Tag Archives: poor concentration

Why Are People So Stressed?


Why are people so stressed?

We get stressed because we are very poor managers of our own thoughts. We allow our minds to wonder and dwell on meaningless or irrelevant things. The result is poor mental management skills. We are not saying that we have to stay engaged 24/7. What we are saying is that we need to know how to keep our minds fit in order to reduce stress. Our bodies react on the DNA level to everything we do. Therefore, stress is the result of hormonal abnormalities caused by us. When we allow our focus and concentration levels to diminish the result is lack of patience. Lack of patience produces anxiety and stress. Here are some of the reasons why we lack good mental management skills and how you can address them:

0. Poor CONCENTRATION; This is the major cause of mental mismanagement because we lack the continuous flow of ideas that make our thoughts complete. Think of this as a Muslim who has been on a fast all day. He breaks fast, yet he has not enough to eat in one sitting. He eats a little of something, then a few minutes later, his wife gets him a little of another something to eat, and so on. This person may need about 10 or more of these little bits of servings to satisfy his hunger. Under these circumstances, you know this Muslim will be edgy and discontent.

So, how do we CONCENTRATE? First, we have to know the neurotransmitter that makes us concentrate. Melatonin is that neurotransmitter. Melatonin has to be the Muslim’s wife. If you lack a good supply of this neurotransmitter, you will never Concentrate effectively because your serotonin production will consistently trigger one memory to override the present memory in use. Then another memory will get excited and overpower the one that overrode the first one. This is why your friends call you a scatter brain. How do you increase your Melatonin production? Dohgon Wonder Wheels and Dohgon COUNT are how!

1.Lack of PATIENCE “Haste makes waste!” Remember, whenever you do things in haste, you are not just wasting resources, you are also wasting your own efforts. A wasted effort manifests when we suffer from ERROR Catastrophes. These errors occur at the DNA level, meaning that our neural systems are not allowing enough Melatonin to be transmitted through cellular cytoplasm. This makes us anxious, and with anxiety comes stress. Also, with anxiety comes poor neural communications, and this affects us externally with what we hear, touch, smell, taste and see. A stressful person can never make a good manager. Those who force their way into leadership positions, are the ones who terrorize others into submission.

2. Poor FOCUS If your focus is poor, you will become a bad planner because you cannot even define what you are planning. If your planning is haphazard, how can you develop procedures and processes to execute the plan? When you start to see your failings open widely in front of you, you’d become so stressed as you scold yourself in HINDSIGHT about your illogical thinking conditions.

So, how do you improve your focus? You can improve your focus by becoming acCOUNTable to what you do. To be acCOUNTable is to COUNT each step or each hand movement you do. AcCOUNTability is how you overcome hindsight and bad focus.

For more insights on how to manage stress please visit The Dohgon University of Thought. We are a school dedicated to private research and consulting. Our specialty is the science of effective mental concentration management. Professor MOmOH Knows Everything!