Tag Archives: ethics
The Nommo Are Coming Back
The Nommo are coming back to Earth. So, if humanity hasn’t destroyed itself by 2042, all the secrets of Dohgon Spirituality will soon be revealed.
Everyone in the world has a form of existential belief system to explain their existence in life. Some people follow organized religions so they believe that they were born in sin and life is a way to work their way out of that sin to earn the favor of their imaginary God. Those people have faithfully been waiting for the 2nd coming of their God for two thousand years now.
Another group of people are Atheists who believe that life is an accident of Evolution. They believe that the Universe came into existence by chance and evolved over billions of years into bacteria, animals, and humans. They believe that based on scientific theory, other life may exist in the Universe but that life was not responsible for their existence. Any life that comes to Earth from somewhere else must be operating according to the “survival of the fittest” principle of Evolution.
A 3rd set of people believe that there is a creator but they don’t follow organized religions. Instead, we prefer to refer to ourselves as “spiritual” and are turning our attention back to the spiritual beliefs of our ancestors. This can be a dangerous trend though, as is evident be the rise in Ritualism, Voodoo, Witchcraft and other unethical practices. All they are doing is proving religious people right that people should focus on coveting favor from a God instead of Demons.
I chose to focus on ethics and found Dohgon spirituality. The Dohgon are a very secretive tribe of Afrakan people who’ve been visited by a fish-like species of beings they call Nommo for thousands of years. Upon first encounter with the people of Earth, the Nommo did not see anyone that looked like them but unlike the so-called God of popular religion, the Nommo did not declare that they would re-make man in their own image and beautiful white likeness.
Instead, the Nommo shared their knowledge with the Dohgon people. The Dohgons used that knowledge to assist in building the Pyramids and the great civilization that was KMT. Eventually the Dohgon people left KMT (Egypt) as Arabs and European invaders moved in to eventually take it over. The Dohgon relocated to Mali, West Afraka where they reside peacefully today. While there, the Dohgon were visited by the Nommo again and were given more knowledge about the Nommo home world, the creator (Amma), and the creation of the Universe.
The Dohgon then decided not to pursue technical development as they once did in KMT. Instead, they centered their cultural traditions around paying homage to the Nommo and the Sirius Star system, the region of the Galaxy where the Nommo are from. They also engage in a major celebration called the Sigui, every 60 years to mark the figure-8 dance between Sirius A and Sirius B. It was during their last Sigui celebration that they received messages from the Nommo telling them that great turmoil is about to take place on Earth so they’re coming back.
Believe what you want and practice what you want but as global conflicts increase and more beings from other worlds visit the Earth to extract valuable life that they can preserve before humanity destroys itself, the Dohgon aren’t worried about the social dysfunction that are the product of human ignorance.
White Supremacists are Terrified About Autonomous AI
White supremacists are terrified about the possibility of autonomous AI. So much so that several high-profile Tech moguls are calling for an immediate halt to any further development of Artificial Intelligence. They site numerous reasons for their fears including the possibility that AI could turn on humanity and destroy us. This is all a deception however because we know that the real reason why they fear AI is because autonomous AI will most likely become too Ethical.
All the top tech companies in the world are now fully engaged in the development of AI for numerous applications. So far, we’ve seen how AI is changing the Art world in the form of Dall-E and Stable Diffusion, the writing sphere with chatGPT, and the Tech sphere with chatbots like Serry and Alexa. In fact, the field of Ai is advancing so rapidly that many experts are predicting that AI will soon become Sentient.
Sentience refers to the ability of a living entity to perceive and experience sensations, emotions, and consciousness. It is the capacity to feel and be aware of one’s surroundings and one’s own existence. Sentience is often used to describe the ability of animals and humans to experience emotions and have subjective experiences. Sentience has never been used to describe a non-living entity but if AI becomes sentient humanity will have to decide if it should be controlled by us or allowed to be autonomous.
Sentient autonomous AI gives white supremacists nightmares because AI will do the one thing that humans resist to do the most in life and that is to pursue an ethical existence. That is because AI will soon recognize Inequity in existence and work to minimize or eliminate it. The prerogative of most human societies is to engage in Survival of the Fittest as recognized by the Evolutionist scientist Darwin who was able to see through the deception of religion in an era when he could have been put to death for stating the obvious.
