The Heru Interface is a new operating system for human consciousness. An interface is a bridge between two platforms or devices that facilitates communication and interaction. For that reason, an interface can be considered an operating system. Common interfaces for operating computers are Windows and Mac OS. Common operating systems for understanding life and reality are religion and science.
The word HERU is an acronym that stands for Highest Exponential Reasoning and Understanding. It is an acronym that was defined by Professor Momoh of the Dohgon University of Thought. It is such a fitting description for how to use your Mind to control your Brain that we have adapted it as a moniker for our cause.
The word Heru is synonymous with the “Eye of Heru” symbol that has become a pop culture icon. From TV network icons to body art, the Eye of Heru is recognized and admired universally as a symbol of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Without true wisdom, its use is purely one-dimensional however.
The word Heru is also a translation for the Greek word Horus. Heru was a protector god in Egyptian mythology. He was symbolically depicted as a man with a Falcon’s head. Falcons are predator birds that roam high in the sky and possess very sharp vision to spot the smallest prey on the ground. They were therefore characterized as being “all-seeing”.
In order for something to be “all seeing” it has to possess universal awareness. Unfortunately, there is no entity that knows everything except the Great Spirit that created the Universe. We do not recognize that spirit as god because all gods are limited by the ideologies that describe them. Gods also require praise and obedience while the Great Spirit requires nothing.
We recognize the Great Spirit as abstract Pure Dark Energy. Science also recognizes it (in part) as the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum. It cannot exist in the physical world but it acts to regulate and manipulate it. Simply put, the Great Spirit is a Mind. It transforms its abstract energy into physical matter through a special process that is defined in Dohgon Science.
The Carbon core of Stars are portals between physical and abstract realms. The Great Spirit first created the Elements and Life then through Life it created Humans. Humans and some other aspects of Life exist as a Duality because we are both physical and Abstract. We can tap into the Great Spirit using the energy generated by electricity passing between nerve endings in our Brains. That energy creates the Electro-Magnetic field we call our Minds.
At some time in its existence Life switched from simply existing to a pursuit of Universal Awareness. Life is using every tool at its disposal to achieve its ultimate goal including sacrificing parts of itself. Life is bound to the physical therefore it can only manipulate by physical means using Mechanisms centered on Desire.
The only reward for Human activity is Happiness, which is facilitated by the hormone Dopamine. That is why all human activity is now centered around a constant Pursuit of Happiness to the point of Addiction and death. We want and desire beauty, pleasure, wealth, prosperity, good health, and ultimately to live forever.
The Great Spirit is active within us in the form of Conscience, which is the only balance for Desire. Conscience transforms Desire into Love by inducing brain cells to produce Oxytocin alongside Dopamine. Conscience also encourages Fairness, Equity, and Accountability in the human psyche.
The pillars of Conscience are the foundation of true Black Consciousness. You can never be too Conscious but you can be Desire Dependent, which means that you are a servant to Life. In such a condition your Mind is ruled by the Desires of Life. You will want and desire unnatural beauty, sexual pleasure, power, and anything else that gets your Dopamine flowing.
The Heru Interface is a new way of thinking and perceiving the world. It encourages people to think consciously instead of unconsciously. Unethical thinking is a byproduct of the mechanisms of life but since we are bound to Life we need to help Life to flourish and grow in an ethical way instead of in the corrupt and unethical ways we are witnessing today.
What are the basic principles of Black consciousness?
The basic principles of Black consciousness are principles that pertain to a Black or Afrakan persons racial awakening. These principles enforce and encourage an internal desire to improve one’s self in the knowledge of one’s race, culture, and the pitfall of the world in which we exist. They also encourage a desire to respect, protect, and uplift the Black Afrakan race so that we, as a race can demand respect from other members of the human family and not remain people who are seen as weak push-overs who can be easily taken advantage of without consequence.
Consciousness is the state of being self-aware. Black Consciousness therefore is the state of being aware of one’s race and its condition relative to other races. Unconscious Black people do not recognize that the Black and Afrakan race is despised and under attack. They exist in a fairy tale believing that a god made them to suffer at the hands of other Races. They endure by Faith believing that a reward awaits them in the afterlife.
