Tag Archives: neurotransmitter

How To Self-Heal

self healing

The human body is an instrument thus its health is in a constant state of flux. Our physical health depends on factors that are widely misunderstood therefore most times we only pay attention to our mental and physical health when we get sick. There are steps however, that Afrakans can take to enhance and protect our overall health to prevent sickness and disease. We can do so be learning how to self-heal.

Self-healing is not a new concept therefore some of the methods involved in self-healing are already widely practiced. Those methods include getting enough sleep, eating healthy, physical exercise, mental exercise, and meditating. Another less known self-healing method involves getting help from the Spiritual essence of the universe through our Brain and since Afrakans still have a functioning energy receptor, this will also help to keep it functional. This method is called the Dohgon self-healing method.  

Life expectancy for Afrakans varies from between 65 to 85 years depending on genetics, culture, and regional environmental factors. Of course, there are some who beat the odds and live longer but aside from war and crime, these are factors that cannot be easily altered or controlled. Some Afrakans are born with genetic illnesses that will either have an immediate or long-term effect on their health. Most illnesses however, are acquired over time due to ignorance and willful self-harm.

For instance, there are activities that we engage in at work or in general, and food that we eat that is harming us but we don’t realize it because society in general is also ignorant of their effects. There are businesses that operate for “profit over health”, that willfully produce chemically harmful foods for us to eat. Then there are other activities we engage in such as; smoking, using harmful drugs or even over-eating, that we know is harming us yet we refuse to stop it because it makes us feel good.

The Doghon Afrakan method of self-healing is a method that involves improving the Mind which, in turn will improve the health of the Brain and Body. This method involves naturally improving your Brains’ ability to produce the healing hormone Melatonin. Melatonin is a neurotransmitter that acts within Cells to repair and improve their functionality. The result is that Cells will do a better job fighting disease and the harmful effects that other hormones may have on them.    

There is an abstract energy receptor inside the Brain of all animals. That energy receptor is called the Pineal Gland. Europeans regard this energy receptor as a useless gland that was made redundant by evolution. Why did they conclude that, you might ask? The reason they came to that conclusion is because theirs is virtually nonfunctional. It is a conclusion born out of defective logic and understanding of the Spiritual essence of the universe.  

The Pineal Gland in Europeans is defective due to Calcification caused by genetics and white noise radiation. Unfortunately, the Pineal Gland is also the primary producer of Melatonin in the human body. Europeans have recently begun to change their views of the Pineal Gland due to a recognition of the importance of Melatonin in self-healing. In the meantime, as an alternative to natural Melatonin, they are making pills comprised of synthetic or harvested Melatonin from animals.

To begin your self-healing process using the benefits of Melatonin there are several things that you must do every night as night time is when the Pineal Gland produces Melatonin. Some people believe that the Pineal Gland just needs darkness but that’s not true because of the Sun. The goal is to get proper sleep by going to bed at a decent time, preferably a few hours before midnight and get at least 7 hours of sleep. While you sleep there should be no White Noise distractions from TVs, radios, or any form of Light from digital clocks and night lights.

Before you go to sleep you need to quiet your Mind of the day’s activities as much as possible. An effective way to do this is to use the Dohgon Flux number counting as a meditation. Do this meditation by simply sitting at the edge of your bed and while all Light and Sound distractions are eliminated, do the count inside your head. Your thoughts may drift because of mild memories or traumatic stress but if you can’t calm your thoughts while doing the count, don’t worry about it too much.

While you are sleeping your Pineal Gland will activate and begin to produce Melatonin using the Spiritual Energy it is collecting from the Pure Dark Universe. The Melatonin will travel all throughout your body to heal and repair your damaged Cells. You may not notice the improvement right away but over time this Dohgon self-healing method will help to improve your overall health.

Understanding White Supremacy

There is no people or culture in the world that the white man has not tried to conquor and rule throughout history. Conquest is in his nature and because of this he is often referred to as evil or the devil described in popular religion. His excuses are;

1) His god created him to rule.

2) he is at the top of an evolutionary process while others are degenerates.

Day by day however, more and more evidence is being revealed to disprove his false ideologies. The truth is, his power is product of human nature and not supernatural. Therefore, in order to understand white supremacy you first need to understand human nature.

Human nature is the characteristics of human behavior. It is how humans react to stimuli from the outside world through the senses and inside the brain. Two of the most influential hormones in the human brain are Melatonin and Serotonin. Both chemicals are neurotransmitters that regulate Neuron functions specifically in the releasing of Dopamine and Epinephrine into the Nervous-system. The difference between the two is that Melatonin is created by the Spirit in the Pineal Gland while Serotonin is created by the Soul using proteins and other chemicals.

What is Spirit and what is Soul?

These are things that Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought teaches to help people understand Life and the Universe. That is why in order to truly understand the white man you have to understand Spirit and Soul, two separate things. Spirit is the abstract omnipotent energy of the universe while Soul is the energy generated by living tissue. Melatonin is a healing, calming chemical while Serotonin is a mechanism driver that induces happiness resulting in irrationality, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), fear, paranoia, and anxiety.

Both hormones are important in balancing human nature however, the white man is influenced by the effects of Serotonin because his Pineal Gland, which balances Serotonin, has become Calcified and virtually dysfunctional.

How and why?

The white man was born unwanted and had to fight for survival because he is a product of Albinism. After migrating into the cold of Asia and Europe hundreds of thousands of years ago he degraded into savagery mostly because he couldn’t produce enough Melatonin to balance the effects of Serotonin that began to control his psyche.

Necessity is the mother of invention so he learned to conquer the environment, threats from vicious animals, and threats from others like himself who sought to invade his territory. He lived by a code of “survival of the fittest” in everything he did and because he had also become Desire Dependent undesirable physical traits faded until blond hair, blue eyes, and pale skin became the standard of purity.

What do we mean by Desire Dependent? Notice that throughout history no other Race chose mates based on looks, most used pre-arranged traditions. Beauty as a mechanism did not originate with him but Life took over to compensate for his lack of Spiritual guidence.

Fortunately, Spiritual energy still reaches him and acts to reign in his Nature but the Ideology of conquest is still present and manifests in some white people as white supremacy. He hasn’t completely wiped out other races because the Spirit of the universe still acts to reign in his conscience but since he believes that he is the perfect human he also believes that he is morally superior to everyone else; an evident oxymoron.

Subsequently, he has influenced every culture he has come in contact with to function according to his ways simply because we are forced into survival mode against him. And it is because of a “survival of the fittest” mentality why most Black and AfRAkan people now depend on the production of internal Serotonin to function. We suffer cultural digression because now we function primarily to feed our Desires instead of solving our problems.

AfRAkans must break out of the spell of white supremacy. We give him power when we allow him to dictate and regulate our lives, be it through his religions, his economic systems, or his educational systems. Do not fear his technological advancements because Spiritual energy is infinately more powerful than creations of the Soul.       

Recognize that we need the Spiritual production of Melatonin to harmonize our inter and intracellular rhythms to increase our motivation to think constructively, productively, and creatively! Melatonin gives us joy and make us feel good about ourselves because it’s our neurotransmitter of reason, constructive communication, care, concern, patience and morality. Learn to de-calcify your Pineal Gland today.