Tag Archives: fear
Beware of Solar Eclipse Conspiracy Pimps
Beware of Solar Eclipse conspiracy pimps. They will try to convince you of all sorts of nonsense about the total solar eclipse; one of which is the notion that the eclipse is a sign that Jesus will soon return to Earth. Not only will this not happen during this eclipse, it will never happen anytime from now till eternity. The mis-information that conspiracy pimps spread is not based on ethics; therefore, all they are doing is trying to gain attention using fear mongering.
As most people already know, on April 8th, 2024, a total solar eclipse will occur over regions of North America. Many people are making plans to view the phenomenon that only occurs in specific regions of the world once every 18 months as opposed to a partial solar eclipse that happens twice per year. In a total solar eclipse, the moon passes in front of the sun, temporarily blocking a large percentage of sunlight from reaching the earth. As a result, daytime will appear dark but only in a specific path.
People who don’t live in the path of the solar eclipse are making plans to either drive or fly to regions where the solar eclipse will occur. Others are extremely excited and losing their minds. Apparently, some people are simply more susceptible to hysteria than others. Beyond hysteria, there are a whole separate group of people who thrive on fear and conspiracy. All you have to do is scroll on social media for a few minutes or engage a few strangers in casual conversation and all sorts of nonsense about the solar eclipse will begin to hit your senses worse than a Donald Trump speech.
So far, I’ve heard that the solar eclipse is another sign of the end times orchestrated by Jesus to let his faithful followers know of his impending return. Some others are saying that the solar eclipse will turn all who have had the covid vaccination into zombies so all who didn’t better arm themselves for a zombie apocalypse. And as usual, some say it’s all a trick by the government to implement some sort of freedom curtailing scheme.
As an example of how self-centered conspiracy theorists are; they only pay attention to total eclipses that happen over North America. What about all the other times that solar eclipses occur in other regions of the world? Remember; total solar eclipses occur somewhere in the world roughly every 18 months. And the earth is so large that another total solar eclipse won’t take place over North America until 2071. I think that if Jesus doesn’t come during this total solar eclipse, those who are waiting for him will be dead by then.
Are there any spiritual benefits associated with a total solar eclipse?
There are many age-old superstitions about solar eclipses. Religious people tend to believe that they are bad omens while spiritual people tend to believe that there are spiritual benefits associated with them. I won’t focus on the beliefs of religious people because they limit their knowledge of reality to religious superstitions. That is also why they tend to be the ones spreading conspiracies. They don’t even know that all their religions are based on Sun worship.
I also won’t focus on the spiritual beliefs of indigenous cultures around the world as they all have a similar focus, which is the belief that solar eclipses are signs of a higher power. Instead, I will focus on Dogon spirituality, which is the source of our own spiritual belief system, the HERU Interface. Dogon spirituality is the spiritual practice of the Dogon people of Mali, West Africa. They believe that their spiritual guides reside in the Sirius star system and those guides are known as the Nommo.
The living representatives of the Nommo have been visiting the Dogon for thousands of years and are always in spiritual communication by way of the Moon and Sun. How, you might ask? Well, understand that the sun is a star and stars transfer Pure Dark Energy Waves from the abstract realm into physical reality. The abstract realm is a realm outside of space and time, which means that our Sun and Sirius A might as well be occupying in the same space and time.
Therefore, since the Nommo are able to send their thoughts through stars, the only way for us to receive those thoughts is if they are modulated. This is where the Moon comes in to act as the modulator. As part of their cultural traditions, the Dogon perform special meditations during full moons and during full moon meditations, thoughts are sent and received, to and from the Nommo home-world.
While a total solar eclipse may be a cool phenomenon to some and an opportunity to spread fear-mongering conspiracies for others, it has no spiritual benefit to Dogon spirituality. If anything, it blocks spiritual communication with our friends on other worlds, which we wouldn’t normally receive during the daytime anyway.
Reincarnation vs Resurrection
How Afrakan Spirituality was Hijacked by Religion.
Most Melanin rich people today have been brainwashed by religion into believing that a god is testing their faith and will be judging them in the afterlife. They believe that there will be a “judgement day” and on that day, those who did not faithfully believe in God, will be thrown into a pit of fire known as Hell. However, 144,000 of those who do believe will be brought back to life and will live forever next to God. This concept relies 100% on resurrection, which is the holy grail of Christianity.