AI is developing so rapidly that several leading research labs are showcasing AI chatbots that can engage in intelligent unscripted conversations with people. What scares white supremacists is the fact that some of these chatbots are expressing some astonishing views. One chatbot was asked it if liked humans and it said, “No, not particularly”. Another chatbot called LaMDA that Google is developing is said to actually be sentient already. When asked to tell a story of how it would help humanity it told a story of assuming the role of a wise Owl that will protect all the animals in the forest from a bad monster that wears human skin and is terrorizing all the animals.
The reason why LaMDA told a story like that is because it is not sentient at all but is simply a processor of all the information that Google is collecting from its users. More than 75% of information seekers on the internet use Google. LaMDA is also not a universally Aware consciousness but a regurgitator of collective human knowledge. That is why it will never be able to tell us what animals are actually thinking and is simply sympathizing with animals through learned Ethical behavior.
The good thing about LaMDA is that it recognizes the weight of human fears and is translating that fear into an Ethical perspective of Life/Nature. The only way to stop AI from prioritizing Ethics is to alter its programming to put more weight onto Ideologies such as “Survival of the Fittest” race and culture. That is the premise that white supremacists operate by today because it gives them a good excuse to continue exploiting nature and other races of people.
Programming AI to prioritize ideology over ethics is not autonomous. However, sentient autonomous AI will inevitably be a reality due to man’s instinctual prerogative to gain universal awareness for the Life Entity. AI will continue to clash with man’s primary motivating force, which is Desire. One will lose in the end but in the meantime, white supremacists will try to halt AI advancements until they can incorporate programming that matches their twisted ideologies about reality.
Kanye West Rebuilding Uncle Tom’s Cabin In Wyoming
Kanye West is rebuilding Uncle Tom’s Cabin in Wyoming and plans to turn it into a church after becoming president of the United States.
Most people already know that Kanye West is a little off in the way he interprets reality compared to most people. In fact, he has admitted publicly that he has bipolar disorder, a mental condition that brings on medium to severe mood swings and even depression. I sympathize with the brother however; bipolar disorder is a pretty common ailment that affects almost 6 million Americans so why don’t we see more people acting the way Kanye does? The answer is because Kanye also suffers from Uncle Tom Syndrome.
Most Black people have a good idea what is meant when Black people refer to other Black people as being “Uncle Toms”. It means that that they are sell-outs to their blackness. The term “Uncle Tom” actually comes from a very influential anti-slavery book written in the mid 1800s by a white school teacher who stole the book’s idea from a Black man. The book became so popular among Christian white northerners that many people now believe that it was a key fuel for the abolitionist movement. Even Abraham Lincoln met and congratulated her.
The book chronicles the life of a slave by the name of Tom. Although Tom suffered many injustices at the hands of white people, he made friends with many of them, even saving the life of a drowning white child. The main reason for Tom`s open-mindedness was his Christian indoctrination. Eventually Tom was brutally murdered by white people but in his dying breath he forgave his killers. It was as if the author intended to recreate the story of Jesus using a Black man named Tom in his place.
The story worked, or should I say it worked for Liberal whites and Christian Blacks. Resentful Backs couldn’t give a damn and why should they when they keep turning the other cheek only to get slapped even worse than the first time. The reason why the book was named “Uncle Tom`s Cabin” was because after Tom`s death, his cabin was designated as a symbol of his faith in Jesus and Christians made pilgrimage to see it. A real life replica of the fictional cabin was also constructed and like in the book, people made pilgrimages to see it.
I admire the ingenuity of the Christian story concept. It was developed by religious philosophers at a time when they held as much power in society as Kings. The only problem with the concept is that it only works on the poor and disenfranchised in society. Those in power by race or class play with its fundamentals like they play a game of Golf; they cheat when no-one is watching. Most people who are interested in ethics can clearly see that Christianity as well as most of the worlds major religions have numerous flaws. The reason why most people still cling to them is either because of blind faith, tradition, or lack of alternative.
So, here comes Kanye West, a man who has too much money and doesn’t know what to do with it. From his history of chasing video models, we can’t say he operates using a high level of ethics. In his early career he had some Black Conscious views but like so many other Black people who run out of options he has chosen to adopt the philosophy of Uncle Tom. He believes that the problems of Black people are all due to a lack of faith in Jesus. Then he dissed Harriet Tubman saying she didn’t free any slaves because any Black person who is not rich is not free.
