Tag Archives: canada legalized marijuana
Canada Legalizes Marijuana

Canada legalizes marijuana and the response of Canadians has been overwhelmingly positive so far but will it be good for Canadian society on a whole? The answer will come in time due to limited precedence as to its widespread long-term effect. Personally, we do not use or condone the recreational use of Mariguana due to our understanding of human psychology and the tendencies of unconscious people to damage their Brain cells by becoming addicted to Desire inducing substances.
Marijuana is a substance whose effect may cause serious cognitive impairment when ingested in excess. Those who ingest it by smoking or in other forms say Marijuana is no more and even less impairing than Alcohol yet Alcohol is legal. Their near century long fight to have Marijuana legalized in Canada has finally come to fruition. Even former conservative politicians and ex-police chiefs, who once fought feverishly to keep Marijuana criminalized are now investing heavily in the industry, hoping to capitalize on its success integration into Canadian society.
Marijuana prohibition began primarily in the United States in the early 19th century where politicians and law makers guided by racial biases and religious ideology banned it from cultivation, medicinal, and personal use. They believed that Marijuana heightened the sexual desires of women who would therefore see no problem in dating Black men. The outlawing of Marijuana quickly spread worldwide as most countries either feared sanctioning by the US or they were complicit with similar ideological beliefs.
The fight to legalize Marijuana has been a difficult one due primarily to lack of medical precedence but in a “catch 22” situation, no research into its medical benefits could take place because Marijuana was illegal. Never mind that those who have been using Marijuana for decades can attest to its remedial benefits. Now even in its limited time as a medical drug, Marijuana has been proven to be very effective in treating numerous ailments, the most significant of which is the side effects of Chemotherapy.
Those who criminalized Marijuana way back in the 19th century were not far off in their reasoning for doing so. Marijuana induces the release of pleasure hormones in the Brain. The good is that like most pain relieving drugs, it reduces the physical severity of pain and the phycological effects of depression and other mental conditions. The bad side of Marijuana is that it reduces the self-discipline ability of those who smoke it, often to the point of addiction. The result is that people in society abandon the religious, political, and legal structures that govern it to defend their own personal liberties.
The egregious claim that Marijuana will open up white society to race mixing is completely false. Race mixing is the natural effect of multiculturalism as different people interact with each other without offending each other through exploitation and racism. They call this Liberal minded ideology but I guess it was fine when white men were race mixing by raping their slaves to produce bastard “Colored” people all throughout the United States, the Caribbean, and South America. Where was religion and morality then?
Congratulations Canada for taking a self-determined stance in decriminalizing Marijuana however, as stated before, we do not condone its abusive recreational use. With all the crime, violence, racism, and discrimination in the world today this is no time for getting high. Let’s hope that in time as more medical information is obtained through research society will benefit from Marijuana’s obvious good qualities.