so I’ve never cared what Elon Musk has done there since he became CEO. To me, Musk is giving Black people a gift in the form of an opportunity to build racial unity away from his white supremacy rat hole of a platform and many of us are but instead of joining racially conscious platforms like Blaqsbi or Spill, a lot of Black people are rushing to join Threads, ran by another Black culture exploiter.
Ditching Twitter or any of the other exploiter ran social media platforms won’t be easy but we must understand that no race of people can ever develop self-sufficiency by building the businesses of other races.