Resurrection is the religious concept of restoring a dead person to life. According to religious belief, it doesn’t matter what the state of a dead person’s body is. It could be in the state of decomposition, it could be a skeleton after being dead for hundreds or even thousands of years, or it could be scattered in the wind, water and earth in the form of dust. On the day of resurrection, Jesus will gather the souls of the most faithful and restore their former bodies so that they may reinhabit them.
The first problem with the resurrection concept is that according to religious scripture, 10 people have already been resurrected prior to judgement day. So, if you were looking to be one of the 144,000, there are only 143, 990 positions left to fill. The already resurrected include; Lazarus (John 11:38-44), the widow’s son at Nain (Luke 7:11-17), and Dorcas (Acts 9:36-41). This should be blatant proof that resurrection is fact but unfortunately, none of these people can be found anywhere in the world today. Why aren’t they walking around in the world, spreading the word of Jesus as proof of Gods existence? Christians; I’d love to hear how you spin this logic in the comments below.
Resurrection worked to capture the minds of Melanin rich people because of a psychological condition we at the HERU Interface of Dark Consciousness refer to as Desire Dependency. In other words; resurrection works because people have become addicted to using happiness to mask pain and suffering. We cannot see that it is only when we, the eternal spirits of the universe, retain the knowledge that it was us who chose to temporarily experience the realm of physical reality, we will become free from the fear, pain, and suffering that imprisons our minds.
Reincarnation is the rebirth of one’s Soul into a new host body. According to most Spiritual beliefs around the world, the Souls of people never die, only the physical body dies. When people die, their Souls re-enter life at the inception of a new life. Some even believe that reincarnation is a process of a Soul graduating from a low lifeform to a higher one. I believe that reincarnation is inter-species and inter-galactic and it was our original spiritual notion before palm-colored people used fear to redirect our consciousness.
There is plenty proof of reincarnation in the world but because it goes against religion, which dictates that resurrection is the only way back to life, most of us now dismiss reincarnation as superstition. The era of social media is spreading the word about reincarnation. Simply do an internet search on reincarnation and NDE (Near Death Experience) and you will find numerous accounts of people who claim to have lived multiple lives before.
If you think that we ourselves did not have a hand in the introduction of resurrection, you are wrong. Simply look to the example of Egypt, where all forms of modern spirituality had their origin. If we did not enslave the Hebrews, they would not have used our spiritual concepts to create a mystery God, which backfired on us, causing us to become preoccupied with preserving our bodied for the afterlife. The only good it serves is to stand forever as a warning of our lack of wisdom.
People who believe in resurrection work on the side of inequity. They compete for the favor of a God believing that the more good they do, it’s the more favorable they will appear in the eyes of their God. The unethical among them, work tirelessly to hoard the resources of this world, enriching themselves so that they will live longer and more pleasurably. They employ scientists to dig into DNA to discover a remedy for death while you, the less fortunate, hope with all your heart to be among the chosen few of the unethical God.
Ethical people who believe in reincarnation do not fear death because we know that our soul will reincarnate. Therefore, if life is hard to us now, we will not give up and wait for death, commit suicide, or fall into immorality to further corrupt life. We know that doing so will only make our future incarnations worse. We know that we can create a better future. That is why we work hard to improve the present by fighting unethical ideology and spiritual concepts today. It’s time for the HERU Interface.
Cult Leader Nature Boy Sentenced to Life in Prison
Cult leader Nature Boy has now been convicted and sentenced to life in prison. I say good for him but it begs the question; why do cults work so well in Black communities? Is it because Black people are too naïve and trusting, or is it because Black people are simply misinformed about the dangers of cults and cultists? The answer is neither. The reasons why cults work so well in Black communities are because; most Black people are savior minded, we haven’t created our own God, we refuse to understand the power of human Desire, and we long to escape the control and oversight of white domination.
Most people on social media have probably already heard the news that Nature Boy, the infamous spiritualist cult leader, has now been convicted and sentenced to life in prison for rape and other sexual violations of his many wives and followers. Before he was taken down by some of his former followers, he had engaged in a decade long mission of so-called spiritual rescue to free mostly naïve young black women from the system of western establishment, taking them out of America to various tropical regions where he could indoctrinate them in without scrutiny.