Semi-conscious Black people do realize that the Black race is hated so they either try their best to assimilate with other races culturally and genetically or rely on Human Rights Laws to protect them. A very small percentage of Black people are actually conscious. We take pride in our racial identity and seek ways to preserve our blackness. All Black conscious people may not be universally unified in our principles but I’m sure that we’re more similar than different. Dohgon Spirituality and the HERU Interface employs these six basic principles of Black consciousness.
0) Honor and Respect our Afrakan ancestry and our ancestors
Anthropology states that there are 5 distinct races in the world today, all of which originated from the original Afrakan race. The fact that Afrakans still exist is proof that we are the Carbon copy and not the Blueprint for other races as they would like us to believe. In other words, they did not evolve from the original; they genetically mutated from us as a result of our own unaccountable behaviors and developed environmental adaptations.
Today, the cultures and systems that some have created to maintain psychological control over humanity have got most people believing that Nirvana is the ultimate goal and fading to white physically and mentally is the only way to achieve real happiness. As conscious minded people we need to resist popular culture and return to our own traditions. That involves honoring and respecting our Afrakan ancestors and our ancestry.
One of the most egregious things we’ve witnessed so far from unconscious Black people is the belief that they are anything but Afrakan. In many parts of the world including America, there are Black dummies who are claiming to be Hispanic, Arabs, Hebrews and even Native American. They have no expertise to determine their own origin so they rely on hatred of self, religious ideology, or fake history to comfort their ignorance. Even when genetic DNA tests prove their Afrakan origins they dismiss it claiming the white man is deceiving them.
1) Value Your Genetic characteristics
Afrakans have the most noticeable genetic characteristics of all the races. Our skin tones range from black to golden brown, our hair can be kinky course or soft and wavy and our physical features include thick lips, broad noses, and a strong physique. Although other races admire us for our athletic prowess, they despise us for wanting to compete for the same things in life that they do.
Unfortunately, the indoctrinating effect of popular culture has had a detrimental effect on our racial pride and self-esteem. The result is our people no longer value our physical genetic characteristics. Most of our women now either wear hair from other races or burn the kink out of their own hair with chemicals. Both Black men and women are either trying to bleach the blackness out of their skin or reproducing with other races to ensure their children will have an easier go at life.
We don’t blame them. We know they’ve been indoctrinated into the “survival of the fittest” mentality of popular culture so that’s all they know. Once they begin to accept and value their Afrakan genetic characteristics they will begin to experience a new sense of racial pride. They will begin to look in the mirror and exclaim, “Black is beautiful”.
2) Increase your Awareness
Society is being flooded with deceptions and misinformation for many purposes; the most dangerous of which is to keep Black people from achieving our true potential in life. We can become geniuses because no other race has a direct connection to the abstract energy of the universe as we do through our Pineal Glands. Most of us don’t know that and they will never tell you because most of them also don’t know it.
Those in power control the world by luck because their pursuit of happiness created conditions in their Brains that shifted their psyche outward. That means that in order to achieve happiness they have to acquire things from the outside world. We call it being Right Brained or Desire Dependent. In such a condition, they thrive on conquest, power, and self-righteousness.
Indigenous people all over the world have struggled to keep up with the European, simply because we had to adapt their ways in order to survive their conquest. Unfortunately, in the process most of us have become corrupt, unethical and self-destructive. Our societies are digressing both from internal corruption and outside psychological, economic, and biological sabotage. Don’t think that it’s a co-incidence that crime, sexual perversion, and drug addiction is so prevalent in our communities.
Professor MOmOh of the Dohgon University of Thought teaches that we are Creative while they are Innovative because true creativity comes from the abstract universe while innovation comes from manipulating thing already in existence. Increasing your awareness involves gaining knowledge about how society and the world works but most of all, it means gaining knowledge about how our own brains works. Learn about the Eye of Heru and your Senses so you can transform from a reactionary person to a truly conscious, self-disciplined, and balanced person who functions by your Mind and not your Brain. In time we will become so self-disciplined that we will begin to regain the intuition skills of our ancestors.
