Tag Archives: freedom
Black Consciousness vs Black Liberation

Black Consciousness vs Black Liberation; what is the difference and which one is best for Black people? We believe that both are important and go hand in hand but without Black Consciousness Black Liberation is a completely useless endeavor. Here is why.
The vast majority of Black people who are waking up, abandoning religion and the system of popular culture are seeking Black liberation. Like the constitutional motto of the United States declares, Black people want “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Unfortunately, they realized long ago that that motto was not meant for them because while other races eat from the table of opportunity, they have to fight for the scraps that fall off.
Our struggle therefore has to go one step further. We have to unify socially, politically, and economically if we are ever going to be able to get a seat at the table of equal opportunity. In the past, our leaders have tried to unify us using many tactics. They have tried to get us informed and educated by creating black colleges, newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations. They have tried to unify us with religion and social organizations. They have tried to empower us by creating Black owned businesses for us to build wealth in our communities.
Our leaders have also tried to increase our political power by encouraging us to vote and get involved in the political process. We can’t say none of that has worked, however we still find ourselves struggling to be respected as human beings. We believe that our failures are based on our general level of consciousness as to reality and how the world works. In other words, we will never achieve Black Liberation until we focus on how to become truly conscious Black people.
Black consciousness is an active process by which Black people are using their conscience as a motivator to gain mental strength. Mental strength involves increasing one’s self-discipline and self-motivational abilities. With the strengthening of those qualities a black person can then go about improving their personal health and the health of their communities by gaining knowledge of self, their history, and how the world works.
Without knowledge of self and self-discipline, Black Liberation is just a wishful mental and physical pursuit in which Black people are trying to gain freedom from government oversight so that we can expedite our own destruction. We may hate the government and police but we all know that if they didn’t exist all hell would break loose. Racism is still a big factor because without true racial unity, they will continue to do what they want to us without consequence. They don’t respect us because from the way we kill each other, they know we don’t respect ourselves.
Our young men want to be liberated to smoke weed and get high all day as well as impregnate as many women as they want without taking care of their children. Our young women want to be liberated to destroy their skin with bleaching creams, butt implants, and hair chemicals because it will be nobody’s business but their own. Their primary source of making money will be in catering to the various desires of their peers such as selling drugs, prostitution, and partying. As long as we don’t understand that our two primary mental states are Desire and Conscience we will continue to degenerate as a race.
Take the example of predominantly Black societies in many areas of the world. Common people are in constant disputes against authority. To us, authority always seems to represent oppression and while colonialism has played a huge role, colonialism is fading while crime, violence, and corruption is on the rise. It is disappointing to witness because building productive societies will always require some level of oversight. The only way that Black societies will be able to successfully function in this new age is to raise the level of consciousness of the people within the society.
The HERU Interface’s participation in the struggle for Black Liberation is through Black Consciousness and Consciousness is about self-improvement. We are not coons are self-haters who blame ourselves wholeheartedly for our own condition. We also make no apologies for the white man’s continued racism, discrimination, and oppression of Black people worldwide. We are proud Black Afrakan people who will continue to fight for liberation by targeting the consciences of all races including our own.