Tag Archives: @KanyeWest

Kanye West Humbled by His Unethical God

News travels fast in the information age so by now most people have heard that Kanye West has completely changed his stance against the Jews and has even apologized for upsetting the Black community. He did so after losing his biggest contract, which was with adidas Sports. Not surprisingly, Kanye has a lot of excuses for his behavior but unlike his idol Donald Trump, Kanye seems to be listening to his advisors. Probably his greatest advisors are his Christian therapists because it must have been them who gave him the perfect scapegoat for avoiding accountability. They told him to say that he is being humbled by God.

Damn, it was only a few weeks ago that I resolved to never write, listen, or view anything about Kanye West again but here I am like a narcissist who has nothing else to do besides giving time to someone who I’ve grown to despise.  My excuse; writing is my therapy. Plus, its not like I can avoid Kanye West because Social Media algorithms are pushing topics about him to the top of my feeds and even traditional news networks are all talking about him. So, here I am with another Kanye psychoanalysis.

Kanye West, the self-professed genius, has been upsetting the Black community with his pro-white supremacist Christian rhetoric for the past ten years but it wasn’t until he publicly attacked the Jews a few weeks ago that the financial establishment took steps to censure him. So, what did he say about the Jews that was so different from what many Blacks have been saying for decades? Nothing, yet hundreds of Black people on social media have been throwing praises his way for speaking out about Jewish exploitation of Black people in business and entertainment. It made me shake my head and wonder about our short attention spans and how we tend to support sensationalism over hard work.

In my favorite Kanye west song he said, “Excuse me; was you’ll saying something? You can’t tell me nothing” but someone should have told him to take his own advice and, “Don’t fix your lips like colagen then say something you gone end up apolagen”. As I said, I used to be a Kanye fan but because of his religious and political antics I’ve stepped away.

What entertains me about Kanye West’s apology to the Jews and the Black community is the slickness behind his apology. It shows how easily religious belief can be manipulated and twisted in an infinite number of ways to skirt individual accountability. In terms of his Jewish apology, Kanye simply said he didn’t realize that the words he used were Anti-Semetic and endicted the entire Jewish race but when it came to the Black community, his excuse was divine intervention. Kanye said that he has to apologize to the black community because God has humbled him to do so because he flaunted his wealth in the Black community’s face.

Beyond the religious mumbo-jumbo, Kanye had to apologize to the Black community because there is nowhere for him to run back to for solace other than the Black community. The Black community will now forgive and forget his past transgressions because our heroes are few and far between. He will also fall back under the wings of the angels of his God and be exalted by Black Christians as a prophet who is being persecuted for speaking his mind.

Even if Kanye loses all his wealth, he will always have a religious excuse but knowing Kanye, he might not be able to handle to much more humbling before he starts publicly lashing out at his God. I can even guarantee that at some point we will see him dragging a huge wooden cross through some city street as a statement of his perceived personal persecution.  

Dilemma of a Black Conservative


“I feel like a Black Republican, money keeps comin in. But I can’t turn my back on the hood, I got love for them.” – Jay-Z

The dilemma of Black conservatism is a serious one. Depending on our level of consciousness some of us may choose to live like Kanye West and some of us like Jay-Z. Conservatism is a vile term among many Black people simply because it is often associated with white supremacy and economic oppression. The fact is, many Black people think and act conservative, we just don’t practice it politically due to our racial bonds. Kanye West and Jay-Z are two Black conservatives with politically different views. One openly praises political conservatism and one fights against it.

Conservatism in America is often associated with white supremacists and racists. Take a pick from any of the known white supremacist organizations in the country and you will find they identify themselves as Christian conservatives. Religious conservatism is the belief that one’s religion is the chosen of God therefore your actions are guided and accepted by your God. That goes for all religions, as is evident with the rise of Islamic extremism throughout the world.

White supremacists believe that Christianity is the guide for all aspects of life, be it political, financial, social, or environmental, therefore they go about destroying the environment because “God put resources on Earth for them to use”. They actively seek to convert Black people to their religious ideology; not to improve the lives of Black people but to individually covet favor from their God in hopes that they will join him in Heaven.

The problem is that once a Black person is converted to religious conservatism his status does not change. He may feel that he has gained the world but he is still considered a servant to the white race. Any injustice that is inflicted on a Black person by a white person in this condition is seen as the norm of a master and slave relationship. The only alternative for religious Blacks (who have a conscience) is to get political, as in the case of Martin Luther King.

Any culture that is built on the exploitation of Black people under the excuse of religious superiority will ultimately become unjust and oppressive. Oppression is the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner. Many white people will argue that they “don’t have a racist bone in their body” but they do nothing to fix the systems of oppression. They will see Black people getting gunned down by the police on a daily basis and they will do nothing.

They will see Black people being denied service at businesses and they will do nothing. They will see Black people being railroaded into prisons by the corrupt court system and they will do nothing. Their psychological condition is the result of a moral superiority complex created by religion. For that reason, Black people are scared to associate themselves with what most white people associate themselves with, which is political conservatism.

Contrary to popular belief, Black people are not an unethical race. We are hardworking, fun loving people who believe in getting good education and maintaining strong family ties. We have high ambitions of becoming Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, and Business owners. All these things require supreme self-discipline, hard work, and financial sacrifice to achieve. Those of us who make it to the top of society fall into two categories.

The first one (Kanye West) attributes his achievements to his own hard work and sacrifices so he abandons his past. He begins to think like the white man politically, fiscally, and religiously. He dumps his Black girl and picks up a white girl that everyone in sports and Hollywood has slept with simply because of his own deranged ego. Then he starts to praise the most race baiting president in history as his hero.

The second one (Jay Z) acknowledges that although he worked hard to achieve success he must pay homage to those who helped to break down many of the barriers that white supremacists put in our paths to limit our success. He maintains a fiscal and religious conservative view but he refuses to break his racial bonds, therefore he shuns the national political conservative system that enforces the oppression of Black people.

Jay-Z works behind the scenes to improve the lives of Black Americans because he knows that no matter how rich and successful he gets, he’s “Still Nigga”.