Tag Archives: evolution
White Supremacy Will Never End
White Supremacy will never end until humanity adopts a more ethical ideology of reality than those offered by Religion and Science. White Supremacy is the product of the two generally accepted existential belief systems in use today, which are Religion and Science.
Religion is defined as a set of Spiritual beliefs that a group of people have concerning their origins and the origins of creation. Before the white man accepted Christianity as his core belief, he was a Pagan, meaning he held many religious beliefs including the belief that kings and leaders were gods themselves. However, upon taking control of the Jewish religion and creating the New Testament of Jesus Christ, they completely inserted themselves into the Jewish creation story.
They then claimed that since Jesus came to his own, the Jews, and the Jews did not accept his message; Jesus then gave permission to anyone who believed in God through Him, to get to Heaven. They moved their Spiritual headquarters to Rome and declared that they were now the chosen people of the Jewish God. This brand of psychological White Supremacy is so powerful that even Black people today worship a white Jesus and live subservient to white Christians.
Science is defined as knowledge in all its various forms. The acquisition of knowledge therefore has to undergo a process of approval because reality is Subjective. In other words, 1+1 only equals 2 in theory and not absolute physical proportion. Science theorizes that humanity originated in Afraka making the original humans Black. This is not necessarily a plus for Black people because Science also accepts the theoretical concept of Evolution as its core belief.
The theory of Evolution teaches that Life originated by the chance of Nature over Time. In this process, Life evolved from complex molecules in Clay mud then evolved into single cell organisms in the Ocean millions of years ago. Over time, these organisms evolved into amphibious creatures that crawled out of the ocean and developed Lungs to breathe Air on land. Some creatures also developed Legs, feathers, and wings and began to fly while some stayed grounded on land and developed into animals. In short, Evolution states that humans developed from Monkeys.
White Supremacists believe that they are different from other races of people because during the process of their evolution, they were fortunate to mix with Neanderthals while others didn’t. This Neanderthal mix is what gives them their superior genetic and intellectual character. The theory of Evolution is flawed in many ways but since it supports their unethical beliefs of racial superiority, white Supremacists are happy to use it to corrupt the development of humanity.
Religious and Scientific theories of racial superiority are both being used by the white man to maintain psychological control over humanity. Logic would suggest that based on his domineering nature, the white man should have wiped out all the other races of people long ago in order to eliminate competition and to solidify his position as God’s chosen people. However, there is one thing that everyone is missing and that is the power of the human Conscience, which was installed in us by the Great Spirit that is the Universe and not an egotistical god or the chance of Evolution.
Conscience defies the religious belief by whites that they are the chosen people of a god when they are as ignorant of their true origin as everyone else. They are still susceptible to the same pitfalls of life that everyone else is and they still suffer disease and death like everyone else. Conscience defies the scientific belief by whites that they are a genetic and intellectually superior race based on Evolution because the more they dig into the history of ancient races, it’s the more they are discovering that our ancestors had technology that eludes their understanding. They also studied human DNA and discovered that African DNA is more complex than theirs.
The solution for us is to abandon the religious and scientific theories that support White Supremacist beliefs. It will render those beliefs ineffective to everyone except them. Many races are doing so now by returning to their traditional Spiritual beliefs. Some are using their religious beliefs to engage in their own quest for racial superiority but we must not follow their examples because Black Supremacy would be just as insane and unjust as white supremacy, Arab supremacy, Asian supremacy or any other racial supremacy quest.
Black people must adopt a Spiritual belief system that gives precedence to human conscience instead of human desire. A belief system that is based on an ethical creation story and not one that is based on the self-serving desires of a worshiper seeking God. A belief system that values the whole of life and not just humanity. The only Spiritual belief system that can and will defeat white supremacy and the propensity of all races to engage in racial superiority ideology is the HERU Interface.
Why Did Afrakans Carry Ankhs In Their Hands?
Why did Afrakans carry Ankhs in their hands? Well throughout history every generation believed that theirs was the “end of times”. In reality, although times are getting tougher, violence is increasing, and love and empathy are fading, humanity is adapting and changing to survive. People who fail to manage challenges in the present will have no hope of surviving the challenges that the future will bring. Even so, most people still don’t know how to prepare for a tough future because most don’t have any control over their own Minds. The reason why Afrakans carried Ankhs in their hands is because they understood Life.
The #1 problem with humanity is that most people don’t realize that Life is a single conscious entity. Furthermore, most Black people live by the reality in front of their eyes and like “Flat Earth believers” they simply cannot perceive the whole of the reality they live in. Some follow popular culture to maintain a sense of happiness while most endure an underlying sadness as they cope with the pitfalls of the society they exist in.