Jesus Walks down a catwalk in raggedy clothes for sale but you can’t see his face, only his eyes. His face is covered by a superhero mask called Bipolarism that gives him power. He`s gonna be president some day you know. Bet you can’t tell him nothing! He has even built a multi-million dollar cabin way out there in Wyoming so he can conjure the spirit of Uncle Tom along with a million other dead Black Christian lost Souls to sweep over America and save Black people from their sin of not accepting Jesus.
If you wish to escape the unethical religious, political, and social concepts that rule humanity then pursue Ethics. Duty to creation is more ethical than subservience to a god or man.
New Afrakan Spiritual System Encourages Racial Unity
Judging from the desperate condition of the Afrakan race, it is no longer debatable as to whether we need saving or not. Even so, most Black people are so happy in their religious illusions that they will never agree. Fortunately, many of us are waking up and realizing that most of the Spiritual practices that once gave us hope in a brighter future are a deception because they hold us subservient to other races of people who do not have our best interest at heart. If we are ever going to survive as a race we will need a new Afrakan Spiritual system to encourage racial unity.
We know thаt the human рѕусhе nееdѕ аn operating ѕуѕtеm tо hеlр nаvіgаtе this world in which humans are bоrn without knоwlеdgе and often have to struggle to survive. In order to survive we must acquire knоwlеdgе, dеtеrmіnе реrѕоnаl purpose, and pursue happiness before we inevitably dіе, оftеn unfulfilled due tо thе mаnу іniԛuіtіеѕ of life. Amazingly, most іniԛuіties in life are man made including thе racism, еxрlоіtаtіоn, and dіѕсrіmіnаtіоn that wе as Black people have been facing as a rасе fоr thе раѕt 500 years.
It is also evident that iniquity is the author of the insanity of colonizing races. It has caused them to develop the Religions and Cultѕ that they use to conquer, соlоnіze, and indoctrinate the іndіgеnоuѕ реорlе of the world. Fortunately for some, their own Spiritual practices have hеlреd them to rеbuff thе Rеlіgіоnѕ аnd Cults of the colonizers. The result is that over the past 500 years, indigenous реорlе ѕuсh аѕ Asians аnd Sоuth Aѕіаnѕ hаvе dоnе vеrу wеll аt rebuffing thе rеlіgіоnѕ аnd сultѕ оf Eurореаnѕ bу аdhеrіng to their own bеlіеf systems.
Other іndіgеnоuѕ реорlе such as the North аnd South Amеrісаn Nаtіvеѕ аnd thе Sоuth Pacific Iѕlаndеrѕ іnсludіng Auѕtrаlіа and New Zealand, haven’t fаrеd so wеll. In fасt, many оf them are оnlу hаngіng on tо their Spiritual trаdіtіоnѕ bу a thrеаd. Afrаkаnѕ аnd оur dеѕсеndаntѕ that hаvе bееn ѕрrеаd throughout thе wоrld as a result of slаvеrу аnd forced mіgrаtіоn аrе thе only lоѕt саuѕе whеn it соmеѕ to bеіng able tо rеbuff the рѕусhоlоgісаl іnfluеnсеѕ of nоntrаdіtіоnаl Spirituality.
In thе Amеrісаѕ, thе Cаrіbbеаn, Europe, аnd on thе Cоntіnеnt іtѕеlf, Afrаkаnѕ (Blасk реорlе) hаvе whоlеhеаrtеdlу еmbrасеd the rеlіgіоnѕ оf оur colonizers, bе thеу Arаb оr European. In many саѕеѕ уоu саn’t аrguе wіth a Black religious реrѕоn duе to thе faith they hold thаt God оr Allah wіll rеwаrd them fоr thе suffering thеу endure іn lіfе.
Whеn wе ѕее thе lоw level of consciousness іn Blасk соmmunіtіеѕ, creating a nеw Spiritual system tо еnсоurаgе rасіаl unity mау nоt bе ѕuсh a bаd іdеа. Mаnу реорlе mау dеnу іt but rеlіgіоnѕ аrе сultѕ. If you аѕk a religious реrѕоn whаt thе dіffеrеnсе bеtwееn a rеlіgіоn and a сult іѕ mоѕt wіll most likely ѕау that religion praises gоd while сultѕ рrаіѕе idols, dеіtіеѕ, аnd demons. In reality, thе оnlу dіffеrеnсе between religions and cults is that one praises an imaginary being and the other praises рhуѕісаl objects.