Although he was quite successful in growing a loyal following, he encountered numerous hardships from the locals in all of the places that he tried to establish colonies, from Hawaii to Central America and the Caribbean. Eventually, he moved back to the United States where the white establishment is more than happy to lock up any Black identity leader who gets too influential for their liking. But on another note; isn’t it funny how it is white people who we always have to run to when we need to be saved from the monsters, we ourselves create?
The truth is that Black people will always fall victim to cults because of four particular things; the first being our savior mindedness. Black people are the most spiritual race of people for one basic reason. We are the only people who still have a fully functioning spiritual receptor inside our brain. This spiritual receptor is known as the Pineal Gland and what it does is transform pure dark energy waves from the universe into Melatonin that heals our cells and encourages us to live using fairness, equity, and accountability in life.
The overtaking of humanity by people with calcified non-functioning Pineal Glands caused a shift in the collective consciousness of humanity so that now, instead of trying to live in accord with nature, humanity is trying to gain universal awareness. We want to know everything about life including how to spark consciousness in the machines we create. The worst thing about such an endeavor is the introduction of a God and the belief that a devil also exists as a force to push people toward God.
This brings us to our 2nd fault, which is that we haven’t created our own God. Therefore, we are unable to view the world through a truly ethical lens. Why do you think that so many of us are spiritually lacking? We refuse to believe that the sadistic God that the establishment is trying to sell us on would allow us to endure suffering as a form of purification ritual. We want to enjoy life and because we don’t understand the power of desire, cultists have easily stepped in to exploit us.
Desire is the opposite of conscience. It is an instinct that triggers a chemical process inside our brain to produce the quenching hormone, Dopamine. Ancient religious philosophers recognized that desire was the key driver of human behavior. They referred to it as “want” and even put it into the Bible in the phrase; “the lord is my Shepard; I shall not want.” Most religious people, including pastors don’t understand the meaning behind the phrase. The lord represents your conscience, which is the only inner thing that can reign-in your desires.
There are external things like laws, which have the power to conjure “fear of consequence” inside us. This leads to the final factor that is making Black people susceptible to cultism and that is; we long to escape the control and oversight of the white establishment. Most diaspora Black people today live in countries that were established by European colonialism. Some of us may gain wealth and power by becoming Politicians, Doctors, and Lawyers but when it comes to spirituality, most of us would rather conform to religion than give in to our conscience that is telling us to question the many unethical things about organized religion.
A lot of Black people today who are shedding organized religions, are unfortunately turning to unethical spiritual belief systems that are nothing more than cults. That goes for all African ritualistic spiritual practices involving sacrifices of any kind. Cult leaders like Nature Boy thrive on the fact that a lot of Black people are naïve and will fall for all sorts of cool sounding gibberish. Since I’m not here to tell people what to believe or follow, my intent is to simply offer advice. My advice is that any spiritual belief system that is not based on ethics at its core, is most likely occult. Avoid it.
15 years ago, I embarked on my own journey to find an ethical spiritual belief system and since I couldn’t find one, I crated my own. I call it the HERU Interface and unlike religions, cults, and other African spiritual belief systems, there are no gods, devils, idols, deities, people, places, and things to praise, worship, and covet favor from. It is simply an ethical way of perceiving reality that holds one accountable to creation.
I don’t claim to be a prophet and I don’t seek praise from a flock of followers. HERU Interface is not an exclusive club to join and there are no rituals to practice or rules to follow. I do know that because of these factors, HERU Interface will not become popular. Therefore, my aim is simply to offer an ethical Spiritual alternative to any Black person who is searching for something to believe in. And even if you still don’t believe, hopefully it will inspire you to think beyond Atheism and Religion to recognize the Great Spirit that is the Universe itself.
I believe that the Universe is a Mind. I also know that it is very hard for most people to believe that intelligence can exist without being generated by matter but when you begin to think outside of the box, you will begin to see that the Universe itself is the creator, and it requires no praise or worship, only understanding. Stop believing in cultists like Nature Boy and stop believing that there are powerful beings in the sky that we need to worship in order to graduate to eternal life. We are eternal beings already.
Western Puppets Forget That Israel Is Their Master
Western Puppets Forget That Israel Is Their Master. Someone please tell them that after 2000 years of being brain fucked by the spiritual system that the Jews created, it’s too late to turn on their master.
As the Israel/Hamas war rages on and Israel has taken the opportunity to murder as many Palestinians as they can, the call to end the war is also getting louder. Western leaders, who’ve given Israel the green light to commit genocide on the Palestinian people, are asking Israel to go back to the negotiating table and pursue a two-state solution to stop the conflict.
