Tag Archives: matter
Will Science Find God?

Will Science find God? The Dohgon say no because not only does the God of popular religion not exist, Scientific theories about the formation of the Universe are all wrong.
There is a cliche saying in Science that states that you can’t really discover something unless you are looking for it. With that adage in mind, Scientists must first formulate a theory before engaging in research to prove their theories correct. One famous hypothesis that Scientists depend on is the theory that the universe was created by a Big Bang. The author of that Big Bang, they say, was a particle of matter so small and powerful that it can only be referred to as the “God Particle”.
Decades ago, before setting out to discover the “God Particle”, Scientists first theorized that the Universe was created out of a Big Bang in which highly compressed gas reached a critical mass and exploded. The event set off a perpetual expansion of all Matter away from a center point. Heavy Gasses cooled to form Stars, Planets, Moons, and Dust while lighter Gases float around. The Big Bang theory depends on several supporting theories, the most famous of which is the belief that Matter cannot be created or destroyed.
That would mean that everything in the universe today has always been here, only in different forms. For instance, the simplest and lightest Element we know of is Hydrogen Gas. It consists of 1 Electron and 1 Proton and it makes up approximately 75% of the Universe while heavier Elements make up less of the Universe as their weight increases. Depending on this supporting evidence, Physicists are convinced that the Big Bang theory is correct and that Dark Matter exists. Dark Matter is invisible because in theory, empty Space cannot exist.
In the 1940s when the Military began to seek more destructive weapons than those that combined reactive elements together, they turned to splitting Atoms. Soon they developed the Nuclear bomb, which involved splitting Hydrogen Atoms. These were the bombs they dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan instantly killing millions of Japanese people.
In the decade following WW2, many nations competed to develop Nuclear weapons. Fearing impending nuclear catastrophe, a group of European nuclear physicists convinced the United Nations to form a coalition that would explore positive uses for Nuclear technology. They named this co-operation CARN and embarked on a new mission to find Higgs Boson particles. Higgs Boson particles are theorized to be the glue that holds the particles of an Atom together.
To physicists, Higgs Boson particles are the God Particles of creation. They theorize that if they could find this particle it could open the box to the secrets of the universe. Critics however, fear that scientists could be tampering with Pandora’s box instead. CERN scientist ignored the warnings, built an enormous Hadron particle accelerator, and spent over 50 years smashing Hadron particles against each other in hopes of seeing a God Particle.
In 2012 CERN scientists announced that they had finally proven the existence of Higgs Boson particles. Unfortunately, they didn’t learn any new secrets about the universe. They didn’t become God-like, able to create matter at will. They also didn’t prove the theory of a Big Bang or the existence of Dark Matter. All they discovered was that the process of discovery is often more exciting than the find. HERUInterface.com
Beware of Egyptian Mythology

Beware of Egyptian Mythology. It could be just as dangerous to Black people’s Spiritual development as religion is.
Most Black people who are embracing Afrakan Spirituality, Black Consciousness, and Afrocentricity are turning to Egyptian mythology as a core belief system. In one sense they are correct because Egyptian mythology is the origin of the three major world religions, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. In another sense, it could be a deception that will lead to further psychological corruption.
The problem with embracing Egyptian mythology wholeheartedly is that Egyptian mythology has numerous flaws and just like all major world religions, it should not be taken literally. The culture and achievements of ancient Egyptian society remains one of the most advanced and influential cultures to ever exist on Earth.
The legacy of Egypt reveals that the ancient Egyptians were able to gain a level of understanding of reality that most societies today have yet to be able to achieve. There is evidence that they used Electricity, developed advanced architecture, as well as advanced medicine and medical techniques.
They also had intricate knowledge of the Stars, Planets, and Moons as well as the seasons of the Earth. Unfortunately, they became preoccupies with trying to achieve immortality in the physical instead of being satisfied with Spiritual transcendence. This led to the corrupting of their Spiritual belief systems.
This major flaw ultimately led to the downfall of Egyptian society as Pharaohs spent their whole lives preparing for their deaths. They also demanded that all their servants should follow them into the afterlife. Even those servants who didn’t want to die were put to death upon the passing of a Pharaoh.
Egyptian mythology is a powerful alternative to religion however, Black and Afrakan people wishing to use Egyptian mythology as a Spiritual belief system must not get trapped into trying to re-live the past. Instead, we must learn to extract Wisdom from past knowledge and use that Wisdom to build a better future for the Afrakan race.
This is the prerogative of the HERU Interface. We know that although our ancient brothers and sisters in KMT were able to develop amazing architecture and achieve extensive knowledge of Life and reality, they ultimately ended up on the wrong path, which also lead to their ultimate demise. They could not recognize or accept the duality of existence, the physical and the abstract and how the two can co-exist but can never become one and the same thing.
The Abstract essence of the universe is Pure Dark Energy. These energies are what science recognizes (in-part) as the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum. They cannot exist in the physical but they act to manipulate physical matter through the forces they generate within and around Matter.
The Physical essence of the universe is much more familiar to us because it is what reacts with most of our Senses. In other words, physical reality is tangible Matter. Humans exist as a duality; we are both Abstract and Physical. Our Mind is our Abstract quality while our Brain and Body are our Physical quality.
Our physical bodies will ultimately die, at which point we will lose the ability to interact with the physical world. We will no longer be able to see, hear, taste, touch, or smell but for some reason our ancestors in KMT as well as religious people today somehow believe that our physical bodies will resurrect in some kind of heaven. The HERU Interface says no; our physical bodies will not regenerate after death.
The HERU Interface has both historical as well as futuristic connotations. It is historical in that it pays homage to an Afrakan concept that goes back thousands of years. And it has futuristic connotations in that it recognized that although belief systems may not be real, they can still be useful tools.
Knowledge however gained, will always have subjective implication. Some people will accept it and some will reject it because they are unwilling to change. We know that belief systems are important to instilling structure within a society. When those belief systems don’t make sense or are not beneficial to the health of a society, we must be willing to change them.
Egyptian mythology is a great alternative belief system but due to its obvious flaws, we must beware of taking its traditions literally.
The Sun Is Both Heaven And Hell