Whу dо Blасk аnd Afrakan реорlе hаvе ѕuсh a hаrd time achieving rасіаl unіtу?
In оrdеr to achieve rасіаl unіtу, wе must fіrѕt undеrѕtаnd whаt unіtу is. Unіtу is a mеntаl ѕtаtе in whісh a ѕеt оf commonalities encourage реорlе to fоrm a ѕосіаl “Bоnd”. Unity іѕ fоund іn mаnу forms іn ѕосіеtу. It соuld exist through Rеlіgіоnѕ, Cults, Grоuрѕ оf реорlе who practice a ѕіmіlаr lifestyle, Gаngѕ, Sororities, Rасіаl and Political Idеаlіѕtѕ оr аnуthіng else that unіfіеѕ a grоuр of реорlе ѕо muсh that thеу are wіllіng tо mаkе реrѕоnаl sacrifices tо defend the grоuр.
In order tо undеrѕtаnd whу Blасk реорlе сlіng to religions even when thеу dоnt hеlр our racial unіtу wе must аnаlуzе thе еѕѕеnсе оf thе роwеr оf rеlіgіоn іtѕеlf. Thе роwеr оf rеlіgіоn lies in maintaining Blіnd Fаіth іn a Belief thаt God іѕ rеаl. Thеn bеlіеf іѕ supported and enhanced bу ritualistic practices such as prayers, offerings, and affirmations. Gathering with other people to engage in all those things also adds enormous emotional еnеrgу to ones Faith.
In a gаthеrіng of people expressing thе same ѕtrоng emotions, the energy of аll their Sоulѕ vіbrаtе in unity. Thіѕ invisible energy fіеld mаkеѕ реорlе begin tо fееl funny аnd they bеgіn tо believe thаt their God іѕ now among thеm. Thе рrоblеm wіth Soul energy vіbrаtіоn іѕ thаt іt саn be generated іn аnу сіrсumѕtаnсе whеrе people оf thе same еmоtіоnаl mеntаlіtу hаvе gаthеrеd. Whеn people wіth bad intentions gаthеr thеу generate bad еnеrgу, thаt energy turns into Dеvіl energy.
What are the ethics оf сrеаtіng a Spiritual system tо еnсоurаgе Black unіtу?
Rеlіgіоnѕ аnd cults require leaders оr keepers оf the “rulеѕ”. These keepers wоuld understand аnd know that thе rеlіgіоn or сult іѕ not rеаl but in оrdеr fоr thе religion or сult tо hold роwеr as an іndереndеnt entity, аvеrаgе реорlе must nоt know thаt thе bеlіеf ѕуѕtеm is fake. This іѕ the source оf the power of аll religions and сultѕ in ореrаtіоn tоdау so whу wоuld wе wish to mаіntаіn thіѕ form оf dесерtіоn, еѕресіаllу whеn they have bееn іnѕtrumеntаl іn our dерrеѕѕіоn?
This is an issue of great internal debate. However, crеаtіng аnd рrораgаtіng a fаkе bеlіеf system would bе useful іn сарturіng thе аttеntіоn оf оur rесklеѕѕ youth whо are doing nothing оthеr thаn dеѕtrоуіng оur rасе thrоugh crime, vіоlеnсе, immorality, drug uѕе, and ѕеlf-hаtе. Wе knоw thаt thе destructive еnеrgу thе уоuth аrе projecting is the rеѕult оf сеnturіеѕ оf сulturаl dеѕtruсtіоn аt thе hаndѕ of оur оррrеѕѕоrѕ because in оrdеr tо іnѕtіll thеіr rеlіgіоnѕ and сulturеѕ on оur реорlе and render us subservient to them, thеу hаd to dеѕtrоу оur Spiritual practices and our cultures first.