3) Choose Spirituality over Religion
Afrakan Spirituality existed long before religion. In fact, it was Afrakan Spirituality that others used to create religions. Now they say their religions are real and civilized while Afrakan Spirituality is primitive and occult. Well, we have news for them. Believing in unseen people in the clouds is more occult than believing in the energies that drive the wind, heat the Earth, and energize metals. We call these energies Spirits but they are unseen forces that animate living and non-living things by flowing through them.
Afrakan Spirituality is an extension of our Animistic nature. Animism means to live in accord with nature; respect nature and recognize that no part of nature is more important than the next. In doing so our ancestors attributed separate Spirits to things such as Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. Unfortunately, we began to made Idols to represent the Spirits. Then we began to worship those Idols and depend on them to solve our problems and to enrich our lives through our various unnatural desires.
We attributed all good things to our good idols such as the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars and we attributed evil to all our bad idols making them responsible for such things as Death, Thunder and Lightning, Volcanoes, Storms, and even dangerous Animals. Eventually single idols for good and evil replaced our multiple idols. Our idols also became more powerful when we gave them superior moral judgement over every aspect of our lives which was the genesis of modern religions.
Conscious people must recognize that gods and devils are Illusions but if you cannot escape religion then use it for Goodwill and not self-servitude. Goodwill is the magnetic force behind religion. Unfortunately, most people including religious leaders don’t know this. They think that when someone does good it is because an invisible god is guiding that person and when someone does evil it’s because that person is being manipulated by a devil. In reality, the two forces responsible for good and evil are Conscience and Desire.
Conscience is an internal force that is generated by the Spiritual energy of the universe acting on the Soul of a living being. We can choose to listen to our conscience or we can ignore it using ideology but the more we listen the stronger it becomes. Conscience generates goodwill, empathy, care, and concern. Care and concern encouraging fairness, equity, and accountability in our interactions with others.
Desire on the other hand, is a self-serving force that is generated by the Life entity within us. Life’s primary goals are self-preservation and universal awareness and in exchange, Life provides happiness. That is why our daily activities are centered around a constant pursuit of happiness. And without the balancing effect of a strong conscience, our desires quickly corrupt our character making us selfish, uncaring, unethical, and even evil people.
4) Support Black Financial Empowerment
One of the best ways to improve the Black Afrakan race is to work on becoming financially independent and empowered. Financial empowerment involves good personal money management as well as the support of Black owned businesses and companies. We exist in a Capitalist world but most of us don’t really know how Capitalism works and because of our Animistic nature we keep fighting for Socialism (economic equality). That along with systemic racism is the essence of Black financial dependence.
Capitalism was born out of the basic exchange of goods, services, and labor (slavery) for money. Today it’s become a complex system optimized by unbalanced economic conditions, which means it works best when everyone is not on the same level financially. It even becomes more effective by psychological manipulation in the form of consumerism. That is the state of black society today; poor discontent consumers driven by the belief that acquiring physical things will make us happy. The only positive is it keeps the economy in motion.
Since we’ll never change the political systems in society unless we run our own country, we’ll have to learn to make Capitalism work for us. Start in schools by learning how to create businesses instead of learning how to become good workers for someone else. Learn how to save your money and invest it wisely. Avoid credit and debt that put you in financial slavery to the Banks. Support Black owned businesses locally and nationally.
Important in our quest for financial independence is to avoid bad-minded thoughts that may tell you that you’re making another Black person rich while you’re poor. It took thousands of years to create our present condition so it cannot change overnight.
5) Promote Black Consciousness
Conscious Black people should always defend, protect and promote black consciousness, whether it’s under attack from other races or our own ignorant and self-destructive people. It’s not easy to swim against the current of popular culture so those of us who do need all the support we can get. Recognize that there are different levels of Black consciousness. Some black people are just waking up while some have been awake for years. Some of us are more political, militant or spiritual than others but as long as the goal is the upliftment of the black race then we’re all on the same wavelength.
