Tag Archives: love
Finding Real Love

There is no question that Love is the deepest and strongest human emotion. It’s a feeling that brings joy and happiness into the harsh reality of Life. Love can be of self, for someone else, or for something in the world around us. Love comes in many forms, sometimes shallow and sometimes deep but there is only one way to know when Love is real.
Real Love exists beyond beauty, class, intelligence, physical appearance, or sensory influence. When real love exists it doesn’t matter how someone looks. It doesn’t matter what someone can or cannot do for you or how much money they have. It doesn’t matter how smart or dumb they are. Real love cannot be conjured up or influenced to exist by the use of drugs.
In order to understand what real love is you first need to understand what Emotions are. Emotions are instinctual feelings that cannot be thought or learned therefore everyone experiences them, whether rich or poor, young or old, White or Black. Human consciousness has one basic driver; desire. Desire is our default condition while another force; Conscience, controls the dept and intensity of desire.
Conscience is an internal force that is developed through the external influence of the Spiritual essence of the universe. Conscience is the source of our morals, which expands to regulate our actions through self-discipline. Therefore, for Love to be truly real it needs to be controlled by one’s conscience. In other words, real Love is Conscious Desire.
Emotions are an aspect of human nature that needs to be controlled. If you cannot control your emotions then you cannot function around others, much less, in society. The most difficult emotion to control is Love but if you’re asking why Love would need to be controlled it’s because Love is also the most confusing emotion.
Love is the measure of your emotional Desire towards someone or something. Desire is also affection, fondness, infatuation, adulation, lust and many more. All emotions are different in weight because conscience influences desire in different level. Some people will say they love themselves but will engage in self-destructive activities such as taking drugs or altering their appearance to try to love themselves even more.
Some people will profess to love another person but then try to control that person physically or mentally. Then when they realize they cannot control that person they resort to harm and abuse. Others will claim to love someone but they really only love the beauty of that person so when the beauty fades away, so does the love. They don’t know that beauty is a mechanism.
Loving the superficial nature of self or someone else are destructive forms of love based purely on unconscious desire. At the height of conscious desire is Real Love and Conscientious Love is unconditional. It means that the Love emotion that is being generated is under the full control of your conscience and if your conscience is strong, your Love will be pure and true.
If you are seeking Real Love, whether of yourself or in others, remember that emotions are instinctual therefore they cannot change, only controlled. Listen to and use your conscience in your daily life. Think Spiritually and beware of religion, humanism, and other forms of ideology based lifestyles. Develop relationships with conscientious people. Only conscience can harness the reckless effects of Desire.
Black Is Not Beautiful

Black is not beautiful. Beauty is a mechanism which is a tool that the Life Entity uses through Desire to encourage its creations to reproduce. Most people fail to understand this so they allow their psyche to be driven by their senses, which results in self-hate and self-destructiveness. People hung up on beauty can be classified as being Desire Dependent. Afrakans must conquer this mechanism, our psychological stability depends on it.
A mechanism is an intentional process in which an action is performed in order to produce a desired outcome. Mechanisms can exist in all aspects of reality. They can be mechanical, physical, chemical, or abstract. Beauty is an abstract mechanism, which means that beauty is subjective and whatever the characteristics that determine beauty are in relation to race and culture, they all provide the same purpose to Life. Therefore, beauty is a tool that works best when people are unconscious and desire dependent.
We know that beauty is a mechanism because we recognize that Life is a single conscious entity. It is the collective awareness of every living organism on Earth and it is in full pursuit of universal awareness. Humans function in reality using our senses. Our senses react to stimuli from the outside world and feed the information to our Brain for processing. Some stimulations trigger the release of Dopamine in our brain to produce a sensation of pleasure. Memories of strong stimulation from such things as beauty, music, drugs, sex, and even food build up in our memory banks. If we cannot experience these things over and over again, we use our memories to satisfy our desires in times of Want.
The main reason why people cannot see that beauty is a mechanism is because they either operate using religion or popular culture. Religious people do not recognize beauty as a mechanism because they view beauty as a gift from their god. Secular society cannot recognize the mechanism because people are trained to believe that “life is what it is”. They believe that people have to learn to accept their looks and develop their own psychological crutches. At the same time, they are also trained by pop culture to celebrate and admire others who win the “beauty lottery” at birth or through the good genes.
A very popular saying insists that “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” but is it? All races are susceptible to desire fulfillment based on beauty. However, some physical characteristics that one race may consider attractive may not be considered attractive in another race. Beauty can also be cross-racial and cross-cultural. As races naturally interact with each other, race mixing will occur; sometimes out of curiosity but mostly because of desire manipulation. If left unchecked the physical characteristics that determine one race from another will eventually become indistinguishable. Some people may say that is a good thing for race relations but is it?
In a perfect world race mixing based on desire and beauty wouldn’t be a problem but this is an imperfect world we live in. People are actively engaging in racial prejudice and racial genocide every minute of the day in every country on the face of the Earth. If AfRAkan people are not conscious about preserving our racial identity we will definitely go extinct as a race. Colonization has already been responsible for the widespread rape and unwanted siring of mixed breed Black people all throughout the Americas and the Afrakan continent.
Furthermore, through multiculturalism, the unconscious among us are engaging in cultural and racial genocide. Their life is theirs to live of course. On one hand they are right but, in many cases, they are only seeking to breed with the dominant race because they think it will produce “better” offspring able to compete in the dominant race’s unethical culture. Some others are even attempting to diminish their blackness by bleaching their skin, installing weaves and wigs to hide their natural hair, or getting surgeries to diminish their noses, lips, and high cheek bones. They become like the oppressor, self-absorbed and vain believing that they are better than others.
All this focus on unnatural beauty has created a condition we call Desire Dependency in Black people. Desire dependency is a condition that creates numerous psychological problems for us because the ideals of beauty are Eurocentric. Without a strong conscience Black people who live by religion and secular culture have become susceptible to desire and because others control popular culture and the tools to manipulate it, such as money and information, they also have power over your emotions. Beauty as a mechanism is not an existential problem for the Life entity therefore Black people are left to manage our psychological problems ourselves.
Fortunately, there are still Black Conscious AfRAkans who, though they might not recognize the intricate workings of Life, value their racial identity. They use mind over matter to rebuke the desire manipulations of popular culture. They maintain pride in their dark skin, their kinky hair, and their unique physical features. They are unknowingly fighting back against the mechanisms of Life but their actions are key to the overall Black Consciousness movement.
Black women and man; We are not insects who are easily attracted to colorful plants. We have advanced cognitive abilities which we need to use if we truly desire to escape the mechanisms of Life and the manipulations of popular culture. We must make a conscious effort to love ourselves; it’s the only way to return our youth to valuing the qualities of the Afrakan race and it is one of the ways of ultimately preserving our longevity.
Black is not beautiful; Black is powerful, electric, magnetic, capable, compelling, dominant, dynamic, energetic, impressive, influential, potent, robust, and mighty.