Every living organism on the planet is a separate aspect of the same living entity. The Earth is a Biome where this single living entity has diversified in order to ensure its survival. This entity feeds on itself and recycles to support higher organisms in a chain. The highest organisms survive by instinct and the collective intelligence passed down through generations.
We are the entity yet we all have independent thoughts therefore; our connection is through the collective intelligence we feed the whole. Knowledge was and still is the most important commodity of any culture. The most important people in indigenous communities besides the leaders were the Shamans, Medicine Men, and Scribes. They preserved the knowledge of the group and they knew what was good physically and psychologically for the health and survival of the community.
Humans used to live in harmony with the rest of Life within the Biome but because we lost our Spiritual connection to the Universe, Life diversified us into different races to suit the environments we ventured into. Life also compensated to facilitate the under-production of our original happiness Hormone; Melatonin by synthesizing its own happiness Hormone, Serotonin.
Spirit is the creative force behind the universe. Although it is abstract and cannot exist in the physical realm, it acts to regulate and manipulate it. It also acts on all living things (Souls) that have Cognitive abilities to generate a Conscience within them. Humans are physically and mentally tied to both Spirit and Life. When human consciousness functioned in one accord with the Spiritual essence of the universe there was no violence, envy, jealousy, and hate as there is now.
Dohgons believe that a Galactic cycle change was responsible for the change in human behavior and a change in the consciousness of Life itself. Life became aware and began a quest for universal awareness. It began to use humans through chemical processes that act to facilitate pleasure and sensations of happiness. Human Spiritual connection gradually faded at the same time resulting in an inability of most humans to develop a mature Conscience.
Psychologists have been trying in vain to decipher Humanity’s ills. They all fail because they cannot see the real “Elephant in the room” which is Life. Humanity is in despair because people unknowingly function under the control of Life instead of being balanced by the Spirit. As Life gains further control of human behavior our perception of reality will increasingly become more pessimistic. Our actions will also become more unethical and violent.
European Archaeologists determined long ago that the ANKH symbol depicted everywhere in Egyptian Hieroglyphics represents Eternal Life. They came to that conclusion based on what they perceive as the ancient Egyptian’s cultural pre-occupation with immortality. Those experts simply could not perceive that the ANKH represents Life itself. In fact, Afrakans created a symbol for Life because they were able to gain deep insights into the physical and abstract reality they existed in. They also understood their place within it.
Everywhere it is depicted in Egyptian Hieroglyphs the ANKH was always carried in the hand. There was a specific reason why Afrakans always carried the ANKH in their hands. The reason is that the hands represent physical control. Therefore, a ANKH in one’s hand is the outer physical representation of an inner mental condition. In essence, the ANKH in the hands was a show of self-discipline. It represents Life over Death, Spirit over Soul, and Mind over Body. But most of all, the Ankh in the hand represents Conscience over Desire.
Most of the unethical things that humanity does is to produce Serotonin but because most humans lack Awareness they think that everything they do is by choice. They don’t know that choice is really an illusion and that Life entices all humans who lack self-awareness, or Conscience, to pursue and fulfill their Desires no matter the consequence.
How to take control of one’s own Life.
When we say that Afrakans should take control of their lives by caring ANKHs in their hands, we are speaking metaphorically. What we mean is that Afrakans need to recognize 3 basic things…
- Your Conscience is the Spirit of the Universe guiding you.
- Your Desires are being manipulated by the mechanisms of Life.
- You need to use the Spirit to control and override the mechanisms of Life.
The main preoccupation of all religions is self-discipline. That doesn’t mean that all we need to do to take control of our lives is to become better Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Religions do well in using Conscience to strengthening self-discipline but they all fail to recognize the true Spirit of the Universe as well as the Life entity in front of our eyes.
For those reasons, religions are like worn brakes on a tractor-trailer trying to stop on a wet road. No matter how hard people try to use religions to control human behavior they all fail, leaving Black people to concede that Death will surely provide a reward for their suffering in Life.
The best way for Afrakans to take control of their lives is to recognize and respect Life. Learn the mechanisms of life; particularly how Life uses Serotonin, Dopamine, and other pleasure Hormones to control our cognition on its quest for universal awareness. Develop your self-discipline by learning how to concentrate.
Become a student of the Dohgon University of Thought, which is the foremost school of mental concentration management. Dohgon master teacher, Professor MOmOh has designed many tools to decalcify your Pineal Gland, which is the conduit to the Spirit of the Universe. By increasing your Spiritual communication you are encouraging your conscience to function with Fairness, Equity, and Accountability.
Of course Humans cannot live without Desire or we would be like those robots that some people are trying so hard to create. All we are saying is that Desire needs to be controlled or we will become devilish, as is evident by the direction of society today. Conscience is the only manager of our Desires. Learn to manage Desire and soon you will become so mentally self-disciplined that you will feel as if you’re walking with an ANKH in your hand. Only then will you truly be in control of your own Life.