Why unethical Souls are fuel for the Sun
Most people who have had near-death experiences often explain seeing a distant but enticing light. They also explain that the light pulls at them as if it were inviting them home to a comforting place. Dohgon Spirituality explains that light as the Sun and everyone who dies will have to face it. Some Souls will go through it, some Souls will get trapped on its surface, and some Souls will refuse to go toward the Light and remain on Earth. That is because the Sun is both Heaven and Hell.
All religions describe two fictional places called Heaven and Hell. God lives in Heaven which is described as a paradise. On the Day of Judgment he will choose only his most faithful to enter. Hell is described as the home of the Devil. It is an extremely hot and tormenting place where all bad people will be imprisoned for eternity. Since Dohgons don’t believe in Gods, Devils or ideas that shift our focus away from our responsibility to Life we suspect that what religion is really describing is the Sun (RA).
In Dohgon Spirituality RA plays a very important role. It represents both the physical and Spiritual aspects of the reality we exist in because it is the only gate between both realms. Dohgon Cosmogony explains the Sun as having a Carbon core. Particles of Matter are created in the core through a Permutation process and are pushed to the Sun’s surface. They then attach to energy waves and are distributed into the Universe. Light is a particle that rides on Pure Dark Energy Waves until the waves lose velocity and they fall off.
All energy exists in three states; Spirit, Soul, and Physical. Spirit is a high energy state that needs no medium to move from A to B. It can exist in two places simultaneously. Soul is lower energy state that needs Matter to travel, like Light, Wind, and Vapor. Physical is a very low energy state. It needs one thing to physically manipulate another thing to facilitate movement.
Humans are living Souls trapped in a low energy form. We can elevate our energy signature but we cannot transform into a Spirit until we die. The determining factor as to whether we transform or not is the weight of our Soul. Our Soul’s weight depends on how we function in life in terms of Fairness, Equity, and Accountability. In other words; did our Soul remain fit because we exercised our conscience as much as we could or did our Souls get fat through an over indulgence on our Desires.
When we die we all will immediately recognize the abstract energy signature of the Sun as a great enticing Light. Those who’s Souls are afraid to face it because of the unethical life they’ve lived and because they are addicted to physical gratification, will resist the Sun’s pull. They will remain trapped in a gray zone between the abstract and physical realm and roam the Earth as Ghosts.
Those who choose to go toward the Light will experience either one of two things; they will either get trapped on the surface or go through to the core where their Souls will be transformed into a pure energy Spirit. If the weight of your Soul is light enough you will break the Sun’s surface and travel to its Carbon core. Then you will be transformed into Pure Dark Energy and exist outside of Time and Space as a Spirit.
If you go toward the Light and you’ve not lived your life using Fairness, Equity, and Accountability your Soul will be too heavy to pass through the surface but by that point you wont be able to turn back. The everlasting ocean of fire will trap you as it did other unethical Souls like you. It’s for those reasons why we recognize the Sun as being similar to the Heaven and Hell described in popular religion.
Dohgons, Einstein, and Gravitational Waves
This past week Scientists rejoiced after proving that Einstein was right about the existence of Gravitational Waves but Dohgons have known for centuries that all energy forms in the universe exist as waves. Why then does science attribute the knowledge of Gravitational waves to Einstein? There are two reasons for this. One reason is the belief that AfRAkan minds are too primitive to perceive a vision of the universe beyond gods and superstition. The other reason has to do with the scientific method of determining truth.
Dohgons Cosmogony states that the universe is a series of Time Bubbles. The Mother Time Bubble started when Pure Dark Energy Waves, which infinitely exist in the form of waves, Flux to form particles of matter. It is dissimilar to the Big Bang chaos theory of science and Professor MoMoh of the Dohgon University of Thought has calculated a formula for how abstract energy changes to physical matter which has nothing to do with E=MC2. Can we prove it? We will let time do that because we have a different outlook on human consciousness and what is actually driving it.
We know that every abstract energy form that affects physical matter exists as abstract waves. That goes for Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism, and most of the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum. We also know that in order for science to accept Dohgon truth it must be submitted as a (theory) with credentials to one or several scrutinizing scientific bodies. That is a way of ensuring that only people within recognized scientific circles get credited with making “so called” discoveries.
We know that they have been stealing and claiming discovery of information for thousands of years. AfRAkans are not mad at science for claiming discovery of Gravitational Waves though, because we know that human consciousness is being driven by two instincts; survival and universal awareness. There are some humans whose minds are receptive to deciphering information coming directly from Pure Dark Energy Waves and there are some whose minds are blocked so they “discover” things.