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Moors Not Black Or AfRAkan

The Moors say that they are neither Black or AfRAkan.
The Pan-Afrakan Diaspora consists of several religious and cultural groups. The main groups are Christians, Muslims, Hebrew Israelites, Moors, and Spiritual Agnostics. Some groups acknowledge their AfRAkan ancestry and some don’t. Those who choose to deny their AfRAkan ancestry either do so due for religious blindness, for monetary gain, or through plain ignorance of Life. The Moors are the one group who deny their AfRAkan ancestry for all three reasons.
The Moors believe that they are not bound by country, continent, or race. Instead, they say they are indigenous to the entire world having inhabited the planet since all landmasses were one some 150 million years ago. There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, we wish all humans would think that we are all one people as part of the Life entity. Unfortunately the Moors are being hypocritical because today they would rather enter into a pact with world powers and live by systems based on Gods, kingdoms, and money rather than recognize the greater order of existence.
The mission of the Moors is to establish themselves as placeholders among the world elite. In order to achieve their goal, they must first prove their worth to those who now control organized religion as well as military and economic power in the world. Furthermore, they must prove that they are neither Black or AfRakan but are members of a non-extinguished Moroccan empire. The Moors believe that most Black American slaves were no more than prisoners of war while others were aboriginals along with the indigenous tribes of North and South America.
Historically, the term Moor refers to a loose-nit, non-racial group of people based in Morocco, North Afraka during the Middle Ages. Originally Arabs from Turkey and the Middle East, the group diversified racially as they conquered Afrakan and European territory to grow into a formidable empire. Their biggest conquests were in Portugal and Spain, which they inhabited and ruled for hundreds of years. Eventually the Moors were beaten back into North Afraka where they slowly faded in power and influence.
During the Middle Ages, the Moors were well respected for their geographical knowledge and navigational abilities. Early European explorers sought their help in all their endeavors into Afraka and on the High Seas. During the slave trade in which Afrakans were captured and brought in chains to North and South America, the Moors were known to have immunity from slavery. Some historians even believe they actually participated and were financially rewarded for their work in capturing Sub-Saharan Afrakans for their European partners.
Proof of Moorish treachery occurred in Jamaica, West Indies, where as part of a war truce, large groups of runaway slaves known as Maroons made agreements with the British to capture and return other runaway slaves to the plantations. As reward, the British labeled them Moors and gave them their own land. Fortunately, there were more ethical Maroons who refused the British treaties and kept the figh going against both the Moors and the British.
The Moors of today channel their beliefs from Nobel Drew Ali, a Black American Muslim who established the Moorish Science Temple of America in Chicago in 1914. Nobel Drew Ali was thought by his father, a Moroccan immigrant, that all African Americans were Moors who belonged to the Moroccan empire and by simply claiming themselves to be Moors, they would automatically gain Moroccan citizenship and posess all the rights of the Moroccan Empire.
Credit the Moors for gaining and revealing hidden insights into the inner workings of the system of corporations known as countries that have been governing world affairs since the turn of the 19th century. Just know that systems created by men based on Desire and Ignorance are all destined to fail. Petitioning the unethical to get a seat at their table just means that you want into their wicked and unethical systems that praise Gods, Kings, and Demons.
Human creativity is capable of much greater things. That is why Dohgons are gaining knowledge to increase our understanding of Life so that we can build a better interface for human cognition. We know that the Great Spirit that is the Universe is the creator and our Soul is experiencing a voluntary excursion into this hostile environment known as Life. We incarnated as Black people for a reason so to cop-out of this challenge is not an option. We know the truth of our existence so we will never deny our Afrakan identity and ancestry for unethical religious, political, economical, or cultural beliefs again. We will make Life a better place.