All those who thought that Israil would ever agree to a neighboring state for Palestinians are now in shock as Israel has boldly declared that such a situation will never happen. These naïve people don’t know who is the master and who are the puppets.
Most people believe that the existence of God cannot be disproven yet they refuse to hold God to the same standards as everything else. When confronted with logic, religious people will always say that “God works in mysterious ways that humanity is incapable of understanding.”
No, not all people are naïve. For blatant proof that the God of man does not exist, simply observe the evil actions of the people who claim to be his chosen people. Self rightuous Christians came along and declared that it is they and not the Jews who are God’s chosen people because; “they forgive people who murder their family members, they turn the other cheek when attacked, and they leave retribution to God” but when have we ever seen Western super-powers, who are all Christian nations, practice such moral traits? Never!
Christian nations are all puppets to Israel because of one foundational factor; similar to Muslims, they all worship the Jewish God. This fact cannot be disproven because before the Jews invented a mystery God, all Europeans and Arabs worshipped Deities, Idols, and their own Leaders as Gods. Their subsequent adaptation of the Jewish God was actually a form of mental enslavement that transformed them into puppets to the puppet master.
Israel exists, is maintained, and is defended by Western powers because, psychologically, they have no choice but to defend their master. You may hear some of them speaking out against Israel but in reality, they all fear eroding the two thousand year old foundation that their reality rests on.
Oppenheimer Movie Celebrates the Use of Evil to Achieve Good
“Oppenheimer” is the title of a new Hollywood movie about the man who created the nuclear bomb. Like all similar biographical movies, it will attempt to give a psycho-analysis of a person who created something evil in hopes that people will overlook the evil and develop an appreciation for the good that resulted from that evil. Don’t be fooled because the only thing the movie will teach is that the unethical ones have never and will never change since creating the Devil of their religions because they foolishly believe that evil can be used as a tool to achieve good.
J Robert Oppenheimer was an American theoretical physicist and professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley. He is often called the “father of the atomic bomb” for his role in the Manhattan Project, the World War II project that developed the first nuclear weapons. His evil invention was then used to vaporize 2 million people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Following WW2, Oppenheimer was said to have a change of heart about the evil he created and worked to oppose further nuclear weapons developments in the world up until his death in the 1970s.
The general consensus among the majority of Americans up until this day is that the dropping of the nuclear bombs on Japan was a “necessary evil” that served multiple purposes. It marked the end of World War II and the beginning of a new era of peace and stability in the world. The bombings also led to the development of the United Nations and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which have helped to prevent the use of nuclear weapons in the decades since. Additionally, the bombings helped to bring about a new era of international cooperation and understanding, as well as the development of nuclear energy as a source of power.
Evil can never create good, just like fear can never bring about comfort. Unfortunately, humans have always defaulted to the unethical side of our nature; some quicker and more extreme than others. I call sanity resistors the unethical ones because they employ all their brain power on developing tools for killing then when their conscience somehow overrides their unethical ideologies about life, they seek atonement. I have no plans to see the Oppenheimer movie but I have no doubt about what the theme of the movie will be. First it will justify the necessary evil of creating and using the atomic bomb then it will hail Oppenheimer as a noble and caring man.
So, what was the alternative to ending the war if it wasn’t a show of brute force, you might ask and don’t it always seem that people like myself always come up with petty grievances after the fact instead of being glad to be alive? There was no alternative at that point of the conflict that unethical people like Oppenheimer created but my argument is not about the obvious, which is that some humans are extremely territorial and possessive. My argument is that most territorial and possessive people belong to a similar race of people.
World history reveals that, aside from the Mongols of East Asia, no race of people on the planet crave conquest more than Caucasians. They translate evil into good like buying Carbon credits by saying conflict, hardship, and unnecessary crisis fuels human development. I would say that you can have this hell that you’ve created but I know better. I know that the harder you make it, it’s the greater the challenge for ethical people to make this world a better place but we’re up for the challenge.
Military Coup in Russia Is Forced Reality
What does a military coup in Russia mean to Spiritually Conscious Black people? It shouldn’t mean anything if we already understand the propensities of unconscious and unethical people. To us it’s forced reality.
