Tag Archives: cult pastor

Kenyan Cult Pastor Kills Dozens of His Followers

A Kenyan cult pastor is believed to be responsible for the deaths of dozens of his followers. Police have so far dug up 21 bodies, which includes men, women, and children and are investigating the disappearance of 58 more of his followers. The pastor, who operated a Christian church in the coastal town of Malindi for several years was taken into custody but was released pending further investigation. However, it is alleged that the followers died of starvation after being instructed by the pastor that they could meet and talk to Jesus but only after a period of extreme fasting.

This is very sad news, which unfortunately is not unusual in Africa or anywhere in the world where organized religions are practiced. I will boldly state that all religions are nothing more than cults. Some are more extreme than others but all serve the same purpose, which is to decieve. Most religious people are trained to become so faithful to their religions that they will die not knowing that they were deceived by Demons. That is why evil persists in this world. If you don’t want to be deceived by cult pastors and lose your Soul to demons, this is what you need to do.  

Demons love Black and African people because we are the most Spiritually aware people on Earth. The #1 reason for our spirituality is because we have the most active Pineal Glands, which harnesses Spiritual energy from the universe and turns it into Melatonin to heal and enhance our physical bodies. We were the first humans to permutate from the spiritual to the physical realm to inhabit this Earth. Unfortunately, due to our own unaccountable behaviors, we produced offspring whose souls cannot return to the spiritual realm after death so they’re stranded in the Grey Zone and remain here as ghosts. Stronger ghosts develop into Demons.  

Most people believe in a Devil but just like there is no God, there is also no Devil. Instead, what exists are millions of demons who live off the energy of the living and work 24/7 to corrupt us so that our Souls will become trapped in the Grey Zone just like them. Demons appeal to our Desires for sexual pleasure, riches, and power. Most of all, Demons thrive off sadness and despair but since they cannot directly tell people to do evil, they focus on maintaining bad energy levels around people who have weak Consciences.

The best way to avoid being deceived by a demon, such as the pastor in Kenya, is to understand that you don’t need to compete to go to heaven. Heaven is actually an illusion that was invented by ancient religious philosophers who were trying to control and maintain power in society using Fear. The God of religion is also an illusion that shares more characteristics with demons than the actual creator of life and the universe. The true creator of life and the universe is the Great Spirit, which requires no praise or competition for its favor because that is not what existence is about.  

People are physical representations of omnipotent Spirits and life is simply a realm in which our Spirit sends a portion of its energy into for experience. When Spiritual energy reacts with living tissue, Soul energy is created. Soul energy grows when we pay attention to our Conscience, which is the energy of the Great Spirit reacting with our Soul energy. Conscience encourages us to live morally and Ethically with nature and other people.

Two things can happen to our Soul energy when our physical body dies. 1) If our Soul is strong, it will return to the Universe to become one with our Spirit. If our Soul wants to return to life, our Spirit will arrange to reincarnate it into life again. 2) If our Soul is weak, it will get trapped in the Grey Zone and either fade into obscurity or seek to live off the energy of people as a ghost or demon.

The Kenyan pastor who encouraged his followers to kill themselves was definitely possessed by demons. He encouraged his followers to do something that he hadn’t done. That is a deception that was done for the single purpose of taking their money. When we fall victim to cults, all we are doing is filling up the Grey Zone and increasing evil on Earth. It’s time to abandon the senseless practices of coveting the favor of Gods, chasing Desires, and living Unethically. The only way to change this world is to start living Conscientiously.