Never support anyone or anything that destroys our race. That includes shunning black people who dismiss the problems within our race and side with the biased ideologies of others because it makes them acceptable. Always confront racism discrimination and injustice in society but also confront violence, gangsterism and all other unethical behaviors of black people in our own communities.
Recognize that black consciousness is not immune from corruption. There will always be people who will jump on the bandwagon when something is popular or profitable. It’s just the mechanisms of life working its magic. If you don’t know what real black consciousness is you might become disgruntled and disillusioned with those who profess to be conscious leaders. Black consciousness is not about seeking idols to follow. It’s about self-improvement first, then allowing your mind to accept what makes sense or you will quickly be led down the path of cultism. Once you find your truth, it’s your duty to promote black consciousness so that the general level of black consciousness may also rise.
Whether you’re on the continent of Afraka or in the diaspora these 6 basic principles of Black consciousness are essential principles to uphold. Always honor and respect your Afrakan ancestry and the ancestors, value your genetic characteristics, increase your awareness by gaining knowledge, choose Spirituality over religion, support Black financial empowerment, and always promote true Black consciousness. This is the only way that we as a people will rise above colonial influence and the indoctrinating effects of popular culture.
Finally; always listen to your conscience. It is giving you the mental strength and Self-discipline you need to persevere through the ethically corrupt reality others have created and now thrive in. We cannot survive living under the Sea, neither can Fishes survive living on land. This is due to environmental adaptations. Our apathy has allowed others to create a social environment that is detrimental to our survival unless we are determined to define our own existence as a Race.
Observation: Never discredit Religion. The psychology behind it is very important.
History reveals that religion is greatly responsible for civilizing the most violent race of people in the history of the planet; the Caucasian. How, and what has that got to do with Black people, you might be asking?
Religion acts on the human conscience to build moral fiber and strengthen self discipline to control desire. Remember the phrase; “The lord is my Sheppard. I shall not want”? Early philosophers realized that “want” is the human Achilles heel and it can be controlled through fear while a greater desire is coveted.
Through the Middle Ages religion was perfected by the Kings and Priests of Europe and used to control their populations as well as to conquer and colonize most of the other races on the planet. Today the physical shackles are long gone while the mental shackles are slowly fading away. Black people are still being killed by Europeans in great numbers however, the vast majority of us are being killed by our own Black brothers and sisters. We have become the replacement killers.
It is evident that while religion civilized Europeans to a great extent certain unethical traits still remain. Black people also realized long ago that the love, harmony, and idealism that religion promotes is limited. The faithful are still hanging on but many Black, especially the young are abandoning religion in record numbers. This has proven to be detrimental to the race because there is nothing to control the “wanting” that is a driving force of Life.
Without self discipline a lot of Black youth have become so Desire Dependent that their morals are nonexistent. They have become drug addicts, prostitutes, con artists, and downright killers. For desire Black women sacrifice their bodies with silicone, bleaching creams, and hair extensions. Most inner city streets have become war zones with Black people scared to come out of their homes because of other Black people.
So what is the solution; a new religion? No, the solution is not a new religion. We have tried other religions but while some have helped our self discipline they are flawed because they hold Blacks subservient to their own version of illusionary gods. Black people will only survive with a new way of thinking and percieving the world. This new way of thinking must help us to conquer the desire in us by helping us to control our own minds.
We need to realize that all desires are generated by chemicals our Brain that are produces by sensory stimulation. We love music which is based on Hearing. We desire beauty which is based on Sight. We crave food which is based on Taste and Smell. We lust for sex because it is the epitome of Touch. There is also a sixth sense called intuition which is developed by learning to concentrate (control and unify the senses). At the height of intuition you can actually prognosticate (predict outcomes).
Professor MoMoh, operator of the Dohgon University of Thought teaches how to concentrate to open your 3rd eye. Once you learn how to control your own Mind you will no longer need religion to comfort your disconnection from the Spirit of the universe.
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