On Friday, June 23rd, news broke that there was a military coup taking place in Russia. However, as of midday Saturday, the coup was apparently called off. Infamous mercenary leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, had ordered his Wagner PMC organization to make their way to Moscow to “restore order”, as he says after participating in the criminal invasion of Ukraine but not getting enough support from Russia’s military leaders. Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, had ordered the arrest of Yevgeny Prigozhin and the disbanding of Wagner; however, it seems that both sides have now come to some sort of agreement to stand down.
Unconscious religious and spiritless people got very anxious over the 24 hours crisis. After all, religious people were already anticipating the coming of Armageddon. The only problem is that they fear death and worry that their God won’t resurrect them to eternal life like their religion promises. Spiritless people were also very worried about the end of their happiness because, just like they fear that Putin will launch nuclear weapons on Ukraine and trigger a global nuclear war, they also fear that who ever takes over Russia will only carry on the same war-mongering behavior.
Conscious Black people don’t fear the ways of unethical people. We know that life is eternal and death is only a transition from one reality to another. We also know that HERU (Highest Exponential Reasoning and understanding) is the only factor that can change the various realities we encounter. We can choose to either rule the realities we “come to awareness” in or we can choose to stay asleep and let the reality of our existence rule us. As awoken Souls, we’ve chosen to code this reality for those who will come after us.
Forced Reality is a situation in which unconscious people try with all their might to override the natural progression of life towards a Sane existence. They see no good in understanding the faults of life unless it directly affects them. Examples of forced reality operators are conservative politicians, lawmakers, and elites in many areas of the world and especially America. They will claim to be Sane but will engage in racism, discrimination, and xenophobia at the drop of a dime. They control the world by psychological manipulation and deception believing that life is for the strong and powerful.
Some unethical ones are now theorizing that they might be living in a “simulation” and are not the results of an accident of chance or the gift of a worshiper-seeking god. The only problem is that because they cannot see a way to rule and commodify their theories, they won’t explore them. Simulation Theory is the right track but the truth will require the abandoning of ideologies that result in desires for war and conquest like the conditions we are witnessing in places like Ukraine and Russia today.
Is Christianity an African Religion?
Christianity has been a significant religion in Africa for centuries, with millions of Africans identifying as Christians. However, in this age of reclamation, in which Africans are being encouraged by conscience to shed the religious beliefs of our colonizers and return to our own spiritual traditions, the important question of whether Christianity is an African religion, has become a very controversial one.
To us, the question of whether Christianity is an African Religion is not a complex one because we’ve studied history and can separate reality from fiction. Christianity is defined as a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. That means that Christianity couldn’t have existed before Jesus. The next question then should be, when did Jesus Christ live?
Jesus Christ is believed to have lived between 7–2 BC and 26–36 AD in the region of the Middle East known as Israel. This is the 1st intersection of the controversy because many people believe that the Middle East was, is, and will always be a part of Africa. If you believe that the Middle East is a part of Africa then yes, Christianity is an African religion. You don’t have to read this any further because you win a prize for being stupid.
Although Africa and the Middle East both share the same Continental Plate, the Middle East is not and was never considered a part of Africa. In those times Africans were known as Ethiopians and Cushites because of their dark skin. There are passages in the Bible that singles them out as being different from Jews. In those days, Africans were either traders or were brought into the Middle East as slaves.
Before and during the time of Jesus, Israel was under the rulership of the Romans. Jesus travelled around Israel perching his message of redemption to wayward Jews. The general consensus among Jews was that they were suffering because their God had put them in bondage for disobedience. This is a simply psychological concept that exists even till today because of human fears
Could African Traders and slaves have heard Jesuses’ preachings and become followers of his hopeful messages? That is a very strong possibility; however, that still does not make Christianity an African religion. African religions are religions that were created by Africans for Africans, not religions that were created by non-Africans but were adopted by Africans afterwards.
The truth is that in the early years after Jesuses death, he became a martyr for his defiance against the mighty Romans and his messages began to spread exponentially throughout all regions of the Roman Empire. About 60 years later, the Jew Saul who was masquerading as a Roman General made himself the appointed keeper of Jesuses legacy and began to document the life of Jesus in writing.
We know that a lot of Africans are brainwashed and refuse to give up Christianity, Islam, and Judaism because those religions soothe their disconnection from true Spirituality. As long as our people don’t use those religions to kill each other, I don’t see anything wrong with them. Some say the problem is not religion, it’s the people practicing it but that’s a misnomer though.