Tag Archives: religious philosophy
The Enemy Is After Your Mind

I heard a Christian pastor warn, “the enemy is after your mind”. According to religion, the enemy is always the Devil. So, in essence the pastor is warning that the Devil is trying to steer people’s minds away from believing in and accepting the will of God. The only problem with the pastor’s statement is that the enemy is already in control of most people’s Minds including his own. Therefore, the pastor’s enemy is not the Devil; his enemy is the Great Spirit that encourages Duty to Creation instead of Subservience to gods and men.
Our Mind is our most important resource. Without it, humans would be no more advanced than Insects that operate purely by instinct. Our Mind enables us to foresee and escape danger, create medicines to help us heal when we get injured or sick, create tools to make our lives easier, and most of all, to create purpose for our existence. The more we feed our Minds with knowledge, it’s the more our ability to think and reason increases.
Two thousand years ago, average people did not use their Minds for anything other than survival and to exist within the framework of the societies they lived in. The only people who thought outside of the box were Leaders, Healers, Preachers, and Philosophers. These people spent their days and nights debating and devising rules for average people to live by. If they said God was a green giant living in the mountains no one could debate that narrative.
The first deviations away from that norm came as a result of organized education. The level of knowledge of average people began to increase and the level of fear within society began to decrease. People learned to rely more on their common sense rather than superstitions. They learned that there were no giants throwing boulders and cracking their whips to create thunder and lightning. Societies developed in which people could learn, think, and express their thoughts and opinions individually and freely without fear of being ostracized or put to death for offending leaders, be they Chiefs, Kings, Emperors, or Dictators.
The reason why religion has survived this long is because it incorporates all the early knowledge gained by Philosophers about human behavior with the most powerful spiritual system ever created, better known as the Mystery God concept. Furthermore, it was imposed on the lives of regular people by Kings as a way of maintaining obedience to authority before being used as a tool of conquest in which the traditions and cultural beliefs of Black people were forcibly erased and rewritten.
The funny thing is, while pastors are busy warning regular folks about using their Minds, they are busy studying religious scripture, religious philosophy, religious history, and religious psychology. Most of them will attain PHD and Doctorate degrees in those fields but never come out any wiser than they started except in ways to keep Black people’s minds white-washed and of course, ignorant of the reality they exist in. In essence, all they are, are tools for their colonial masters.
If the enemy is the Great Spirit then religion is correct in its belief that humans were created to serve masters. We are to forever remain locked in a hierarchical system of anointed leaders and be content. The enemy is indeed the Devil because it is Devil energy that encourages humans to compete for the favor of a God. It is Devil energy that used Desire as a mechanism to achieve that favor. And it is Devil energy that encourages humans to remain locked in fear inducing ignorance instead of gaining knowledge and respect for creation.
The Devil is not a being; it an energy. It is capable of taking over our Minds but we must be resolved to never compromise Ethics in order to maintain the comforts of our various religious ideologies. We must continue to work to protect the sanctity of Life and Nature but we can only do so by gaining knowledge about both. We value our own lives so much that we do not depend on a god for our health; we use medical science to create Medicines. We value our lives so much that we do not depend on a god for food and shelter. We go out and work to make money so that we can buy food and pay for shelter.
Life is breaking down, food is becoming scarce, and more and more people are being born with sicknesses and gender confusions but instead of using our Minds to solve humanity’s problems, preachers are trying to encourage people to recreate a past that never existed. This kind of thinking is based on outdated religious philosophy that can never be an effective tool to assist in improving the Black Race. Its time for a new way of thinking and perceiving reality. Its time for the HERU Interface.