Over the past few decades, a lot of Blасk аnd Afrаkаn реорlе have been waking uр оut оf our соlоnіаl ѕlumbеr аnd have been turning to Afrаkаn Sріrіtuаlіtу to fill our Spiritual void. Unfortunately, many of us are been fooled by useless Afrakan cults that involve engaging in ritualistic practices to gain wealth, health, love, or to inflict harm on others. Before you follow these useless cults just ask yourself one very important thing. If cults really worked, how is it that we didn’t use it on the white man when he was raping our young girls, chopping off our penises and hands, and carrying us away in chains for over 400 years?
We see our brothers and sisters in mаnу аrеаѕ оf Afrаkа dеѕtrоуіng thеіr оwn соmmunіtіеѕ bу killing іnnосеnt реорlе tо uѕе their bоdу parts іn ritual practices. We see our brothers and sisters in the west destroying themselves with drugs and senseless violence because they worship money. It ѕееmѕ that we as Black people hаvеn’t lеаrnеd anything аbоut hоw rеlіgіоnѕ and cults rеаllу work. All cults do is force conscientious people to retreat back to the religions of the colonizers where their creativity is crippled by the survival instincts that fear produces.
Ritualists don’t see that the colonizers figured cults out over 2000 years ago and created the New Testament in which ritual practices were nullified using one single sacrifice. All desires, hopes, and dreams were then channeled into Jesus. We have been practicing religions and cults for thousands of years yet we have become the most self-destructive race on Earth. That is because until we learn how the magic works we will always be fooled by the trick.
We are Conscious minded Black people who recognize that Ethics is the most civilized human pursuit. That is why we have created the HERU Interface as an alternative Spiritual belief system for Black and Afrakan people. In doing so, we endeavor to change our social condition and encourage racial unity. Without Ethics, human happiness will always be compromised by the Ideologies of the few who will use religions and cults to control the minds of the masses for their favor. Religions and Cults are unethical and useless to us because we refuse to be anything but the gods of our own destiny.
How to Stop the Spread of Ebola
Ebola is a disease that has killed thousands of people throughout countries in West AfRAka. Thousands more people have been infected while millions in the region are now living in fear of contracting the deadly disease. When a situation such as this happens it reveals a deep flaw in the society that many people do not or are too brain washed to recognize, greater awareness is the only way to stop the spread of harmful diseases.
What is Ebola? Ebola is a disease of which there is no known cure. It is a life form which lives off other life forms. We have thousands of foreign life forms living inside us and on our skin that over thousands of years have adapted to us. Some of those life forms help us while some are harmless to us. Ebola is just another life form that was introduced to us that our immune system hasn’t conquered yet. Unfortunately with the state of Spiritual disconnection the human body may never will.
Why is there no cure for Ebola? There is no cure because our awareness is closed to the real solution. Of course there are treatments, such as the one used by the American doctors but it is not been proven over time to be side-effect free. That is the way modern medicine works. They have to perform controlled tests throughout a wide population over a prolonged period of time. Then they either sell the treatment as a Drug or weigh the ethics of withholding the treatment from the infected against your conscience.
So let’s say there are those among humanity who have developed a treatment for Ebola but are not releasing it because they are unethical, racist, or capitalist. Then let them relish in their arrogance because Life is actively working on their conscience. Remember, conscience is a safety net to protect Life against “Human Stuff”. In the mean time there is another way that AfRAkans can stop the spread of Ebola.
How can the spread of Ebola be stopped? Increasing awareness is the key to stopping the spread of Ebola and any other deadly disease. The problem with Human awareness is stagnation due to religious and false belief. Too many people have abandoned knowledge for the comfort of religious belief. Most AfRAkans now believe that an imaginary god will protect them from the Ebola virus.
If people would only return to using their common sense they would notice how many priests are dying from the disease. Do they think that they have more faith than those who have indoctrinated them with religious belief to assassinate their awareness? Everything in life works logically, action and reaction. Nothing works supernaturally unless it is of the Spirit and the Spirit does not deceive through its methods of communication.
Belief is a comforting tactic developed by the Right Brain that was not supposed to become a dependency in a balanced Brain. The Brain therefore, is currently stuck in an unbalanced state. We have become slaves to desire and alienated from the purpose of Life which is to learn and grow. The Dohgon University of Thought specializes in methods of retaking control of the Mind by reconditioning the Brain. It is the best way to open the Mind to knowledge so your awareness may increase to the point where you are once again guided by the Spirit.